Tom Felton x Reader - Terribl...

By xxTheRetardedGirlxx

122K 3K 5.9K

I just want to tell you that you're eighteen and Tom's twenty. He's filming the fifth film (Harry Potter and... More

Meeting The Snake
How Things Got All Screwed Up
Meeting the Lion
The Best Day Ever
Italians, British, French and Spanish
I'm Not The One
Christmas Tradition
The Commuter
L'imbarazzo Di Se Stesso
HRVY - I Won't Let You Down
The Gala
Bonus Part - 1
Bonus Part - 2
Other Stories

The Gala - 2

5K 155 238
By xxTheRetardedGirlxx

A/N: Two things. First: the part I wanted you to see is at 6:45. And second: I know what it is to be reading a story from someone you don't even know the hair colour, and at least for me I find it quite strange, so if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.

"What happened to you, girl? You look-" Emma started but was cut off by Helena Bonham Carter.

"Awesome! And that messy hairstyle suits your dress amazingly." 

"Thank you." I smiled.

Helena Bonham Carter, Tom's crush. Yeah. I guess I always envied her for that.

"I have to go girls but Joanne told me that Ralph and Jason were looking you, Y/N/N and Tom," Helena said. "They're waiting for you at the entrance of the room where the questions will be held."

"Oh, ok. We were heading there anyway. Want to come with us?" I said.

"No, sweetheart. I'm going to get food." She smiled as she walked away.

I and Emma walked into the room and I instantly saw Jason, Ralph, Tom, Alan, James and Oliver. IT looks like lots of people know about this prank. Fun.

"Guys?" I asked. "What am I needed for?"

"Come." James and Oliver held my arms and made me walk with all of them to an empty room.

"Now that you know about the prank, you can help us." James had an evil smile on his face.

"Ok, so, this is the plan." Jason started.

After they explain the prank to me I changed clothes in the nearest bathroom, put a hoodie on and ran to the room but instead went to the interviewers and journalists side.

The outfit:

They are going to die after this prank and I'm going with them. Tell me why I agreed to help again?

It seems like the real girl he likes is in here, so I have to find her and ask her to ask a question for me. Her name is Lila and they know each other from University.

"Hey, could you please ask this to Rupert Grint, for me? I'm very shy." I asked Lila, handing her a paper.

"Of course." She smiled.

The questions were starting. Rupert was next to Emma and Daniel, in the exact place we wanted him to be. Tom, Ralph and Jason were next to each other, and James and Oliver were next to each other as well.

I looked up at Tom and when he saw me I touched my nose as a signal. Tom smirked and laughed at a question alerting the others the plan was starting.

After some people, it was time for the person at my side.

"I have two questions." She started. I made the signal again warning Tom and the others it was the time for the question. "First to Tom Felton: everyone knows Draco is not the hero in the story but he's not particularly evil. What do you think about it?" She asked and he answered based on what I said about Draco Malfoy the first time we had dinner together. "This one is for Rupert: So, Rupert, everyone knows about your fart problem, how do you deal with it while you're filming the scenes." When she ended she laughed a little.

Rupert became all red and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by James. "I thought we were supposed to don't tell anyone."

"It looks like he gained the courage to tell the world about his illness," Oliver said. 

All the cast was either surprised or laughing. even J. K. was laughing.

Rup is such a nice guy! I'm so sorry for him. Hahahahha. No, I'm not.

"Oh, come on guys. Let Rupert-" Alan started but clicked the button making the fart machine start. "Let Rupert speak-" He clicked again. By this time Jason and Ralph were already tearing apart from holding the laughter. "-speak." He finished and clicked the button again.

That was when Rupert found the machine and took it from under the table. everyone started laughing, including him and Alan clicked it again.

"Rupert, Rupert. That's unbelievable." Ralph started.

Jason coughed making us know it was time to say it was all a prank.

I took off my hoodie and screamed with Tom, Ralph, Alan, James, Jo, Oliver and Jason. "Pranked." 

Everyone laughed including the journalists, Lila and Rupe.

The people around me started looking at me with widened eyes and I waved at them.

Everyone stelled down and the cast set in their chair again.

"You're all going to get it back," Rupert said in the micro looking at the eight of us.

The questions continued and I walked out of there. I got in the dress again and waited for them on a sofa near the door.

I looked through Instagram, remembering this was the first time I got there after five days.

Wait a moment, if this is the gala night, it means that tomorrow I'm going back home.

Christmas is on Sunday and I has no one to spend it with. Guess I'm going to spend Christmas with my books and my jelly tots. Or I could also spend it with my sister but we don't get along that well if we spend more than two-three hours together. Besides, I think she's going to spend it with her boyfriend's family in Italy. Ugh!

After sometime everyone got out of there and we went to the dining room.

The rest of the evening went really well. Around 11 p.m, it was only the little Harry Potter family in the room having a great time talking and dancing. In the middle of the night, my feet got too tired from dancing, so I took my heels off and put then next to my purse and jacket. At around 5 a.m, everyone started to get out of there and so did I.

We didn't get out of there with the same people we got in. For example: in my limo, there was me, Tom, Helena and Tim (Helena's husband).

I fell asleep in the car with my head on Tom's lap and my legs and feet in the seat.

