demigods meet wizards

By _accio_fandoms_

48.1K 1.7K 1.1K

In this story thalia, Nico, Percy and Annabeth go to hogwarts to protect the golden trio but will they be dis... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 7

5.4K 171 236
By _accio_fandoms_

Hermione's Point of View

Harry, Ron, and I had made a list of things to show Dumbledore that was suspicious (from the whole year) of the exchange students.


- Talks in Ancient Greece

-Annabeth had faltered over Half-Blood Question

-Doesn't respond to Harry's name

-Seems to know Luna and Draco

-Mentions camp

-Weird nicknames

-Percy seems to be invulnerable

-Thalia seems to shock a lot of people when frustrated.

-Annabeth seems to calculate everything at one time

-Nico seem to "appear" randomly out of the shadows

-Knows Snape already

-Their school is set up like a camp but they can go to it whenever

-Laughs at Hera's Dove

-Gets a Private room only they can go through

-Get's weird thing for Christmas, like soda cans or bedsheets painted with red "loser" words on it

-Says spells in (maybe) greek

-Books are in greek

-Percy has a pen they he never uses

-Thalia has a silver bangle that she always seem to touch when she sees a threat

-Annabeth always pulls of her square earring with a blue triangle off during studies (A/N It's her Daedalus's Laptop)

-Nico has a skull ring

-During some class periods they have scratches (except Percy) and eat squares and get automatically healed

-Percy seems to get a long with horses and Annabeth with the post owls.

-Talk about some twins getting eaten by Venus flytraps?

-Has A LOT of inside jokes

AND the list goes on! We should have done this way sooner.

We head toward the gargoyle and drat. We need a password.

"Umm. Gumdrops, Mars Bars, Snickers, Hershies, Lemon Drops." Harry says. What are those?

"Chocolate Frogs, Berties Bott's Every Flavored Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Pumpkin Pastries." Ron says. The gargoyles shakes his head. What is it? I search my brain, what is it!?

"Hecate!" I yell!

"But, it's supposed to be a candy!" Ron accuses me but soon enough, the gargoyle nod his head and jumps aside, leaving us to climb the staircase. It also leaves me to wonder why Dumbledore would choose that as a password, like he wanted no-one to be able to come to the office but only a few select people….. Then we were there, and I heard whispering. Ok, not whispering but it was like the people who were talking thought they were the only ones who could come there.

"They are suspecting us."

"He came, I called Chiron for reinforcements, they will be coming soon."

"Good, good, if Voldemort came, then we will need them to come, I had a feeling it was this year."

"Guys stop talking, someone's in the shadows, out there. I'll go check.

The three of us hid behind the door, expecting it to swing open, but instead, in the corner of my eye, a silhouette appeared, barely seen but I saw some brown eyes blink open, having no problem seeing through the darkness. Then it disappeared.

"It's the trio."

"Alright then, we will continue this next time we talk, I do believe it is time for dinner. "

The doors suddenly swings open, Harry and I jump back in time but Ron was a little late.

"Ow!" He yells, hopping on one foot clutching his toe. I scowl.

Annabeth and Thalia glare at us coldly when they walk by us, Percy is twirling his pen around with his fingers while Nico looks a bit tired. When they leave I start to talk.

"Professor Dumbledore, I really wanted to show you something, the exchange students are very suspicious and we are think maybe that they.." I was cut of by the Headmaster. But before he could talk, I wanted to make my point and show him the list.

"Alright, I will talk to them, but I would like to tell you to stop.. well.. I guess.. researching, the exchange students. They have had a painful past, and Harry, I will just say this but no matter how dangerous you think your life is, theirs has been 10 times harder.

"Yes sir." We walk out and down, heading toward the great hall.

"How is their life harder than mine?" Harry asks and yes I KNOW that Dumbledore told us not to investigate in their lives any further but Harry's been a a great prophecy, and I bet none of them has. So I am going to ask, anyways its just 1 little 4 way question, thats it! I promise! I try to rack my brain for when they are going to sit with us. Yesterday dinner with Ravenclaw, I saw Annabeth liked it there, Breakfeast had been with the Slytherins, Thalia had shocked about 14 people,Lunch was Hufflepuff, Nico and Percy had been scowling and Thalia and Annabeth had looked bored. That means they had dinner with us today! Yes!

I look over and see them at our table talking with Neville and the Weasley twins.

