The Tears I Shed For Him...

By Cyn_happiness77

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For the first time, I saw him hesitate. Just the slightest bit. Then it was gone and his handsome face smooth... More

Chapter 1~There is no place like home
Chapter 2~ The runaway
Chapter 3~Payback My Friend
Chapter 4~ Give it up for plan...C?
Chapter 5~ Fast and Furious
Chapter 6~ A Sorrowful Good-Bye
Chapter 7~ Heights make me Hyperventilate
Chapter 8~First day in hell-I mean school...
Chapter 9~What are the odds?
Chapter 10~It's for the best...
Chapter 11~Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Chapter 12~My Lips Are Sealed
Chapter 13~Say Yes...Hell No!
Chapter 15~The Confession Game!
Chapter 16~Pep Pep Preppy Prep
Chapter 17~Unknown POV
Chapter 18~First Date...
Chapter 19~Enough is Enough
Chapter 20~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 21~ Freedom Came With Its Price
Chapter 22~ Torture
Chapter 23~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 24~ Life or Death...
Chapter 25~ In Loving Memory of...
Chapter 26~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 27~ What Happened To Innocent 'Til Proven Guilty
Chapter 28~ Just Stop While You're Ahead

Chapter 14~Why explain when I can show you?

218 7 2
By Cyn_happiness77

 Song to the right>>>A must listen lol

Pic>>>It's what Nahuel's car looks like ;) 

Chapter 14

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

Could that clock get any louder? Or did it suddenly just tick faster?

I repositioned my hands over my desk various times before settling with just lacing my fingers tightly together and placing them on my lap. Cold sweat began to drip down the back of my throat seeming to drench the collar of my tee shirt. My feet were drumming away on the ground, not finding the right beat to dance to since each small tap after the other was off rhythm.

            Mr. Anderson—my Geometry teacher—was enthusiastically explaining on how SohCahToa works on various isosceles triangles. He stretched and engaged his body to give more visual effects, all while earning gleeful laughter from the class. However, I wasn’t really in it today; even though I truly did love math, being it was the only subject aside from English that I could pass with an A+. With a resigned sigh, my eyes sliced back up to the black and white, vintage looking, clock above the door. Five minutes until the bell rings and I have to haul my ass to the bus—where a very unpleasing Nahuel would be waiting for me—and lets not forget he’s my boyfriend now. I’ve truly lost my mind.

            “Ms. Rivera,” I snapped my head back over at the sound of my name—and gave a little jolt in fright as Mr. Anderson loomed over my desk with a very disgruntled look on his face—he seemed to be waiting for some sort of answer that I clearly didn’t have.

            “Huh?” I asked dumbfounded, hearing the rest of the class snicker at my idiocy.

            “Would you care to answer the question?” he pointed over to the white board where there was a lopsided triangle printed on with a black dry erase marker. At each side there were scribbled different words: Adjacent, opposite, and Hypotenuse. On the inside of the edges there would be half circles to indicate an angle—except the one that was shaped like a half-square, which always stood for a 90 degree angle. I prayed silently that he didn’t ask for me to solve it.

            “Uhm, is there any way you can repeat the question?” yeah, sure, why don’t you just scream out: I wasn’t paying attention! I’m positive that you haven’t given yourself away enough.

            Mr. Anderson shook his head at me, turning on his scrawny heals and ambling back up to the front of the class. “Homework for tonight will be to finish the rest of the worksheet that we were just doing. It shouldn’t be much, and won’t be all too difficult if you were paying attention.” He then shot me pointed look from across the room, as if saying.

            Good-luck on failing your homework you distracted little bitch.

I frowned in return, fighting the inevitable urge to flip him the bird. So instead I slumped back in my seat, as a smug smile quirked up the corners of his lips.

            Then I was saved by the bell. Briskly, I stood and scooped up all my notebook papers from the desk, pouring it into my awaiting bag. Wasting no time I swung it over my shoulder and floored it out the door—just to stop short when seeing who waited for me outside.

Take a wild guess on whom too—and lets leave Aldana out of your options.

