REWRITING A 180 Degree Turn

By NicholasChase

65K 1.6K 343

Okay, guys. I am so sorry for being such a crappy author, but I have my reasons. I will be updating this stor... More

Chapter One - A 180 Degree Turn
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 3
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 1
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 6
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 7
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 8
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 9
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 10
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 11
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 12
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 13
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 14
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 15
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 16

A 180 Degree Turn [BoyxBoy] Chapter 4

3.9K 112 25
By NicholasChase

[A/N: Not satisfied with this chapter. It's like a filler to me. Kinda boring...sorry :( I'll update faster when I have time. Commenting helps me write faster. Voting inspires me to write a chapter. Please? :)]

[Dylan's P.O.V]


"I imprinted on a fourteen year old girl!" my idiot of a cousin, Alistair came barging in our pack villa's enclosed training space without much as a knock. Mutt.

Keith and I were sparring in our wolf forms near the pack's private lake.

"Well?" I say through our mind link. "What do you want us to say? Congrats?" Keith came at me and I sidestepped it and gave him a head butt to the stomach.

Oof. Keith slammed me to a tree. Poor tree.

Alistair gave out a frustrated sigh and started rubbing his face, "You don't get it. She's two years younger than me. She looks ten!"

"The wolf spirits must be up to something. It's what they want, so just suck it up." Keith chased me in circles.

"They want me to look like a pedophile?" Alistair sighed and sat cross-legged on the grass. 

Keith turned to Alistair to say something. Wrong move, bud.

I bulldozed him to the pond and laughed at Keith's shocked face.

"That was dirty!" Keith whined as he shifted back to human. It's been years since we first transformed, so it didn't hurt anymore.

I transformed back to my butt-naked human form. "Hey, rule number one: Never turn your back on your opponent." Keith just stuck his tongue out.

"What's her name, what's she like and how did you meet her?" I asked, curious. Whoever this girl was, I really need to know. She'd be the first and last person to tame this dog.

Alistair explained the story to us with a starry look in his eyes. Ooh, somebody's got it. Hard. And as far as this idiot with the poor attention span knows, her name is Elizabeth; she's fourteen and a chocoholic. But as for her fierce personality, I approve.

I finished changing and just noticed that there was a slightly fresh slap mark on Alistair's right cheek.

"Who slapped you?"I asked. He relayed his breakup story with Vanessa. Apparently she didn't like the fact that he broke up with her and not the other way around. And honestly, I'm glad he got rid of that bad kisser of a slut.

I noticed Keith having a hard time pulling his pants up along the sidelines and was bent up so his butt was faced on us. Sneaking up to him, I slapped his butt hard and fell face-first to the floor.

Oh god. I laughed so hard and so did Alistair. We got out the training area and into the penthouse. Suddenly, I was tackled to the floor of the front garden.

"Remember rule number one, Dyl? We haven't ended our fight yet." Keith growled playfully. We both ended on the ground, rolling and fighting good-naturedly. Alistair was screaming at the background to stop, but as usual, I and Keith ignored him.

But he did manage to stop us when he yelled, "Idiots, those are Aunt Darcy's plants!" Keith and I scrambled to get up. I looked around to find mom's prized primrose bushes, honeysuckle vines, pomegranates and exotic roses were turned to pancakes.

We heard a laugh at the background. "You are so dead." My dad stood at the doorway with his arms crossed. He and Alistair ran inside the house when we all heard a car parking in the villa's garage.

Mom was a lot scarier than my dad, one of the strongest alphas in history. She loves her garden second to family. There was a thin line in between. One time, a kid plucked a tiny leaf from her wisteria tree and vine collection and mom chased the unfortunate kid with a metal pole. What's she going to do when she finds out her whole garden is destroyed. 

I'm going to die today.




The weekend went by quickly. Dad and Alistair made a bet as to what mom will use as a weapon on me and Keith. Dad said she'll chase us with a metal bat and Alistair said that this thing was too big to settle with a bat and that she'd tackle us to the ground, no weapons used.

Alistair got twenty bucks in the end.

This morning at school, people greeted me left and right. I may hate studying, but I love the attention I'm getting here. More people crowded me as I walked to my first period.

Boring, uneventful hours passed by and it was almost lunch time. "Mr. Shires, come here." Mr. Simon called me.

"Sir?" I lifted my brows. I hope I'm not in trouble. I'm good. Good at hiding my problems.

"Before lunch, if I'm not mistaken, you are in my class. I want you to get my supplies at the office and bring them to class. I will be out for a while. Thank you."

"Of course." Not. With that, he turned to walk away. My lackey will do this for me. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Gabriele since this morning. With hope to see him this lunch break, I rejoined my friends as I enter the cafeteria.

As always, the cafeteria was noisily buzzing with loud laughing jocks, little after hour reunions, plans and the usual gossiping girls who talked about who shagged who and male models. Though, one rumor caught my attention as I made my way to the popular table which was mostly composed of my pack members.

