The Dangers of Islam: The Con...

Par HelenaWon

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"Your husband is a terrorist! You rag-headed murderers! DIE!" A random woman yelled before hurling... Plus

Note from Author
Chapter: Set-Up
Chapter: Trio
Chapter: Family
Chapter: Twist
Chapter: Hope

Chapter: Memories

340 43 15
Par HelenaWon

     "I-I-I," Athena stammered as her eyes darted from the muzzle of the weapon to the angry man holding the shotgun. 

"Saleh, put the gun down. Give the girl a chance to talk," a gentle voice called out from behind the man. 

Athena took a quick glance past Saleh and was surprised to see a woman, similar in age to Saleh, wearing a hijab. There were dark circles under the woman's eyes as if she had many sleepless nights. Her skin showed signs of premature aging, making the woman seem a lot older than she actually was. Athena felt Saleh's gun press against her chest, causing Athena to snap back to her current reality. 

"You're the one called Athena, aren't you?" The woman asked kindly.

"Uh-uh-, yes," Athena nodded quickly.

"Yes, MA'AM," Saleh corrected. "Your parents didn't teach you any manners did they?" 

"Saleh, enough. Please put down the gun. She means us no harm," the woman repeated. "I'm telling my husband to put his weapon down. You won't run, will you young lady?" The woman asked.

"No, ma'am. I swear I won't," Athena promised quickly. Saleh growled and reluctantly lowered his gun before glancing at his wife. "You need to stop being so nice, Huda. That's what gets you killed in this world." 

"I'm sorry, really I am," Athena blurted out. 

"Do you even know what you're sorry for?" Saleh growled.

"Saleh, enough. Young lady we just want to know why we keep getting your mail. This isn't the first time and our neighbors even asked us about our "daughter." We don't have a daughter," Huda shook her head and forced Athena to put her arms down. She hadn't noticed that she still had her arms up during the entire ordeal, but quickly dropped them to her sides.

"Uh, I thought this house was empty," Athena began but was cut off by Saleh again. 

"And that makes it okay to send your mail here?" He asked in anger.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. I needed an address, that's all," Athena explained quickly. "I didn't steal any of your mail or anything like that."

"Why did you need an address of someone else's home?" Huda asked curiously. 

"I-uh-," Athena began but decided that she didn't need to divulge any more information to the old couple. Something she learned about living on the streets for the past many months was that information was privileged and it led to weakness. "I can't tell you that." 

"Where are your parents girl? Let's give them a call," Saleh scowled.

"I don't have parents," Athena answered honestly. Her father was as good as dead to her. She was an orphan for all intents and purposes. 

"Convenient," Saleh scoffed.

"It's true," Athena murmured with a frown and glanced at her watch. 

"Do you have somewhere to be, young lady?" Huda asked as she studied Athena. 

"Yes, ma'am. I'm really sorry, I am," Athena urged again.

"You're not going anywhere," Saleh growled before reaching for Athena. Athena slipped out of the older man's grip and looked at him in disbelief.

"I used your address but that doesn't mean you can touch me, sir," Athena frowned. 

"Young lady, where do you have to be?" Huda asked kindly as she placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 

"School. I have to go to school," Athena answered honestly. 

"I tell you what, you seem like an honest young lady. Why don't you stop by after school and tell us why you used our address? We won't ask too many questions, but for now you can go," Huda suggested. 

"Huda! That's ridiculous!" Saleh roared. 

"It's reasonable. I won't take a young woman away from her education, Saleh. That's not what our religion preaches," Huda reminded her spouse.

"O-oh Allah increase my knowledge," Athena stammered and found both pairs of eyes focused on her.

"What did you say?" Saleh asked in surprise. 

"I-I-," Athena stammered and gulped before whispering, "I'm Muslim too." Huda looked at Athena in thought while Saleh looked as if his head was about to explode from this new revelation. After a few moments of deliberation, Huda finally spoke up. 

"Will you honor our deal then, Athena?" Huda asked as she glanced at her own watch. 

"Yes, ma'am. I swear I'll be here right after school," Iman nodded.

"How can you trust her, Huda? How can you be so naive? She'll run away," Saleh growled.

"Sometimes, Saleh, you just have to have faith," Huda smiled and patted Athena on her back before sending her on her way. 