            Engaged soulfully in conversation was Justin, his back touched the wall leisurely, his left foot propped up as well; not caring if the soles of his shoes smudged black over the recently painted pearled wall. His brown hair was tussled stylishly over his eyes, leaving his highlights give the illusion of sun kissed strands. His broad torso was angled away from me, but even then I was able to see every ripple of his chiseled muscle with every little movement, and when he gave a low chuckle, his abdomen would clench and unclench making his washboard stomach accentuate the solid squares that made up his abs before smoothing out once again. I have never put much thought to what degree of handsome he really was. With his strong jaw and piercing turquoise orbs, down to his plump lips and sculpted nose that was neither too bog nor too small—almost as perfect as that of a Greece sculpture. Seeing that I tend to be naughty, I let my eyes roam south to his lower body. His shorts hung teasingly low on his narrow waist, his meaty calves bulged out on his right leg that was supporting his weight at the moment. The other was just as thick, only since it was propped lazily against the wall, his muscles didn’t engage enough for it to bulge.

I averted my gaze when my scanning eyes came to rest on his crotch. I wanted to scold myself for being so dirty and naïve. Justin was a friend—and a good one at that—why would my brain even attempt to manage such naughty thoughts? Perhaps a bath in holy water should be put in place soon, because I think Nahuel’s nasty ways were rubbing off on me.

            “Hey, Elaine!” a shrill voice called out to me. I whipped my head around to see who the source was, and then I let my eyes settle back to Justin. He was standing straight again, and thanks to that I was able to see the person he had been conversing with. A petite girl with penciled bronze hair, her tender hazel orbs matched her delicate face. The freckles scattering gingerly over her collar bone indicating which of the twins she was. Rose.

            “Hi, Rose,” I avowed, sauntering over to the small girls, then stopped short to smile up at Justin, “Hey Justin,”

His long arms wrapped me up in a tight embrace lasting a near heart beat before letting me go so I could proceed to Rose and give her a half embrace as well.

            “So you wanted to join in on escorting me to my bus too?” I queried, with a sly smile. Rose chimed out in pixie like laughter, high and sweet. Like honey dripping from a comb.

            “If it helps, I was against this from the beginning but you know how stubborn Justin is. And this time Aldana agreed and decided to gang up on those who were thinking with our senses.”

            “I can only imagine,” I muttered, flickering my leering gaze over to Justin with a lifted brow.

He draped his arm around my shoulders in response, “you enjoy the attention. Don’t lie. Besides, Aldana says maybe this way you won’t try to ditch us for your solitude. Now that’s some hard core competition.”

I burst out in laughter, “Solitude? What do you think I am an emo chic with no reason to live?”

            Rose shook her bronzed head at me with a playful smirk, “No, not emo. More like the living dead really, when we first saw you my instinct was to run for shelter, screaming out that the Zombie Apocalypse has begun.”

            Feinting hurt I let my jaw drop and slapped a palm to my chest, “I was that ugly?”

            “No, you were that depressing,” She retorted, making us burst out in gleeful laughter.

            “I hope I get in on the joke,” a cool voice stated from behind us, “because from this side of the hall it didn’t seem to humor me.”

We all whirled around to find Nahuel reclining against the opposite wall from where we were. His dark gaze was leveled with ours, dancing from face to face with equal amount of timing. Only when his eyes reached mine, they would linger ever so slightly before slicing over to Rose. I felt as she stiffened at my side, her small body a rigid statue as if she had looked into the eyes of Medusa instead of Nahuel. Nahuel folded his arms over his thick chest, biceps bulging and straining against his black leather jacket. Pulling away from the wall with a small pull, he spread his legs out in a way that made his stance appear both sensual and intimidating all in unison. Like a bad boy, assessing his next targets. I nibbled on my bottom lips as the scene before me unfolded. Justin took a step toward Nahuel, blocking both me and Rose with his broad body.

            “What do you want, Corona?” Justin demanded in a deadly calm voice, only I saw how he seemed to battle his inner rage for a small vein at his temple pulsed lightly. His jaw was gritting and hands clenched into a tight fist.

            Nahuel chuckled humorlessly, causing gooseflesh to rise through my body. I shuddered at the sudden cold. “I came to pick up my girl. Isn’t that what good boyfriends do? Walk their girlfriends from class.”