Using my super sensitive hearing, I listened to a particular group a little more to this new gossip.

"I heard there are new students. Freshies, I guess. I also heard they were twins." One girl across the room said.

"It's true. Heard they've skipped a grade. They say that the twins had dual citizenship. Asian and Italian, from what I've heard. A lot say they look like life-sized dolls." A girl beside the first one who spoke with bleached blond hair squealed excitedly.

"Those aren't rumors. They're true. Freddie developed a crush on the female twin and decided to stalk them on the school's computer. You know my brother." Another said with her mouth full.

"Oh, so it's a boy and girl?" A guy's voice asked.

"Yeah. I've seen the boy. A total babe.He may be fourteen, but he's got muscles." A girl giggled. "I sound like a pedo."

I heard a chair scrape backwards indicating another person joined them.

"Guess what?" A guy's gossip mode voice was on. They all silenced to listen to him.

"I'm not sure if it's true or not. But..." The guy trailed off.

"Spill!" Squealed a tall brunette and grabbed the boy's shoulders. "Come on Fredrick!"

"D'Angelo. That's the twins' family name, D'Angelo." Fredrick said a little too loud. "They're Gabriele D'Angelo's cousins." I heard shocked gasps from people around the table.

I decided to ignore them as I munched on my burger and decided to join in our table's conversation when the gossiping continued. "Speaking of Gabriele, I heard he got a make-over. You could actually see his face."

Fredrick snorted, "Yeah, ri-" His voice was cut off by shocked gasps and several murmurs and babbles.

I faced towards the door to see Gabriele D'Angelo's Three Musketeers with two additional members.

They must be the twins. One a boy and the other a girl. Both had light brown hair with golden streaks. Thick lashes, porcelain white skin and puffy pink lips. The girl has a curved body and the guy had a lean, muscled body.

Both were wearing designer clothes. I could smell the type of fabric used for their clothing and I do say that it's quite expensive.

The group neared our table and the wolf inside me began to whine. What's wrong now? My wolf is acting strange and giddy like it wanted to jump someone right here right now. Stop, stop, STOP!

The group parted, revealing what the whole school was gossiping about. The moment I met those prominent green eyes...Such vivid eyes... I was drowning in them. The rare, dazed forest green eyes were pulling me in, begging me to ogle at them all day, rape them with my own.

Mine. My wolf growled happily.

I suppose I've stared too long because the eyes' owner averted them with discomfort. It took me less than a minute to grasp the situation. Less a minute to realize I've just felt imprinting, less a minute to realize a guy owned those eyes, less than a minute to realize that I know that face, less a minute to realize that those eyes belong to Gabriele D'Angelo.

In that same minute, I realized I didn't care.

As fast as the feelings came, it faded away and dread took over, drowning my ecstatic thought of taking Gabriele D'Angelo right here, right now.

This can't be. I've imprinted on a guy. A guy. GUY. This is bad. I'm the pack's future alpha, the girl shredder, Mr. Perfect. I've taken away more girls' virginity than I have won games in football. And I'll tell you this, we have tons of games per year, none as to which we've lost.

PLUS, I'm not gay. Not the slightest. I haven't thought of kissing a guy, much less fuck them! Oh sweet carrot cakes.

What would my parents say? I tried asking my inner self.

Well, I'm guessing mother would be stripping in happiness to know that she's going to have a daughter. My inner self replied smugly.

Scumbag brain! You are no help. At all.

Dad, the current alpha and the second strongest in history, had always been supportive. But he also wanted grandkids from me. Three grandkids. Meh. No problem. I have enough allowance to get a surrogate mother. Problem solved and we could all live happily ever after.

Wait, why am I thinking of having a life with him?

Because you just imprinted on him, idiot. Nothing you gon' do would stop that.

My brain's right. It's right! Oh god. It can't be right.

I couldn't do anything about it. My pack is in the top five strongest packs in existence. Not the biggest, but the most powerful and richest. What would happen if they find out about their gay future alpha? And so, my silent monologue continued. 

"Dyl, you've been staring at nothing for about five minutes." Keith sounded worried. I just smiled reassuringly at him. And turned to my right to see my little mate squirming under the intense heated and fixated stares from people all around.

Some boys were gawking at my Gabriele and most girls almost drooled. MY Gabriele? The fuck?

He was almost beet red and decided he couldn't take the pressure of the look the students were giving him. So he buried his face between one of the blond twins' chest. His other girl friends looked disappointed they didn't get my Gabriele's hug.

I wanted that hug, too. I wanted to hide him from the lust-filled looks (excluding me) the girls and boys were giving him. I wanted to be the only one to see his face and trail kisses from his head, slowly licking down his chest and into...

Oh gods. I'm horny. For a guy. A guy. Why me? 

Mine! My wolf growled inside me as I watched Katie give my mate a quick peck on the lips.

