The One // Magcon

By mkyskeys

83 40 0


»Chapter 1«
»Chapter 2«
»Chapter 3«
»Chapter 4«
»Chapter 5«
»Chapter 6«
»Chapter 7«
»Chapter 8«
»Chapter 9«
»Chapter 10«
»Chapter 11«
»Chapter 12«
»Chapter 13«
»Chapter 14«
»Chapter 15«
»Chapter 16«
»Chapter 17«
»Chapter 19«
»Chapter 20«

»Chapter 18«

2 2 0
By mkyskeys

(the next morning)

I opened my eyes. The sun was barely shining through the blinds. I looked at my clock. It read 6:30. I yawned. There was no way I was going back to sleep. I was already awake. I slid out of bed. Literally. My butt hit the floor, and I rubbed my eyes. I just sat there and thought for a minute. Finally, I stood up and made my bed. I went walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a poptart from the pantry and took a bite out of it. I poured myself some orange juice in a glass. It wasn't the best mix, but I had to have orange juice. I hadn't had it in forever, so I forgot how much I loved it. I finished eating the poptart and started drinking the orange juice. I went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Let's see what's on tv." I grabbed the remote.

I scrolled through the channels. Nothing interesting seemed to be on. It was so quiet. It felt good not having my house crowded with people anymore. I loved my friends to death but sometimes we all need some space.

Why'd you get back together with Matt?

"Brain shut up." I said to myself.

You're going to be hurt again!

"No. I won't let that happen." I kept talking to myself.

Don't say that. It could easily happen.

"Ugh! I need to get my mind off this!"

I went upstairs and threw on a pair of black athletic shorts and a gray tank top. I went into the bathroom and brushed out my hair. I put it in a messy side braid and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and my phone off the table. Finally, I slipped on my Rainbow flip flops and headed out. I decide to walk to the pool and just see who's there. It was so peaceful. No yelling, no chaos, no arguing. I got to the pool and jumped over the gate. No one was there, so I started playing music and relaxing in one of the chairs. This was a great time to work on my tan.

I was probably at the pool for an hour or two. I looked at my phone. It read: 12:30. Lunch time. I turned off my music and jumped back over the gate. I got back to my house and went into the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets for something good to make. Noting really sounded good.

"Well then, I'll just go to Chick-Fil-A." I grabbed my keys off the table and got in my car.

It was about 5 minutes and I had arrived. I went inside, and it was a little crowded. I ordered and found a table to sit at.

You should tell Shawn that you and Matt are back together. He deserves to know.

"Right..." I muttered to myself.

My food came seconds later. After that, I dialed Shawn's number. He finally picked up on the last ring.

"Hey! Sorry I was practicing." he explained.

"It's okay." I laughed.

"So, what's up?" he asked.

"Um... Well, I have to tell you something." I started.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Matt and I are back together." I blurted.

"Oh... Um... Okay?" he sounded a little uneasy.

"Are you okay with it?" I asked.

"I just don't want you to get hurt again..." he explained.

"I know, Shawn. He promised me. Everything is good now!" I tried to make him feel better.

"If he hurts you again, he will have to deal with me." he said.

"Okay, okay." I agreed. "Well, I gotta go."

"Wait! Do you wanna go to the pool later?" he asked.

"Sure. Meet me there in an hour?" I asked.

"Sounds great!" he exclaimed.

I hung up and ate my food. I threw away my trash and got back in my car. I drove home and rushed to my room. I threw on my maroon bikini and then went downstairs. I put on my flip flops and grabbed my phone and keys.

"Wait... Sunglasses!" I said to myself.

I went back to my room and grabbed my ray bands off the dresser. I ran down the stairs and grabbed a towel from the closet.

"Wait! Sunscreen would be nice." I laughed at myself.

I went into the laundry room, that's where I kept things for the pool and beach, and grabbed the sunscreen. I quickly applied it to my body.

"Now I'm ready." I nodded.

After that, I headed out. I walked down the road and to the pool. I slid my phone and keys under the gate and jumped over. I picked them up off the ground and put the on a table. I set my towel down on a chair. Shawn wasn't here yet. I sat on the edge of the pool near the deep end. I decided to throw my hair up in a bun because I was scared to get a weird tan line from having a side braid. I sat there and just thought about life and all that jazz.

"What's up?" Shawn asked, scaring me a little, and sat next to me.

"Nothing much. Thinking..." I trailed off.

"About?" he asked.

"Life." I replied.

"Oh." he looked at me.

"Yea. Just about if I should really be with Matt." I sighed.

"Well, you like him don't you?" he asked.

"I mean, yea, but..." I didn't know how to answer that.

"But?" he repeated me.

"I was thinking about what you had told me. About being hurt again." I started. "I don't want to be with someone that's going to be like that."

"Bailey, maybe that was just a one time thing. If you really like him then you shouldn't be worrying about this. I mean he wouldn't do it if he really likes you." Shawn said. "But if he does, I'm here."

"I know you are." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it." he kissed me on the head.

"This is why we're best friends." I hugged him.

"Yep." he hugged me back.

Then he pushed me into the pool. I screamed and went under.

"Shawn!" I yelled when I came up.

"Oops!" he laughed.

"You're going down!" I jumped out of the pool and chased him around.

"Haha! Can't catch me!" he joked.

"Shawn! Get you butt over here!" I yelled and stood next to the pool with my arms crossed.

"Fine." he pouted.

He walked over and pushed me in again. When I came up, he was standing there laughing really hard. I swam to the edge and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the pool with me.

"Payback!" I laughed.

When he came up, we were both laughing our heads off. Then my phone started ringing. I hopped out of the pool and grabbed it, not bothering to see who it was.

"Helloooooo?" I answered.

"Hi, babe!" I heard Matt's voice.

"Babe!" I was glad he called.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing really. Just chilling." I laughed.

"Ahhh! Well, I was just checking in!" he exclaimed.

"Okaaaaay." I said.

"I gotta go. Bye!" he hung up.

I set my phone back on the table, and then someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I looked back, and it was Shawn. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Shawn." I laughed.

"What?" he asked and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You're so silly." I kept laughing.

He laughed and pick me up bridal style. He walked towards the deep end and jumped in while I was still in his arms. We came up, and I slapped him jokingly.

We stayed at the pool for about two more hours. Finally, we got out. I dried off with my towel. Shawn jumped over the gate first. I handed him my things when he got over. Then I jumped over. We walked down the road together. We talked and laughed. Finally, we stopped in front of my door. I unlocked the door and opened it.

"I'll call you later." I said.

"Alright." he smiled.

"Bye." I hugged him.

"See ya later." he pulled away, and I shut the door.

I put my keys down on the table. I walked up to my room and found the clothes I had worn earlier today. I went and got in the shower. I probably spent an hour in there. Finally, I got out and put the same clothes on I had worn earlier. I brushed out my hair and just let it air dry. I grabbed my phone from my room and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and flipped through tv channels. Nothing interesting was really on. Luckily, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Matt. I felt my jaw drop. I couldn't believe he was here. He was smiling so big.

"Matt!" I screamed and hugged him so tight. "I'm so glad your here!"

"Me too!" he laughed.

He pulled out of the hug and kissed me. It had felt like forever since his lips were on mine. I had forgotten all about what Shawn and I had talked about. Right then, it didn't matter to me. We pulled away.

"I told you I'd surprise you." he winked.

"Yes you did!" I laughed.

He came inside, and we sat on the couch and talked for hours. We even watched a movie. The movie went off, and it was late a night.

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