            “How unfortunate for her,” Justin snapped, “that she has to put up with an asshole like you.”

Thanks, I do find myself in an unfortunate position, I grumbled mentally, peaking from the side of Justin’s well defined arm. Nahuel was looking at me, and smiled almost playfully—I say almost because it didn’t quite reach the dullness in his eyes—then casted his attention back to Justin.

            “No, actually, she considers herself as the luckiest girl in this entire school.” he smirked, unfolding an arm to rub thoughtfully at his jaw, the friction of slight stubble against skin struck out in a scratchy tune. “So don’t be jealous, McClain, just because I’m not really into you. Sorry.”

            “Imagine my disappointment,” he spat out sarcastically, “I’m not sure I’ll be able to move on easily.”

            At that Nahuel did laugh, genuine yet almost mocking, “I hear if you hang yourself and leave a note to me saying how I should feel guilty for never feeling the same, maybe then we all can live long and happy—well that is except you. Who might be burning in the hottest hole down in hell.”

  Justin let out a low growl, “You’d love that wouldn’t you, Corona?”

            “As much as I’d love to hang you myself,” Nahuel let his lips stretch out into a sexy innocent smile—if that combination is even possible, “but enough of how sexy I really am. I came for my girl, so don’t interrupt.”

            Justin held up his hands, backing up without taking his eyes from Nahuel, “By all means. We were just leaving.”

            Nahuel’s eyes narrowed at me then took a determined step forward, “Oh no you’re not. Not with her.”

He thrusted his chin out to point me out, and I let out an involuntary yelp. Justin turned enough to shoot a sidelong glance flooded in concern before turning back over to Nahuel.

            “You have your girl don’t you?” he reminded with a daggered glare, “leave mine alone.”

My jaw unhinged and seemed to plop down to the ground at his words. My already wide eyes managed to bulge out of their sockets. Did he just call me his girl?

The sparse amount of students speeding by around us seemed to slow down enough to eaves drop in our commotion with open interest. Others didn’t care that we saw them; they stood a few feet away with eager eyes as they took in the scene. Unfortunately, since school was indeed over, the few teachers that were present simply turned the other cheek and sauntered off into their isolated rooms. Such responsible adults…note my sarcasm there.

            Nahuel took another step in our direction, both feet planted in level with his shoulders, and although he was smirking, his jaw was straining tightly in his mouth that the bone thrusted out from under his golden skin. “Yes that’s right I do have my girl. That is why I would prefer it if you didn’t call her out as your own when clearly she is mine.”

Feeling utterly uncomfortable, I finally mustered up the courage to stand up for myself. What in hell did they think I was, a prize to be passed around. I stepped out from behind Justin and stomped over to place myself between them. My arms crossed as best I could over my breasts and glared at both of them—well mostly at Nahuel.

            “I am right here you know. Stop talking like I can’t hear what you’re saying.” I snapped, my mouth set in a frown, “and I belong to no one—” I paused to let the words drawl out to both boys, “That means, I am neither yours nor yours,” I thrusted out my forefinger to indicate both guys just so they got the hint straight on, “so stop with the whole ‘she’s mine’ shenanigans because I’m just about sick of it.”

Both of them shot me a wide eyed, questioning, look before straying off into significant expressions. Justin’s turned rueful while Nahuel gained his confidence and let his face morph into one of his famous self-absorbed smirks.

            “Well said nena,” he dignified, bobbing his head in a almost bow, “but there is only one thing wrong with your little heartwarming speech.”

            I scowled at him, “And that is?”

            “You forgot to say that it only counted if you didn’t already belong to someone—which is me.” He explained confidently, “Don’t forget that you are my girlfriend and in a way, you are mine; whether you like it or not.”

            “What?!” Justin and Rose screeched behind me in unison. I bit my lip, holy shit I really did dig myself a grave with that one.

            Slowly yet deliberately I turned to face my friends, and almost regretted the action when I saw the hurt vividly visible in their faces—along with other conflicting emotions that danced around every now and then behind their eyes. I opened my mouth but when I found nothing to say, I closed it back up again.

            “When did…” Justin was at loss as well, he stuttered slightly before clearing his throat and tried again, “When did this happen Elaine?”