Iman sighed as she thought of Huda and Saleh again. Their first meeting with one another was anything but pleasant, but in time they became very important to her. Before she could dwell on her encounter with the couple any further, she heard Khadijah's voice in the distance. 

          It had been a few weeks since they had heard the recording Sam had played at the Hashemi residence and it seemed that Khadijah was relieved to hear her father's voice. She had adjusted beautifully to her new school, promptly taking care of any bullies that had any ideas of harassing her. It was as if the young woman was blossoming even more in front of Iman.

"Mama, snap out of it," Khadijah chuckled as she patted her mother's cheeks. Iman smiled and pulled Khadijah into her arms, giving her a powerful embrace.

"I can't help staring at you. My daughter is growing into such a beautiful young woman and I don't know where the time's gone," Iman admitted before pressing a kiss against Khadijah's forehead. 

"Baba used to do that," Khadijah smiled as she recalled the gesture fondly. Dawood always had a habit of kissing them on their foreheads. Iman picked up the habit in an effort to connect her children with their father even if he wasn't there with them. 

"Yes, well now I'm doing it. Do you have your permit?" Iman asked and smiled as Khadijah brandished her driving permit with a flourish. "Oh, my baby is driving now. Where has the time gone? 

"Out the window, Mama. Now, let's go pick up Grandbaba before the boys realize what we're doing," Khadijah smiled and flashed her trademark thumbs up to her mother. Iman climbed into the used truck that Rana had gifted to Khadijah. It was well worn, well used, but another thing that linked Khadijah with Dawood. Khadijah had practically been raised riding the very same truck. 

"Now what do you do first?" Iman began as she studied her daughter.

"Floor it?" Khadijah chuckled and fastened her seatbelt. Iman smiled and placed her hand on Khadijah's as the teen reached for the gear shift. Khadijah looked at her mother and smiled, "What?" 

"I'm just- I'm very proud of you, Khadijah. The way you are excelling at everything you set your mind to. You're doing well in school, you're a wonderful big sister to your little brothers, and you're an amazing daughter. No matter how many times I tell you that I'm proud of you, it still seems like it's not enough," Iman smiled. 

"Ugh, Mama, stop being creepy," Khadijah chuckled and began heading out of the compound. 

"Mrs. Khan, Khadijah," a guard nodded as Khadijah stood at the compound gate, "heading out?"

"Yes, Uncle Shahzad. Picking up Grandbaba," Khadijah smiled. Iman smiled at the excitement in her daughter's voice. Even though they had been raised away from mainstream society, there was still hope and wonder in her children, something that both Iman and Ruby worked very hard to instill. 

Iman glanced at her daughter as Khadijah drove towards her grandfather's house. Dawood had been close with his father, but it seemed as if Khadijah was even closer to the Khan patriarch. Haroon Khan was the epitome of the American dream. He immigrated to the United States at a fairly young age from Pakistan with his wife, children, and barely anything else to his name. WIth sheer hard work and tenacity, he had built a grocery store empire of sorts. From those earnings, he had built his dream house.  

    "And we're here," Khadijah declared once they pulled up to the wrought iron gate.  Haroon had built the mansion in hopes of living his life with his wife and children together under one roof. However, his dream never truly came to fruition. Now, the building stood for mere appearances. Iman knew exactly how fractured the Khan family was especially after the death of the matriarch that held everything together. 

     She had watched as the eldest Khan sibling, Sulaiman Khan, had done everything in his power to prevent Dawood from reaching his dying mother in time. She had watched as a usually cheerful Dawood walked into the mosque looking expressionless, drenched from the rain with is boots covered in mud and his forehead covered in blood. He had gotten into an accident while trying to reach the funeral services in time. She had watched as the soldier walked over to his mother's coffin and lifted the lid to see his mother's face one last time. She had seen the grief that briefly flashed across the young man's face and then watched as Dawood's expression turned expressionless again. That moment in the Khan familiy's history decimated what fragile bonds had held them together as a family. 

    Khadijah proceeded to open the gate with the remote Haroon had given her a few years back and parked her truck near the exit. Iman watched as her daughter tucked a stray strand of her behind her ear and nodded as if reassuring herself that her appearance was okay. Iman smiled and patted her daughter's shoulder before exiting the truck. 

