
By fayesomermorgan

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*This is not my story any shape or form, this story is one of my favourites fanfics from but... More

Readers reviews
Chapter 1: Something Isn't Right
Chapter 2: Soul Meets Body
Chapter 3: New York, New York
Chapter 4: Big Jet Plane
Chapter 5: St Petersburg Part 1
Chapter 6: St Petersburg Part 2
Chapter 7: Take The A Train
Chapter 8: Oh Vienna Part 1
Chapter 9: Oh Vienna Part 2
Chapter 10: Oh Klaus' Vienna
Chapter 11: Viennese Waltz
Chapter 12: Good Morning To You
Chapter 13: Paris, Je T'Aime
Chapter 14: Fragile Heartbeats
Chapter 15: Fierce and Fragile
Chapter 16: Welcome Stranger
Chapter 17: Fun with the Mikaelsons
Chapter 19: The Morning After
Chapter 20: Merry Klausmas
Chapter 21: What Are You Doing New Years Eve?
Chapter 22: New Adventures
Chapter 23: Road Tripping
Chapter 24: Lazy Days in Pakistan
Chapter 25: Awkward Driving
Chapter 26: Indian Wonders
Chapter 27: Family Matters
Chapter 28: Almost Home
Chapter 29: We Run This Town
Chapter 30: Bloody and Bruised (For You)
Chapter 31: Thoughtful Thinking
Chapter 32: Final Stand
Chapter 33: Breathless Preparations
Chapter 34: Forever
Chapter 35: Merry Klausmas 2: Return of The Grinch

Chapter 18: La Bellezza al Ballo

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By fayesomermorgan

"I cannot believe we are actually going through with this crazy idea." Caroline said as Rebekah sat at the oak table with scattered pieces of paper, drawn out lists and invitations.

"You're the one who waved Nik's balls around to make it happen." Kol said, dodging the pencil Rebekah flicked his way. It embedded in the wall behind him and she cursed.

"Thanks, now I'm going to have to hang something up there."

"Perhaps Nik's male anatomy?" Kol grinned.

"Maybe yours. I'm inviting Eva." Rebekah grinned evilly, and Caroline watched Kol's face instantly change.


"She's in the area."


"Who's Eva?" Caroline asked, as Kol started to turn into a mini-Klaus in a temper tantrum, pacing and growling under his breath.

"It's a long story spanning over 750 years." Rebekah said.

"Geez, and I thought the Salvatores had enough girl history themselves." Caroline exclaimed, hopping up to sit on the table and watch Kol run his hands through his hair in a panic.

"She is not setting foot in this house." He grated.

"She is my friend." Rebekah snapped back.

"You have friends?" Caroline said, earning a dirty look from Rebekah. She blew a kiss her way in form of apology, and the Original blonde seemed to accept it.

"She is my friend, Kol, and she's nearby, and she is invited, and she is going to be here."

Kol spun a plate from the table into the solid wood paneling, and it smashed.

"And I'd appreciate it if you didn't destroy the house while Rebekah plans her party." Elijah said as he walked in.

"Shut it, Elijah." Kol said, and found himself pinned to the table next to Caroline with a wooden salad fork through his shoulder. Rebekah and Caroline didn't even flinch - clearly Caroline was becoming accustomed to the odd family fights around here. Elijah seemed to have barely moved an inch, moving in the opposite direction to adjust the painting Kol had managed to tilt with the plate.

"Don't be disrespectful. You know better."

"Eva is coming." Kol groaned, prying the fork from his shoulder so he could sit up.

"And how is that any reason to be rude?"

"It's every reason." Kol snarled.

"Who is Eva?" Caroline tried again, knowing Elijah would give a better recount of whatever history there was between Kol and the mysterious Eva.

"Eva is a charming young lady Kol turned sometime in the 13th Century." Elijah began.

"Shall we have a sit down dinner or just a mingled party of entrées?" Rebekah interjected.

