After Our Love Prevails {Stel...

By dobrevawesley

9.4K 255 44

Stefan and Elena are a young, married couple whose love has continued to prevail through one of their toughes... More

1- Back from Paradise
3- Ultrasound
4- Stefan's Birthday
5- We're Pregnant!
6- A First For Everything
7- Girl or Boy?
8- Merry Christmas
9- Bringing Up The Past
10- Getting Ready
11- Baby's 1st Birthday
12- Happy (Late) Valentine's
13- Time Spent With You
14- Waiting Game
15- It's Happening
16- Welcome Home

2- Decisions

882 24 1
By dobrevawesley

2 weeks later

Elena's POV

I wake up with a small groan at the fact that it's too early in the morning to even think about getting up, let alone actually getting up and spending a whole day at work. A week ago, Stefan and I spoke about the possibility of me going back to work part-time, and then going full-time again when Layla turns one, and we agreed that if I wanted to then that's what we were going to do. I arranged it all with work and started back just over a week ago. I've really enjoyed working again, I just haven't enjoyed the early mornings that come with the job.
"Well good morning to you too." He laughs behind me as I turn around to face him and his beautiful smile.
"I don't want to get up," I pout childishly before curling up to the side of his body. I sigh at the feeling of his soft hands running through my hair.
"Remind me again why I decided to go back to work," I say into his chest.
His chest rises and falls as he laughs. "Because you love your work," he says.
"Ugh, I suppose I do." I roll over before getting myself out of bed, all with Stefan's laughter in the background. Stefan changes into his clothes -he changes into his scrubs when he gets to work- as I change into my work clothes, which consists of trousers and a blouse. I pin my hair up in a loose, messy bun and put on a little bit of make-up, I may feel tired but I don't exactly want to look it.
When I'm completely happy with how I look, I make my way downstairs to be met by my husband and daughter in the kitchen. Stefan's pouring coffee with Layla in his arms, who's smiling and clapping her hands.
"Someone's very happy this morning," I note.
"She sure is," he laughs and smiles at Layla's excitement. I approach the two of them and take Layla into my own arms before taking her puree out of the fridge and heating it up in the microwave.
As soon as I've strapped Layla into her highchair and I've sat myself down, Stefan passes me a mug of tea, which I gratefully take before thanking him.
"I like your hair up," I hear, and feel, him say against my ear before feeling a kiss being placed on my neck. I blush and smile, Stefan's always been the type of husband to compliment me on anything and everything. Before I can reply, Layla starts whinging from the lack of attention she's currently getting, so I feed her a spoonful of her puree to suppress her whines.
Today is one of the rare mornings when we're not in a rush since Stefan's shift doesn't start until nine, like mine, and we both got up early enough to allow ourselves sufficient time to get everyone ready.
When all three of us had eaten breakfast and Stefan had gotten Layla dressed, I pack mine and Layla's bags for the day before getting them into the car. I'm taking Layla to my mum's for the day whilst I'm at work since we haven't found a baby sitter or daycare session for her yet, so for the time being my mum said she'd look after her if we're both at work. Since my mum works part-time she doesn't mind looking after Layla during the day but I, despite her willingness, do feel bad about simply dropping Layla on her so that I can work.

I watch Stefan strap Layla into her car seat before placing a kiss on her head and shutting the door behind him.
"Right, I'll see you tonight. I love you." He bends down to connect our lips in a small kiss.
"I love you too," I reply. I kiss him quickly again before we both get into our separate cars and drive in our different directions.
When I reach my mum's house I park in the driveway before quickly getting Layla and her bag out and approaching my mum, who is already stood there waiting for us.
"Hi darling," she smiles as she holds her arms out for Layla. I place her into her arms before greeting my mother and attempting to thank her again for looking after Layla.
"Oh will you stop! I've told you so many times before, you don't have to thank me for looking after Layla. I'm happy to do it."
I laugh slightly. "Okay, I'm sorry," I jokingly raise my hands in defence. "Thank you," I say before she can stop me.
She gives me a jokingly stern glare before kissing Layla's head, who responds by resting her head against my mum's cheek.
"Right, I better go. I love you Layla," I kiss her cheek. "Love you mum," I then kiss my mother's cheek before making my way back to the car.
"Say 'bye mummy!'" She waves Layla's hand for her before telling me to have a nice day.
"Bye! I'll be back at half six to pick her up," I tell her before getting into my car and igniting the engine. I smile as they both watch me until I turn the corner, out of their sight. I have a smile on my face even until I get into my office, which I share with Lexi.
"What's got you in such a good mood on this early morning?" She laughs before shuffling her papers on her desk.
"Oh nothing, I'm just happy." I smile before sitting down at my desk and turning the computer on.
"Yesterday was so boring without you," she groans. I laugh at her theatrical prowess and smile. "Yeah? That bad?"
"You have no idea! I have no idea how I got through you not being here for the last nine months. At least you're back now." I feel a stab of guilt when she's says this, since I'm not exactly back for good and I'll be going on maternity leave with a matter of seven months. I almost blurt out then and there that I'm pregnant, but luckily I stop myself in time. Being ten weeks, I am starting to show but not enough to make anyone question if I'm pregnant, and my bump is small enough to hide with the right use of clothing. I'm so lucky that it's autumn going into winter since nobody will find my clothing choices of jumpers and slightly baggier clothing suspicious. 
I guiltily nod and smile before bringing my attention to the countless amount of emails I've received within the last day. After taking in a breath, I open the top one and commence with the long list of articles, columns and projects that need to be organised, completed and sent to the corresponding departments.

