Heal - Natsuki X Yuri Fanfic

By trashfeline

150K 4.1K 10.3K

Natsuki and Yuri both have their own private issues, but they both very much like being the lone wolf. That... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Extra Holiday Chapter

Chapter 4

10.2K 277 912
By trashfeline

(Woah I just wanna thank everyone for 100+ reads!!! Thank you so much guys ❤️ also this is a pretty heavy chapter, good luck lmao)
TW: Abuse

Natsuki froze at her dad's low growl. His breath was rank of alcohol and Natsuki tried her best not to throw up as she smelled it.
"Sorry Papa, I lost track of time." Natsuki smiled sweetly but she was shaking like a leaf.

"I don't want to hear your petty excuses. I told you last time that you have to come home early on Fridays. You are disobeying me, Natsuki. That calls for punishment. You need to learn."

"Please don't," Natsuki whimpered but it was too late. Her dad had already made his decision.

Papa instantly threw Natsuki to the floor of the kitchen. Natsuki felt her head bang sharply against the tile, and she let out a gasp of pain.
He took his foot and stomped it down on Natsuki's ribs. She let out a high screech of pain as his shoe dug into her side.

"Shut the fuck up!" Papa yelled. "This is what you deserve, this will make you remember!"
Natsuki screamed again as he stomped his other foot on Natsuki's other side. She started crying, tears streaming down her face as the pain seared up into her chest. She couldn't breathe. She was shaking so hard, putting her arms over her head and curling up.
Natsuki's dad let out a shaky breath and stumbled away, throwing himself on the couch.

Natsuki wasn't sure how long she had laid there. The pain had started to subside, but she still felt it eating away at her. That is definitely going to leave a bruise. Natsuki shakily checked the time from the phone in her pocket. It was 7:03. She had laid there for two hours in absolute pain.

Natsuki tried to sit up and was immediately met with stars in her eyes. She held her head for a moment and slowly but surely sat up. Her head was pounding furiously, but she started to walk upstairs to her room. She walked to her bathroom and scoffed at herself.

Her hair was tousled and her eyes were puffy and red. She lifted her shirt to see where her dad had stomped. She flinched as she saw the sight.

She could she her ribs which was bad enough, but the skin outside was bruised. Ugly and purple, too. It was scratched lightly and little droplets of blood was smeared.

Natsuki grabbed a rag and turned the faucet on to get cold water on the rag. She pressed it to her ribs and hissed with pain. It stung just to lightly brush it. Was it really THAT bad?

Whatever, I've gone through worse. I don't think anything is broken. Natsuki rummaged under her sink for gauze, but realized with a pang she left it at Yuri's house. Whatever, Yuri needed that more than I did.

I don't need help.
This is what I deserved.
I'm worthless.

Natsuki was about to cry again, but she stopped herself. She shook her head, turned the light off in the bathroom, and sat down on her bed. The walls around her felt suffocating. She shook wildly as she heaved a sigh.

She needed to get out of the house and she needed to do it now. She felt like she was going to drown if she stayed much longer.

Natsuki: hey Yuri? can i come over?
Yuri: What time were you thinking?
Natsuki: right now
Yuri: Oh my gosh Natsuki. Could you give me at least a little bit of a warning beforehand?
Natsuki: i am right now
Natsuki: please? i left my gauze at your house and I also need to get out of the house
Yuri: You are very lucky I am not busy right now and that I don't hate you. Do you need a ride?
Natsuki: nah i can walk
Yuri: Natsuki, it's almost nine at night. It'll be cold. I'll be there in 5 minutes, I have a black car.
Natsuki: Alright. Thanks.

Natsuki sighed. Why did she do that? She guessed it was just because she was super anxiety ridden right now. She hoped she could get it together before Yuri came, but all that time she was worrying she was wasting her time, and Yuri knocked on the door. Shit! I forgot to tell her not to knock! She hoped that her dad wouldn't wake up. She snagged her bag and snuck downstairs. She let out a shaky breath as she realized her dad was passed out completely. She opened the door to see Yuri standing at the door frame.