"She and Kol have been seeing each other over the years." Elijah continued.

"Meaning that he cant get her out of his mind much as he tries." Rebekah snickered.

Kol just glared murderously at them all. "If I could snap all your necks and get away with it without Klaus coming after me too, I would."

"Lovely, Kol. Thanks." Caroline sighed. "I'm just trying to get an idea of how much of a storm this gathering will be."

"Well, no Salvatores will be present, so there's at least a good chance there wont be too much drama." Rebekah mused. "Formal or just cocktail?"

"Formal." Elijah said, and Caroline shot him a weird look.

"Now I really hope that's not just because you want to wear a nice suit."

"Very funny Miss Caroline." He said dryly. "No, formal would be better." Elijah raised an eyebrow at Rebekah, clearly trying to relate something to her through sibling telepathy. She frowned and shrugged her shoulders – clearly the telepathic connection wasn't quite working.

Elijah sighed, glancing at Caroline before deciding that she would need to hear this too. "If Caroline makes this appearance with us, it is sending a message to the supernatural community that she stands with us, that she is under our protection, and she is Klaus'...companion. Formal would be best."

"Ah, I see exactly what you mean." Rebekah nodded, her mind already racing forward. "We'll pick out the perfect gown, and everything. It'll be fantastic."

"What I meant was also to warn you, Caroline." Elijah said. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yes." Caroline said, trying to sound braver than she was really feeling. Clearly it was the right thing to say, as she saw the approving nod from Elijah, the bright smile from Rebekah and the lighter look on Kols face, considering he was in a dark hole of emotion with the knowledge that Eva would be in the same area as him. The most comforting gesture was received from the hands that claimed her waist from the back. Klaus smiled the crook of her neck as her fingers threaded through his and pulled his arms closer around her, bringing their bodies together innocently.

"Where have you been?" Caroline asked him quietly, letting Kol go back to ranting to Rebekah about how she couldn't invite someone who he had that much history with and how Elijah couldn't lecture him on manners when Klaus had done far more terrible things.

"I was busy."

"With what?"

"Something I know you'll like."


He chuckled. "No need to sound so skeptical, love." Klaus twirled her under one of their joined hands and backed away from his family with her in tow. Caroline was suddenly reminded of the decade dance, and she couldn't tell whether it was something about just the move or the way his eyes were focused so intently on hers or whether she wanted to follow him regardless of whether he was leading her to a dance floor or to another room or even to Hell, because she would gladly follow him anywhere.

"So then if there's no need to be skeptical, why lead me away from everyone?" She narrowed her eyes playfully as they walked to the lounge, out of sight from his siblings.

"You've judged it correctly, I've got devilish intentions."

"You always have devilish intentions." She giggled as he grinned wolfishly and kissed her, making her knees weak and her head swim. She didn't pay much attention until she felt a weight around her neck and his lips brushing a path down to her collarbone.

"What's this?"

Klaus smiled, turning Caroline to face a mirror that hung above one of the couches of the living room. She raised her hands to touch the pendant that he had hung around her neck, fingering the thin delicate swirls of silver that held it in place.

"It's a tigers eye. Legends say that Roman soldiers wore these to battle to protect themselves. I can confirm that."

"You were in a battle?"

Klaus looked at her through the mirror from where he stood behind her. "I was in all of them."

She rolled her eyes and he raised his eyebrows in his trademark move.

"Any reason you're giving me this?"

"In the hopes that it will bring one of my favorite people some protection." He mused, fiddling with the clasp at the base of her neck and trailing his fingers along the bumps of her spine.

Caroline smiled at the casual mention of her being in his high regard, but she couldn't shake the protective feelings. "Am I in need of protection?" She asked his reflection with a hint of fierceness edging her voice.

Klaus exhaled slowly and raised his head to meet her gaze. "Sweetheart, in a house of Original vampires who cannot be killed save for one White Oak stake that Elijah has smartly hidden with us here, you are by far the most vulnerable thing here."