I cringed at the coldness in his voice, and then with my head hung low I answered, “During lunch.”

Rose let out a snort, “Well that explains that.”

I shook my head slowly, “No you don’t understand, I had no choice.”

Justin’s brows shot up to his hairline, “Everyone has a choice Elaine. Besides this was just to ask you to be his girlfriend, he didn’t propose or anything. If you wanted you could have denied. It was up to you Elaine. Up to what you truly wanted.”

            “And you choose him,” Rose finished, her eyes sad and filled with something else that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Empathy?

            “Well this is going just lovely,” Nahuel commented brusquely behind me. I literally felt his smirk on my back before he moved to embrace me from behind. I let myself be held, knowing that even if I tried I wouldn’t be able to break free of his riveting hold on me—on my life.

With a sigh I looked away from my friends. Friends? I had nearly forgotten. I wasn’t in Florida anymore, and these weren’t my friends. I had only myself and my journal at night to spill my frustrations out. My protective armor around my heart seemed to tremble in warning that it was going to crack at any second. I clutched my chest, not in welcoming the new burst of emotion but only to see that I was feeling pain. I fought against the melancholy and stared back at Justin. His lips were pressed into a thin line. And suddenly he burst back to life, charging over to rip me out of Nahuel’s embrace and yanked me behind his body.

            “I just realized how much horseshit this really is,” he growled, his body in a tense destructive mode, “You’ve done something to her. Did you threaten her? What the hell did you do?!”

Nahuel’s nostrils flared and eyes narrowed to lethal slits, “I didn’t do anything. Simply asked her to be my—”

            “A load of shit!” Justin barked out, cutting Nahuel off—which seemed to enrage him even more. “Just look at her face. If she would’ve willingly agreed then she would at the very least be smiling about it. Instead she looks like she just returned from her mother’s funeral. So you tell me, because I will not ask again, what in fucking hell did you do to her?!”

Nahuel’s demeanor wavered slightly as his eyes flickered to me for a heartbeat before turning back in with Justin. He smiled. A wicked, merciless smile that I could only imagine it being worn on only another being on this wretched planet, and that would be Satan.

            “Why explain it to you when I can simply show you?” he continued with his foxy grin, sidestepping Justin to get to me. I glanced up at him with fear I didn’t know I even had for him. his eyes trained on me for a split second, before he sliced them over to Rose, who whimpered slightly at his gaze.

            “Ah, pequeña Rosa,” he crooned over to her, “You might enjoy this—a lot.”            “Go die in a hole!” she snapped back. A deep rumble escaped his chest before he turned back to me. Lust clouded his dark eyes as he took my face in, and I couldn’t help but frown at that. Lust wasn’t a tender thing, it always drove ones animal instincts directly out of its locked up box deep within us. I made a person the true animal they were inside. He cupped my face with his large hands just as I struggled to pull away and slanted his mouth over mine. Scorching heat poured through my mouth, down my esophagus and into every coiled end of my nerves that I felt like nothing but butter running over a frying pan. I nearly lost myself, maybe I did for a mere second—until I remembered his lustful dark eyes. Those two black holes that could suck you up and never spit you back out. At times I would say they held me to the ground as gravity would; only this wasn’t gravity. It was him.

Controlled by his lust for something that didn’t return the favor, only making his craving stronger; I pulled away from him. Easier said than done but I managed, stealing a glance to the now paled Justin staring at us with a taut jaw. He didn’t look angry, nor betrayed, only frightened. As if he just saw Freddy Kruger slice up his best friend. Rose on the other hand wasn’t looking at us at all, her eyes steered away from the main picture and I swear I saw a glistening tear rimming her bottom lashes. Anger suddenly brewed up within me to the point that I couldn’t dare myself to hold it back.

            “Let’s go Nahuel,” I snapped in a menacing voice, “I think you’ve done enough damage today.”

            “Just trying to get a point across,” he smirked, wrapping an arm around my small waist. I slapped it away; watching his shocked face tilt down to meet mine.

            “You sure have some hell of a nerve to try that.” I growled, before storming away and out to the back exit of the school so I could get to my bus before I miss it. A large hand squeezed onto my shoulder and whipped me around.

