Bad Boy: Yes or No?

By mrsbarnes__

233 3 1

Clover gets an acceptance letter to Camp Wawanakwa! While there, she finds enemies, best friends she never kn... More

The Letter
Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa!
Pranks are fun... Right?
Always have a partner when exploring.
Get lots of sleep
Relax when you have the chance
Fears aren't always what they seem
Old Habits and New Habits
Just because you're Friends, doesn't mean anything
Friends are Most Important
Trust and Horror, Isn't a Good Mix.
Home is Where the Heart is
Sometimes Surprises are the Best

The Final Challenge

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By mrsbarnes__

Chapter 12-

The next couple of weeks were brutal. The challenges got worse, the sleeping schedule got smaller, and more and more campers were leaving. Beth, DJ, Gwen, and Owen were all voted off since Duncan left. We were down to the last three campers; Heather, Courtney, and I. Thankfully, Heather was voted off next.

"What do you mean I'm voted off?"

"I mean, you were so rude to your other campers that when I asked who they wanted to get voted off next, they all voted Heather."

She stormed off towards the dock of shame, and climbed into the boat. It took off down the current, and that's when I realized I was one of the final two. The next week consisted of Courtney and I getting ready for our last and final challenge. The final challenge came, and it was time to finish this stupid camp once and for all. Chris first had us record our thoughts in the confessional.


"Being here for the last eight weeks was alright. I mean, it was no walk in the park, but it worked."

"The food was mostly bad. But, there were the marshmallows that made everything else feel better."

"The people were great! They were mostly supportive of each other. Even though their teamwork skills weren't the best, they still came up with game plans together."

"What will I be remembered for? Probably my awesome leadership skills"


"What was it like being here for eight weeks? It sucked."

"The food? Was terrible! It was disgusting."

"The people here sucked. They were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, manipulative, two-timing, fame hyper, goody-goody, know-it-all, party craving, dim-witted, certifiably insane, really weird, juvenile, redneck, overbearing, jerks. But, I was able to meet Leshawna, Bridgette, Gwen, Owen, and DJ. They were the only actual sane ones here."

"What will I be remembered for? My great personality."

"Okay. I'm done here."


"Okay! The other twenty campers who got on the dock of shame and rode the boat of losers, come and sit in the peanut gallery of losers." The other campers came and sat in the bleachers that had either Courtney's face or mine on them. Chris then had us say what we would do with the money if we won and why we should get it.

"Well, I would use it to start my college fund. Then, I would go to the college of my dreams and get my doctorate degree." Courtney's side cheered for her and her dreams.

"Well, I guess all I can really say is that if I can survive this stupid camp and all you people, then I guess the rest of high school won't be so bad. But if I win, I guess I'd use the money to help around the house. Then use the rest for a music career and probably a party." My side cheered and Chris handed us a chicken and cow hat. Courtney had the cow hat and I had the chicken one.

"Okay! You have to wear these hats, run to the flagpole, climb up and grab your flag. If you don't have the flag, don't bother coming down! Next, while carrying an eagle's egg you have to cross over a 300 meter balance- beam suspended across a massive gorge, with our rare but real friends the man-eating freshwater sharks! Then a long- distance run to the finish line, which is here."

Chris counted down from three, then blew an air horn. We started off towards the flag poles. Duncan was running next to me, Heather, and Tyler were running with Courtney. When we got to the flagpole, I started to climb up, but it was too slippery. I could see Heather's smug smile as I was struggling up the pole. I growled, ran back a few feet, got a good sprint then jumped up past the most slippery part of the pole. I finished the climb and grabbed the flag. Courtney was already heading to the next part of the challenge, I jumped off the pole and headed after her. It didn't take long to catch up, but when i did and we got to the second challenge, we both stopped to look down. We exchanged glances, grabbed our eggs and hesitated to cross the beams.

"I'm gonna freaking die!" I said to myself just before I started across the beam. Duncan was on the other side of the beam helping to encourage me.

"Okay Duncan, I so can't deal with distractions right now!" Heather was on the other side with Justin. "Well, then you're gonna hate this!" She ripped off Justin's shirt, it distracted Courtney, the sharks and the eagles that were trying to get the eggs back. But, like I said before, I'm not interested. I continued across the beam and put the egg in the nest.