"I just want to ask them one more question guys, thats it." Harry and Ron nods, but I think Ron was paying more attention to his toes.

"Hi guys, I just wanted to ask you guys one question.:

Thalia rolls her eyes and mutters something like "Just one?"

Annabeth elbows her and Percy says "shoot."

"Okay, so Harry is in a great prophecy, and Dumbledore said you guys had a 10 times harder life than him." I say while Ron seems to mutter "Yeah right." and I continue, "So if your great, how many prophecies have you been in?

"Really? Just one? I've been in 2 Great Prophecies and a LOT of minor ones! I can't even remember how many!

"1Great Prophecy and a lot of others." Annabeth says.

" A lot of others too." Thalia and Nico say at the same time. I lost the smirk on my face as it turns to shock, they've been a lot of prophecies? Buhh, buh, but…

"But how can you.. but there is.. how come you are in so many prophecies?"

Thalia says, "I told you she would ask more than one!" Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"We are very important where we come from, civilization wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us." Percy says, then they urn the'r backs on us and ignore us, saying their full.

But how?

Thalia's Point of View

Our reinforcements were coming today. We sensed something soon, and we knew it. Nico sensed something bad in the forbidden forest, well I mean extra bad. Something that cheated death, something cold, something extra dark and evil, with a twisted, dark, bitter soul. Anyways back to the point. Chiron was sending campers to come. We had the camp coming, the hunters coming and yes, some romans. This was going to be hard, but I doubt as hard as Kronos, or Gaea. I mean, Percy and Annabeth are out of Tartarus and they were still alive! We were still strong, the only thing was, we had to tell the wizards. Dumbledore had arranged for us to tell them…tonight. That means, before we had a chance to tell them, they were going to see almost a full campsite of demigods marching down the hill with swords and weapons and full battle armor marching toward us. I laughed at the thought. Nope sorry, we weren't really going to do that. We were sending in bits at a time. The counselors were going to come in, the rest were going underwater in the lake. Percy used up a lot of energy rearranging that so he was taking a nap. Well he was before, I'm just giving you a recap of what happened.

Now back to the present.

At the Gryffindor table waiting for the counsels to come in, little bit at a time, what we had to do was act surprised! Not my best subject. I shake my leg under the table out of nervousness, how long does it take for them to walk in! Seriously! I look at aegis and twist him around, and around, and around. Gosh I'm bored.

"Thalia! Act normal, gosh you're a reck!" Annabeth whisper yells.

"Okay, okay Annie! I'm just bored!"

"Don't call me Annie!"

The doors bust open. Yes finally! Now we can go on with the show! I turn around and see…

Gosh, wouldn't you hate me if I left it there? But no, I'm not, don't worry! You would kill me and I think I'm too young to die.

No! Not the Stolls, or Clarisse, or Will, or Malcolm, or Lou, or Leo, or Piper, or well, you get the idea. It's just some Slytherin boys. I turn around and literally almost take out my hairpin to shoot the guys down. Man, I hate this ADHD! Sighing, I put my head down on the table and groan.

Percy follows in suit. How long does it take for a few demigods to come through a door so we can reveal who we are and then fight a evil wizard? I hear the door open but don't lift my head up, I really don't want to see what wizard it is this time.

"Thalia, it's them!" I hear Nico whisper-yell but failing. My head shot up. I felt like yelling FINALLY to the gods. Leo spots us first.

"Did someone ask to see my face!' It must be from Teeeaaaam Leo!" Leo says smiling but earns a smack in the head.

"Shut up Leo!" Annabeth says while punching him in the arm. "You're supposed to pretend you're surprised!" Annabeth whispers the last part.

"Right!" Leo say whispering than starts talking normal, which is loud for him, "Oh my gosh guys! Haven't seen you in a while!"

Percy takes his cue. "Duuude! Nice to see you here!"

"What are you doing here Leo, you were supposed to be… oh.. who am I kidding? Great to see you here!"

"Hi Leo," I say rolling my eyes sarcastically, "It's really great to see you here."

"Aaah Thalia, aren't you at least a little bit glad to see me?"

"Can't say I am." I say then I see Jason.

"Jason!" I yell. "Over here!" Jason looks over, squints and then nods, releived. Taking Piper's hand he points over here and they run off to where I'm standing. Then they tackle me to the ground.

"Ooow! Jason, thats the leg!" I yelp.

