APARTMENT 302. ( g.ahr )

By serenhity

43.5K 1.7K 1.1K

"be careful. he's hellboy." -in which two unlikely forces collide. i hope you continue to flourish as you jou... More



2.7K 131 48
By serenhity

"as his voice vibrated against the walls and bounced off of each person in that cramped room, he was the soul. and it sounded like you could hear his heart."


as the endless amounts of people threw their hands in the air and jumped like it was their only bit of energy left, i couldn't help but feel a different sense of energy.

the amount of people that had a love for him here was insane. he had an effect on so many people. it was beautiful.

he was beautiful.

there was a completely new feeling that seemed to swim it's way through the chords that controlled my emotions. i couldn't help but take my eyes off the way the sweat glistened in the light, and how the air rolled off his body.

it looked  like he had sex with the atmosphere and made everyone in that room his follower, everyone was caught up in his trance.

i had never seen someone so inhumane.

"i told you didn't i?" nates voice joined my side.

i couldn't even look at wigs, my eyes couldn't leave gus.

"i didn't know he was such an influence." i replied slowly.

"it's the only thing that keeps him sane, apart from the drugs that is."

"he's the devil with some angel wings." he added. i nodded at him as a smile crept onto my face.

"i can't even imagine the groupies for us tonight!" horse suddenly called as he came down off the stage. i couldn't help but feel an ache in my chest. the thought of other girls with gus..

you're not jealous are you? don't forget what happened at the store. he doesn't care.

although my negative thoughts took over my head i still couldn't get over the way he smiled at the crowd. he looked like a whole new person, someone so pure.

"okay, okay let's get some quiet for a bit." his voice suddenly filled the mic.

we all continued to watch eagerly from the side of the stage as he silenced the crowd as best he could.

"this next song is for someone i only met a few weeks ago."

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and megan suddenly grabbed my hand.

"bitch you bout to be famous." she whispered in my ear.

i continued to look at gus as i waited, aching for his next response.

"i swear i wanna hate her. she can be so damn annoying." he chuckled, following a similar response from the crowd.

"y'all our worlds are so different, i get why she tryna stay away from me. i don't think that's gonna last long though."

it was then that the neon light shone upon him as the music began to play, the crowd started up as he began hyping them up.

once again, he began singing the lyrics, connecting himself with every lyric, every beat, as his friends cheered him from the side.

i look at gus as he continued to sing the song, the veins in his neck pulsated against his skin as the words slipped from his tongue. for a second everything was in slow motion except him. his previous words lingering in my head like a broken record.

"i think worlds away is dedicated to you ma." smoke told me, with a wink and a small smile.

i couldn't answer. i just began to feel the smile forming across my face as i laid my eyes on gus again.

did we really have to be worlds away?


as the concert came to a close, me and megan headed back to the dressing room while we waited for the guys to come back, they were busy meeting fans right now.

the fact that they were famous still stunned me.

"he wants that pussy hoe!" megan chanted, sticking her tongue out at me.

i chuckled and shook my head at her.

"i'm sure he does it with everyone." i reply.

"you know what, just let it happen."

as i was about to reply, i was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and the guys walked in.

"you girls down for getting lit back at ours?" wiggy said. like normal, before i could answer, megan beat me to it.

"hell yes!"

with that, we met them in the hallway, as megan joined nates side, gus joined mine.

"you like the show?" he asked.

"i guess you were alright." i teased.

"damn girl why you gotta act so damn cold?"

"you think i'm just gonna get on that dick or some shit?"

"i even dedicated a song to you." he replied. a pout forming on his lips. i loved angering him. he deserved it. just because i got a bit infatuated doesn't mean what he did to me in the store was right.

i know what his true intentions are.

i turn around to him and get real close to his face, i loved playing his game.

i could feel his breath on my mouth, he licked his lips as a smile formed on his mouth.

"don't do me like this baby." he pleaded.

"i don't know what you're talking about." i reply, planting a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, before quickly turning to catch up with the others.

once we get back in the car, me and megan are in the middle together. wiggy and horse in the front with smoke and gus in the back.

there was conversation between everyone on the way back, everything was natural. until gus decided to lean over the seat.

"just you wait, don't make deals with the devil baby girl." he whispered harshly.

his voice sent shivers down my spine, making the hairs on my neck stand up. i couldn't help but feel turned on by his intentions, he was dangerous and i was obsessed. no matter how much i tried to hate him.

he was right. it really wasn't going to last that long.


"who's ready to get lit muhfuckers?!" smoke called as we entered their apartment.