When we got to the hotel Helena woke me and then Tom and the two of us got out of the car. I walked side by side, my eyes almost closing until we made it to the bedrooms doors. I opened mine said bye to Tom and crashed right like I was in my bed, falling asleep instantly.


My phone rang at 7 a.m. I instantly groaned, since I only got to sleep two hours. Anyway, I still want to go to the swimming pool, take a shower, pack my belongings and have breakfast all until midday.

Your bikini:

I dressed my robe over the bikini and got a towel. As I walked out of the room, I saw Tom getting out of his room as well.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He had a robe on, just like me.

"I'm going to the swimming pool since there's almost no one there this early in the morning." He smiled. "You?"

"Same." I smiled as well. 

Right after we got to the swimming pool and taking my robe off, I dove in. It was gigantic. I closed my eyes, let my body floating and started imagining I was in the middle of the sea with no one there to bug me.

Then Tom hugged me from behind, pushing me underwater with him, making me remember I wasn't alone.

We came to the surface and our eyes connected. We couldn't touch the floor due to being in the deepest part of the pool. My arms were around his neck and his around my waist, holding me close

I could hear the pouring rain and the thunder, I guess we're going to visit nothing today.

His eyes, so intense. Blue-grey eyes fighting Y/Y/C (your eye colour) in a massive duel of feelings. (A/N Ohhhh!!! I liked this sentence. So poetic.) We couldn't tear apart from each others touch.

Our eyes started to come closer and closer until there were only inches separating us. 

That was when I pushed him underwater, laughing and swimming away. 

He got to the surface, smirked and swam faster than I to catch me. 

When he reached me he jumped on me making us go underwater and kissed me. The kiss was slow and amazing. It felt so right and so good that all my insecurities about Tom ever loving me went away.

The kiss was passionate, like a burning fire, furious and hungry, like the water, delicate and needed, like the air we breathe and sweet and warm like the earth. So much love in only one gesture.

He deepened the kiss and held me even closer as if possible. As the human beings that we are we float to the surface involuntary. 

I wanted more, I needed more.

As I once read, 1 minute of your day can either ruin 23 hours and 59 minutes or save those 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Tom Felton's Pov-

I held her even closer as we got to the surface, if possible, but still as if I was holding a porcelain doll. I tried to show her all my love for her in one kiss. 

I tried to show her that I'm sorry for being a jerkass in the past few days and that I want her more than ever, that I need her, no matter what happens.That I'm happy that Jade is gone and I can be with her.

I want more, I need more.

As I once read, 1 minute of your day can either ruin 23 hours and 59 minutes or save those 23 hours and 59 minutes.

A thunder was heard, making our lips come apart. We looked at the window,  laughed and looked back at each other.

"Tom." Y/N started.

"Yes, love." Wait, what? Why did I call her 'love'. Well, we kissed twice, so I guess we're on that level, right? 

She smiled and continued, nervously. "Promise me you'll never love another girl. Because let me tell you that I hated it when you were with Jade."

I chuckled. "I promise. But in a few years, I might love another girl, love." I saw her eyes become darker, so I put my hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer to mine, smiling at her. "She'll call you mommy." I kissed her again but this time it took less time.

Our foreheads touched and we stayed like that for some time.

Your Pov-

After some time we got out of there and walked hand in hand to our rooms. I took a shower, got ready and then took a glance at the clock. 

8:30. I still can end packing things.

Your outfit:

Around 9, I went down to the breakfast room and set in the same table Emma and Bonnie were.

"Hey, girl. Have you seen the gossip from Coral?" Bonnie asked.

"Nope. I prefer not to see it, now that people want to know what I do. As long as you believe me I'm fine. And once you know what is being followed by Coral, I think you won't believe in her that easily." I laughed.

"That's totally true. But just for the record, she says that it looks like the love triangle wasn't you, Tom and Rupe but you, Tom and Dan." Emma chuckled and pointed to the front door. "Speaking of the devil."

"Yeah, but the only thing true in there is me and Tom," I said laughing and looking at Dan, Rupert and Tom walking to our table.

"What the hell? Tell us about it!" Bonnie and Emma smiled furiously.

"Hang on. It's not like we're getting married or something." I laughed.

"Not now, but you will, and then you're going to have kids and live happily ever after." Emma looked dreamy.

"Tom loves Y/N! Tom loves Y/N! I'm so excited!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Who loves who?" Dan asked.

"I love Y/N. That's the fact." Tom said putting his hands on my shoulders and massaging them.

"And I love Tom," I said putting my hands on his.

Dan and Rupe didn't have time to say a word because Jason, Ralph and Helena appeared and, as expected, Ralph spook. "One more to the evil side."

"Or one more to the good one." J. K. laughed.

Slowly everyone showed up and was getting the news. Positively, we had one room for us all, since we were numerous.

In the meantime, Tom set on the chair next to mine picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

For a long, long time that I wanted to be with Tom. More precisely, since I was ten and he was twelve. It looks like I finally got what I wanted.

"I love you," I whispered looking Tom in the eyes.

Tom kissed me and then spook. "No matter what happens. I'll eternally love you. Always."


A/N: There will be Bonus Parts including:

- your wedding with Tom; 

- you, Tom and your kids;

- and whatever pops into 

my head or yours.

Hope you liked my story!

Micheft Managed.

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