"Nice to see you too Thalia." He rolls of me, stands up and brushes off the dust. Then he extends his hand but I don't take it. I roll my back and land on my feet. Then I roll under and swipe my brother's feet that he falls on the ground. I wave my hand.

"Touche." I say smiling and turn around to hug Piper. "Hey Piper!"

"Hey Thalia!" We smile and I turn around to see the rest of the crew.

"You guys know each other?" I hear then turn around.

"Hades!" Nico curses. It's the trio.

"Who are they?" Ron asks with his wand out, pointing to each of us.

"Friends." Annabeth says. "They're from our place."

Hermione looks at us skeptically.

"Well guys, it's time to show off." Percy says.

"You got that right Prissy, I'm going to personally rip your…" Clarisse starts.

"Time!" Nico blurts out interrupting us pointing to an invisible watch. "We are running out of time!"

I give Dumbledore the look as we head up to the head table. He nods and claps his hands.

"Our exchange students have an announcement to make! Please sit down and pleas pay attention to what they say!"

The hall quiets down as heads turn our way. I smile proudly as I walk up to the front. Percy and the rest are right there with me, their heads held high. This is our time to shine but Percy being the leader starts us off.

"Now, how many of you know about the greek myths?" Taking our cue, I pull out my hairpin, revealing my bow and arrows, I tap my shield whispering Aegis and Medusa's face rolls out. Shocks are heard from around the room. Nico twists his ring, as if a combination lock then a black sword appears in his hand. Annabeth pulls out her dagger and her shield, the cool one that we used in the Titan War. Percy pulls out Riptide, Jason flips his coin, and so forth.

"Well, sorry to break your comfort zone but they're real. May all other demigods please joins us in the line?" Luna stands up first and walks up toward us. Gasps are heard from around the room, she then takes of her bracelet, snaps it in too and the halves turn into a bow and a sheath of arrows. More gasps. Malfoy take his cue, walks toward us. Even more gasps, come one people, why didn't gasp so much when we walked here? He taps his watch, turning into a small sword and walks forth. But what really surprised them was Severus. He stood up and walked forward, joined Malfoy at the end of the line. I swear, one kid fainted!

"This is all rubbish!" I hear someone yell. "You're all fakes, stupid fakes. Who are you trying to fool?" I get angry and small bits of lightning crackles in the air, the smell of ozone starts wafting in the air.

"WHO SAID THAT!" I yell and a burst of thunder rumbles in the room.

"I did, I bet you're using a spell to do that!" I look over to the voice. It's the Blaise guy, something like Blaise Zuchinni or something like that.

I lose my cool. "You do not talk to me that way, or underestimate what I can do. I am Thalia, daughter of Zeus, former pine, Hunter and Lieutenant of Artemis, I am immortal, Fighter of Atlas, Defeater of werewolves, Survivor of the second titan war and the second giant war, I helped free Hera, I helped put Atlas in his place, I am the daughter of Zeus and you dare call me a fake?" I grab his neck and slam him into a wall while electrifying him at the same time. Then he slumps down, unconscious. Lightning and thunder pour out in all directions. Soon, Annabeth is instantly by my side, pulling me back to the front. I slowly calm down as thunder softly rumbles to a stop and lightning just becomes little flashes of light until they too disappear.

I look around, everyone has white faces, open mouths, shocked expressions. I smirk, this is how it should be.

"So now that we are on title basis, let start introducing ourselves. One by one we introduce ourselves and finally we get to Nico.\ "I am Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, waker of the dead, fighter and survivor of the second titan and giant war. Survivor of the labyrinth, the ghost king." Everybody drops their mouth in shock. Jason goes next.

"I am Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, brother of Thalia, child of Rome, consul of demigods, praetor of the first legion, I slew the Trojan sea monster and destroyed the titan Krios, I am a survivor and fighter of the second giant war and freer of Hera. I can fly and command winds and lightning." More gasp around. I try and hide a smirk, this just gets better and better.

"I am Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, I have the ability to charmspeak, I am a freer of Hera, I survived and fought in the second giant war, I am the holder of katropis, I am the daughter and savior of Tristan McLean." Are these gasps becoming a cliche?

"I can't wait until they hear Percy." I hear Annabeth mutter while Leo starts speaking.

"I am Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, counselor or the Hephaestus cabin, fire user, saver of Hera, owner of the magical toolbelt, defeater of 3 cyclops at once, survivor and fighter of the second titan war, defeater of the maenads, skilled at the forges, thrower of the toilet seat into Gaea's face." He got some laughs but he was dead serious, I didn't know if he was acting or not.

