Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 34

2.3K 39 14
By tyler-seguin

"It's about god damn time that one of you wake up." Mikayla says, lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone, as I pick my head up off the pillow. I sleepily glance over at me, then over at Tyler, whose arm is draped over me.

"What time is it?" I groan, sitting up up slowly, careful not to wake Tyler up.

"Almost noon." She looks over at me.

"Shit." I laugh.

"Does he usually sleep this long?" She asks, nodding her head, directing to Tyler.

"Not usually, he's just tired." I look at him, running my fingers through his hair, cracking an eye open and grinning before lying his head in my lap. "Are you planning on waking up?" I ask him, flicking his ear.

"Probably should." He groaned, sitting up slowly and stretching.

"Lazy ass." Mikayla laughed. Tyler flipped her off as he stood up, walking lazily towards the bathroom in nothing but his boxers, shutting the door, and hearing something hit the floor, cursing falling from his mouth. That only made Mikayla laugh more.

"He's so stupid." I laugh, standing up and retrieving a pile of clothes that have made their way out of my suitcase and onto the floor.

"Consider yourself a lucky girl." She says, sitting at the edge of her bed.

"I do." I laugh, picking out an outfit for the day. As far as I know, we aren't doing anything special so my bikini and a pair of jean shorts for now.

"Mark and a couple of his guys want me to go with them somewhere today." Mikayla says, watching me gather up everything and out it all back in my suitcase.


"Yeah, is that alright with you?"

"I guess." I answer slowly.

"I mean, if you had plans or want to make plans with me today, I don't have to go."

"No, go. It's your vacation basically, Tyler and I will do our own thing."

"Alright. Well he needs to hurry up so I can get ready. Mark is going to be here in 45 minutes." She stands up and knocks on the bathroom door.

"What?" Tyler calls.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asks, standing there, arms crossed.

"Taking a shower, can you not hear the water running?"

"Oh, well hurry up, I've got 45 minutes to get ready." She rolls her eyes, shaking her head, as she sits down next to me. "He's a pain in the ass." She says.

"But I love him." I say, making her grin.

"I know you do. And it's great to see you like this." She smiles.

"What do you mean? Me being happy again?"

"Yeah, I never thought you'd even consider getting with someone after Cody, it's crazy. For the small time I've known Tyler, he's what you always wanted."

"He is, and that's why I'm with him."

"Well that makes me happy, seeing my best friend happy and with the guy of her dreams. You've never seemed so relaxed and happy before." She says, hugging me. Just then, Tyler walks out, towel wrapped around his waist. "Well it's about time." Mikayla jokingly scoffs at him, Tyler rolling his eyes at her as she walks by him and into the bathroom, cracking the door.

"She's pretty hard on me." Tyler says quietly, pulling on his swim trunks, white and black, and pulling a tank top on.

"Does that hurt your feelings?" I laugh, standing up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No." He laughs, kissing my nose. I let go and change into my stuff, of course, Tyler watching and grinning the whole time as I make it quick.

"Creeper." I say, walking by and putting my pajamas in my dirty clothes pile.

"Do you blame me?" He laughs, gently smacking my butt as I walk by again and into the bathroom.

"Your hair looks cute." I tell Mikayla, grabbing my toothbrush as she curls her hair.


I put my hair into a ponytail and put on a light amount of makeup. A knock at the door makes Mikayla rush to finish up and quickly go answer it. I walk out and sit on Tyler's lap, as he probably wanted me to anyways as he wrapped his arms around my waist beforehand.

"Mark, this is Tyler. Tyler, this is Mark." Mikayla says, dragging Mark into the room. Tyler and him exchange hand shakes as Mark looks at me.

"Tyler Seguin, huh?" Mark nods at Tyler.

"Yes I am." Tyler answers hesitantly.

"Glad to see you're down here with her now, that party-"

"Yeah, I heard all about it." Tyler stops him.

"Well we should get going, nice meeting you, and Meghan, take care." Mark waves as he drags Mikayla along, shutting the door behind them. Tyler rolls us over so he's looking down at me.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him. He grins before pressing his lips to mine.

"This bikini is driving me insane." He says, looking down at my chest, biting his lip.

"Stop it." I laugh, swatting his chest.

"Stop what?"

"Biting your lip." I say. He grins and does it again. Him doing that is making me weak, it's so cute, but yet so hot. He laughs as I bring his face down to mine, pressing my lips against his, his tongue allowing access through.

"Before the day and night are over, this thing is coming off." He says, poking me between my boobs before crawling off. He pulls another shirt out of his suitcase and throws it at me.