            “What the hell, Elaine, why’d you storm out like that.” Nahuel demanded, his eyes were wild and the slight wind managed to toss his hair messily over his forehead. With every word, vapor highlighted his heated breath.

            I shrugged him off, “No just stop ok. You got what you wanted Nahuel. Congratulations, you won the prize and you managed to make me lose the closest thing I had as friends in this fucking hell hole! So thank you, I hope you are happy with your life Nahuel, because fucked mine up!”

His brows furrowed slightly, and his lips puckered to the point that they formed a ‘O’. He seemed speechless for once and it amused me to such extremes.

            “You think I won something?” he muttered so low I was hardly able to hear him, then his head snapped up so quickly I found it merely a blurred movement. “Shit, the bus!”

I whirled around to see my only ride home make a broad right out of the school parking lot and out of my view altogether. I made a move to sprint after it but Nahuel held me back with a steady grip.

            “Stop, even if you try to get your short little legs to run on full speed you won’t be able to catch up to it.” he sighed, running slow fingers through his dark hair, “Come on, I know where we can get a ride.”

I glared, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He returned the glare with a irritated huff, “Well suck it up or hitch a ride, because like it or not I’m your only way home.”

He scavenged for his cell phone deep in his pockets until he finally reached jack pot. Pulling out a really expensive looking I-Phone Touch, he drummed his fingers over the screen before finally resting it to his ear.

            “Lucas, you home yet?” he asked into the speaker, pursing his lips lightly while the guy on the other end ranted away. “…yeah ok I don’t care. Look, I need you to bring over my Camaro…the keys should be hanging up by the door inside my room…sure whatever just hurry up I’m freezing my ass out here…see you in a few.” He pressed something on the screen, not looking at me as if he suddenly found infinite amusement on the small device.

            “We should sit down and wait until he gets here.” He muttered before sauntering off, not bothering to see if I followed suit of not.

He kept his eyes on his cell the entire time and once seated he continued to keep clouded eyes on the screen.

I took tentative steps in his direction, growing dubious over his shy actions and situated myself beside him.

            “So why do you ride the bus if you have a car?” I blurted, my eyes searching for his. His response was a half shrug and a far out look to the empty parking lot in front of us.

            “Gas money isn’t something I can afford much, so I only use my baby for important things.”

            “Getting to school to and fro sounds important to me.” I muttered, mostly to myself but it still remained within his earshot.

            He chuckled throatily, “my definition of important is a long shot far from your definition.”

            “Oh right I forgot you are a druggie dealer. My bad.”

            “I don’t sell drugs.” He confessed, almost too earnestly, “That isn’t my job. I am in charge of other…more important things…”

            “What you can’t tell me?” I urged, batting my lashes dramatically in feinting flintiness.

            “Nope sorry,” he smiled down at me. A playful lazy smile that was rare on him, it made his face look years younger. “I’d have to kill you if I did.”

A hearty laugh rung in the air, surprising both of us when we realized it came from me. It was the first actual laugh I had since I moved here, and for some odd reason, the bubbly sensation I got from it felt like bliss.

            “I thought you were mad at me because—” he held up two fingers in both hands in symbols of quotation marks, “—I fucked up your life.”

            I lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, “I am still mad at you. More than mad actually. But since I’m getting frost bite in both my ass and brain I am doing all my actions in reverse. So wait until tomorrow, I’ll be back to my grudge self again, don’t worry.”

            His shoulders shook as he laughed to himself, his eyes dancing back to his cell phone, then he thrust if over to me, “Type your number into it.”

I lifted a brow at his demand, “Was that an order comrade?”

            “Just do it.”

I sighed as I pushed his phone away from me, “I don’t have a cell phone at the moment. I got grounded and my parents disconnected it.”

            “And what did you do to earn the punishment?”

I averted my gaze, remembering my runaway scheme that I managed to pull off for a week with Izzy before getting caught. “Talking back.” I lied, my hands fiddling with each other.

            There was a snort on his part, and it for some reason upset me, “you are a rotten liar, but to be honest I don’t care at the moment. You’ll tell me soon enough.”

            “What makes you so sure,” I retorted with a suspicious glare.

