Flowerings|| A BNHA Fanfic

By SaltyWaifus

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Midoriya Izuku was viewed as the bottom of the bottom by society. For one he was quirkless and for two he had... More

Perspectives and Acknowledgements
On the Edge of a New Beginning
Entrance Exam into a New Chapter
No Going Back
April Showers
Spring Flowers
Learning Experiences
Battle Your Heart Out
A special message from Deku :D
Wavering Strings
The Calm Before the Storm
A Storm is Coming


206 13 4
By SaltyWaifus

"So how's life." Shinsou asked.

"Life is good." Came the creative reply of Katsuki, taking a sip from his coffee, "You?"

"I could say the same." Shinsou squinted his eyes and slouched a bit.

"Problem panda bastard? Can't handle my presence?"

"Panda bastard. Out of everything to call me…. And yes I can very well handle your presence."

"Then why are you staring holes into the table?"


It was Katsuki's turn to squint at Shinsou with dissatisfaction from his reply.

"This conversation is bland as fuck. Let's get down and dirty."

"And you prove once again that you have horrible manners."

Shinsou who was sipping his coffee started to cough and choke on his holy beverage. He was now hitting his chest to combat his choking, "Me?! Horrible manners? Porcupine, you need to see how you act in public." Without giving Katsuki a chance to counter, "First you sag. Not really gentleman material. Second you glare at anything that breathes. And yes that includes non-living objects. Third-"

"Alright alright. Calm down Mr. Know-it-all." Katsuki put his hands up in defensive and settled them back on the table, "I won't deny your evidence, but when it comes to food I am serious. Thus table manners."

"You're actually such a prissy bitch with a stick up your ass."


"You have no right to tell me that. Hmmmmmmmm… So how was your day."

"Good." Katsuki took another sip from his coffee to hide the slight smile on his lips. He was honestly quite amused at Shinsou's 'Did you really fucking say that' face.

Shinsou face palmed. "Tell me how your day went."

"You first." Katsuki was having fun.

"Ugh fine. So I woke up. Went to school. Trained. And then I'm in a café with a person who has an ego bigger than the world."

"Nice creativity. I guess I should go next. So I woke up to the yelling of my banshee mother. Then I went to eat breakfast and went to school. During lunch I saved a civilian and now I'm here with a dead ass panda bastard."

Sinsou pinched the bridge of his nose, "Again with panda bastard. And saved a civilian? That's hard to imagine… You and saved should not be in the same sentence unless you were the one being saved." Shinsou remarked.

"Ok that's mean." Shinsou waved him off. "And I'm aiming to be the #1 hero so as your future #1 hero I am saving civilians. One deku at a time."

At this point Shinsou was thinking about how far hero standards have fallen but at the same time sarcastically clapping. "Wow such words. But how exactly did you "save" this "deku"" Shinsou said making sure to use air quotes. "Cause for all I know you could've sent the kid to the hospital…'

"I saved him from future harm by telling him not to do something."


"So demanding. Fine. The kid is a quirkless beta who thinks he can be a hero. I being the great person I am decided to give him some advice."

Shinsou was in a Sasuke pose. His elbows on the table, with his chin on his hands. "What advice did you give him?" He said in a deep voice. Shinsou was a bit worried about Bakugo's reply.

"Jeez you look like a constipated duck butt. Well I told him, and I quote, 'You're quirkless. How the fuck are you going to be hero without a quirk you dipshit. Honestly give up. You don't stand a chance against me cause I'll be the first one from this shitty school to get into UA. If you don't you're just going to end up killing yourself. You're just a worthless Deku while I'm a alpha prodigy.' That's what I said. It was better tell him right then and there than to see him dead trying to save a cat."

Shinsou's eyes have darkened and said lowly. "You can't help but dream." Shinsou wondered how this "Deku" felt. He wondered if the kid was feeling the same despain he did when he was in school. He himself had a quirk that was mocked as it could be used for villainy. Every damn day people would subjugate him. Avoid him. Despise him. Tell him he had no right to be a hero. But he couldn't help but dream. He wanted so bad to have someone who believed in him. And he got that once he met Aizawa. Someone who genuinely thought he could do it. But what about a quirkless kid. Sure it was futile for someone like that to enter the hero world. But that gave no right to spit on someone's dreams. You can't help but dream.

Katsuki look dumbfounded but quickly scowled. "What do you mean by that. You tryna say something?!'

"I said. You can't help but dream Katsuki." Said boy was startled that the other had used his name, but he dared not to show this. He wasn't gonna let some panda bastard the delight of him showing weakness. "You had no right to put down his dreams."

"It's better than him dying in vain."

Shinsou stood up and pulled Katsuki outside the café. "Let's talk about this somewhere else."

A bit of time later they ended up at a park. "So what is there to discuss Shinsou."

Said boy was facing away from Katsuki. "You know.. I can sympathize with this Deku."

"What do you mean? You're an alpha with a quirk who can put up a good fight. How do you think you can compare with such a weakling."