"How's my driving?" Khadijah asked once she hopped out of the truck and locked the doors. 

"You're doing well, Shehzadi. You'll be an expert by the time you get your license," Iman praised the teen who in turn beamed at her mother. Khadijah bounded up the front steps of the mansion while Iman leaned against the truck. The tall teen knocked on the door and then headed back down the steps. There was an unwritten rule that both Iman and Khadijah abided by and it was never to go inside the residence. Dawood had left the house out of principle and they held up that principle even in his absence. 

"Khadijah!" A hijab-clad woman answered the door and smiled at the tall teen. 

"Assalam alaikum, Aunt Maryam. Is Grandbaba ready?" Khadijah asked. 

"I have no idea. I just came home. Give me one second," Maryam nodded and headed deeper into the house. Maryam was Dawood's eldest sister and had tried to make amends with her little brother after their mother's death. Even though she tried making amends Iman knew that her family could never grow close to Dawood's siblings. When he was taken away from her, none of the siblings offered any sort of support to her and Khadijah. To Iman, the siblings were mere acquaintances and it seemed as if Khadijah believed the same thing about them. 

"Ugh," Khadijah kicked a few loses pebbles near the staircase and glanced at Iman with a sigh, "they do this every time." 

"Be patient, Shehzadi. I'm sure your aunt just came home. You know she's busy," Iman tried placating Khadijah's irritation. It was true that whenever they stopped by to pick up Haroon, it seemed as if the siblings had no idea where the patriarch was. 

They waited for another fifteen minutes before Khadijah knocked on the door again. This time a young man that Iman had never seen before answered the door.  The slim man seemed to be of East Asian descent, couldn't have been more than a few years older than Khadijah, had short black hair that was pulled back by a headband, brown eyes that were furrowed in irritation, and was of average height. He sized Khadijah up before wrinkling his nose.

"We don't want any," the man said snarled at Khadijah. 

"Good Lord, another one. Why does this always happen?" Khadijah rolled her eyes at the man. 

"What?" The man asked in confusion. 

"Oppa, who is it?" A feminine voice called out from behind the man. An older teen, also of East Asian descent, slim build and average height walked up behind the young man. She seemed younger than the man but older than Khadijah. The older teen looked at Khadijah and sized her up before smirking and asking, "Are you one of those girl scouts?"

"Lord, give me patience. There must be a prerequisite of being a snob to live in this house," Iman heard Khadijah mutter under breath. It seemed that the pair hadn't noticed Iman leaning against the truck yet, which gave Iman a perfect moment to study the pair. She had never seen the pair at this residence before and wondered who they could be. 

"Junseo, Jimin please close that door. You're letting out all the air," another feminine voice called out from behind the pair. 

"Eomma, some strange girl is at the door," the man called out to the woman who was hidden from both Khadijah and Iman's views. 

"I'll give you strange," Khadijah murmured before taking a menacing step forward. 

"Shehzadi," Iman called out simply, now attracting the attention of the two at the door. Khadijah sighed and took a step back in response. She looked at Iman and held up her hands as if saying that she wasn't going to do anything. 

"Who's at the door?" The woman from earlier asked as she now stood next to the pair at the door. Iman immediately recognized the older woman and now understood who the pair at the door were. 

Jannat Khan was another member of the Khan clan. She was older than Dawood but younger than all the other Khan siblings. Dawood had married his ex-wife the same day that Jannat married the man she was engaged to. The young man had been a budding K-Pop star whose mother knew the Khans through distant relatives. Iman hadn't seen the woman since then and studied Jannat. The woman had aged gracefully, without a fine line or wrinkle accenting her face. She wore round, thin-rimmed glasses, had her hair cut in a bob with bangs swept to the side, and wore minimal makeup. The pair at the door shared similar features with Jannat, leading Iman to believe that they were Jannat's children. 

"How can we help you, sweetheart?" Jannat asked Khadijah with a kind smile. 

"Um, I'm waiting for someone," Khadijah began cautiously. 

"Who exactly? I'm sure I can call them for you," Jannat smiled.