"Why do I need this?" I ask.

"Put it on and let's go." He says. I pull the tank top over my head. It's obviously a little bigger on me, but it works as a cover up. He grabs my hand as we head out the door. We go down to the beach where there's quite a few people. We walk along side the water, swinging our joined hands back and forth as we walk.

"It's much better with you down here." I say.

"Anything that involves you for me is always better." He smiles, making me grin.

"Oh stop it." I bump myself against him.

"It's the honest truth." He bumps me back.

"You're too good, now stop."

"It's not okay to tell the truth about being with my girlfriend is one of if not the best things for me?" He kicks his feet through the water.

"I guess it's okay, but I don't like being on a pedestal in your life." I say, making him stop in his tracks.

"You think I'm putting you on a pedestal?" He looks at me funny. I shyly nod my head.

"It seems it sometimes, like you make me feel so important to you above most things that should be more important than just a girlfriend."

"Babe, my family and you are the most important things to me, don't tell me anything else should be any more important then that."

"But what about hockey? That's your career, a big and important career at that."

"Yeah, I'm beyond thankful for this experience of being in the big league, but my experience with you tops it."

"My point exact." I laugh, pointing him out. He laughs, rolling his eyes.

"You're not going to make me stop talking about you like that, I love you." He brings me against him, pressing his lips firmly against mine, his fingers clenching the tanktop of his I'm wearing.

"Did you bring the towels with you?" I ask him as we continue to walk, going back.

"No, want me to run up and grab them?"

"If you can, I want to go swimming." I smile, hinting he has no choice but to now.

"I'll be back, unless you want to come?" His hands slides down my forearm.

"I'll wait here." I say. He runs back to the hotel and I stand there, examining the people and the water. A guy walks in my direction, and I, for some reason, feel extremely uneasy and uncomfortable as he gets closer. I start to slightly panic, anxiously waiting for Tyler to hurry up and get back. The guy gets closer and closer and thank the lord, Tyler whips a towel across my butt, making me scream.

"Imagine if that was someone else." Tyler laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I watch the guy pass us, giving us a nasty look as he walks on. Tyler turns to look back at him, then back at me.

"I'd flip shit." I say, breaking from his grip and running towards the water. The water sprays up and I dive in, popping back up just as Tyler dives in. He grabs my legs, pulling me down with him. We pop back up and he lifts me up, kissing me, then pushing me away and into the water, splashing me in the face multiple times.

"Get on my back." He says, turning around, back facing me. I hop up, wrapping my legs around him and arms around his neck. He walks deeper into the water and starts swimming, me on his back. He flips over, pushing us both underwater. The water is so clear, you can see perfectly underwater with your eyes open. I find Tyler, pulling his face towards me, kissing him underwater. He exhales, causing air bubbles to tickle my face. We pop back up for air.

"Carry me back to the towels." I say.

"You can do it yourself." He starts swimming towards the shore.

"Tyler." I whine, swimming towards him. He laughs.

"Come on." He says, allowing me to get in his back as he carries me out of the water on his back. I slide off and he wraps the towel around my shoulders.

"Thanks sweets." I say, kissing his cheek as we sit down. "That was fun." I watch Tyler lay out his towel, sitting down, pulling me down onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"What do you have planned up for us for the rest of the day?" He asks, placing a kiss on my neck.

"I don't know, dinner somewhere I guess, then from there, I have no clue."

"We'll figure something out."

After a while, we head back to the hotel room and change into different clothes, I just replace Tyler's tanktop with one of my own, Tyler changing into some basketball shorts and a tanktop. I go into the bathroom and fix my hair and makeup, making it about the same as earlier.

"So do you know of anywhere down here we can go?" He asks me as I grab my phone, looking through my notifications. A couple texts.

"I don't know, there's probably somewhere in walking distance." I reply. There's a text from Torey.

*Missing my best friend :(*

A text from Tuukka.

*Hope you're having a great time sis, can't wait to see you when we reunite. Love you.*

And a text from Cody, I didn't even know I had his number saved.

*Hey Meghan, it's Cody, call or text me back as soon as you see this.*

"What are you looking at?" Tyler asks, standing behind me and I didn't even realize it as he startles me.

"Nothing." I slide my phone in my shorts pocket, grabbing his hand and heading for the door. "Let's go." I say, dragging him out the door behind me.

We walk down the sidewalk, along with many other people, until we come to a small, but pleasant looking, restaurant.

"This looks decent." Tyler says, holding onto my hand still.

"Yeah, let's go inside." I say, following him.