"Thanks for sugar coating it." She said sarcastically, earning a scowl from him.

"Forgive me for wanting to protect you, love." He snapped right back. "Its something you do for those you care about."

"And seeing as you can't stick a dagger in me without me dying, you thought you'd just stick an amulet on me?"

Klaus spun her around and gripped her by the shoulders. "It is a gift, love. Nothing else. I just figured you would appreciate the meaning behind it." One hand wound down her arm to trace around the glass bead she still wore, reminding her of the first gift from him that she had properly kept. "Just wear it as a token of how I want to keep you safe. How you mean that much to me."

Caroline looked up at him and how he was giving her his serious look, one part bad-ass-hybrid, two parts caring. It was an updated version from when she had first started out with him, so she had to give him credit. Plus it was very difficult to disagree with him when he was being so openly caring for a rare change.

"Then thank you." She replied sincerely, reaching up to give him a soft, innocent kiss. To her surprise he didn't turn it into a passionate one as usual. Instead he cupped her face delicately in his artist hands, the rough patches from painting harsh against the skin of her cheeks, and so different to the gentle adoring way he pressed his lips so simply to hers. She unknowingly let a sigh whisper from her mouth when he broke away slowly. Klaus waited for her eyes to eventually flutter open again to gaze up at him before pressing another kiss to her forehead and leading her back to the rest of the family.


"You've got to be kidding me." Caroline backed away from the garment bag she had just unzipped in Rebekah's room, all prepared to slip out of her silk robe and put it on until she saw it for the first time. "No, no, no, no, no."

"And why, why, why, why, why?" Rebekah huffed, coming out of the ensuite bathroom with curlers she had just been about to start unwrapping from her hair.

Caroline gaped at Rebekah. "I am going to be nervous enough as it is, don't you think that this dress is a little bit much?"

"We're sending out a message tonight, Caro, you need to make a statement." Rebekah reiterated what she had been saying all week about the gathering, and took the dress out of the bag to let it air a little. "Besides, it's gorgeous."

"That I can agree with." Caroline sighed, running her eyes appreciatively over the gown. "But still, no."

"Come on, poppet."

"No." Caroline said firmly. "I helped hang the lights for the drive and the pool and the patio and even the halls and staircase, I helped with the caterer, I even helped with the invitations to the dozens of guests that I don't even know. But this is where I draw the line, you cannot choose this for me."

"Fine," Rebekah sniffed, retreating to the ensuite. "But you'll have to come out sometime to see everyone, and I wish you good luck finding another garment to wear in the house."

"What?" Caroline frowned.

"Nik warned me this would happen, so I locked up everyones wardrobes. Everyones." Rebekah repeated with a pointed look. "So there's no chance of you trecking down in my brothers clothes, or even mine. You'll either wear the dress or you'll come downstairs in the nude."

"If I wear that dress it will be practically like I'm in the nude!" Caroline exclaimed.

"You're hungry too, aren't you." Rebekah taunted, needing to drive the point home. "And I've got a nice warm bag of B+ here, just for you. But only if you agree to the dress."

"You suck." Caroline hissed, storming down the hall.

"All part of being a vampire, Caro." Rebekah called.

Klaus opened the door from his bathroom to find Caroline lying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Not that I don't like the intrusion, love, but what's the matter?" He asked, wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Your sister is a very manipulative minx." She huffed with her arms folded.

"Wonderful alliteration, but you're still stating the obvious." He said as he walked over.

"She is trying to make me walk down the stairs to this gathering naked."

"Well I for one wouldn't mind that." Klaus murmured, chuckling as Caroline reached out, caught his hand, and pulled him down to lie next to her.

"Again, everyone would be seeing me naked. Everyone."

"Fine, then you can just be naked here."

"Bite me."