"That's okay. Someone's already getting him for me, " Khadijah shook her head which caused Iman to chuckle silently. Her daughter was always suspicious when she met new people and of course it was due to good reason. Before Jannat could look past Khadijah or ask the teen more questions, a gravely voice roared out from behind her.

"Is that who I think it is?!" The voice called out excitedly. Iman smiled as Khadijah's face broke out into a grin once she spotted the owner of the gravely voice. "I knew it! There's my Shehzadi!"

"Grandbaba!" Khadijah yelled out in delight and launched herself at the geriatric man who now stood outside of the Khan mansion. The two Khans gave each other a powerful embrace before the eldest Khan held Khadijah out at an arm's length. 

"Shehzadi? Why did you call her that, Baba? Do you know her, Baba?" Jannat asked with a frown. Harun Khan smiled as he framed Khadijah's face with his wrinkled hands before swallowing the lump in his throat. Iman smiled at the precious way he looked at Khadijah. She knew that Khadijah had a special place in the elderly man's heart, especially after Dawood's disappearance. Harun had aged considerably after Dawood's disappearance. His once steady hands now had a slight tremor, he was now almost completely bald, his mustache and goatee were a vivid white, and his eyes seemed to be a dull brown. Harun's once lively and serene face now was accented by a perpetual slight frown, deep smile lines, and crow's feet at the corner's of his eyes.

"Of course I know her. I'm not THAT old. What kind of stupid question is that? That is what she is, the princess of my heart," Harun beamed at Khadijah before giving her another hug. Maryam had informed Iman that after Dawood's disappearance, Harun almost always had a frown on his face. That was unless he was with Khadijah, Ismail, and Ishaq. Then the geriatric man had nothing but a grin on his face.

"I don't under-," Jannat began but was pushed out of the way by Maryam. 

"Baji!" Jannat huffed.

"You're standing in the middle of the doorway, Jannat. Choose where you're going, inside or outside. Khadijah, sweetheart, this is Baba's bag," Maryam smiled at the teenager as she headed outside. 

"Thanks, Aunt Maryam, but you guys know he has his own room at our house, right?" Khadijah chuckled and took the bag from Maryam before heading down the stairs. 

"Baji what is going on?" Jannat asked with a frown while following Harun and Maryam down the stairs. 

"Oh yeah, Jannat," Maryam began in afterthought, "this is Khadijah. Dawood's eldest." 

"What?" Jannat asked in surprise and studied Khadijah as the tall teen hopped onto the bed of her truck and secured Harun's bag in place. "That's Dawood's daughter?"  

"You didn't notice the resemblance?" Maryam chuckled. 

"I think very little about the man that murdered hundreds," Jannat growled.

"Look, I don't know you and honestly I know enough Khans to last a lifetime, but the last thing I'm going to do is stand here listening to any of you badmouth my father. Especially since none of you were there," Khadijah called out as she approached Jannat in anger. 

"Like you were, little girl?" Jannat replied furiously. How could this child defend her father like this, especially when hundreds of innocents had perished?

"I WAS," Khadijah growled as she took a menacing step towards her aunt. Jannat took a surprised step back as Maryam quickly enveloped Khadijah in an embrace and whispered, "Ignore her, Khadijah. I apologize on her behalf. She's been gone too long to know what happened." 

"Shehzadi," Iman called out simply. 

"Right, Mama. I'm not going to stoop to her level," Khadijah growled, wrenching herself out of Maryam's grip, before leading Harun to the truck. 

"Just like Dawood," Maryam sighed as she watched Khadijah help Harun in the truck and then move to the driver's side. 

"Assalamu alaikum, Baba," Iman smiled at Harun as she shifted to the rear cabin. 

"Walaikum assalam, my sweet. You look absolutely stunning as always," Harun beamed at Iman  while placing his hand on the younger woman's hijab in a paternal fashion. "How have you been?"

"Alhamdulillah, very good Baba," Iman smiled and watched as Khadijah hopped onto the driver's seat with a scowl on her face. "Although I think this one may have ruined her mood."

"Honestly, I didn't expect my expat aunt to show up after all these years," Khadijah began as she turned the truck on. "Grandbaba, I love you, but a lot of your kids suck."