Several hours later

"Elena, Lexi, I'm going to need the two of you to finish your columns before you leave tonight." We nod in reply, both of us knowing that in order to finish our columns, we're consequently going to have to stay later. As soon as she leaves we both let out a groan, weirdly at the same time.
"I'm meant to be picking Layla up from my mum's at half six, there's no way I'm going to finish this in time!" My hand drops lazily on my lap with a soft slap.
Sensing my frustration, Lexi begins to reason with me. "I'm sure Stefan will be able to pick her up instead, right?"
"I hope so, if not, I'll have to ask my mum to keep her a little longer. I really don't want to have to do that." I take my phone out from my drawer and speed dial Stefan, he picks up with a few rings.
"Hey honey, everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm going to have to stay late tonight so would you be able to pick Layla up from my mum's tonight?"
"Yeah of course I can. I'm getting off at about half six so I should be at your mum's for seven at the latest," he replies.
I sigh in relief, my shoulders physically relaxing. "Thank you."
I hear him laugh on the other end. "You don't have to thank me, that's what I'm here for."
"I know, but it's an inconvenience for you since it's out of your way whereas it's on my way home," I explain.
"Babe, it's not an inconvenience to me, don't worry about that."
"Okay, well thank you. I'll let my mum know that you'll be picking her up," I reply whilst writing myself a reminder to tell her.
"Okay, what time is Amanda making you stay until?" I laugh at his assumption that it's Amanda making me stay late, it's the assumption that most of my family make nowadays.
"I'm not sure. She wants Lexi and me to finish our columns, which she gave us about half an hour ago, so I could be a few hours late," I explain.
"Okay, just make sure you take it easy." I smile at his concern for me. He knows I've been really very run down recently, the pregnancy seems to have taken all the energy out of me.
"I will. Don't worry about me, I won't be spending anymore time here than I have to," I reply.
"Somehow I thought you'd say that," he jokes.
"Ah you know me too well," I laugh. "I better go and finish this column," I add with an eye roll.
"Alright sweetie, I'll see you later. Love you."
"Love you too. Bye," I reply with a smile. As soon as I hang up, Lexi turns to me and asks for help with her computer, huffing about the fact that she can't open a document. I laugh at her incompetence with technology before sliding my chair closer in order to help her.

Stefan's POV

I hang up the phone and make my way towards the neurology ward, since I'd just been down to the ER to assist the residents with some non-emergency cases. I take in a breath before preparing myself for the absolute train-wreck of an afternoon I'm about to experience, knowing that a long line of cases wait for my attention, and make my way towards the first one. I do so with a smile, being completely content with my job, despite the long and exhausting hours, because it's all I've ever wanted to do with my life. All the work I've done has been for this, to enable me to save lives on a daily basis, learn more about the brain everyday and to have a part in the innovative advancements in medicine. And what makes this all 100 times better is the fact that after a day's work I get to go home to the most amazing wife and our beautiful daughter. Their presence in my life makes everything seem worth it, all the hardships and tough times are all worth it simply because of them.
"Stefan!" Jones calls, sounding out of breath, whilst running up to me.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, Cathy Bright needs a post-op check."
"Alright, I'll be right there." I hand Lizzie another patient's file to be stored before following Jones into the patient's room, knowing it's going to be a long afternoon.