"I intend to." He smiled, nibbling her lips.

"I'm just going to have to wear the dress, aren't I?" Caroline sighed, humming when Klaus kissed his way down her neck to nibble again at her collarbone.

"Rebekah's my sister, and, well, you've met me, love. You know how stubborn I am, so is she."

"The dress is too sexy." She complained, rolling on top of Klaus to pepper kisses across his bare chest. "I will put it to shame."

"You are too sexy." He said, running his hands down her arms as she sat back with her legs crooked either side of him. "You'll put the dress to shame."

"All the more reason not to wear it."

"You would look lovely in a hessian sack, sweetheart." Klaus said. "Just wear whatever it is that my terrible sister is making you wear and make her green with jealousy."

Caroline smiled, leaning down to kiss him again. He twisted so she was underneath him, and let his hands fall to the tie in her robe. Unfortunately, Caroline still had enough oxygen to know that it wouldn't be wise to start doing what they would both like to do.

"Come on, I've got to get changed."

"Oh, now you want to wear the dress."

"You just had a shower anyway."

"That I did." Klaus grinned, and shook his wet hair so droplets rained down on Caroline, who shrieked and rolled from side to side, trying to escape.

"You're a bad man."

"The worst." He smiled despite his words, and reluctantly let her go.

"Nik, do you mind leaving whatever weird torment you have planned for Caroline till after the party?" Rebekah snapped, standing in the doorway with a hand over her eyes just in case.

"Wow, didn't know we were inviting Medusa." Kol called from the corridor, and Rebekah turned to flip the bird at him.

"I'll see you, love." Klaus pressed a kiss to Caroline's palm as he helped her up from his bed. "I'll know to look out for the most stunning woman in the room."

"And I'll try to find a man with better lines." Caroline teased, kissing the shadowy look away from his face and skipping out to Rebekah's room.

"Thanks, for once you're the one to put her in a better mood rather than the other way round." Rebekah quipped, flashing a brief smile before joining the baby vampire.


"I cant feel my legs."

"Then you should have practiced in the heels beforehand."

"I feel like everything is about to fall out of this dress."

"The only thing that is about to fall out is your nerves. Bundle up and follow me."

Rebekah sashayed easily down the stairs to stop on the landing and look at the trio of Mikaelson men gathered in the hall. "Gentlemen, first of all, may I present myself." She did a little twirl, unable to stop being the little adored sister even for one night. Her lovely black lace beaded dress twirled around with her, draping prettily and outlining her figure but somehow still being elegant with its high boat neckline. She tossed back her sleek blonde head, not a hair escaping from her low tucked bun.

The brothers hated to say it, but they loved their sister and would gladly indulge her, so they smiled genuinely.

"And now, may I introduce you to our wonderful, charming Caroline." Rebekah beckoned Caroline into view, and she took a deep breath and floated down the staircase.

Breathtaking. That was the one word to describe Caroline. Breathtaking. The light gold dress floated around her, clinging to each curve in such an ethereal way. The long sleeves and soft scooping neckline added to the elegance along with the sparkling jewels that created intricate swirls across the dress. It wasn't until she turned on the landing next to Rebekah that the back was revealed. Or the lack thereof. The dress tapered down from her shoulders to the lowest point of the small of her back, the edges embellished with the same delicate detailed jewels as the front. Her sweeping plaited updo drew all the attention to the perfect porcelain skin on display.

Klaus' mouth went dry. He seriously contemplated just taking her back upstairs. Especially when she turned and looked at him from under her lashes.

"What do you think?" Caroline asked them all, but she was really asking him.

"Words fail me." Klaus responded simply, and as a blush graced her cheeks he was reminded of who she was, and the bizarre hold he seemed to have over her in return. He held out his hand to her, and she took it to descend the last three steps to stand by his side.