By the time we leave after staying longer then planned because of another couple, probably around the same age as Tyler and I, decided to sit next to us and once they started talking to us, there was no leaving anytime soon. They were extremely nice though, thank god for that.

"That was cool, I guess." Tyler says, swinging our hands back and forth between us as we walk back to the hotel.

"At least they were nice." I say, looking up at him.

"Yeah they were, a little weird but."

"Tyler, you're the weird one." I laugh, casually pushing against his side with mine.

"Excuse me, but last I checked."

"No no, Tyler Paul."

"I wish you'd cut that out." He embarrassingly laughs.

"Tyler Paul." I torment him. I've done it for a while now, and he's recently just tried acting like it is so embarrassing, but I know that he loves it.

"Meghan Elizabeth."

"That doesn't bother me as much as it apparently bothers you, but I know you love it." I grin.

"No I don't actually." He tries staying serious, but the longer I grin, the shorter time it takes to see a grin start.

"You're lying." I point him out. His grin turns into a full on smile and laugh.

"Screw you."

"I knew it, I know you all too well Tyler Paul Seguin." I laugh.

"I've got to find something you don't like being called." He says as we enter the hotel and make our way up to the room.

Unlocking the door and swinging it open, there's no sign of Mikayla. It's a little past 9, and when she said she made plans with Mark and whoever today, I figured she meant just during the day, not carrying into the night. Maybe their going out and partying, since Mark is a party guy. I don't remember a thing from that party we went to when we first came down here, I must've been drunk off my ass or something then woke up in a hospital bed.

"Where's Mikayla?" Tyler asks, taking off his shorts and replacing them with his trunks.

"I don't know, probably going out with them or something, why are you changing into those?" I ask, sitting at the edge of Mikayla's bed, watching him pull them up.

"I thought we'd go down to the beach once it's a little darker." He grins, tying the string on the waistband.

"I didn't imagine you being that big of a beach person." I say, standing up in front of him, wrapping my fingers in his waistband on each side of him, making him grin a bit.

"Well when you have a cute girl to be with, things change." He grins, pecking my lips with his. I laugh through the small kisses he continues, pecking my lips repeatedly.

"I don't even have a summer body yet, not that I ever try too hard for one anyways." I say.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He stands back a little bit, looking me up and down with a puzzled look on his face.

"What?" I ask while awkwardly laughing.

"You're perfect just like this." He steps back closer, wrapping his arms around me a pulling me against him.

"Just like this?" I look up at him as I'm stuck in his grip.

"Just like this, you've got the perfect build, just enough curves to make a guy like me have you get into that bikini and come down to the beach with him so he can eventually get it off you of by the end of it all."

"Tyler!" I loosen myself from his grip to shriek.

"What else was I to say?" He laughs at my reaction, always the same when I wasn't expecting a typical dirty thing like that.

"Well definitely not that." I laugh, going over and picking up my bikini he was pointing at while blabbing.

"Oh so that you have a wonderful body and I love it so much, it's so hot, I don't even know." He says, acting dumb.

"Sure." I say, going into the bathroom to change into it. I crack the door and start removing the other bikini I had on, but the door opens and Tyler stands there, watching and smiling. "Perv." I say, tying the strings on the bottom. "Can you tie the top on?" I say, holding it together, back facing him.

"Got to make sure it's a loose enough knot that it can easily come off." He says quietly.

"Oh my god." I shake my head and redo my hair, putting it back up into a ponytail.

A phone rings, and I think it's mine for a second, but Tyler rushes over to grab his phone from the bed stand. He answers and begins pacing back and forth in front of the two beds. I get on our bed, sitting up against the headboard watching him. He talks about being in Florida with me and how he'll be up soon, whatever that's supposed to mean.

"Yeah, thanks again, I'll see you later." Tyler stops and looks over at me, a grin appearing. "And yes, you'll be able to meet her." He laughs. "Alright talk to you later, bye." He hangs up, throwing his phone on Mikayla's bed and jumping onto ours, wrapping his arm around my side and pulling me to him, kissing me gently.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"My friend Brandon, you've never met him." He says, sitting up.

"Well obviously, since I've never met too many of your other friends."

"True." He laughs, getting off and standing in front of the window, looking out. I get off and hug him from behind. He turns around, sitting down on the window seat, and pulls me closer to him as I stand between his legs. He kisses my stomach, making me laugh.

"Everything looks so different here at night." I say, looking out the window, running my fingers through his hair.

"What do you say we get down there already?" He says, standing up and grabbing my hand, wrapping his fingers through mine and pulling me out the door behind him.