A few hours later

After thankfully getting out on time, I drive to Miranda's before I walk towards the door, knock and a few seconds later the door swings open to reveal my mother-in-law.
"Hey Miranda," I greet her as she steps aside to allow me inside.
"Hey Stefan. How was your shift?"
"It was alright, very busy. Not that's any different to normal."
"Ah bless," she sighs. "Hopefully Elena won't have to stay at work much longer, it'll be quite a long shift for her too otherwise."
"I know, Amanda is really pushing her luck with the overtime she's making them do."
"She is. That woman really gets on my nerves." I can hear the frustration in her voice at the mention of her name.
"You and me both," I reply. I notice Layla's absence. "Where's Layla?"
"Oh I put her in the travel cot in the spare room, she fell asleep about fifteen minutes ago. I'll go and get her for you." She smiles before hurrying upstairs to retrieve my sleeping daughter, and I start to clear away her toys for Miranda and pack her bag ready to go.
"Spoke too soon," Miranda says, making me aware of her reappearance. "She was awake when I got up there."
"Not to worry, I'm sure she'll fall asleep in the car." She passes her to me and I smile as Layla places her head on my shoulder almost as soon as she was in my arms. "Thank you for having her."
"Oh you and Elena are both the same! You don't need to thank me, I absolutely love having Layla around and that goes for the new baby too. I'm happy to take them both off your hands when you two need a break."
I smile at her enthusiasm to spending time with both of her grandchildren, I'm honestly so glad that our children are going to grow up with the best family anyone could ever ask for.
"We would absolutely appreciate that," I reply, knowing she'll probably scold me for thanking her again. "Two, I can't believe we're going to have two." Sometimes I have to say it out loud just to prove to myself it's real and happening.
"God I know," she says. "Parents of two. When are you planning on telling everyone else?"
I smile at Layla as she re-positions her head on my chest. "When Elena's about 15 weeks, I think. She didn't want to tell everyone straight away in case anything happened."
"Oh yeah she did mention waiting to tell everyone. I remember her saying that baggy clothes will be her new best friend," she recalls with a laugh.
I nod with a laugh. "Yeah, she'll be showing by the time we tell everyone so we'll have to see how well we can hide it."
"How are you feeling about having another one?" She says, gesturing to Layla.
"A little bit nervous to be honest, but I'm also very excited at the same time. I'm trying to stay as calm as possible because I think Elena's freaking out a little."
"Aw bless her, you're both going to be fine, you're already great parents. You both have no reason to be nervous." I smile at the compliment.
"I'm just trying to focus on calming Elena's nerves, she's hands-down the best mum and I just wished she believed me when I say it. She always thinks she can improve," I say.
"Ah she's got too much of her dad in her, he was very much like that. Always wanted to improve, never praised himself for anything he did."
I laugh. "Like father like daughter," I say and check my phone for the time only to realise it's already half seven and, I'm hoping, Elena will be home soon. "Right, I better go and put this one to bed and cook some dinner." I shoulder her bag as I make my way towards the door with Miranda in tow.
"Bye Layla," she coos as she kisses her head. "Bye Stefan, enjoy the rest of your evening, hopefully it'll be a peaceful one."
"Thanks, hopefully the car ride will put her to sleep." She stands by the door frame and watches as I strap Layla in and I get into the car myself. I give Miranda a quick wave as I reverse out and drive off.

By the time I park the car in the driveway Layla's thankfully fast asleep so I simply bring her inside and straight upstairs to her bedroom. I close the door quietly behind me in the fear of waking her up, and make my way downstairs to start making dinner for Elena and I, figuring it'd be nice for her to come home to a cooked meal.
I get half way through cooking our meal as I hear the door quietly open and close before hearing her take her shoes off and hang her coat up. She comes into the kitchen, stops at the door frame and lets out a sigh.
"Hey, how was work?" I ask, continuing to stir the sauce.
"Absolutely exhausting," she replies whilst moving to sit on the chair. She rests her elbow on the table as she rubs her forehead with her fingers, eyes closed in the process. She runs her fingers through her hair before giving a weak smile and in response I turn off the stove and sit down next to her.
I rub her arm. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," she replies before taking my hand in her own. " I don't know, I just don't think I'm adjusting as well as I thought I would to the whole going back to work thing."
I gently trace my thumb over her knuckle, letting her know that I'm here. "You know," I say. "You're doing a much better job than you think."
She sighs before rubbing her forehead.
"I guess. I just didn't expect it to be so hard. When I'm at work I'm constantly feeling guilty about not being with Layla and then when I'm here I think about work."
"It'll get easier," I say in an attempt to comfort her. "Even if it doesn't feel like it."
She nods before I see a tear slide down her cheek, which she quickly wipes away before saying, "sorry, I don't know why I'm crying."
"Hey, it's fine," I say whilst standing and bringing her into a hug. "It's hard, I get it. You're an amazing mother, as well as an amazing journalist."    
"I mean, I absolutely love my work and I also love being a mother, it's just hard finding a balance."
"I know, it just takes time for everything to settle down."
"I think it's harder knowing I'm not going to be there for long before going back on maternity leave again."
I nod. "I'm sorry," I say, kissing her temple.
"Why?" She furrows her eyebrows before taking my hand. "You have no reason to be."
"I just feel like it's my fault you're feeling this way."
"Making a baby is a team effort. Plus, I'm happy about this, I'm really happy about this. I just have to learn to deal with all the emotions that come with having kids and a career. There's no need for you to apologise or feel guilty, okay?" I see a hint of a smile appear on her face.
"Okay." I assure her, kissing her temple before bringing her back into my embrace. I feel her body physically relax against mine and the tension release from her face.
"I love you," she says against my chest. I smile before placing a kiss on her head.
"I love you too." I watch as her lips curl into a smile as she tightens her grip around my torso. "So much." I'm always going to be here for Elena no matter what, and being here for her and supporting her throughout this transition will be my top priority.

AN: Clearly, I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy since I know more about American hospitals than British ones haha! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for reading!
-Chelsea x

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