He leaned in, his body warming me up instantly where we touched, “Just a hunch.”

Headlights blinded my vision for split second before I blinked against it. drifting through the cones in the parking lot was a shiny black Camaro with two solid white stripes racing their way vertically from the hood up and over to the trunk of the car. The engine purred with animalistic life, before it settled down to a murmur when it halted in front of us.

Nahuel stood instantly, and then beckoning for me to follow he jogged over to the mysterious vibe of the car.

The driver’s door opened and out stepped a guy, about our age I surmised, with a Mohawk striping down in a clean line down the curve of his head. It was a good three inches long and spiked up so the electric blue tips shot out like rockets waiting to launch. He had fair skin with the touch of olive. Eyes—that even from far away—I could automatically tell were an emerald green shade. He was more on the lean side than broad, mostly skin and bones with just an inch layer of meat in between. Not that I could say of his height, for he even towered over Nahuel and he was a good six feet tall—so that would make this guy around six foot five.

            Nahuel sauntered over to clasp his hand in the guys and brought him in for a manly hug, patting him roughly on the back, “Lucas, man, thanks for bringing my babe over.”

            “Sure, anytime,” Lucas’s green lasers zoomed in on me, “’aint ya gunna introduce me to the sexy chic?”

Nahuel punched him playfully on the shoulder, “Watch your mouth, Lucas, that’s my girl you are talking about.”

            “Fuck man that hurt!” Lucas complained, rubbing the sore spot on his arm, “and besides, take it as a compliment. She is smokin’!”  

            “Whatever brah,” Nahuel beckoned for me to get closer, which I very tentatively did. Not that I wanted to, “Lucas this is Elaine. Elaine, this is my good pal Lucas.”

I nodded in acknowledgement, “Nice to meet you,”

Lucas’s lips pulled into a cheeky grin, “Same.” He then let his eyes rake up and down my body. Assessing and digesting, letting them linger in placed he like the most. I squirmed uneasily under his lusty gaze. Nahuel suddenly slapped him hard on the back of the head, flattening up a patch of his spiky hair.

            “Ow! What the fuck Nahuel?!” he howled, shooting a glare to his friend.

            “Quit checking out my girl,” Nahuel shot back, a smirk on his lips.

Lucas straightened up, tilting his chin to he leveled his gaze with Nahuel, “You and I both know that she ‘aint your real girlfriend. You just are doing this as a charity bid.”

My eyes widened, then I shot Nahuel an accusing look. Only he simply smirked back at me.

            “You told him it was a scam?!”

            “Sure, why not?” Nahuel shrugged, “I never hide anything from Lucas. He’s the only person I dare trust.”

            “Talk about major bromance,” I mumbled to myself. Losing my earlier bashfulness and stomped over to open up the back door of the car.

            “Oh, feisty one,” Lucas snickered with a nudge of his elbow into Nahuel’s gut, “Now that’s a keeper; soft to the eyes but with the attitude of a wild cat.”

  Nahuel bobbed his head, “Now imagine her in bed,” he mused with a smug look highlighting his eyes.

            “Wild.” Lucas affirmed, stepping over to the passenger side in front of me. I grimaced at them. Where they seriously thinking of how I might be in bed, all while I was right here? Stupid horny guys. Lucas loomed over me before opening the door to his side. I wimped away just as Nahuel muttered something that sounded like “Don’t worry he doesn’t bite,” from inside the car.

Lucas then gave me one of his cheeky grins again before snapping his teeth together as if he were teasing to bite me.

            “Yeah, I’m more of a pelvic thrust type of guy,” he chuckled, “more thrusting less biting.”

He bend his body in a way that he fit in the small opening of the car. Falling into harmony with Nahuel’s laughter as I tensely made my way inside as well.

Copyright © 2012 Cynthia Montoya

All rights reserved


OK so originally I was planning on making this a short chapter...and as you can clearly tell that didn't't work out so well lol! xD

Not edited, I know. I'll get working on that -_- but aside from that, please vote and comment on the chapter, remember this story is in the Watty Awards and it could use a little push of encouragement ;)

Upload will be next week. hopefully I can get two uploads done during next week, just 'cause I'm generous haha!



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