"Hmm is that all you got?" I asked Heather as I walked by. Courtney made it across eventually, but by the time she made it across, I was already doing the long distance run back to the finish. Duncan was still running next to me talking. I didn't realize that I was still mad about the whole him and Courtney thing, until he mentioned it.

"You know, when I was hanging out with Courtney, she said that she thought you were kind of intimidating."


"Yeah, she also said that she wanted to-"

"You know, I have a great idea."


"If you're going to keep talking about her, why don't you go cheer for her."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that I'm still mad that you were with her!" I started to run faster, so I could get away from him, but he ran after me.

"Wait. Really?"


"I thought you didn't care about it?"

"I thought I didn't either. Turns out I did. Err- I do."

I started to sprint and so did he. I could hear Courtney and Heather getting closer. I looked behind us and saw that they were only a few feet behind us and the finish line was about 5 in front of us. I wasn't sure if I wanted to win this thing anymore. I was just so fed up with everyone and this whole stupid camp that I wished I wasn't a finalist. But what Courtney said to Duncan as she passed us, made my mind up for me.

"I'll win this for you Duncan! With the money, I can get Clover thrown into jail, and buy a house for us to start our own family!" Heather stuck her tongue out at me as she passed and I stopped running.

"Clover? What are you doing? Run!"

"No. If she wants to win so bad, let her." I turned my head toward the finish line and saw Courtney cross the finish line.

'Besides, I know you like me more. So her dreams can't happen.'  I thought to myself

"Why'd you do it?" Gwen asked as I came to the finish.

"Because, she was more determined to get it than I was."

"And the argument with Duncan?"

"When don't we argue Bridge?" I laughed.

"Well, campers! I'm a little shocked, but happy to say that Courtney has won the One million dollars! So, congratulations Courtney! And thank you everyone who participated on Total Drama Island!"

I went over and congratulated Courtney.. before punching her in the face for the comment she made to Duncan. While we waited for our boats to come and take us back home, we had one last campfire. Chris gave Courtney the final marshmallow that he had. She gave a stupid speech then sat back down.

"Hey Owen, you know what time it is?" Geoff asked while getting up. Owen nodded and gave Chris a weird look. Owen, Geoff, and Duncan picked up Chris and carried him out to the docks.

"No. Guys, come on! My hair! No. No. No. GUYS!"

"One, two, three" They counted, then threw Chris into the water.

We all laughed and Chef came up behind us. "Man. I've wanted to do that all summer. How does that feel pretty boy, huh?" he taunted Chris. "Hey Chef, you're next." Said Owen while Chef started to run away. The guys chased him down and eventually caught him and threw him in the water. When they were chasing him, boats came and went. Sadie, Katie, Zeke, Trent, Noah, Izzy, Tyler, Leshawna, Justin, Cody, DJ, Beth, Lindsay, and Harold had all gotten picked up and left the camp for good. The only ones left were Heather, Bridgette, Courtney, Gwen, Geoff, Owen, Duncan, and I. When they finally threw him in the ocean, Heather, Bridgette, Geoff, and Courtney's boats arrived. All that was left was Duncan, Gwen, Owen, and I. We were still on the dock when Owen jumped into the water. I pushed Gwen in, and Duncan pushed me in then jumped in himself. We had a splash fight with Chris and Chef. After awhile, we went back to the fire and warmed up. Owen was next to leave. Then it was me. I hugged Gwen and walked to the dock. Duncan chased after me.

"Wait! Clover wait!" He caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder. "Clover, I don't want to leave things like this. Look, I'm sorry that I mentioned Courtney more than I should've. I just- I don't know how to express my feelings."

"I know. And you're forgiven." I hugged him, gave him a quick kiss goodbye, and headed to the boat.

"Hello ma'am welcome aboard again!" Brandon said as I boarded the boat. "Hey Brandon. It's nice to see you again."

I walked to the bow of the boat and waved goodbye to Gwen, Chris, Chef, and Duncan. After the camp was out of view, I sat down with my feet dangling off of the boat and put my headphones on. I looked at the passing trees, then laid back and looked up at the night sky.

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