{Tear Stains} BTS x Male read...

By _awkward_bangtan_

168K 4.1K 2.8K

Depression isn't something I can just get over. I swear I tried but they won't go away. Those voices. They ke... More

Bridges of Life
Dreams in the Night
Welcome back to Hell. Enjoy your stay.
In Which I Need A Nap
Luxo Jr. Doesn't Have To Identify As Male
The Voice Explained
Another Pointless Author Note Because Wattpad Hates Me
Lol. I dislocated my thumb.
Cuddles, Snuggles, and Soup
Annoying Ass Coworker
Turtle Food?
I'm Ok.
Why are tags a thing?
A Wii Full Of Memories
How's Your Day/Night?
Rip. Green Tea, You Will Be Missed
Day 1 - Attack Of The Jin
Day 2 - Sleepy Super Straight Suga
Be My Friend
Day 3 - A Day Full Of Hope
Day 4 - Taehyung's Tears
A Quick Intermission
The ADHD Brain At Its Best
I lost the green notebook damn it
All 'Bout Moi
Day 5 - Namjoon Went To Ikea
I'm going to sit down and finally do shit
Day 6 - Jimin's Quest
Hey Peoples
Merry Christmas Mom
Oh.... maghad

Irrelevant, Non-important Author Here

5.4K 99 8
By _awkward_bangtan_

Hey. Irrelevant non-important boring author here. You don't have to read this and honestly I'm not expecting you to. Basically I just want to say thanks for I think like 101 reads.  Was not expecting that at all. AT ALL. So because a few people might read this I'll tell you my future updating schedule. Because I like schedules and if you don't then whatever.

Sunday: Yes.

Monday: Lol nope(Who actually does anything on mondays)

Tuesday: Sure why not.

Wednesday: Maybe? 

Thursday: I'll try.

Friday: Yeah.

Saturday: Maaayyyyybeeee.... not this Saturday cause I plan on getting cats. Kittens to be specific. I like cats. And dogs. And animals in general.

Also if you want to talk to me I won't stop you because I'm bored. If something drastic comes up I'll let you know. 

Anyways thanks. And I'll be uploading today's chapter later after I type it. Uhhhhhh I think that's it. Any questions and messages I'll answer cause I literally have no life. 

If I get the cats I show you them mainly because I AM that pet parent. 

Thanks again.

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