A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 7

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Song for this chapter: Sunshine and City Lights by Greyson Chance

Hey, I like the song. C:


Dylan’s POV

The sunlight filtered through the curtains woke me up, giving me enough time to prepare for school. I got out of bed and saw my iPhone on the floor. It brought a smile to my face when I opened my phone to see our conversation last night. The last text Gabriele sent me was, “Good night, Dylan. Had fun today, :)

I smiled at myself. We had our next date last night. This time, I brought him to the zoo. Gabriele was all over the place. The first thing he ran to was the wolf section of the zoo. He kept cooing at the wolves most of the time. I still remember him saying, “I want a wolf,” with an unconscious pout.

That’s a sign, right? That I should tell him already? It’s almost the full moon. Three more days. If I don’t tell him why I’ll be away for some days and he still doesn’t know, I’ll have to lie. I don’t like lying. It’s unethical and it makes me feel dirty, like I’m cheating on Gabriele.

While my head was swimming in Lala Land, my door swung open to reveal a very ecstatic-looking older sister. Tabitha was grinning and squealing like a madman. She rushed to me and gave me a big hug. Though her body was small, she was able to knock me off my feet.

“Hey, don’t just jump on people.” I gave her a hug. Tabitha had been away from home for two months. She was busy at her university in London with her mate, Evan Corvette. Today she’s having a one week vacation starting today.

“Where’s Evan? I though you said he’s coming home with you.” Evan was always beside her, never leaving. They both were taking medicine so they pretty much spend every minute together. It’s sweet in a creepy sort of way.

She looked around and shrugged her shoulders, “He might be visiting his mum. We’re having dinner tonight, by the way.” The knowing glint returned in her eyes and fired questions, “So, who’s the lucky lady? Do mommy and daddy know yet? Have they met her already? Is she by any chance someone I know? Oh-em-gee, I bet she’s a really gorgeous gal!”

Of course, I’ve forgotten about my sister. I wonder how she’ll react when she knows I’ve mated to a guy. Maybe she won’t be bothered. After all unlike most people, she does have a really open mind. And now that Tabitha’s mentioned it, I haven’t told mom and dad. I wonder how they’ll take it.

Well, here goes nothing.

“Tabby-cat,” I used her old nicknamed and scratched the back of my neck nervously; “I have a little confession to make.”

Tabitha turned to me with wide eyes, “You know you can tell me anything, right? Spill.”

“Promise you won’t scream at me, or slap me, or even hate me?”

“I could never hate you.” She paused and thought, “Holy cow! Did you kill someone? Oh –but like I said, I’d never hate you. I’ll even help you bury the corpse!”

I laughed at Tabitha. I can’t believe my older sister is excited at the thought of helping me bury someone.

“No, Tabby, I didn’t kill anyone.” She pouted.

“Then, what were you going to tell me?”

“It’s about my mate –but don’t tell mum or dad yet!” I quickly added. It’s not that I was embarrassed to have Dylan as my mate. It’s just that I didn’t want to disappoint my parents. It was also for precautions. If my parents or pack decides to hate or hurt my mate, I would be ready to go against them and be mentally, physically and emotionally stable to give up my Alpha position and/or become rogue (if my pack really hates me).

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