I jump on his back as we head down to the sand, making our way to the water's edge that's almost glowing in the moonlight, as well as the beach itself. It's quite pretty. Tyler drops me off and grabs my hand again, wrapping his fingers loosely through mine as we walk along side the water.

"When we go to Maine later in the summer, I know just the beach to go to." I tell him, swinging our linked hands back and forth between us.

"I say we just go there instead of going to Toronto when we leave here." He says, looking over at me.

"No! You're not making me be the cause of ruining your already planned plans Ty."

"You wouldn't be ruining them, I want to go there, we'll be able to do so much more instead of being in my apartment in Toronto."

"I'm sure we'll find something great to do." I assure him.

"Not really, how about one week in Toronto, then we leave for Maine?"

"No! More than just a week!"

"Okay fine, a week and a half."

"Tyler." I give him an unimpressed look, causing him to laugh.

"You said more than just a week, so a week and a half is more than just a week."

"You're so funny." I say, sarcastically laughing. Tyler gives me a little shove towards the water. I laugh and grab his arm, wrapping mine around it.

"What? You scared?" He grins playfully.

"No." I say. It's not that I was scared, I just don't really feel like falling since I'm not the easiest on my feet.

"Let's go." He shakes his arm loose from my grip, grabs my wrist, and pulls me in the water with him, causing the water to spray up in front of us as we run in. We dive into the water, hand in hand, and Tyler pulls me up with him, me pressed against his chest. As soon as I get air, his lips are on mine, gentle at first, then his tongue gains entrance as he deepens the kiss, fingers pressed firmly just above my hips.

"I love you." I say as he pulls away, looking into his dark eyes.

"I love you." He says, looking back at me just the way I am him. The water droplets sliding down his chest and over his stomach catch me off guard just as the ones going down between my boobs are him. Wrapping his arms around my back, he picks me up, taking us a little deeper into the water. I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his back as he presses his lips on mine again. He slides a hand up my back, tugging at the string dangling from the halter around my neck. It comes lose and the front falls off, revealing my boobs, his whole purpose in doing so.

"You're so bad." I laugh, adjusting myself closer to him, pressing myself against him for protection.

"I try." He grins, tugging at the string keeping my top even on, holding my bikini top in his hand and stuffing it in his trunks pocket. He gets on his knees so that the water is just over my chest. He starts kisses down my neck and just above my boobs, feeling a hand over one, than both as his kisses move back up, meeting my lips.

"Tyler." I whisper, pulling away fast, stopping him from what he had in store. I press tightly against him as I swear I hear a voice, or more than just one.

"What?" He asks making me out a hand over his mouth since he aid that too loud for my comfort. I grab my bikini top from his pocket and tie it back on as best as I can, still almost pressed against Tyler.

"There's someone down here." I whisper back, grabbing his hand and standing on my feet as he does his.

The voices I heard soon are figures coming from the opposite direction of the beach we came from. Tyler walks us out of the water, turning his head to check on me.

"Hey, didn't think anyone else would be down here." One of the voices calls as we get out of the water and are just a matter of feet away from them. It's two men and a girl, the girl holding one of the guys' hand.

"Tyler let's go." I clench his hand, speaking quietly.

"Alright." He starts walking at a normal pace away from the water in the direction we came from.

"Hey, guys! Where are you going?" The female calls, making me turn towards them as she runs in our direction. "It's us!" She calls, making us stop.

"You fucking had me scared." I say, as soon as Mikayla is in front of us, laughing.

"You idiot, you should have known." She laughs, hugging me. The two men come over, one being Mark and the other probably a friend of his.

"Hey you two." Mark says, nodding his head in our direction.

"Oh, this is Mark's best friend, Brett by the way. Brett, this is my best friend Meghan and her boyfriend Tyler, I was talking about them, remember?" Mikayla introduces the other guy to us, then us to him.

"Oh yeah, nice to meet you." Brett smiles, exchanging hand shakes. His voice is very deep.

"You too." Tyler responds with a smile, his other arm wrapping tightly around me.

"We were heading over to get you guys." Mikayla says, standing next to Mark at his point. As if she doesn't think I would notice, I see her hand in his as they stand closely together. I grin at her and she looks at me funny. "What?" She awkwardly laughs.

"Whatcha doing?" I tease, moving my eyes to their hands then back to her.

"Nothing besides standing here." She looks at Tyler and Brett, then back to me. I move Tyler's arm off of me and grab his hand, in hopes of an obvious clue, which works. She looks down at the sand, rolling her eyes.

