Trapped in Hell (Jeanxoc)

By Jessicacadaver

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This is a shingeki no kyojin fanfiction. (Jeanxoc) High school sucks. It especially sucks when you move in th... More

In Another World (oneshot)
Help mehhhhh


118 2 0
By Jessicacadaver

"Armin be my partner please!" I said putting on a puppy pout.

"Sorry but Mina already asked me" Armin said.

"When?!" I asked.

"Before class, I guess she found out what we were doing ahead of time" Armin said.

"But you're all smart and stuff" I pouted laying my head on the desk.

"I'll be your partner " Marco said.

"But your not as smart as Armin" I groaned.

"Thats true, but I do my work" Marco said.

"But your too simple to describe, freckled Jesus. There. Thats it" I whined.

"You're just being stubborn" Marco said.

"Better him then a stranger" Armin said.

"Ffffffiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee" I sighed.

"You are so enthusiastic about me being your partner" Marco smiled.

"No im not" I growled "I want Armin to be my partner"

"You're cute when your grouchy" Marco teased.


"Jessica are you ok?" Eren asked me in Mr. Ackermans class during the lesson.

"Yeah, just tired" I mumbled.

"Jaeger no talking during my lesson! Do you want me to write you a referral?" Mr. Ackerman snapped.

"Wha?? I hardly even said anything" Eren said.

"Zip it Jaeger" Mr. Ackerman said.


"Shh! One more word and youre going straight to the principals office"

Damn. Mr. Ackerman really doesn't like Eren.


When I had gotten to chemistry class I said hello to Hanji then went right to my desk.

Sooo tired. I stayed up way to late last night. Laying my head on my desk a sigh left my lips. I better not fucking fall asleep.

I looked around class just trying to keep myself awake. My eyes went over to where Jean was sitting and I noticed him look away from me when I looked at him.

Was he staring at me? ...Creeper.

Remembering what happened on Saturday I frowned a bit and looked away from him. He's such a dick. I glanced back at him and his eyes met mine. Jean cast his eyes away from mine slightly frowning... for some reason though Im not really mad at him..

Hanji began speaking and I directed my attention to her.


"Hey" I said to Marco whom was outside of my class waiting for me.

"Hey" Marco said smiling "still grumpy?"

"Very much so, I'm tired" I said. Me and Marco began walking.

"You didn't sleep well or not enough?" Marco asked.


"Well I slept wonderfully" he said smiling.

"Whatever" I said smiling a bit.

Marco sat at a bench once we were outside "Well next time don't stay up late"

"I was talking to my friend in California, I lost track of time" I said sitting.

"Do you miss being there?" Marco asked.

"Yeah most of my childhood was there"

"If you could go back, would you?"

I shrugged "I don't know...maybe, but I've made some nice friends here and its so beautiful here" I shifted my body and laid my head on his lap ''god I'm tired" I yawned.

Marco blushed a little at my action "If you want you can take a nap"

"Mmmm yeah, that sounds nice" I said closing my eyes.

(different pov idk)

"Yo" Jean said to Marco. His eyes looked down to the sleeping Jessica.

"Hey" Marco said a small smile on his face.

"I need to talk to her" Jean said.

"But Jessica's sleeping" Marco said.

"Marco please, go I need to talk to her"

Marco hesitated for a bit "..Ok but when she gets mad for being woken up, its your fault not mine" he carefully picked Jessica's head up from his lap and laid it back on the bench. Jessica didn't awaken luckily. "I'll see you later" Marco said and started walking off.

"Thanks, see ya" Jean sat beside Jessica where she lay on the bench. Jean looked down at her "Hm, you look pretty cute when you sleep" He muttered. Jean took off his sweater and laid it on her sleeping form. "It's cold out your going to get sick with just that thin shirt"

Jean looked down at her and gently brushed some hair out of her face. "You need to wake up, I have to talk to you.... Jessica ..Jessica " he gently shook her shoulder a little. "wake up"

Jessica's eyes fluttered open and she looked at him tiredly.

(Jessica's pov)

My eyes opened and I looked at Jean confused. What is he doing here wasn't Marco here?

"That wasn't cool what you left for me in my closet" Jean said.

The corner of my lip went up a little "I thought they were balloons, were they not?" I smirked slightly.

"You know they weren't and as for my magazines-''

"I burned them, it was a little cold in the house" I said.