"You're breathtaking." He murmured sincerely, brushing a reverent kiss across her knuckles, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Thank you." She smiled softly, straightening his tie that matched the light gold of her dress: clearly Rebekah had done a little wrangling fashion wise beforehand. It contrasted perfectly with his dark grey suit and equally dark grey shirt. "You clean up well yourself." Caroline noted.

"Thank you, love." He said quietly.

"Don't I get a mushy compliment too?" Kol interjected, and Rebekah smacked him across the back of the head while she held Elijah's offered hand to descend the last few steps. "Ow!"

"Be nice." Elijah said sternly, entering the family tussle for once rather than taking the neutral view. "And behave too. The guests will be here any moment."

"What can I do to help?" Caroline asked, and Klaus wound a hand around her to rest on the small of her lower back, right above the edge of the dress line.

"Stay by my side."

"Surprisingly, Nik's plan is probably best." Rebekah said.

"Surprisingly?" Klaus repeated incredulously. "I'm very rarely wrong."

Caroline elbowed him and he smirked.

"Hilarious, Niklaus." Elijah said dryly, but any further words were cut off by the entrance of one of the hired staff for the night.

"Sir? The guests are starting to arrive." The young man said, waiting for a nod from Elijah before exiting just as smoothly as he had come.

"All right. Behave." Elijah warned Kol one last time before the doors opened and the party began.

Caroline was perfectly organised and clearly had been in training to be a presidents wife while she was human – Miss Mystic Falls thank you very much – but even all of her built up and natural talents couldn't prepare her for the events of that night.

First off, she was surprised to see how Klaus interacted with everyone. She had forgotten the harsh, cold man he could be. He was so different around her, and even if he was a little sharp with his family, it was all still done in jest. Around others, however, his mask came back, the one he had carefully crafted over the years so he was something to be feared and respected. She then also knew that since she was by his side, she would need to create a similar aura, and that nerved her a little, but she did so easily, drawing herself up to her full height so she was the picture of refined elegance and grace.

Secondly, she was surprised to see the vampires. She had never been in the company of vampires other than those found in Mystic Falls, and it was curious to see how they mingled with one another.

Thirdly, she wondered how Rebekah had subtly let the word get around about Caroline's involvement with the Mikaelsons, specifically Klaus, for it seemed as if she was constantly under someone's scrutinizing gaze. Klaus only egged it on, his hand never leaving the small of her back, keeping her pressed to his right side as promised.

"Caroline?" Rebekah said to her right, bringing the girl back to focus. The baby vampire blinked, setting her smile back in place and nodding to the guest she had been talking to with Rebekah. The Oriental woman smiled, dipping her head as well and turning to rejoin the party. Caroline had completely forgotten what she had been talking about.

"Focus, love." Klaus murmured into her ear. "We're almost through the guests."

"Ah, Eva." Elijah greeted warmly, and Caroline turned her attention to the mysterious woman she had heard so much about.

A striking young woman in a deep red gown beamed at Elijah, raising her hand to greet him. "Elijah. Wonderful to see you again, it has been too long."

"We will have to have a proper chat at some point during the course of the night." He said, gesturing for her to continue and greet the rest of the family.

The lovely girl with hair like dark honey walked forward, her smile loosing its teeth as she saw Klaus. She didn't seem frightened of him, but she clearly knew that she had to show some demure respect or loose a few ribs.

"Klaus," She nodded.

"Eva," Klaus said, but he did hold a slight edge of warmth in his voice that hadn't been present with most of the guests. "May I introduce Caroline."

"Pleasure to meet you, Eva." Caroline said with a perfect smile, happy to put up the front till she knew a little more about Eva's character.

"I take it this is the Caroline that Rebekah mentioned when she handed me the invitation?" Eva said, and Caroline knew that she could talk a little more freely with this girl in particular.

"Unless there is another Caroline running around the place. Or unless Rebekah said anything too harsh. Then its all a lie."