"Fuck off Meghan, now let's go guys." She smiles, tugging Mark along with her as we follow behind.

We head up to the hotel and Tyler and I go into the bathroom, changing out of our wet bathing suits, and into comfortable clothes. I begin opening the door, but Tyler shuts it, locking it again.

"What are you doing Ty?" I ask, leaning back against the sink counter, expecting him to pull something on me.

"Nothing, yet, why?" He grins, stepping in front of me and placing hands on my sides.

"Can't put anything past you." I laugh, reaching up and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Not right now sweets. I've got a flight booked tomorrow for Toronto."

"Tomorrow? But this has been so fun with you down here, I don't want to leave yet." I whine, wrapping my arms around him, putting my face in his chest.

"It really has, but I want to get Toronto over with so we can go to Maine." He says, pushing me away so he can see my face. I fake pout, making him laugh. "Oh stop." He laughs, making me laugh before hugging him.

"This was great."

"It was, but I have a feeling Maine will be better." He places a kiss on the top of my head.

"What time is the flight?" I ask, pulling away from him.

"Noon, so we have a little bit of time."

"Okay, well let's go out there." I say, grabbing his hand and leading us back out to the group. Mark and Mikayla are cuddled up together on her bed and Brett isn't even in the room.

"Where's Brett?" I ask, getting on Tyler and I's bed, followed by Tyler.

"He went back home, he's not the biggest social butterfly." Mark says, looking over at us.

"So are you guys a new package or what?" Tyler asks, trying to stay serious before chuckling at his own question. Both Mikayla and Mark laugh a little while exchanging glances at one another.

"I guess." Mikayla laughs.

"It's a yes or no question, I mean, I'd hope you'd know if you were together or not." Tyler says, knowing it will get her going like she did him earlier.

"Yes asshole, we're together." She laughs, rolling her eyes. Tyler laughs and pulls me onto his lap.

"Mark, you stole my girlfriend." I say to him, acting as if I'm hurt by it.

"So sorry Meghan, I just really liked her."

"Cheating on me, huh?" Tyler squeezes me, directing that to me.

"Shit happens." I shrug. He laughs and places his chin on my shoulder.

"We'll be nothing like them though, no one could be." Mikayla tells Mark out loud.

"Don't say that, we're not perfect." I tell her as soon as she says it.

"Pretty friggen close, you guys are made for each other, don't deny it."

"Stop, you guys will be perfect together."

"I sure hope so." She laughs, looking at Mark before kissing his cheek, making me smile and kiss Tyler's nose, the only part of his face I could reach turning my head. He scrunches it up, making me laugh at how cute he is.

Mark and Mikayla whisper in conversation as I sit there in Tyler's arms, looking out the window at the think clouds move past the moon.

"I love you." Tyler whispers, his mouth against my ear, kissing it gently. I smile a little at his breath tickling it.

"I love you." I say, turning my head towards him and pecking his lips, repeatedly, as he continues it to me. I laugh as he pokes my nose with his finger. I poke his wrinkle dimples from his smile with mine and he laughs.

"Well I should be heading out, I'll probably see you guys tomorrow morning." Mark crawls off Mikayla's bed and walks towards the door, Mikayla following him.

"See ya." Tyler and I say in unison, waving as they close the door behind them.

"Is she going with him?" Tyler asks.

"I don't know."

"I hope so." He gets off the bed.

"Why?" I reach for the remote on the bed stand to turn the tv on.

"Well since our last night down here." He starts as he takes off his basketball shorts he stuck on earlier, along with the tanktop.

"Yeah?" I admire him from my spot on the bed. He goes into the bathroom and comes back with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"You know what I'm getting at." He says with a mouth full of toothpaste foam. I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm up for a movie and cuddle session with my boy." I shrug my shoulders. He returns to the bathroom, the water running and he returns, getting into the blankets and pulling them right out from underneath me to cover me up and pull me close to him.

"I guess I'm up for that too since you're very cuddly tonight." He nuzzles his face into my neck as I rest the side of my face against the too of his head. Mikayla returns to the room with a smile on her face. Tyler sits up as I do.

"He's going to come up at some point to be with me!" Mikayla announces.

"Aw, that's sweet! You guys are quite the pair." I say, making her smile.

"I think we moved into it too fast, I mean, I knew him before, but we hadn't seen each other in forever and when we saw each other we kind of just went with it and fell fast."

"I understand." Which I do completely. Tyler and I really did move into it too fast, we only knew each other for a solid couple days, besides seeing each other in passing the season before, never really talking besides a couple words maybe, if that. Then we are here, as if we've been together for years.