"I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Counselor of the Athena cabbing, a retriever of the masterbolt, surveyor of the Sea of Monsters, I held up the sky, I am a defeater of Atlas and put him in his rightful place, I am the owner of Daedalus' laptop, I am a survivor of the labyrinth, I survived and fought in the second titan and giant war, I am a survivor of Tartarus, a defeater of Kronos. I am a retriever of the golden fleece and a chosen one of Athena, tricker of Arachne, I am also, Percy's girlfriend." Annabeth says glaring at the hufflepuff table. and the Percy goes.

"I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, owner of Anaklumos, defeater of Ms. Dodds, retriever of the master bolt, defeater of the giant cyclops, former guinea pig, a retriever of golden fleece, holder of the sky, defeater of Atlas, survivor of the labyrinth, survivor of the second titan and giant war, a savior of Mount Olympus, a freer of Thanatos, defeater of the minotaur, defeater of Kronos, meeter of the egyptian magician, a praetor in Rome, the defeater of Medusa, survivor of Tartarus, defeater of the titan Bob, retriever of Hades helm, defeater of the chimera, I took a dip in the river styx and is now indestructible, I travelled to Calypso's island and back, I survived coming from the underworld and Ceberus, I am in 2 great prophecies, cleaner of the Augeas stables, owner of BlackJack and Mrs, O' Leary, brother of a cyclops, controller and breather of water, boyfriend of Annabeth, the de…."

"Percy, I think that's enough." Annabeth says.

"You mean there's more!" A kid yells out from the distance.

"Yes, there was more!" Percy yells back. Oh that kid doesn't know how much more.

"Now we will present what we can do."

"We call dibs on first!" I guess you can guess who said that. The sons of Hermes start zipping around like lightning bolts, moving so fast they became orange blurs (from their t-shirts) until the materialized back on stage.

"That's it?" A kid from the back says.

"Check your pockets, bags, and all your other stuff." Malfoy says. Everyone does, complaining echoes through the hall as people complain about missing items.

"Please collect your missing stuff at the end of the presentation." Travis says.

"But please not right now, you haven't basked in our amazingness yet." Conner says earning a smack in the back or the head from Clarisse. One by one, we presented what we can do. Loe Ellen did some spells, Clarisse some cool fighting moves, Percy and his water antics, Katie with her growing all the plants in the room that they reached the ceiling, which was pretty high (Sprout fainted with happiness), Annabeth with her dagger skills and her ability to solve everything in less than 5 seconds (although her spelling will never improve), Nico with his dead army, scaring the whole hall, Jason with his flying skills, Piper charmspeaking, etc., etc., etc.

I look over to the trio, Ron was scared with his mouth wide open, as a pale as one of the ghosts, Harry looked confused, meanwhile, Hermione looked furious. Why she looked furious, I don't know so don't ask me.

"We'll be setting up camp here, training until the attack. So I have some training to do." Percy finishes. We walk down the hall to go outside and bring the rest of the campers, hunters, and romans from out of the lake. I look over to Blaise, still unconscious, good. Thats the way it should be.

By the time we got to the lake we see it looks like chaos, there are tentacles flipping in the air and occasional water splashing upward. Percy lifts his hand and the air bubble rises revealing the hunters and demigods fighting.

"You boys are ridiculous!" Phoebe says.

"They're not that bad!" I hear Drew say.

"You Aphrodite kids, too into love, can't you see they bring you down!"

"Aphrodite's great! I bet she'll mess up your love life!"

"I don't have a love life!"

"Well sweetie, thats too bad for you we'll just have to make you fall in love. Kiss that kid over there." The hunter doesn't move.

"How come it isn't working?"

"I'm a hunter! Duh it doesn't work on me. You guys are unbearable! Well, Piper's bearable but you? Hunters.."

"Stop!" I yell right when Percy drops the air bubble causing them to fall, wet.

"Hey!" Someone yells.


"No you aren't."

"Okay, so I'm not, but it was funny!"

"No it wasn't."

But it was, the rest of us, Lou Ellen, Clarisse, Malcom, the Stolls, Nico, Annabeth, Percy, me, and everyone else was laughing.

"Come on we have some training to do."

It was going to be a loooong rest of the day.


so sorry for not updating but ive been really busy lately so im updating at my friends house. I'll try to update sooner.


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