Rebekah laughed slightly while trying to seem more outraged at Caroline's words. Eva also allowed a throaty chuckle to escape her lips.

"Well then I can say that Rebekah was being honest, for a change."

"I thought you were meant to be nice to your hosts as they welcomed you to their home." Rebekah said teasingly, and Eva looked at her from under raised eyebrows.

"I think that tradition went out the window when your brother spoiled my lovely get together a few centuries back." Eva glanced over slightly to where Kol had been standing only moments before she walked through the door. "Where is Kol anyway?"

"Somewhere around." Rebekah said dismissively, and Caroline gathered that she was on Eva's side for whatever the odd disagreement seemed to be between Eva and Kol.

"Much as I hate to interrupt this enthralling conversation," Klaus interjected with more than a hint of sarcasm. "I believe you could continue this later when we don't have a line of waiting guests to welcome."

Eva's eyes widened and she nodded slowly. Caroline was surprised to see the attitude and confidence leave the bubbly girl, but the sly wink she gave Rebekah as she walked away was enough to show that she just knew to not test Klaus.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to go find Kol...and kill him." Rebekah muttered to Caroline under her breath, walking away through the throngs of people.

"Caroline, this is Alexander." Klaus tapped one of his fingers lightly on the small of her back to draw her attention to the platinum blonde vampire in front of them. His eyes were a pale shade of blue, like shards of ice set in his deceptively sweet Norwegian-looking face. Caroline tried not to judge, but something about Alexander set her off. She brushed it aside and smiled.

"Charmed." She said.

"I'm sure you are." Alexander grinned cockily, and Klaus' fingernails scraped along her lower back possessively.

"Klaus, you never said you had taken a baby vampire into" Alexander said, his eyes flashing over Caroline's form in a way that made her want to shift closer to Klaus, but she held her ground and didn't show her fear.

"That's because I didn't ever mention her to the likes of you." Klaus said coolly,

"True. Why would anyone bring up such a vulnerable point." Alexander smiled at Caroline. "Even if it does come with such a pretty face. You can rest assured, Klaus, that I will not bring up such a potential weakness with anyone else."

"Oh, I intend to make sure you will not." Klaus replied with a hint of malice, and his voice darkened to his favored don't-screw-with-me-dipshit tone. "And she is no vulnerability. Caroline is far stronger than you'd think. She is protected." He said slowly, before Caroline smiled up at him to cover the action of her jabbing her elbow into his ribs. Klaus came out of his dark mood.

"However we can talk about such things at countless other times tonight. You're holding up the line, Alexander."

"Then I shall leave you and your lovely protected girl." He returned to more formal niceties, smoothly picking up Caroline's hand and pressing a cool kiss to it before she could do more than let her jaw go slack with shock.

Klaus moved quicker, though, reaching forward with one hand to easily snap the pointer finger of the hand that touched Caroline. No one else saw the move aside from the three vampires involved. Alexander looked at Klaus, who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Consider that a warning. She is protected." He repeated, and Alexander nodded his head in a way that should have been respectful but held a mocking edge, before he continued on into the villa, his finger already healed.

"Was that necessary?" Caroline hissed before Elijah passed the next guest on to them.

"Yes. I don't care if we've fought in battles together or if they are loyal to me – anyone who so much as looks at you like a piece of meat or without respect is going to pay the appropriate price by my hand." Klaus was clearly still outraged at Alexander's actions, so Caroline decided to try and put him in a better mood before he started ripping hearts out.

"You can be a real sexy jerk, you know that?"

A small smile played across his grimly set mouth. "I know."

The last of the guests were ushered and welcomed in, and Elijah stood at what could be called the front of the great joined rooms that had been cleared for the gathering.

"Welcome, friends. Tonight symbolizes the night that my family has been rejoined as one before you all. Thank you all for coming to celebrate this with us as we unite at our strongest. Cheers." He purposefully didn't mention Caroline, or single out any of the family members to be certain to send the right message. Caroline could be considered as part of the family, seeing as she was standing there with them all. If he singled her out, it would draw attention to her and cause a potential upset.

