His little devil. The third b...

By Queen_of_the_Lost18

10.2K 182 120

10 years have gone by since Pan and Luna have broke up. They only know each other as ememies and their past w... More

A new story begins.
Jerome's mom.
Why is she like this?
Sailing home.
Road trip.
Pan and Jerome.
How could this have happened?
A new girl.
Pan's Thinking Tree.
The Lost Princess.
Running with the wolves.
Hiding the princess.
The pipes.
The Lost Boy's future.
A sad day.
Finding out.
The new vampire.
The doll.
The fall.
Back again.
The pond.
You'll always be a joker to me.
Old memories.
In the jungle alone.
Life or death.
The note.
Out with the old and in with the new.
At last.
A big night.
Pillow fight.
Who took it?
Adressing the new caption.
Three days.
The end of Neverland.

What's wrong princess?

122 4 1
By Queen_of_the_Lost18

Peter's P.O.V. 

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah, now come on." I look back at Luna and see her in her wolf form laying down, looking at me. I get on her with Felix and turn back to the doll below me.

"Do you want to come Chucky, we might need you." I say. The doll only smirked and I smirked back.

"Just come with me, he'll follow." Flurry says. Luna gets up and Flurry starts running, Luna following, Chucky running at our side and Robbie flying above us.

We arrived at one of the most deadliest places on the island. This area has the most Dreamshade and you had to be carful where you stepped. We get through the area and keep running to the Echo Caves.

I get off of Luna along with Felix to see Chris with some boys around him, their wepons ready. Luna and Flurry turn human and Robbie lands next to Luna. I stride up to Chris, a smirk on my face.

"Hello Chris."

Luna's P.O.V.
Peter walks up to Chris showing no anger or hostility toward his enemy.

"Hello Pan, Moon." Chris nodded toward me.

"Peter." I growl through gritted teeth, not taking my eyes off of Chris.

"Go ahead." I walk over to Chris and punch him across the face as he fell to the ground.

"No one calls me that, especially you. You know only Peter is allowed to call me that." I snap.

"Now let's talk about why you're really here. I must say Chris you have more bravery then I first thought of you. Poisoning my daughter." Peter growled.

"I suppose you're gonna kill me now?" Chris scoffed.

"No. Flurry will." Peter smirked. I look back at Flurry, who looked scared.

"Peter, Flurrys never killed anyone before." I whisper.

"If she's not going to kill him, can I?" Chucky offered.

"Flurry, it's your call." I say. Flurry took a deep breath and glared at Chris.

"Kill him." Chucky smirks and runs up to Chris. And in a spit second, Chris dropped to the ground, his lifeless eyes staring back at me.

"One ememy down, one to go." I say.

"Um, guys." Felix says. Peter and I turn around to find Flurry holding back tears. Peter walked up to her and wiped her tears away with his thumb.

"Princess." He whispers. Flurry doesn't look at him.

"I'll get her back to camp." Peter says. All I did was nod. Flurry held on to Peter and just like that, they were gone.

Peter's P.O.V.
I get Flurry back to camp and she went into her tent. Luna appeared moments later.

"Is she ok?"

"I'm letting her have her space now. I'll check on her later."

"She's seen death before. So why is she so torn up by it now?"

"I don't know. But I'll see what I can get out of her."


"Where are the boys?" I ask.

"I sent Chucky out to see if he could find any trace of Jerome. The others are coming back now."

"Don't you think it's a little weird?" I look at her as we start walking.

"What's weird?"

"That Felix is your brother."

"Oh, not really. I mean, we've always been close. But if they said that Robbie was my brother, then I'd be creeped out."

"That's understandable. Can you stay here? I'm going to check in with Flurry. See why she's acting so weird. Then I want to take you and her somewhere."

"As long as you don't take to long." I chuckled and go into Flurry's tent. Flurry was on her bed just dazing off but looked at me when I came in. I sit on the bed with her and she just looked down, looking anywhere but at me.

"Is everything ok princess?"

"Yeah, why'd you ask?"

"Because you almost broke down out there. So something is going on that I'm not aware of." Flurry stayed silent and just played with her wings like she didn't want me to know about something. She finally looked at me.

"It's weird, having Chris gone now."

"Why is it weird?"

"Because after everything that he's done, all the trouble he's caused, I can't believe that he's out of our lifes for good."

"It is a little weird but with time the feeling will pass."

"Doesn't time stand still here?"

"Come on princess. I have somewhere I want to take you and your mom." I chuckled, getting up.

"But I don't want to. I'm lazy." Flurry falls back on the pillows, her face getting covered with the pillows.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." 

"I choose neither." She points up, her voice muffled.

"Fine, hard way it is then." I pick her up in my arms and Flurry trys to get free, hitting my chest.

"Put me down." She whines.

"You chose this way." I say.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way." Flurry copies me. I just smirk.

"Fine." Flurry bit my arm and I let her down, holding my arm where she had bitten.

"Ow." I snap.

"You chose the hard way."

"You're starting to turn into your mom." I chuckled. We get outside and see Luna leaning on a tree, playing with her dagger, playing with it as the sunset light reflected off of it.

We walk up to her and she looks at us, putting her dagger away.

"Come on you 2." I smile, leading the two girls away from camp.

"Where are we going?" Flurry whines.

"I'm not talking to you until you say sorry." I smirk.

"What did she do?"

"She bit me."

"You're the one who picked me up like mom."

"So you bit him?" Luna glares at Flurry.

"He wouldn't listen."

"That's my girl." Luna smiles.

"So now you're taking her side." I snap.

"No." Luna says.




"Don't get me into this. I'm the victim here."

"No, I am." Flurry says.

"How are you the victim? You bit me."

"I wouldn't have needed to bite you if you just let me down."

"Ok both of you stop!" Luna screams. Flurry and I go silent.

"Flurry, Peter, say sorry." Luna says.

"Why me?" Flurry whines.

"Because you're the one who bit Peter in the first place. But Peter also didn't listen to you."

"I'm not saying anything." Flurry stood her ground.

"Neither am I." I say.

"Ok. Flurry, want to know an advantage of being a wolf?" Luna smirked.

"Yes." Luna turned into her wolf form and grabbed me by the shirt, dragging me to a cliff where she hung me over the edge.

"Now say it." Luna growls.

"No." I say. Luna starts to let go of my shirt.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." I say. Luna catched me and brang me back to the ground.

"Aren't you going to make Flurry say it?"

"No. I'm tired of you two needing me to intervene."

"Fine. Anyways, we're here." I say.

"Remember this place princess?" I start climbing up the tree.

"Your thinking tree." Flurry smiles.

"Correct, now come on."

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