Brothers Best Friend (H.S)

By harry1d_af

2.1M 28.1K 47.1K

Book 1 in the Brother's Best Friend Series. Through drama, arguments, love and lust can you still fall for y... More

Chapter One- Always Full of Sunshine
Chapter Two- Miss West and Mr Styles
Chapter Three- Peach
Chapter Four- Not Turning Down The Hook Up
Chapter Five- Doesnt Explain Why Your Half Dressed
Chapter Six- And then There Was Two
Chapter Seven- The City
Chapter Eight- You'll Probably Get An Invite
Chapter Nine- That Would be Funny Right Harry?
Chapter Ten- A Date
Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door
Chapter Tweleve- If You Over Step The Line
Chapter Thirteen- Spare Room
Chapter Fourteen- Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen- Not Interested
Chapter Sixteen- What Were You Gonna Say?
Chapter Seventeen- Oh You Like Her?
Chapter Eighteen- Bonding
Chapter Nineteen- Well You Already Fucked That
Chapter Twenty- Baby Steps
Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me
Chapter Twenty Two- I've got Cups
Chapter Twenty Three- I Need Some Air
Chapter Twenty Four- Dare
Chapter Twenty Five- Goodnight
Chapter Twenty Six- Harry Invited Her
Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek
Chapter Twenty Eight- A Word Now?
Chapter Twenty Nine- 8 Planets
Chapter Thirty- Ever Heard Of a Cab?
Chapter Thirty One- You Say It Like It's A Bad Thing
Chapter Thirty Two- You Can Do Better Than That
Chapter Thirty Three- Rumour Has It
Chapter Thirty Four- Barbecue
Chapter Thirty Six- Rough Love
Chapter Thirty Seven- Packers Are Shit
Chapter Thirty Eight- Soft Spots
Chapter Thirty Nine- Just
Chapter Forty- Baby
Chapter Forty One- Strawbs
Chapter Forty Two- Breakfast, Books and Pages
Chapter Forty Three- The First Tear Fell
Chapter Forty Four- Decisions
Chapter Forty Five- New Things
Chapter Forty Six- Surrender
Chapter Forty Seven- Apuesto a que te encantarĂ­a
Chapter Forty Eight- Did You Forget My Bestfriend?
Chapter Forty Nine- I Told You So
Chapter Fifty- Trust
Chapter Fifty One- No Time Like The Present
Chapter Fifty Two- Visitation
Chapter Fifty Three- Family Are Lethal
Chapter Fifty Four- Four Days
Chapter Fifty Five- Maybe I Learned From The Best
Chapter Fifty Six- Stepping Up
Chapter Fifty Seven- Next Door
Chapter Fifty Eight- Endless Questions
Chapter Fifty Nine- Silent Tear
Main Cast List- Final
Chapter Sixty- Perfect
Chapter Sixty One- Haven't You Done Enough?
Chapter Sixty Two- Harry's Girl
Chapter Sixty Three- Zac
Chapter Sixty Four- Symbolism
Chapter Sixty Five- Ring
Chapter Sixty Six- Just Pretend
Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters
Chapter Sixty Eight- Lingerie
Chapter Sixty Nine- Swings and Roundabouts
Chapter Seventy- Famous Last Words
Chapter Seventy One- 102
Chapter Seventy Two- Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter Seventy Three- The Letter
Chapter Seventy Four- Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks
Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY
Chapter Seventy Six- Family Dinner
Chapter Seventy Seven- Ruining The Moment
Chapter Seventy Eight- Tell Him
Chapter Seventy Nine- Feels
Chapter Eighty- Paper's
Chapter Eighty One- 2935 Miles
Question Time!
Q&A 2
Chapter Eighty Two- Nothing Left To Give But Tears
Chapter Eighty Three- The Guy I Hated To Love
Chapter Eighty Four- Method Behind The Madness
Chapter Eighty Five- Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole
Chapter Eighty Six- For The First Time
Chapter Eighty Seven- Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighty Eight- Caught
Chapter Eighty Nine- Our Song
Chapter Ninety- Scattered Dreams
Chapter Ninety One- Don't
Chapter Ninety Two- Friday
Chapter Ninety Three- Birthday
Chapter Ninety Four- Heartbreakingly Breathtaking
Chapter Ninety Four (Part 2)- Bottom Lip
Chapter Ninety Five- Ghost
Book 2

Chapter Thirty Five- Unexpected

19.1K 273 371
By harry1d_af

Chapter 35

Amy's POV

As the day went on it got better I would say, even Klaus and Harry were off talking somewhere. By now more people had gotten here a lot of my families friends littered the garden as they bunched in small different conversations with an alcoholic beverage on hand. The music my sister had chosen played through the garden as I sat on the swing bench under the floral rose arch my Mom was proud of as she had worked so hard on it. I could see Harry talking to Klaus, Jade and Amelia seeming like they were laughing about something. I tried to keep a bit of distance from him just to be sure no one gets the wrong idea. My Mom comes and sits down next to me handing me a chute of champagne.

"Celebrating?" I question with a smile as she never gives me alcohol.

"You look like you needed a drink, are you okay?" She asks and I nod. This was one of the first times my Mom actually spoke to me in English on purpose without me instigating it.
"Is it a boy? It seems like a boy problem" she says and I laugh lightly.

"How do you know everything? I'm pretty sure if you were on the other side of the world you would still call me and say 'is it a boy problem?' What's your secret?" I laugh lightly as does she.

"Well when you have four children you get used to the different signs each of them will show for little things that bother them. Like when your angry you go really quite before you get vocal with it you know? Which differs to Rain because she just stays quiet and leaves it. I guess I just know when your upset and I can tell something is bothering you- so come on tell me" she says and I pause. Do I tell her? I know my Mom would never say a thing to anyone if I told her not to it's just, would she judge me?