"you remember the bong?" gus asked. they all nodded and headed for the kitchen.

their apartment was much bigger, it was lit up in neon, racks of money laid on the counter tops, as well as fake guns, empty pill bottles and beer cans.

decks of cards were also on the table as well as grinders and other kinds of smoking tools, i even found an empty condom pack on the couch.

jealousy boiled in my blood as i thought of gus using it on another hoe.

chill girl. you know that's what he does.

i head into the kitchen and meet everyone else, i join megan as she watches the guys hit a bong.

"swear i'd have a foursome with them." she blurted. i quickly slap her arm, giggling.

"calm the fuck down, you haven't even fucked wigs yet!" i seethe.

"you don't know that." she said with a wink. the thoughts of my bestfriend getting dicked flooded my head.


i watched as gus danced around with horse and smoke, and megan couldn't help but drag me and nate in too. soon enough we were all dancing around to peeps music mixed with a bit of gucci mane and future.

soon enough i end up chest to chest with gus, he looked down at me with a smirk, his pink grillz glistening in the neon light, oh how bad i wanna kiss you.

"i crave you." he said, licking his lips and leaning closer.

"like ya other hoes? i don't think so." i snapped, earning a glare from him, as i turned to join megan once again.

it was then i felt a cold liquid hit my chest, making me squirm in my place.

"holy shit ma i'm sorry!" horse apologised. i shake my head and send him a sweet smile.

"don't worry, i'm sure i could clean it." i said. he nodded and hit the bong once more.

rolling my eyes i leave the group to try and find a bathroom, there's a lot more rooms in this place, i hope i can find one.

after about five minutes and opening up about four wrong rooms, i finally find a bathroom.

i walk over to the sink and turn the tap on, it's then i notice myself in the mirror.

"oh bitch no." i say to myself, as i stare at the beige stain down my top, my hair stuck up in weird places, i was a hot mess.

i desperately try to dilute the stain with warm water to try and make it less visible but it's no use.

"you okay violet?" i couldn't help but jump as gus shut the door behind him.

"i didn't even notice you came in..."

"i just wanted to check on you..how's your top?"

i sighed.

"kinda fucked i guess, i'm sure i can wash it though."

he nodded and walked up to me and looked at my top closer.

"you still look pretty." he said. my heart fluttered as the words fell from his lips. it's just the two of us in the room and his energy began to radiate off the walls.

i looked at him to see him now looking into my eyes hungrily, i wanted to touch him, to feel him and know how his body moved against my own.


"i'm done with you acting like you don't want me." he said, and with that he crashed his lips onto my own.

my hands slid into the strands of his hair as he lifted me up against his chest, then sitting me on the bathroom counter.

his tongue slid into my mouth and began battling with my own as he ran his thumbs in between my skin and my jeans hem.

i had never felt so close to someone, my body felt so fitted against his own, i was feeding off his energy.

i bit down on his bottom lip, tugging at it lightly, earning a small moan from him as he tightly gripped my waist.

"what the fuck are you doing to me?" he whispered, with almost a sense of worry, but he met my mouth again.

the temperature began to rise and it felt like we had been there for hours, he kissed down on my neck, lightly nibbling at it.

after one more kiss he pulled away from me completely. he was panting and looked at me with no emotion.

"told you, you wouldn't be able to stay away from me."

with that he left the bathroom , leaving me sat upon the counter top.

was that it?

i couldn't help but feel small tears in my eyes, why was i letting myself get into this?

the ache in my chest came back, and grew much stronger this time, it stung. i hopped off the counter and checked myself over, just act like you don't care either, and you'll be alright.

i walked out the room and this time there were many more people in the room. including girls.

"shit did he get you b?" i turn to my left to see smoke leaning against a side table. for some reason i couldn't reply.

he looked at me sympathetically. "i warned you vi." he then turned from me and looked over towards the couch.

i follow his eyes to see two girls in both of gus' arms. i tried to hide the pain by rolling my eyes and crossing my arms, looking back at smoke.

"i don't give a shit. he's hellboy right?" i then walk away from smoke and head for the door. i couldn't stand to be here anymore.

the concert, what he said, what he'd been texting me in my phone, all a fucking game.

why am i acting like i'm surprised? you've only known him a few weeks. you should've known better.

somehow, my eyes drift back to gus, but this time his arms aren't round the thirsty bitches and are resting on his knees as he watches me.

i shake my head and walk out, making sure to slam the door behind me.


an: 20/25 votes for next chapter?


i'm really sorry i feel like this was really underwhelming but i tried my hardest. i really want this to be good and i'm still figuring out how i want this story to go.

BUT, i'm leaving it how it is because i do like some parts. PLEASE LEAVE ME FEEDBACK AND A VOTE IT REALLY HELPS ME WITH WRITING THIS CHAPTERS.

all your comments are so heart warming you got a bitches heart healing over here.

love yous xxx

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