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"i didn't know why i became so clueless when it came to him. i barely knew him , maybe that's why i wanted to be under his skin so much. i wanted to link each line of his tattoo to his heart... just say you want me too."


"violet, wait!" a voice called. but my mind was too clouded to try and recognise the voice.

"please!" each word became more unclear than the last as i continued down the decaying hallway.

it was then that a grip was formed around the top of my arm, as i was harshly pulled back to reality.


"please. call me dylan. i haven't got the chance to tell you my real name, and i didn't think this would be how i would." dylan said, scratching the back of his neck.

it was unspoken for a second, only the whistle of the draft through the empty ceilings and the faint, muffled base music from his place were heard.

"what do you want dylan?" i finally asked.

he sighed, folding his arms.

"look. i know we don't really know eachother...but i really appreciate you acting so cool with me."

"what do you mean?"

"i jus' really see a friendship here...i jus' wanted to make sure you were okay after that shit."

i felt a comforting feeling wash over me. for a second, nothing seemed as bad as it did. i liked the idea of having dylan as a friend.

"thankyou. i'm okay, i don't know what i was thinking." i reply quietly.

he didn't say anything, just pulled me close to his chest and gave me a hug, i felt myself sink into his embrace and let all my worries wash over me.

"sometimes he just needs something else...when the drugs aren't doing enough for him." he finally said.

was i really meant to be just a distraction for him?

i pulled away slowly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"he's fucked up violet."

hearing those words come from dylan's mouth hit me harder than i thought they should've. i was learning more about gus every day. a part of me really wished i wasn't.

i couldn't help but feel complete sadness when i thought about gus in any kind of pain or suffering. no one deserved that.

"that hurts my heart..." i mumble.

dylan sighed and nodded, it was quiet again.

"i think i should go now." i add.

"pass me your phone."

once i unlock it and pass him my phone, he puts his number in my contacts. which i am grateful for.

once we say our good nights, i turn and begin to walk back to my apartment, all alone again.

APARTMENT 302.    ( g.ahr )Where stories live. Discover now