"Do you ever get the feeling like it's one rule for you and different for another?" I ask.

"Oh yes all the time" she nods and I nod.

"You know that feeling where something in a sense is wrong- just feels so-"

"Right? Yes I have experienced that" she says and I nod.

"So do you go with what feels right or do you stop yourself from moving forward and cut all ties cause it's theoretically wrong?" I ask and she frowns.

"My Mother always used to tell me- mi niña, si tu corazón dice una cosa y tu cabeza dice otra, toma la decisión que corra el riesgo porque nunca se sabe que un día podrías arrepentirte- (my girl, if your heart says one thing and your head says another, make the decision that takes the risk because you never know one day you would regret it)" she says as she squeezes my hand.
"I mean not that I ever listened to her, but nobody listens to the parents when they say things like that, but when you care about something advice as simple as that can sometimes be comforting" she says and I nod.

"I just feel like no matter what I do the situation is always gonna end badly no matter who I put first you know? Like I'm not-"

"Excuse me, Sorry Mrs West- Would it be alright if I talk with your daughter for a minute?" An all to familiar voice startles me by slipping into the conversation cutting me off. I look up to see Harry and can get out of my head what my Mom just said to me. I notice my Mother look from Harry to me and then back again before her eyes widen a little before she stands up.

"Of course Harry. Mi niña, necesitamos una charla más tarde porque creo que sé de qué se trata (My girl, we need a talk later as i think i know what this is about)" My eyes widen as she gives me a 'no fucking way' look causing me to just nod as I'm lost for words. How did she get that by just looking at us? I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Why are you sat over here?" He asks as he sits next to me on the bench.

"Just wanted a second to think I guess" I shrug.

"Think about what?" He asks and I shrug again.

"Just everything. The situation with Jade, Klaus... us. I don't know but I'm good now it's fine" I say as I sit back and cross my legs on the bench.

"Well Jade is just being unfair, childish you could say just don't let it affect you because at the end of the day you know better than anyone what people can say out of anger or because their upset-"

"I know she's upset with me but there's no need for those comments she made" I say and he nods.

"I know, as for Klaus he's your brother he's always gonna come around he's just a dick and well for us-"

"For us it's complicated" I finish his sentence making him sigh but nods in agreement.

"I know"

"I don't regret it" I say and he frowns.

"Regret what?"

"All this, what we started. I just wish we didn't have to hide it" I tell him and he nods with a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Maybe at some point we might have to tell them? Have you thought about that?" He asks and I laugh lightly.

"Thought about it? I can't not think about it" I say and he nods.

"Anyway I was gonna ask you if you want to come and talk to Jade and Klaus a minute, they want to talk to us both apparently" he says and I frown.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, maybe now we will get the opportunity to tell them-"

"Let's not jump to conclusions, let's just see what they have to say" I cut him off. Now is not the right time to be telling anyone anything.

"Come on, they've gone upstairs to wait for us" He says as he stands up to go. I sigh and follow him off into the house. We walk past the family and head on into the house as they don't notice us slip away at all. We head upstairs and Harry leads us into the spare bedroom where I see Jade and Klaus sat on the bed.

"Didn't think you'd actually get her up here to be honest mate" Klaus laughs. I look from Jade to Klaus to Harry to see that they all aren't actually looking at me. Actually it seemed like they avoided the thought of even looking at me.

"What's going on?" I ask. I look to Harry but even he avoids me. What is happening? He was fine with me literally a second ago.
"Harry..." I turn to him and try to pull on his shirt but to no avail. I sigh and turn away and head towards the door. This is fucking stupid why call me up here to then say nothing? It actually-

"I'm pregnant" I stop dead in my tracks and I swear my heart drops to the floor. No. This cannot be happening. Is she fucking serious? I turn around as they await my reaction but I can't seem to get any words out.
"Say something-" Jade pleads as she stands up in front of you.

"I don't know what to say-" I say as my voice is barely audible. I can't even keep eye contact with any of them.
"How?, I mean- I thought you-" I stutter.

"Used protection? We did, it just happened-" Jade cuts me off.

"How can it just happen? Your twenty years old! What about your work? What about your social life? What about money? Have you both got that planned?" I snap. Clearly they both don't think they are just going to sit and play house right? I wait for there answer but none of them can even look at me.
"Oh come on? You haven't talked about it? What do you expect to happen when the baby comes? And why the hell are you telling me this! Shouldn't you guys be telling Mom and Dad?" I say and Klaus stands up putting his hands on Jade's shoulders.

"We can't yet! We were going to wait for the first scan to tell them but when I told Harry-"

"You knew about this? Are you kidding me? You couldn't even tell me? - How long? How long did you know?" I turn to him with a disappointing look in my eye.
"How long?!" I yell at him when he doesn't reply to my question.

"I don't know? Maybe like 2 weeks? A week?" He says as he shrugs his shoulders causing my heart to drop. He knew. He knew and he still didn't tell me. He had every opportunity and yet couldn't.

"Wow-" I pause as I take a step back from them all trying to take all this information in.
"How could you?- No, I have to go" I snap my arm away from Harry's grip as he reaches out for me. I shake my head trying to hold back the tears as I quickly exit the room.

She's pregnant.

With my brothers child.

I mean I accepted them together but I didn't expect something like this to happen. But what upsets me most of all is the fact that Harry didn't tell me. He knew for a long time before me, he hung out with me practically everyday since he knew and still chose not to tell me. He lied to me. Knowing full well this would hurt me. And even then, he couldn't even speak the words to me when no one else could. Upset wasn't what I was feeling. I was hurt. Hurt that someone so close to me could blatantly keep something as big as that from me and didn't even slip up once.

I couldn't stay here any longer.

I need to leave.

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