"He's such a great guy though." She says, staring at her phone as she tosses it up and down off the bed.

"He seems it, and you can tell he likes, loves you, whatever."

"I know I do to him."

"Are we going to watch a movie or not?" Tyler butts in, lying down and resting his head in my lap, staring at the tv.

"Way to interrupt ass." Mikayla says, jokingly.

"Go find your boy toy." Tyler says, flipping her off. I grab his hand and laugh, running my fingers through his.

"Go to sleep."

"Go fuck your-" He starts before I put my hand over his mouth, stopping him from finishing.

"Alright you two, get along." I say, removing my hand from his mouth, revealing a smirk from him. I try not to laugh because he looks so devilish and cute, so I just roll my eyes.

"How about Forrest Gump, I haven't seen that in forever?" Mikayla says, pointing it out as we scroll through the satellite guide.

"Whatever is fine with me." I say, running my fingers through Tyler's hair. I can tell he's tired, and this doesn't help. His eyes are getting heavy as the movie starts.

About a half an hour into the movie, Tyler is out, his head resting in my lap with one arm underneath it, the other resting across my lap. He looks comfortable, how he is is unknown to me, and I don't want to bother him, but I've seen this movie too many times to count on all fingers and toes three times.

"Ty." I whisper in his ear. He doesn't move, so I do it again, this time, shaking his arm. "Tyler." He moans as he slowly shifts off of me and rests his head on his pillow.

"What?" He says, barely awake.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." I kiss his cheek as his eyes flutter shut and he's out within minutes.

"We leave for Toronto tomorrow." I tell Mikayla during a commercial break.

"Tomorrow?!" She asks, surprised. "But I thought we would be here longer?"

"Tyler's already got a flight booked. You don't have to go, he can cancel yours so you can have some more time with Mark."

"No, I'm going, I'm not letting a guy be the one holding me back from spending time with my best friend."

"No, more like don't let me be the one holding you back from your boyfriend."

"Meghan, you have to stop thinking for everyone but yourself more often, I'm fine and Mark is fine, we can live without each other. Besides, it's not like we've been together as long as you and Tyler have. We are fine, he's coming up to Maine later when we are there, no worries."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I've never been to Toronto and what better would it be then to be there with my best friend?" She smiles, snuggling into her blankets.

"Very true. I have no clue what we're doing." I say, looking at my sleeping boyfriend.

"I'd imagine you'll see his family." She says, continuing back to scrolling through whatever on her phone.

"Well yeah, and probably some friends."

"Are we staying in a hotel or what?"

"Ty and I are staying in his apartment, but for you, I don't know."

"Abandoning me? How cute, thanks Meg, glad you're looking out for me." She laughs, trying to act hurt.

"That's just what I'm out to do." I laugh. "But you'll probably stay with us at the apartment."

"Alright. I think it's bedtime, I don't know about you. I'm going with Mark in the morning for breakfast, you two are welcome to join." She says, shutting the tv off and reaching for her phone charger on the ground.

"I don't know what he's got planned, just wake me up."

"Sounds good, goodnight." She says, shutting off the light on the bedstand.



Mikayla's blow dryer wakes me up, not her actually doing so. I look at the clock on my phone, 8:08. I get up and stretch. The bathroom door swings open, Mikayla peeking out.

"I thought I heard someone." She says, putting the blow dryer in a suitcase of hers.

"Yeah, what time are you going?"

"Mark told me 9:00."

"Probably should wake him up." I glance over at Tyler, who's still sound asleep.

"Probably, unless you want me to." She grins.

"Let's not, I don't need to here about that for the rest of the day and flight." I laugh, walking over and crawling back onto the bed, crawling on top of him. He moans and opens his eyes slowly, rubbing them.

"What are you doing?" His raspy morning voice asks, eyes squinted because of the sunlight through the windows.

"Waking you up, good morning." I smile, giving him a kiss before crawling off. He smiles and gets out of bed.

"Move." He tells Mikayla, who is standing in the bathroom doorway. She pushes him as she let's him through, causing him to overreact and bang into the door.

"You're pathetic." She laughs, shaking her head and sitting next to me at the end of the bed.

"I should probably take a shower." I sigh, lazily standing up.

"You stink." Mikayla comments. I turn and give her a nasty look. "Joking, you smell like, I don't know, nothing." She shrugs her shoulders, making me laugh as I enter the bathroom. Tyler finishes his business as I strip of my clothes and start the shower.

"Well hello babe." He says, turning around and seeing me wait for the shower to heat up. I laugh at his surprised look.