"Hey Natsu- Holy shit! Have you been drinking?" Yuri immediately recoiled. Natsuki quietly closed the door. "You look like you were just in a fight or something."

"No, I haven't. My dad has. Thanks so much, sorry I didn't get time to get ready." Natsuki rolled her eyes and began to stroll to Yuri's car. Yuri stood for a second, but then trudged back after Natsuki. They both went inside, and Yuri started the car.

"Thanks for swooping Yuri," Natsuki set her bag down at her feet.

"What's swooping?" Yuri looked utterly confused.

"It means picking someone up you dweeb." Natsuki giggled and Yuri blinked, still in confusion.

"Well, you're welcome I guess." Yuri mumbled back.

The rest of the car ride was mostly silence. Natsuki hated awkward silence, but she didn't know what to say at the same time. Whatever, they would be at her house soon anyways.
Yuri pulled into her driveway and took the keys from her car. She shuffled and unlocked the door, opening it up for Natsuki. Natsuki walked in and looked around. She didn't really get to do that last time she was there.

Her house was tidy and smelled strongly of various essential oils. It mostly smelled like burning wood and hints of lavender here and there. The exact smell of Yuri. Natsuki felt herself instantly getting calmer. The tidiness and good smell of her abode instantly put her in a better mood.

"Uh, what do you even wanna do?" Yuri scratched the back of her head. Natsuki shrugged.

"Oh!" Yuri suddenly lit up. "We could watch a movie! I just got the movie IT and I heard it's super good!"

Natsuki shivered. She HATED horror movies. "Yuri, I don't think I could watch it without feeling sick."

"Oh, don't worry Natsuki. It's not that big of a horror movie I've heard. Mostly humor with some suspense here and there." Natsuki felt uncertain, but she really couldn't say no to Yuri's excited face.

"Fine," Natsuki mumbled crossly. "But if I don't like it I'm turning it off."

Yuri smiled, grabbed Natsuki's hand, and dragged her into the living room. She popped the movie in and sat down on the couch next to Natsuki. She grabbed a blanket and drew it over both of them.

"Wow, you're really excited about this aren't you?" Natsuki laughed.

"Shhh, it's just getting started!" Yuri smiled and put her finger over Natsuki's lips. Her lips are so soft... ugh shut up thoughts!

Natsuki was actually really surprised. This movie was GOOD. They were about halfway through, and Natsuki had actually really enjoyed it. She felt really really tired though. The fact that she was just beat and without food was probably why, but she pushed it away from her thoughts.

Natsuki felt the back of her neck tingle.

Yuri was touching her hair.

She wasn't sure that Yuri had even noticed, she was just distractingly running her fingers through Natsuki's hair. Natsuki felt her fingernails lightly scratch her scalp as she brushed out her hair. Normally, Natsuki would've swatted her hand away and yelled, but Natsuki couldn't. It actually felt really really nice. Natsuki felt the hairs on her neck rise.

She suddenly couldn't focus on the movie anymore. She sunk into Yuri's movements, resting her head on her shoulder absent minded. All she could focus on was the feeling of Yuri's hands through her hair.

Yuri suddenly stopped.

Natsuki looked up at Yuri in confusion. Her hands were over her mouth, and her entire face was beet red.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't even know that I was doing that I always do that to myself when I'm not noticing but I just did that to you oh my gosh that's so embarrassing I'm so sorry!" Yuri stumbled across her words.

"Yuri, it's fine. My hair was a mess anyways, I needed something or I guess someone to brush it out." Natsuki shrugged awkwardly, her head was still on Yuri's shoulder. "Plus it felt nice. Also, did you know how comfy you are?"

Yuri paused. "Really? Well, people always told me it was a bad habit to play with my hair but I guess it doesn't count with other people... do you mind if I keep doing it?"

"Yes please! I love head massages." Yuri blushed harder as Natsuki pretty much purred. Who knew my so called enemy would be asking for a head massage a few days later...

So, Yuri kept playing with Natsuki's hair.
After about 15 minutes, Yuri heard Natsuki's breathing slow down. She looked down awkwardly.

