OBSESSED ✔️ luwoo

By daeonehobi

36.7K 2K 1.1K

Previously titled : Butterfly Effect ❝I feel like I don't have a friend in the world.❞ Lucas didn't think bei... More



1K 69 26
By daeonehobi

I believe someone is holding us all back

Lucas woke with cold chills. His eyes opened just enough to see the breeze from outside lightly gusting the curtains around. He then had the sudden urge to puke, but the sharp pain in his stomach prevented him from moving.

"Mark!" he called out while crawling to the other side of the bed as his whole body quaked. Then he realized something was out of place. Mark has a large tv posted right across from his bed, this person's room didn't have a tv. Mark has black pillowcases, this person had white. "Holy fuck!" he shot up disregarding his aching body- which was also naked. "Holy fuck!" he shouted again while covering himself with the sheets.

Jungwoo then stepped through the door dropping Lucas's freshly washed clothes on the edge of the bed. Lucas eyed down his blue hooded shirt which he feels to have seen a million times. But he knew it was the least important thing he should be worried about right now.

"Good night," Jungwoo smiled. "You slept the entire day away," he informed the paranoid male. "Literally, it's nine pm and I had to tell my parents we got out early when they got home a couple of hours ago."

"Jungwoo, is this your room?" The older nods slowly. "How did I get here exactly. And skip the part where Taeyong- when he- just skip that part." Lucas was a stuttering nervous mess, especially since a fully clothed Jungwoo was watching him in all his nakedness.

"I saw what happened and I knew you wouldn't have wanted me to take you to the nurse. So I fixed you up myself. Like did the whole doctor thing and over there," he points to the glass of water and pain medication on the nightstand.

Lucas jumps to it in order to get his relief very soon. He gulped everything down like it was his favorite food he hasn't eaten since he was a little boy. Jungwoo watched in amusement as such a vulnerable Lucas was in his custody.

"It's a shame Mark wasn't there to help you like I was. Instead, he went home early. I don't think he told you did he?"

Lucas gulped and he tightened the sheets around him nervously. "Maybe he was running from Taeyong. Remember how you said he was coming for all my friends like the asshole he is. I still don't know how to get in contact with Haechan and-" Jungwoo rushed over to the heated boy in hopes to calm him down. "What didn't Mark tell me?"

"That he was going home without you," Jungwoo answered quickly. "Word got around the school that he wasn't feeling well in class so he left."

Lucas didn't flinch. "Poor Mark. I knew he wasn't ready to go to school. The words all those people were saying. It was hurting me too."

Jungwoo rolled his eyes getting a bit tired of the scene Lucas was putting on. "Poor Mark? You're the one who got your ass kicked. Poor you. Luckily I was there or I don't think Taeyong would have stopped!" Jungwoo forced Lucas to look at him in the eyes. "You need more rest, Lucas. I told your parents you were safe with me. You can spin the night and heal."

"My parents? They're looking for me?" Lucas was now up on his feet hunched over in pain trying to put his clothes back on. "I know Umuni could have had a heart attack. I should have never left them worrying." Lucas eventually collapsed back on the bed once he got lightheaded from moving too quickly.

Jungwoo's eyes darkened after watching Lucas try to leave. "I have to make a phone call. Lucas, you stay here and rest. You are in no condition to move around like you are." The older held up one finger as he left the room leaving dust behind him.

Lucas listened to his older and begun to look around the unfamiliar room so he wouldn't wake up in a panic once again. Everything about Jungwoo was average. From the pile of dirty clothes next to the closet to the posters of famous skaters. The sight bored him until he saw a pile of papers underneath a ripped photo.

"Jungwoo has an enemy?" Lucas thought while slithering his way over to the pile just to pluck the picture right off the top. There was supposed to be four people in this two people photo but one face was scratched out. The other was ripped right off the page leaving only their arm around Jungwoo's shoulder to be seen.

He stared at the picture a little more catching sight of the shirt the faceless person was wearing hoping he could take a guess at who it could be. Once again, something triggered in his brain. That shirt belonged to Taeyong. Lucas vividly remembered wearing it when Taeyong accidentally spilled ketchup on his graphic tee during one of their private dates. It also the same shirt Jungwoo is wearing right now.

A loud thump made Lucas ditch the picture and jump back on the bed. Moments passed and still no Jungwoo. Lucas no longer felt safe trapped in Jungwoo's room with only one reasonable exit being the window on the second floor.

Like any normal human, he left the room in search of Jungwoo. Lucky for him. he didn't have to go far when he saw the guy on the kitchen floor sweeping up cereal and glass. "Oh, wow. Let me help you!" Lucas rushed to the floor to help with the larger pieces of glass.

"Medicine has kicked in I see." Lucas just chuckled. "Sorry, I'm such a mess. The phone call didn't go so well."

"Really? What happen?" Lucas avoided eye contact the entire time. He knew he would give himself away if he looked too long which is why he needed to go home.

"Nothing. And about the wake, for Kun... It's tomorrow. Are you still wanting to go? You stay and I can take you. We can go together." Lucas's body shuttered as he nodded as if a gun was being held to his head. "Perfect. I'll go pick out our attire. I have something just for you." Jungwoo sprung up and almost skipped to the stairs. Lucas just gulped as his eyes locked on Jungwoo's top.

That was it. That was Taeyong's. But why does Jungwoo have it?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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