Waiters circulated with delicacies – Rebekah decided against the sit down dinner – and conversation buzzed. Klaus didn't let Caroline leave his side as they talked to various vampires from all walks of life. Caroline found out how little she knew of both the real world and the Mikaelson world. The Originals truly were one of the reigning supernatural powers, and it was somehow just not questioned. Or at least those who questioned it were taken care of to not speak of it again. It should have frightened her, but she had seen their playful side, and she understood that it was something not everyone was privileged to see.

She was most comfortable however when Rebekah and Eva appeared by her side, and Klaus stepped away.

"Some unfinished business, but I will return shortly, sweetheart." He said quietly, kissing her palm rather than her knuckles as he left.

"Interesting." Eva mused, watching Caroline watch Klaus move through the crowd.

"How so?" Caroline asked before returning her gaze to Eva's hazel eyes.

"Just how he is around you. I will be frank, I've never known Klaus to be gentle with anyone, even his family." Eva said, almost studying Caroline to see what made her so uniquely different.

"Oh, he's not gentle with her." Rebekah teased, and Caroline blushed.

"Thank you, Rebekah."

"You might want to watch out, Rebekah, Klaus keeps looking over." Eva noted.

"Its only because I put Caroline in a dress that would seize his attention for the whole night."

"Again, thank you, Rebekah." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Besides, you can't tell me you didn't dress like that to make Kol insanely jealous." Rebekah said to Eva, and she patted her hair into place.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on." Caroline said, giving the girl a look. "You know what effect you have on him. Even I can see it." The dress certainly helped. Eva looked like a movie star with her red dress, the fiery colour contrasting with the delicate way it was cut out with intricate patterns and swans weaving through. It was the rarest possible form of sexy and classy and all out beauty that she had ever seen.

"Compared to you with Klaus. Your dress is stunning, by the way." Eva said warmly. "You look every bit the part."

"Part of what?" Caroline asked.

"Part of the Original clan. I know its scary, but you do need to look just that little bit untouchably glamorous to run around with these clowns." Eva said, and Caroline saw the flash of pain in her eyes. "I had to as well."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened with you?" Caroline blurted out before she could contain herself.

Rebekah scowled at her. "Nice, Caro, way to go on social decorum."

Eva placed a hand on Rebekah's arm. "She has a right to know, no need to get snappy." She turned to Caroline. "I was turned by Kol sometime in the 13th Century, and while I started out as a fling and then transgressed to part of the family, Kol couldn't take the pressure, and neither could I. We're birds of a feather, he and I, and we need freedom. So I've been orbiting around the Mikaelson's for years, part of it and not. I don't want to be either," Eva raised her hands to both blondes apologetically. "No offense meant. I just can't see myself being tied down, and being with an Original seems to be an eternal thing."

"You and Kol belong together." Rebekah said in a tone that told Caroline she had said this to Eva hundreds of times before. "You make him more bearable. Just like Caroline with Nik."

"Yeah, but I don't know about 'forever'." Caroline interjected, and two conflicting gazes turned to meet her – Rebekah's one of disbelief and underlying anger, Eva's one of understanding. "Klaus is a lot to handle, I'm just taking every day as it comes."

"A wise choice with him. But you seem to be faring well." Eva nodded. "Any time you need an outside opinion, I'm here if you would like to talk. Even if its just so you can talk to someone who isn't a Mikaelson."

"I'm right here, you know." Rebekah huffed, and Eva laughed, squeezing both girls hands.

"All right. Enough joviality, I need a good drink." Eva glanced at both of them. "Either of you want in?"

"I'll need hard liquor to get through the night." Rebekah sighed, turning to Caroline. "Any for you, my sweet?"