"Care if I join?" He grins, stepping closer.

"I suppose not." I grin back, stepping into the shower. He practically rips off his boxers and is in the shower with me within seconds.

Scrubbing the shampoo into my hair, I feel him slide his hands up my sides. "Behave Tyler." I turn and face him, a devilish grin on his face.

"What? Are you going to put me in timeout for it?" He laughs, rubbing the soap bar across his toned torso, completely catching me off guard, his whole intention on doing so.

"Screw you Tyler." I stop myself. He laughs.

"Behave Meghan." He mimics me. I roll my eyes and condition my hair, rinsing and waiting on him to finish.

"Did you want to go to breakfast with Mikayla and Mark?" I ask, wrapping the towel around me and plugging in my blow dryer.

"Is it okay if I so no?" I dries his hair with the towel, standing there in his boxers.

"It's up to you, I'm doing whatever you're doing."

"Well can we, as in just you and I, go out to breakfast together?"

"That's perfectly fine with me." I smile. To be honest, I was hoping he would say no because this is our last few hours here in Florida, and in kind of just want it to be him and I, not with Mikayla and Mark. They are cute and all, but I barely know Mark and I don't really feel like spending my morning with them.

"Sweet, get ready." He kisses my cheek from behind and heads out of the bathroom. I start blow drying my hair and a few minutes later, he returns and sits on the toilet, watching me.

"Creeper." I joke, unplugging the blow dryer and turning to face him. He grins and stands up, leaning me back against the sink counter, his lips meeting mine.

"Sorry, you just look so beautiful." He says as he pulls away, returning to his seat.

"Oh stop."

"Going to have to make me." He grins playfully, but I pretend I didn't see as I throw my hair up into a ponytail and put on a little bit of makeup.

"Are you planning on putting on clothes?" Tyler asks as I go to open the door, still wrapped in the towel.

"Shit. Is Mark here? Because I swear I heard her talking to someone just a second ago." I say.

"He might be, where's your clothes?"

"My suitcase, pick me out an outfit please." I open the door and push him out. I hear Mark say hello to Tyler as the exchange a few words, and Tyler comes back in, an outfit in hand. I grab it, seeing it's a pair of white jean shorts and a tank-top of mine, one that is bigger, of course he had to grab that one.

"Thank you babe." I say, dressing myself. I tuck the tank-top into my shorts and it actually looks pretty cute, not going to lie. I grab Tyler's hand, stopping him from checking me out, and drag us out of the bathroom and straight into the view of a Mikayla and Mark make out session. They don't even notice us, which is kind of disturbing.

"Let's just go." Tyler whispers in my ear, sliding his hand across my back to place it on my hip. I nod, collect my phone from the bed stand, and try to be quiet, but it doesn't work. Mikayla jumps back from Mark, covering her mouth.

"Jesus, I'm so sorry you had to see that." She apologizes, as if it was the worst thing to ever happen. I can't help but laugh.

"It's fine, we're going to get going, it was nice seeing you Mark." I wave to Mark and gather Tyler's hand in mine as I lead us to the door.

"But I thought you were going to go with us?" Mikayla asks.

"Nah, you guys spend your morning together, Tyler and I have stuff we'll do."

"Alright, meet back here at like, 11?" She looks at her phone for the time I assume.

"Sure." I look at Tyler and he nods in approval.

"See you then." She smiles awkwardly. We go out and head for the rental car.

"You could've gotten a nicer car then this." Tyler laughs at the sight of the car, I roll my eyes and get in the driver's seat.

"Well everything was planned by Mikayla, so tell her that." I say, backing up and heading on the road.

"Want to try that place we went for dinner?"


The place is just in distance of the hotel. We pull in and go inside.

"That place is where it's at." Tyler says as we walk back out to the car after eating.

"Yeah it is." I agree.

"Where to now? It's 10:27. Got a half an hour." He says, looking at my phone that was lying in the drink console. He continues to look at the screen, reading something.

"What are you doing?" I ask, glancing over.

"Cody texted you." He says with an unimpressed look on his face.

"What's it say?"

"Meghan, please call or at least text me when you get this." He reads off.

"He texted me the same thing last night." I say, not meaning to. I know he's probably a little pissed off he texted me and that I have his number even saved in my phone, and mentioning this doesn't help matters as I practically feel the anger vibes coming from him.

"Well you're not his best friend or anything, so he can go fuck himself." He puts my phone into the console before looking out the window as we drive passed buildings.

"Don't be an ass." I look over at him. He gives me a dirty look before looking back out the window.