Harun chuckled and patted Khadijah on the back before sighing.  Iman watched as Harun gazed at his granddaughter a slight smile on his face. She had watched the old man look at Khadijah with nothing but adoration ever since Dawood had left their lives. Every time they picked Harun up, the eldest Khan took a minute to study his granddaughter. She always saw nothing but pride in his eyes and today was no different. 

"Well, at least one doesn't and his kids are pretty decent too," Harun chuckled again and patted Khadijah on the back again. "Iman, my sweet, you've been very quiet." 

"Of course not, Baba. I didn't want to interrupt your bonding session with Khadijah," Iman smiled as she leaned forward to listen to the man who had become her own patriarch. 

"Pshh, we don't need bonding sessions, Mama. We're bonded at the soul by now," Khadijah chuckled and fist bumped her grandfather as the elderly man laughed. 

"Have you been well, Baba?" Iman asked with a smile as she studied the elderly man. 

"If you're asking if I've been taking my medicine, yes I have," Harun smiled. "I have much to live for, my girl."

"That you do, Grandbaba. I have something wonderful to show you at Aunt Ruby's home theater," Khadijah smiled. 

"Every new thing you show me is wonderful, Shehzadi. How are your brothers doing?" Harun asked with a smile. 

"They're, well, you know," Khadijah chuckled.

"Ah, I see. The same then?" Harun chuckled as well. 

Khadijah nodded and pulled to the front gates of the compound. The guards nodded and waved at Harun before opening the gates and allowing the truck back onto the premises. Khadijah silently drove towards their house and parked in the driveway. 

"You're driving like an expert, Shehzadi," Harun smiled before patting Khadijah on the back and climbing out of the vehicle.

"I agree," Iman smiled and followed the eldest Khan. She placed her arms around Harun from the side and helped the frail man up the front stairs. Harun glanced at Iman and smiled before accepting his daughter-in-law's help. Khadijah rushed up the steps to unlock the door and held it open for her grandfather and mother. 

"GRANDBABA!!" Ismael and Ishaq roared in unison as they ran down the stairs once the heard the front door open. 

"Ah, my princes!" Harun roared with laughter as the twins latched onto his legs. Iman smiled and watched as the pair each grasped one of Harun's hands and led him into the living room. 

"They're going to tire him out," Iman sighed and followed Khadijah inside as the teenager carried Harun's bag to his room. Iman turned on the lights to the spacious room and helped her daughter unpack the things Maryam had handed to her. Harun had a room in the house ever since the house was built. The Khan patriarch spent as much time as possible with the Khan children, in an effort to make up for Dawood's absence. The permanent room gave the kids a moment of stability in their otherwise turbulent lives. 

"I swear we should just get Grandbaba a new iPod," Khadijah sighed as she pulled out the ancient thick iPod that Harun carried around everywhere with him. 

"I'm sure it holds sentimental value to him, Shehzadi," Iman smiled as she looked at the medicines packed in the bag. It seemed as if Harun's doctor had added a supplement for his vision this time around. Iman pulled out a pill container and divided Harun's daily medicines in the daily slots. She made sure everything was easily accessible for Harun every time he visited. Laying out his medicines, ironing his clothes, and laying out a daily outfit were some of the things she did for the man she called "baba." 

"Grandbaba has more medicines than last time," Khadijah noticed immediately. 

"There's a lutein supplement for his vision, nothing major," Iman reassured her daughter. She knew that Khadijah worried about Harun's health as the patriarch grew more frail over the years. Harun had become a beacon of stability in Khadijah's otherwise turbulent childhood. 

"Doesn't he look weaker, Mama?" Khadijah asked softly once she finished unpacking Harun's items. Iman sighed and looked at her daughter as the tall teenager held one of Harun's medicines in her hand. 

"I think we can help him get stronger," Iman reassured Khadijah by wrapping an arm around the teenager. Khadijah looked at Iman with a smile and nodded before heading out of the room. Iman pulled out the last item from Harun's bag and gently touched the picture that was in the worn frame. Harun had brought the picture with him wherever he went and placed it on his nightstand, exactly where Iman placed it now. She sighed as she looked at a very young Dawood in his military uniform standing between and hugging his mother and father. 