"I'm set." She said, raising her glass. Klaus had left her in want of nothing, save for being alone with him without any of the fuss and bother of the party.

"Suit yourself. We'll be back in a moment. Don't go anywhere." Rebekah said, flashing her a wide eyed look that seemed to be a cross between Damon and Klaus and was altogether too serious for the charming youngest Mikaelson. Caroline waved them off and stood alone, happy to have just a quick moment to herself while the party hummed around her.

She was not alone for long.

"Ah, the radiant Caroline, the belle of the ball." Alexander's smooth low tones graced her, and she turned to find him standing just an inch too close. She smiled with tight closed lips, hoping that the two blonde musketeers would rejoin her soon.

"I had heard of a sunbeam entering the infamous Niklaus Mikaelson's life, but you are truly something else."

"How interesting. Maybe you should go discuss that with someone else. Klaus himself, perhaps?" She knew she couldn't be too safe being so rude to an older vampire, but she was just not in the mood to play it safe.

"Perhaps." Alexander echoed, his cold eyes sizing her up. "Or perhaps you should follow me."

Caroline knew he was trying to compel her, and she was confused. He knew she was a vampire, was he supposed to have some sort of ability like the Original family? Was he that close a branch off from the bloodline that he still had that power? Or did he have a witch on his side? Regardless, the compulsion didn't work on her, and yet she wanted to know what he was up to. Against her better judgement, she nodded and followed him as he walked out to the patio.

"Good. Now a little further away. We don't want to disturb the guests."

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked in a careful monotone, wondering if she was meant to talk under the compulsion.

"Just a little message to our dear friend Klaus from a few people who haven't been pleased with his newest transformation." They walked further till they were near the vineyard she had ridden through only a week before. Alexander looked back to the lights of the villa, calculating. "I suppose this will do." He turned to Caroline again. "Now, don't scream."

Caroline knew whatever would come next wouldn't be enjoyable. She was right. Alexander pulled out a simple wooden stake from his elegant suit, and smoothly wielded it at Caroline to go straight through her undead heart. She panicked, and snarled, shoving him away and starting to run. She didn't get far before she found him in front of her, hissing.

"Stay put!"

She did not do what he tried to compel her to, clawing at him and trying to escape. Caroline thought she was doing well until hands clamped around her arms and forced her to be still. She inhaled and smelt the distinct wet dog smell of werewolves, and swore.


"Such a rude mouth on such a pretty young thing." Alexander said lowly, pacing in front of her as he regained his breath from their squabble. "No matter. We can always silence it." He rushed towards her with the stake once again, and Caroline screamed out as it went to pierce straight and true into her heart.

But it never did.

She looked down in surprise as the stake wedged in her chest, refusing to go further than an inch, just barely scraping her heart. It was agonizingly painful, but Caroline was still alive, and she wouldn't complain about that. Alexander scowled, trying to bear his weight onto the stake to drive it through her, but it refused to move.

Before any further harm could be done, a blood-chilling howl was heard, and a jet black wolf thundered along towards them, faster than even a vampire could run. It collided with Alexander, knocking him to the ground and tearing out his throat in a matter of seconds before turning to the werewolf bodyguards holding Caroline hostage. They dropped her and immediately began their transformation, but the wolf launched himself upon them and tore them to pieces before they could get very far.

Alexander was still undeadly alive when the wolf was finished, his un-needed pants for air gurgling in his bloody throat. The wolf stalked over to him, all power and fearsome energy, and stood over his weak state before dispatching him similarly to the bodyguards.

Caroline lay on the ground and extracted the stake with an unlady-like grunt and gasp, panting as she threw the stake to the ground. She raised herself onto her elbows and met the eyes of the wolf. Despite their animal form, they had a glimmer of deep blue to them, and she knew it was Klaus.

"Thank you," Caroline said softly, and the wolf seemed to understand her words before a fierce look overcame it and it took off running again with a snarl.

Klaus was not happy.

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