Natsuki was asleep.

Her lips were parted slightly, her eyelashes were resting gently on her cheeks. Her breath was slow and shallow, and Yuri wondered if she was alright. Yuri had remembered all too clearly the day Natsuki had passed out during a club meeting.

It had been a normal club day, and everyone was reading at their desks. Yuri remembered hearing Natsuki's head hit her desk. She swerved around, Natsuki had completely passed out while reading her manga.

"Monika?" Yuri was shaking at this point, not sure what to do. Monika looked over in a bored fashion, then her eyes widened as she saw Natsuki.

"Oh dear," Monika rummaged through her bag, grabbing a protein bar. She walked over to Natsuki and shook her slightly.

"Natsuki, you passed out again. Are you alright?" Natsuki flickered her eyes open, and grabbed the bar with a flustered face. She ripped the packaging open and began to eat it quickly. Natsuki looked back to Yuri's face, and she turned red.

"Yea, I'm alright! I was just tired, that's all!" Natsuki was looking at Monika, but Yuri knew it was directed to her. Yuri shook her head and went back to reading.

Yuri had always realized how small Natsuki was, how couldn't she? Yuri was pretty much a skyscraper compared to her. She always thought that was just because of her genetics, but after the protein bar incident she felt differently. Monika said she had always had those in her bag, it seemed to be a recurring thing with Natuski. That was just the first time Yuri had noticed.

Did she starve herself or something? Yuri wasn't sure. She really hoped not.

Yuri felt herself getting tired after so many thoughts swarming over her head. She got up and shut the TV off. For some reason she felt sad to do that, Natsuki against her shoulder was very much comforting and warm. She didn't feel like leaving Natsuki out here by herself, either.

Yuri took her long arms and slipped them under her legs and back to pick her up. Yuri felt her heart tear itself apart as she was able to pick up Natsuki with such ease. She was so light...

Yuri knew she shouldn't do what she was about to do, but she was way too curious for her own good.

Yuri took Natsuki's shirt and lifted it just below her breasts. Yuri was going to see how skinny she actually was, but when Yuri saw her, her heart plummeted.

The first thing Yuri noticed was the purple hue spread across her ribs. It was bruised badly. Wait, Yuri could see her ribs. Holy shit. Yuri knew skinny, but this was just terrifying.
Yuri felt like she was going to drop Natsuki, but she actually just held onto her tighter. Her bruises looked fresh.

Had she been right about others bullying her? Natsuki would get into fights, but Yuri thought she always won. Did Natsuki starve herself because she was bullied?

Yuri felt the overwhelming need to protect Natsuki at all costs.

Yuri knew she couldn't just leave Natsuki in the guest bedroom after she saw this. She walked upstairs to her room, laying her on her bed and tucked blankets over her. Yuri crawled herself into her bed also.

Yuri stared at Natsuki for a while. Who would do this to her? Natsuki didn't deserve this, no one did. Especially not Natsuki though.

Her pink hair was ruffled slightly, her clip and ribbons tousled. Yuri carefully slipped off her ribbons with a quick motion, and unclipped the clip. She set them at her bedside table.

She admired Natsuki's hair for a moment, it swooped over her forehead and was about shoulder length. It was so soft, and Yuri put her hand on the back of her head, feeling her soft hair graze at her fingers.

Then Yuri broke down.

Warm tears dripped down Yuri's face. Why did it have to be Natsuki? Natsuki was actually so soft, so caring. She never thought she would be thinking this, but after the whole bandaging situation she saw a side of Natsuki she never had seen before. She used her other hand to wipe the tears from her eyes.

She didn't know exactly what Natsuki was going through, but she did know that she needed to protect Natsuki at all costs. Natsuki had helped her, let her cry, and offered help. The least she could do was protect her.
Yuri hugged her arms around Natsuki, trying her best to not touch her bruises. Her head rested on top of Natsuki's as the smaller girls head fit perfectly in the crook of her neck.
Yuri dragged her fingers through her hair, breathing Natsuki's scent in and feeling the warmth of her body against hers. Slowly but surely she fell into a peaceful slumber.

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