The picture had been taken after one of Dawood's early deployments. She hadn't known the young soldier back then. Ahmed had told her that the military had given Dawood a purpose when he felt that he was being overshadowed by his siblings. Iman smiled as she looked at the woman who stood next to Dawood. She was the rock that had maintained all relationships in the Khan Mansion. Amina Khan had been a woman who not only knew how to get her children to get along, but also maintained vast connections in the Muslim community. Amina's death had broken Dawood and left Harun heartbroken. A few years later, Harun had lost Dawood too. Iman understood the importance behind the picture for the elderly man. She had a similar picture in her room that she had taken with Dawood a week after their marriage. 

Iman sighed and exited Harun's room after tidying it up. She headed to the house's sunroom and smiled once she spotted Ismail and Ishaq busily scribbling things down in their notebooks. Due to Khadijah's influence on her brothers, the youngest Khans very rarely needed to be urged to do their homework. She quietly made her way to the two boys and secretly eavesdropped on their conversation while they studied. 

"I don't get it," Ismail frowned as he tapped his pencil on his notebook in annoyance. 

"Look the parentheses mean multiplication, right?" Ishaq began and leaned over the table to look at his brother's homework. 

"Yeah but there's a fraction on the inside," Ismail furrowed his brow and gnawed on his bottom lip. 

"Right. So you do whatever is on the inside first. Is the fraction simplified?" Ishaq continued. 

"Yeah, one third," Ismail nodded and scribbled the number down on his notebook. 

"Then you just multiply what's outside with the one inside," Ishaq explained. 

"Boys," Iman called out and smiled as both boys turned to look at her in unison, "do you need help?"

"No, Mama. We'll figure it out. Um, Baji told us to tell you that Grandbaba and her are going to Uncle Ahmed's house," Ismail shook his head.

"Aunt Ruby's house, dude," Ishaq also shook his head. 

"But they both live there," Ismail countered. 

"Yeah but Aunt Ruby is the boss of like everything. Do you REALLY want her to hear you call it Uncle Ahmed's house?" Ishaq asked his brother. 

"Oh you're right," Ismail sighed in realization. 

"How about we just call it the Hashemi House? Hmm?" Iman suggested and smiled as both boys nodded in agreement. "Have you seen Aunt Mehak?"

"She's in the library reading the Qur'an," both boys answered in unison. Iman nodded and let the pair continue with their homework. Mehak would join them for dinner once she was ready as she always did. Iman had an unwritten rule in the house that if you knew that someone was praying, you didn't disturb them until they were done.

Nearly an hour later, Iman watched as Harun walked into the house while holding Khadijah's hand for stability. The eldest Khan looked shaken and glanced at Iman who simply inclined her head in understanding. The elderly man looked at his granddaughter and whispered, "Why don't you lead me out to the porch, Shehzadi? I'd like some fresh air."

"Okay, Grandbaba, but not for too long. It's almost dinner time," Khadijah smiled slightly. Iman followed the pair to the porch and watched as Khadijah helped her grandfather settle in on a rocking chair. Khadijah glanced at Iman who motioned for the teen to head inside so she could have a word with her elder. Khadijah nodded and smiled at her grandfather before excusing herself. 

"Baba," Iman began as she sat down on a chair next to Haroon, "I take it she showed you the video?" 

Haroon glanced at his daughter-in-law and rubbed her face with his worn hands before taking in a deep breath. The elderly man was in deep thought before he finally spoke, 

"He's alive." 

"You always believed he was," Iman whispered softly. 

"I-I-," Haroon inhaled shakily before breaking down in front of her. Iman quickly wrapped her arm around the elderly man's shoulders and tried her best to reassure him. 

"Baba," Iman whispered softly.

"I had forgotten his voice. What kind of father forgets his own child's voice, Iman?" Haroon wept. Iman swallowed a lump in her throat and held Haroon's hands in her own. She held back her own tears while allowing the man to weep. 

"It's okay, Baba. Don't be so hard on yourself," Iman whispered.

"You don't understand, Iman," Haroon whispered softly. "I'm losing my memories and I'm afraid I'll forget him before he comes back." 


"Thank you to all of my fans who have stuck around during my hiatus. I've been undergoing a journey of self-healing and had taken a break from the internet for about a year. I am back now and will be continuing my writing. Thank you for all the kind messages and comments during my absence. "


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