"SHUT UP. You just can't say that to someone." Shinsou turned around to a pissed off Katsuki.


"KATSUKI. You just can't. Do you see anyone telling you that you can't be a hero. Despite your horrible attitude. Despite how you treat people who are weaker than you with disrespect. Despite your language. No you don't. Why? Because you're an alpha with a strong quirk."


"You don't get to decide what a person can be. You can't decide someone's dreams." Shinsou looked away from Katsuki, "You practically had everything given to you for free. No need to work hard. You had no struggles or obstacles. But people like him. People like me. We face people doubting and shitting on our dreams every damn day just because we don't fit a certain mold. I had to struggle to get where I am. Everyone told me I couldn't do it because of the nature of my quirk. They still do. But I couldn't help but dream, and that dream turned into determination. This "Deku" is quirkless right?" Katsuki nodded. "Then he faces a tougher life than I. Do you think he wanted to be quirkless? No he didn't. But that doesn't stop him from dreaming. Dreams are precious. Look at me, my quirk is not built for combat. And you wanna know how I fight? Practically quirkless. If I could put up a good fight against you being quirkless, this 'deku' can to. This 'deku' already faces so much negativity, but is still able to dream. He just needs someone who believe in him." Shinsou needed to breathe. He felt like crumbling. He remembered how much pain he went through. He felt something wet on his face. "Fuck."

Katsuki's banged shadowed over his face as he walked towards the purple haired teen with an unreadable expression. "Look I'm sorry. Just stop crying.. It looks creepy."

"You shouldn't be saying that to me… You should be saying this to 'Deku'"


If only if it was that easy. The next few months up until UA's entrance exams went like this. Katsuki would call Izuku out. Izuku booked it and ran/hid/parkour/ really anything to get away from Katsuki. Katsuki would corner him in the classroom. Izuku would jumped out the nearest window he could. Despite the class being 2 stories up, Izuku landed quite gracefully to Katsuki's surprise. Katsuki would even try to follow him. Apparently Izuku was really hard to find and was good at hide and seek even though the hideous hair disaster of a green afro literally stood out. Katsuki just wanted to apologize. The way he acted was so not heroic. Aside from apologizing. Trying to apologize. He's been trying to act a bit more… civilized. Or as civilized as he can. Civilized as in sagging his pants not as low as before.

Now with Izuku. The last few months have been a bit...very tiring from the young greenbean. The last few months consisted of avoiding a fight with the hot headed explosion boi and training with All Might. It also consisted of lying to his mentor. But he didn't mean to… I mean how are you supposed to tell someone you're an omega. It's not that he doesn't trust his mentor it's just… It's easier to train a beta than an omega. And now we find ourselves today. The day of the entrance exam to his dream school. And today he was a green bean on a mission. He was gonna tell his mentor he was an omega.

At the beach…

Izuku stood up top of a pile of trash. He faced the horizon, his body was outlined by the background of the sunrise. The sunrise. The symbol of a new day and new life. He did it. He finished the clean up! He yelled out in triumph. He yelled like a newborn who just entered the world.

All Might was proud his student cleaned up the beach all by himself. "He finished at the last minute! More than perfectly! GOODNESS!" He finished his sentence while transforming to his buff form. It was also at this time Izuku was swaying back and force on top of his trash pile. And then he fell. And then All Might, our #1 hero caught him just in time before he face planted onto the floor below. "Good work my boy!"

Izuku looked up at his mentor with exhaustion "All might… I did it.."

"Yeah, you surprised me, you entertainer! Teenagers are amazing!" All Might looked at his student's body, "You did good. You really did!"

Izuku teared up "No All Might.. You did this for me… I'm too blessed.."

All Might patted Izuku's back, "Hahaha It was your own hard work. We'll have to fix those leaky eyes of yours. Now, it's time for the award ceremony, Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku looked up at his mentor with anticipation. He's been waiting for this moment for so long. Someone believes in him. Someone actually believed he can be a hero!

"This is something that I was once told: Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence."

At this point Izuku was staring at his hero with stars in his eyes. This is really happening. I took the reality that would be surprising even in comics.

All Might pulled off a piece of his hair and presented it to Izuku "Eat this."


This was one of Izuku's weirdest moment of his life. Or one of many moments that will be.


"Again Shouto. And this time use your fire."

Shouto looked up to his 'father' with his tired eyes. He just wanted to drop. He was so tired and beaten up. But he had to keep fighting or else. Shoto got back into fighting stance and charged at his 'father' with ice racing dangerously close to his target.

The result was being smashed against the wall and fire. The oh so hated fire. "AGH-GH"

"I said use your fire." That was the one command Shouto will never follow.

With great struggle came a hoarse, "No."

Shouto felt pain. "You good for nothing. Today's training is over." And Endeavor, the #2 hero walked out of the room. Leaving a Shouto Todoroki on the floor, clutching his peony flower on his shoulder where he had been hit, silently damning everything.

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