I tried to contain him and I successfully did. In the process, my eyes turned a bright yellow, only something a person in the alpha's line could do. A beta's turned a bright violet.

Bryant, a member of my pack passed me by, coughing, nails.

Snapping out of my daze, I looked down to my balled fists where my nails were beginning to draw out. Keith was looking at me like I've grown two heads. He put his hand in his pocket and took out his Ray Bans. I quickly took it and covered my eyes.

 Bad, bad, bad, bad. It's almost a full moon. My wolf wants our mate even more. Why of all the days, it had to be two weeks before the full moon? And how could I hide the fact that I'm mated when right now, I'm trying hard to contain my wolf from jumping Gabriele shamelessly in front of all these people.

What do I do on a full moon?

"Hello." An innocent high-pitched voice said. I looked to my side to find a life-sized doll. She reached her hand out for me to shake. "Elizabeth D'Angelo. Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Shires."

"Hi, Elizabeth...?" She laughed quietly. She leaned in closer to my ear as all my friends from the table began interrogating Gabriele.

A boy was being crowded by a bunch of girls. He looked like the girl in front of me except he was...manlier...?

"I know that look. You better not harm my cousin." She giggled softly while she glanced behind her shoulder. It sounded childlike, but I could hear the threat behind it.

"Don't belittle the things I can do, m'kay?"

She walked back to Gabriele and sat on his lap. I subconsciously growled. I felt someone's stare and looked to my right to see Alistair looking at me with a blank look on his face. He then turned back and I followed his gaze to Gabriele's cousin, Elizabeth.

Alistair stared at her with a dazed, longing, loving look.

Oh pickles. She's the one. My cousin imprinted on Gabriele's cousin. She's cute and cuddly on the outside, but inside, she emanates a deadly and protective aura.

I could just feel it as she glared daggers at me and that killer aura she is emitting. Nobody could notice or feel it. It was all directed to me.

My cousin imprinted on Satan!

Not like I'm scared of a little girl. It's just that, she's my Gabriele's cousin. Good impression is one way to make your mate's family accept you.

Now, the hurdle to Gabriele is so high. He has four lethal bodyguards and an overprotective cousin. And I haven't even met the 'rents yet.


The bell rung minutes later and I decided I should skip out on this subject. Either way, I'll still miraculously pass.

Down the halls, I expertly slipped past the teachers who I know will get me in trouble. I fished out the keys from my pocket and jogged to the roof.

Why do I have the keys to this 'NO STUDENT' zone, you ask? I used to date the principal's daughter. I had her on the rooftop so many times that we decided to get me a copy of the door's keys. After I broke up with her, I hung on to the key.

And now, for a long time, I've been going up here to clear my head. Right now, as I step into the roof, I remember the man girls I had.

It disgusts me. It simply does. I don't know which, but it's either because I'm thinking of fucking a girl when I have a mate; or the fact that I'm thinking of a male instead of a girl.

I stared at nothing, just thinking. When I took out my cigarettes, Keith entered. We stared at each other for a while and we smoked together.

"Congrats, Dyl." Keith blew off smoke.

"On what?" I threw the stick away. I turned to Keith confused. He looked serious.

"Don't act dumb, Dyl." He dragged the stick across the wall, "You found your mate, didn't you?"

I froze for a while and calmly replied, "That's stupid, K. What made you say that?"

"Don't give me that bullshit, Dyl!" He said frustrated. Keith and I have been friends for so long that we trust each other with any secret. It must've hurt him that I even tried lying. Sadly, I'm a very bad liar.

"Sorry, K."

"S'fine." He said. "I saw how you looked at Gabriele. How are you going to tell the pack? Your parents? You do realize you may be the first gay werewolf."

I suddenly snapped as he rubbed reality like sandpaper to my face, "You think I don't know that? Damn, I don't even know what to do with my mate! I'm thinking about ignoring the imprint, but I know it'll eventually kill me and mostly my mate!"

Keith smiled with empathy, "And yet you're here, worrying about Gabriele."

It was natural instinct to want to protect my mate. I didn't notice it. It's only been only an hour and I'm in it deep.

What do I do? How could I tell my parents, especially my father, one of the strongest alphas in wolf history, that his successor is gay? Not happy gay, but gay, gay. As in fag, gay.

This question has been literally in my mind for ages. Keith left me a while back to clear my head to go back to class. The door opened a while later and I decided I wanted to ignore it, but the irresistible scent of my mate invaded my nose, getting me more turned on.

He called my name. I ignored him. If I don't ignore him, I might rape him. I haven't been laid in weeks. Someone touched my right shoulder. Fireworks exploded in my head, my heart rate increased, electricity shot up my shoulder, spreading it all over my body. I felt even hornier now. My whole body throbbed but it felt good.

I felt Gabriele come closer. I snapped, turned around and forcefully kissed him.

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