A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 6

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Gabriele’s POV

As I got out my sports car Monday after my date, the girls immediately went to me and interrogated our date. “So, how was the date? He didn’t rape you, didn’t he?” Katie asked with a wink that suggested that he should’ve.

“What makes you say that? Dylan’s not that bad.” I asked as we walked in school. Hailey smirked and hooked her arm with my left arm, “Well, sweetheart, we’ve noticed that he’s been staring at you with this dazed look since the day you entered the cafeteria with the new cut. It wouldn’t surprise us if you say you got raped on your date.”

Allison latched herself on my right arm and Anne hugged me from behind, “So, tell us what happened yesterday, Boo.” Anne asked me.

Hmm, what should I tell the girls? “Uhm, first –as you all know –Dylan and I ate at The European Alley. Then, we headed to the movies and then we got ice cream and went to the park. After that he…” I trailed off and flushed.

I heard Anne squeal in excitement. “After that he…?” Katie asked, smirking. More blood rushed to my head. Oh gosh. This is embarrassing. Wait; does Dylan even want the school to know about us? Maybe I should ask him first before I tell the girls.

Someone wrapped his arms around my small waist and pulled me closer to him. Dylan propped his chin on my shoulder and said near my sensitive ear, “Good morning, baby.”

Hailey’s mouth hung open but was shaped like a proud smile (if that’s even possible). Anne blushed and fan-girl-squealed, and Allison’s lips curved to a happy smile. Katie on the other hand, jumped on me and laughed like a maniac.

“Babe, we are totally happy for you!” She screamed. Katie’s scream attracted more attention, adding to the people who are shocked to find Dylan’s arms around me like we were (and we are) a couple.

The other students showed different expressions concerning our relationship. Some still looked shocked, others were amused; I swear some were betting as to how long we’ll last, others looked happy, more girls (and a few boys) looked jealous, others mad for some reason, others passed by like nothing. And since this school wasn’t that homophobic, there were some disgusted looks or disappointed looks. There were more expressions that I couldn’t read.

Dylan ignored everyone, and as if it were just any regular day, he walked me to my first period class, gave me a peck on the lips by the doorway, and told me to meet him by lunch.

I was up in cloud nine by then. But of course, like any openly gay kid, reality pulled you down to earth faster than gravity.

And what better way to start up class for an openly gay kid with the cliché note-passing? Then, there’s the usual name-calling (this is so third grade). And it proceeded to the Hollywood classic: bullying the nerdy gay kid.

Being gay doesn’t always mean rainbows, unicorns and S&M. It’s sometimes means black, blue and all out sadistic without the masochist.

There were also fan-girls who made a “Boy Love” club dedicated to the “hottest gay couple” in school. It’s weird, but strangely enough, it makes me smile. I guess it was just good to know people actually accepted Dylan and I. Though I still think Dylan deserves far better.

School passed by slowly since Dylan and I shared only two periods which are History and Biology –both after lunch. Sometimes I wonder why time seems so slow when you want it to pass and fast, but is super fast when you want to prolong it. This is such a complex world to be in. Fortunately, I get to meet Dylan by lunch.

And then lunchtime came. Finally.

I sat on our usual table, composed of the girls and me. I expected Dylan to sit in his usual table, too. But since the world hated and loved me at the same time, I was proven wrong and Dylan told his friends that he was sitting with me and the girls. It’s amazing how Dylan’s friends only decreased by an inch. He was smiling so I guess his day went well. The perks of being popular, I guess.

And the more, the merrier, right? Dylan brought along Keith –who sat a little, too, noticeably near Hailey. Immediately when she sat down the table, Katie started ranting.

“I saw what those homophobic pricks did to your locker,” Katie started and quickly added, “But don’t worry. I tracked down their sorry asses and took their stuff –every single thing, mind you –and flushed it down the dirty, broken toiled near the gym. Y’know, the one even the janitor wouldn’t come near to with a ten feet pole? Yep, that one.”

I was about to cut her off and scold her when she continued talking, “I mean, they practically left you alone, then you did a small wardrobe change, they fawn over you. Now, you date Dylan and they start the hate. Geez, make up your minds, people. I just can’t.” Knowing it’s useless to get her to shut up; I tuned her out and turned to my boyfriend.

Boyfriend. Ugh, just calling him that makes me want to blow up into little pieces of overloaded happiness.

“So,” I drawled as Katie went on with her rant, the twins and Hailey nodding in agreement every now and then. Dylan held my hand under the table. I looked down and blushed. Dylan just squeezed my hand tighter, but not tight enough to stop blood circulation, but raise the blood to my head.

He raised a brow at me, “So?”

“So, h-how was y-your day?” I finished.

“Crappy.” He replied with a smile. I frowned. Was he harassed, too? He’s harassed because of me oh, gods, maybe we-

Dylan cut me from my mental panicking when he sent me a reassuring smile. My insides felt warm when I saw his beautiful smile. It’s worth fighting if it’s him.

With a smile, I realized I was falling. I may be easily scared, but I will fight for what I love. And even though I’m sure we’ll encounter a lot of difficulties, even if I’m afraid shitless of those bullies or what his parents or my parents will say about our relationship, even if I’m insecure or just plain compared to him, I’m thankful that he became mine. And something in my gut’s screaming that it’ll be that way for a long time.

It’s worth fighting if it’s him, I kept chanting in my head the rest of day as I go through the hate and perverted fan-girls and their creepy stalking. I keep chanting it like it’s a mantra.


It’s worth fighting if it’s him.

It’s worth fighting if it’s him.

It’s worth fighting if it’s him…

I guess I wasn’t falling after all. I know it’s early but, “I already fell.” I muttered to myself with an amused and excited chuckle.



I’m happy that the last chapter reached 10 votes.

I’ll do the same for this chapter. I’m not uploading the next one until this chappy reaches 10 votes. :)

PS. Sorry for the slow updates. Like I’ve mentioned before, I write on the spot. I don’t have a proper plot. The story for each chapter just pops in my head. XP

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