"Well he doesn't need to talk to his ex who happens to be my girlfriend now."

"Tyler, you don't need to control who I can and can't talk to."

"Here you go again, Meghan, drop it now before shit starts." He raises his hands as he talks. I breathe a heavy sigh and choose the better choice of just holding it in and staying quiet. I'm going to be on a flight with him in less than two hours all the way to Toronto, don't need to be on bad terms during it.

"What time is it now?" I say, after driving in silence for at least 10 minutes. He picks up my phone again.

"10:40. Probably should start heading back to the hotel." He places it back in the console. He rolls down his window and places his arm out it.

"Alright." I calmly say, pulling into a lot and turning back towards where we came from.

We arrive back at the hotel with about five minutes to spare. The walk to the room is quiet, but once we enter the room, everything is flipped upside down as he shuts the door behind us, and presses me against the door with his body, his lips against mine as his tongue forces its way through. I melt into him as he picks me up and walks us over to the bed, lying me against the headboard and places himself between my legs, barely breaking our connected mouths. His kisses down my jawline and neck to my chest always have a way of making me melt even more. His touch period does it. I don't think any man could even begin to compete with the way Tyler has this effect on me.

"I love you so fucking much." He breathes against my ear as he does everything he can not to get my shorts off, I know him all too well. That was his intention.

Our moment is ended quickly as the door swings open and Mikayla and Mark enter.

"Hope we didn't interrupt anything." Mikayla looks at us funny. Mark and Tyler exchange a grin, both us girls noticing it.

"Oh my god you guys." I get off the bed, embarrassed by the fact Mark now knows by just the grin they exchanged. I avoid eye contact with him.

"Probably should clean my mess of a suitcase off the floor." Mikayla stares at what is her mess of a suitcase on the floor. She throws everything into the suitcase and collects her bag from the bathroom, setting both on her bed. I collect mine as Tyler does his, lying them on our bed.

"Well I suppose I should get going, it was super meeting you guys." Mark shakes Tyler's hand and gives me a hug, awkward for me. Mikayla places her hand on his arm as she leads him out.

"She's attached." Tyler says, sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. I slap his arm.

"Stop, she hasn't had too many boyfriends."

"I wonder why, she's attached and kind of annoying."

"You're one to talk."

"I'm annoying?" He asks, surprised.

"No, but you're attached."

"Attached? Hell no."

"Tyler." I give him a look, letting him know he's lying. He slowly starts to smile as he was trying not to.

"No I'm not." He lies.

"You're a terrible liar." I laugh, sitting down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

Mikayla walks back in, her eyes wet. She might be attached, just a little bit, but she hasn't had too many boyfriends, so she gets this way. It's a big deal to her, but I'm proud of her. I get up and give her a hug.

"You'll be fine, you'll see him very soon." I whisper to her, rubbing her back.

"I know. He's so great." She wipes her eyes.

"Yes he is, I'm proud of you." I smile, making her smile.

"Thank you."

She sits down on the floor against her bed across from Tyler. I sit across from her, leaning back between Tyler legs.

"What do you say, we'll leave in a few minutes?" I look up at Tyler.

"Yeah, that'd be good."

I decide on texting my mom, since I haven't spoken to either one of them in forever, updating them on what has been going on.

*Hey Mom! I'm down in Florida at the moment, waiting to leave in a few minutes for Toronto. I'll probably call you when we get there. Tell Daddy I love him and miss him, and same goes to you! See you very soon :)*

I debate whether or not to text Cody, but with Tyler probably watching me, I decide quickly not to.

"We should get going." Tyler decides, standing up, pushing my away from his legs. Both Mikayla and I stand to our feet, retrieving our suitcases and everything else. Making sure nothing has been left behind, we make our way out to the car.

The ride to the airport wasn't too bad, besides the fact Mikayla and Tyler wouldn't stop having tormenting arguments. We collect our stuff and I stick the key in the glove compartment, letting Mikayla know to call the rental place. As she does that, Tyler and I find a spot to sit until our flight is ready.

"Flight to Toronto is now ready." The voice comes over the intercom. The three of us have our luggage checked and packed as we have our tickets scanned and board the plane. I sit in the middle between them both.

"Toronto, here we come." I say out loud to them, grabbing Tyler's hand that is placed in my lap as the plane takes off. Let the adventure begin.

(Finally an update, I'm very sorry it took as long as it did for it to come, but I've been very busy. HOPEFULLY the updates will come faster now that I'm on summer break, but do know that I'm sorry. Please don't forget to leave your comments and votes! Love you all!)

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