"Yeah that figures" Jean said smiling a little but his smile soon faded "……Im sorry about Saturday..I was kinda out of line"

I shook my head "It's no big deal"

It's no big deal? He almost raped me. I should be furious, but ...why am I not?

"Just don't do it again" I said.

"I won't" Jean said looking into my eyes for a second then looking away.

"...when does lunch end? " I asked.

He pulled a pocket watch out of his pocket "In about 20 minutes"

My eyes gleamed looking at the pocket watch

"..What?" Jean asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's beautiful...can I touch it?" I asked.

"Huh? You mean my pocket watch?"

"Yeah" I nodded quickly.

"Uh sure just be careful" Jean said and unhooked the chain from his pants and handed it to me.

I grabbed it gently "Its so beautiful and nicely detailed" my finger traced the designs carefully.

Jean scratched the back of his head "Heh yeah I kinda like vintage things" he said.

I looked at him softly smiling "It's nice to see that not all teenagers are focused on the newest things. I guess there is more to you than I thought"

Jean blushed a little "Uh yeah" he said looking off somewhere else.

"Here, thanks" I grabbed his hand and gently placed the pocket watch onto his palm.

"Y-yeah anytime" Jean said and put the pocket watch where it formerly was.

I let out a yawn "Let me know when lunch ends" I said laying my head back down.

"Mkay" Jean said.


"Wake up, bells gonna ring soon" Jean said poking my cheek.

"Mm ok" I mumbled and slowly opened my eyes.

Jean stood up from the bench "Hurry up so I can walk you to class" he mumbled.

"Okay okay" I said and sat up. I slipped my arms through my sweater sleeves that were falling off my shoulders "let's go then" I stood up yawning.

Jean glanced down at me and put his hands in his pockets "k" he said and we started walking.


School had soon ended and I went into my room sighing. I tossed my bag on the floor, glancing at myself in the mirror I raised an eyebrow. I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself "..this isn't my sweater" I muttered looking at the sweater that fit me quite large. Who did I see wearing this sweater?? It looks familiar...

I laid on my bed and smelled the wrist part of the sweater "Jean..." It smells like him. Wait why do I know his scent?! Thats so weird!!

I curled up in a fetal position. "He smells good though.." Jesus Christ I need to stop being weird. I smelled his sweater smiling. Ok I dont care if I'm weird.


I got out of the shower and put on underwear then Jeans sweater. I looked at myself in the mirror as I combed my hair. "I look so little" I giggled and danced around in front of the mirror.

Enjoying dancing around I turned on my music really loud and continued dancing.

"What are you doing?"

I turned my head looking at the chuckling male. "Um... nothing" I said blushing embarssed. "What are you doing here?! You cant come in here without permission! "

Jean pointed at his sweater that I wore "I left my wallet in there, I need it right now I'm going somewhere" he said smirking.

"Oh..." I reached into the pocket and tossed him the wallet.

"The sweater too would be nice" Jean said.

"Um... later"

"Later? Just give it to me now" Jean said.

"No that's to much work" I said shrugging.

"Just unzip it and give it to me" Jean said.

"It's not that simple"

"Wait.. you're not wearing anything under it?" Jean asked.

I shook my head "No not really" I said scratching the back of my head.

Jean chuckled "You're weird just.. just give it back to me another time" he said smiling.

"No" I said "its mine now"

"Jessica" Jean laughed "thats my favorite sweater"

"Nu-uh it's mine now" I said and started dancing around to the music.


"I can't hear you" I smiled and turned the music up louder.

Jean chuckled and laid his head on the window seal watching me.

I put on some sunglasses "Slow rider dun dun dun take it easy dun dun dun " I sang along.

"You're a dork and an awful dancer those moves are like from the 70s!" Jean laughed.

"You're just jealous" I giggled.

"Nah I have nothing to be jealous of" he said smiling.

I went over and grabbed his hand pulling him into my room. "Dance then" I said and put my sunglasses on him.

Jean chuckled "I don't know how to dance either" he said.

"Twerk" I said.


"Twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk" I said giggling.

"You're crazy! I'm not doing that" Jean laughed.

"Then do something"

"Ugghhhh no I give up" Jean said.

I went over to my phone and changed the song to Psy Gentleman "Do you know the dance to this?"

"Oh god dont make me" He chuckled. 

"Do it" I smirked and poked him.

"I'm going to regret this" Jean sighed and started dancing.

I laughed "Damn look at all that swag" I teased.


I laughed even harder "I cant believe you just said that"

"Now you dance for me" Jean said.

