The Return of Rose

By _Secrets_89

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(Book 2) What if I told you my life was an illusion? That everything that was good in my life only lasted for... More

The Return of Rose
Chapter 1: You're Kidding Me
Chapter 2: Definitely Not True
Chapter 3: A New Side of Him
Chapter 4 : His Arrival
Chapter 5: I Had My Reasons
Chapter 6: Cat Out of The Bag
Chapter 7: Maybe, Just Maybe
Chapter 8: Sister
Chapter 9: Im Not Perfect
Chapter 10: Never Had a Chance
Chapter 11: Part 1
Chapter 12: Part 2
Chapter 13: I'll Prove Myself
Chapter 14: Twice in one night
Chapter 15: The Big Plan
Chapter 16: Piece of Cake
Chapter 18: Sick of Me
Chapter 19: A warning
Chapter 20: Finally The Truth
Chapter 21: Trust me
Chapter 22: You aren't
Chapter 23: Our Plan
Chapter 24: Bianchi's Secret Son
IMPORTANT MESSAGE/ please read!!!
Chapter 25: One Step Closer
Chapter 26: The Way I Make You Feel
Chapter 27: Faith
Chapter 28: Everything Check

Chapter 17: Five Minutes

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By _Secrets_89

Daniela dragged me upstairs and into the room. Danny was there taking a sip of his drink staring at me with a smile, I knew he was faking.

I don't blame him for suspecting me. It's no coincidence that we meet twice. I would be suspicious of me too.

"Danny this is Lana. Lana this is Danny." Daniela introduced us, which was the cue for us to greet.

We shook hands and said our greetings.

"So if I may ask how did you two meet?" Danny asked shaking the ice in his cup, around.

"Oh we're high school buddies. We've known each other longer but we never bothered to talk to each other but magically one day it happened and now here we are." Daniela thought back to the memories unaware that her cousin was staring at me. And not an admiration look either.

"Oh wow that's nice." Danny said then tried taking another sip of his drink then noticed it was empty. He clicked his tongue. "Daniela could you please go get me a drink? And maybe one for your friend also?" I knew what he was doing, but I was actually thankful to him. We needed to be alone without Daniela finding out about this.

"Yeah sure I guess." She grumbled and opened the door, then turned around with her eyes narrowed at Danny. "Don't you dare flirt with a"

"HAHAHA Daniela the drink please I'm getting kind of thirsty." I laughed once again to cover up her talk. Nobody could dare know I was engaged. I couldn't drag my fiancé into problems, not now, not ever.

"Who exactly are you?" Danny rushed to say right after Daniela closed the door.

"You say that as if I'm here to do wrong. I really am Daniella's best friend. There's nothing suspicious about me." I deadpan.

He nods then shakes his head. "Is it another cigarette that you want? Or is it money? I swear you all would befriend my cousin into tr-"

"HAAA, you think I want money? A cigarette, maybe, but money? Oh please, you really do think you're the most important person ever, but let me tell you this Danny Fued," I emphasized his name for more effect. "I could actually care less about your money and your stupid looks. I'm not here to sleep with you nor for your money. I legitimately came here with Daniela because I haven't seen her in a while, now excuse me. I've got to go because I honestly can't stand being in the same room with an arrogant idiot who thinks they're the center of the world." I roll my eyes and take deep breaths while turning my heel making my way to the door.

I really couldn't be in the same room as him, he was too much. I guess I had to find another way to make Chris a very happy man and for me to leave soon.

I place my hand on the door knob until I'm pulled back with a hand covering my mouth. I start yelling but it's no use because it sounds muffled. I raise my elbow and hit his stomach then proceed to grab his hand and twist it back.

"What do-"

He reversed the move, then spins me and holds me under his grip. "Shh. I think someone's here." He whispers, concentrated on the silence.

"What are you talking about?" I whisper-yell.


I don't hear any-

After thirty seconds of me hearing nothing there's suddenly screams and a gunshot.

I open my eyes wide.


"Daniela!" We both say in sync.

I get up and quickly but quietly walk towards the door until Danny once again pulls me back.

"Stay here. I'll go see what's going on. But whatever you do stay here." He opens the door and leaves.

Oh yeah right.

I open my purse to check for my gun and nod when I see its there. I knew Danny had one since I felt it on my lower back when he pulled me close.

I walked down the stairs and inspected the scene. The guests were scattered on the floor thankfully all well. And I also saw men in black and with black masks and guns in their hands.


I could only see four guys and I'm sure that's not all.

"Look, how about you let her go and take me?" I heard Danny say over the cries of women and children. I look towards his direction and almost trip when I see Daniela in a man's arms. I'm guessing he was the boss.

Damn it.

"How about this?" The man smirks. "How about I take her and you give me a payment of ehh, maybe 50 million? That should be nothing for you." The man held Daniela even tighter with a gun on the side of her head.

Daniela shook and cried silently. She didn't deserve this. She was caught up in all of this and she didn't need that in her life.

The man was getting ready to leave until I stood up from the stairs and walked down them with my heels clicking loudly throughout the steps.

"Wait." I said calmly. As I stepped down the stairs I glanced at Danny's worried but frowning face, then proceeded to walk towards the man with guns pointing my way. "Take me instead."

"This isn't up for bargain. How about shutting the fuck up and lay down as all the people here before I shoot your brains out?" He suggested frustrated.

"But you could get double that amount, maybe even more." I still proceeded to tell him. He narrowed his eyes and turned around to face me.

"And who are you exactly?"