"Fine fine" I smiled and changed the song to a song by Shakira. I began swaying my hips and dancing.

"Them hips tho" Jean said.

I grabbed my shoe and threw it at him.

"haha I'm just messing with you, you don't need to get violent" Jean chuckled.

I lowered the volume of the music and sat down on my bed "Violence is just in my nature" I said smiling.

"Yeah I can tell... well sometimes I can" Jean said and went to my desk grabbing a pink fluffy alpaca "like this, this throws me off. Are you violent or innocent? I don't know" he chuckled.

"Both of course" I said smiling.

"You have some weird stuff" Jean said looking at the stuff on my desk.

"Hey... didn't you say you were going to go somewhere?" I asked.

"Oh... yeah.." Jean said he then smiled "well too bad for that person I'm having fun here"

"Well then shouldn't you tell them?"

"Nah" Jean said smiling.

I laughed lightly "Ok then" I said smiling at him softly.

Jean took off the sunglasses I put on him and set them down "So how are you liking school so far?"

"Its fine I guess, I miss my friends in California though" I said.

"Do you still talk to them?" He asked.

"Yeah- oh! I just remembered I told my friend I would Skype with him" I said and grabbed my laptop turning it on. "You wanna say hi?"

"Uh sure" Jean said. He went over and sat next to me on my bed.

I got on Skype and called my friend Gunther, who appeared on the screen a minute later.

"Heeeeyyyyyy cutie!~" Gunther said.

"Heeyy Gunther" I smiled.

"Ooo baby did you just get of the shower?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"And you didn't send me pictures?! Rude" Gunther said.

"I'll send you pictures later" I winked.

"Ehem" Jean said and got closer to me so he could be seen. "hi"

"Oh hi, I didn't know someone was with you Jessica" Gunther said.

"haha yeah this is Jean, he goes to my school" I said.

"I'm Gunther and you are really good looking. Are you Jessica's new fuck buddy?"

"Gunther! Oh my god why do you do this to me?!" I said.

Gunther laughed "Just kidding~"

Jean chuckled "interesting friend"

"In all seriousness, yes or no?" Gunther asked.

"No" I said.

"No but is there a chance or no no?"

"I dont know he's a" I snapped my fingers "so probably not"

"ooohhh I hate" Gunther snapped his fingers.

"Yeah me too" I said.

"Hey but you dated Isaac and he was a major" Gunther snapped his fingers "sooo it could happen and hey Jean is a merp"

"Ewwww don't bring up Isaac he's gross and is so emo. That was a big mistake" I said.

"Hey hey remember this" Gunther stuck out his tongue and wiggled it all around.


"You dated him" Gunther said.

"I was depressed and desperate and 14!! I didn't know he was a man whore" I whined.

"I am extremely confused" Jean muttered.

"Oookkk it was nice talking to you Gunther, lets speak tomorrow" I said.

"Alright love, bye~" Gunther said

"Bye~" I said and got off Skype.

"Do you really send him naked pictures of yourself?" Jean asked immediately.

"Huh? No, I dont its just a joke' I said.

"Ok good"

I raised an eyebrow "'ok good' what do you mean by that? Are you jealous? " I asked.

"I don't mean anything by it" Jean said and sighed heavily.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"No.. I'm sad" Jean said looking at me with sad eyes.

My eyes softened "Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm lonely" Jean muttered.

"What are you talking about you seem to have plenty of friends" I said.

Jean leaned on my shoulder "But you took away my best friend.. Marco hardly hangs around me anymore"

"Aww I'm sorry" I said and hugged him "I didn't mean to"

"Yeah but you did" Jean said nuzzling against my breasts.

"Do you want me to stop hanging around him? " I asked.

He shook his head between my breasts "No.. it's ok" he mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist.

I rubbed his back gently "Well you really dont have to be so sad.." I said.

"Ok I won't be sad anymore" Jean said and shook his head side to side humming between my breasts.

It then clicked "Are you motorboating me?!?!" I exclaimed and tried pushing him away.

"Your boobs are so soft and large~" Jean said rubbing his face against my breasts.

I blushed darkly "Jean!"

"And you're not wearing a bra, its just wonderful~" he said and kissed my left breast over the sweater.

I turned even darker red and pushed him off "You're such a pervert!"

"Hey you didn't tell me to stop so you're the one at fault" Jean shrugged and smirked.

"Go" I snapped.

"Ok~ see ya~" He said and left through the window.

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