I licked my lips and as I moved my hair back I also wiped off the little bids of sweat on my forehead. It had been time since I was threatened. I tried staying away from these kinds of dangerous situations but it was no use because it always followed me.

These guys weren't experienced. They didn't have a accent nor did they really want to kill. They were only greedy bastards.

Well they came to the wrong house at the wrong time.

"My name's Lana Fallaci."

The man takes a minute to realize who I am. Then he looks a little shook and gives me a sinister look. He pushes Daniela and pulls me under his hold, with the gun on the side of head.

Thankfully Daniela goes to her cousin and looks sadly at me with more tears rushing out of her eyes.

"Hey dude that's more than what we bargained for. If she has that last name then she's related to Chris Fallaci." Another guy in the black outfit argued.

"No its not what we bargained for but it was a miracle. Let's go." He shouts to his men.

"Wait. I just need to tell him something please." I look at Danny. "Danny please don't forget to change the time on the clocks." I laughed with tears rolling down my face. I gave him a pointed look. "Change your first one to one" As I say this I direct my eyes to one as if we were in a clock. ", and the second, five and the third to twelve."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Lets go." The man starts to drag me but I stay put.

"And I'll change the others to eight, ten and eleven! Got it?"

"Got it." He smirks.

Then in a blink of an eye, Danny throws Daniela on the floor and takes his gun out and aims it at the directions of the times I gave him and wastes no time to shoot.

I elbow the man holding me, then twist his arm so that he's in front of me as a shield and use his arm and gun, to shoot the guys in my directions. I hold the man in a chokehold and pushed him to the ground. Just as I get on the floor, another man rushes in from the front door and Danny shoots him just as instructed.

With the gun the man under me is holding, I knock him out and stand up, pulling my dress down. Danny had checked the pulse of every guy but he knew they were already dead except for the guy in front of me.

I guess I also planned well under pressure. I purposely put myself in Daniela's position in order to have a clear view on every man in that room. I had already counted four, then the one trying to hold me hostage and another guarding the door, which was the result of six men. I couldn't find another story to try to get Danny to understand my thinking so I quickly just thought of the clock thing but also benefiting us of where and who Danny and I would shoot.

Five minutes. Just five minutes it took for me to come up with that.

I blow a breathe out and shut my eyes waiting for my headache to disappear. Suddenly I feel two arms hugging me tightly.


I hug her back and stay in her hold until she's done crying.

"Why did you do that? You're stupid." Daniela cried even more. "You're-" sniff, "You're so," sniff, "so stupid. But I love you and thank you so much."

I laughed at her and scooted back. "You know I'll do anything for you." I smiled at her.

Her parents came rushing towards Daniela and I.

"Oh Lana. Thank you so much. So so much. We are forever indebted to you." Daniela's mother cried also and hugged me. More like suffocated me.

She let me go and hugged Daniela. I gave them space and looked around me.

"Everyone thank you for coming but please go back home safely and I'll handle this. So sorry for the inconvenience." Danny said calmly and everyone nodded, bid their goodbyes and started leaving half terrified.

Danny then look towards me then pulled me to a hallway and into an office. He closed the door and let out his breathe.

"That was a stupid decision you could have ever made, that is if you were a regular person, but obviously you're not. Now that I know who you really are, did you really not come for any particular reason?" He rubbed his eyes and sat on his desk.

I sighed. "No I did not. I just came with Daniela as friends."

He nodded. "Well I really want to thank you. I admit I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. That hasn't ever happened before, only little things but not as big as that. And my cousin is safe thanks to you. So name anything you want. I'm being serious."

I nodded then smirked. "Anything?" I confirmed

He stared at me suspiciously then nodded. "Except sex. That's off the table."

I laughed. "You're still so full of yourself. But no, I actually would want a..." I was walking closer with my hands behind my back slightly crossed. "A contract, of you sponsoring us." I smiled.

"No." He deadpanned.

I instantly dropped my arms and glared at him. "What! Why?! You said anything."

"Anything except for that." He stood up and walked towards the door, hand on knob.

I was fuming. The nerve of this guy. I rushed towards him and pulled his arm to turn him around, then pushed him against the door. I pulled his tie down so he was at the same height level. "You can't take back what you said. That's not fair." I whined. I was tired and my feet were hurting. I just wanted to go home. "Please that's all I ask for." I sigh exasperated.

He snorts then pushes my hands off his tie. "So that's what you wanted."

I look down in shame. "Yeah." I mumbled.

We stand in silence until his the first to speak up. "Fine." I instantly face him with a big grin. "But I will make the contract and we meet tomorrow to sign it. Plus Daniela knows nothing of this, we don't tell her anything."

"Yeah of course." I say as I hug him.

I'm leaving early! Finally I did something more to leave early!

"Oh sorry." I laugh nervously as I pull away from him then open the door. "Oh here's your phone. I put my number on it so you you can call me on where to meet." I giggle softly as I see his puzzled face.

After I leave his office, the police and ambulance come rushing in.


Finally, this was my ticket to get the fuck out of here. And it had to be quickly because I think I was starting to get attached again.

And I couldn't do that to myself. Not anymore.

I realized this was really a dangerous thing we were playing. This whole mess was dangerous. I could be killed at any moment.

I just hoped that I could leave very soon, or else, I would end up staying and never leave. Not forcefully, but willingly.


A/N: Guuuuys this is where it gets intense!!! So many things are going to start happening so be prepared. I'm talking mentally prepared. Just don't be too surprised. But anyways hope you enjoyed this one and I'll update as soon as possible since I've actually been writing frequently.

Don't forget to comment and vote! Remember I love reading all your comments!

Have a great day


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