The Deal (English)

By valorizarfanfics

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Olivia's changed since her mother died. She's bitter, angry. She hates her father. She's wild, doesn't like t... More

The Deal (English)
Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Fifteen

63 2 0
By valorizarfanfics

Chapter Fifteen

*Harry Styles*

“Harry!” a familiar voice called out my name. “Oi, Styles, wait up!”

I turned with a grin on my face, as I watched Olivia run up to me.

“Hi, there.” I greeted her, as she approached me.

“Hey.” she said. “So, listen, Linda said something about calling you over for dinner ages ago. I never really asked you properly so…”

“Meeting your family?” I asked. “Wow, already taking this relationship the next level, aren’t we?”

“Oh, shut up.” she mumbled. “Are you going to come over or not?”

“Hmm, do something nice to convince me.” I joked.

“Harry, I allow you to touch me on daily basis,” she said, “in ways which are less than appropriate. It doesn’t get any nicer than this.”

“Fair enough.” I agreed. “I’ll be there.”

“Good.” she said. “Or I’d just have to ‘punish’ you.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I just remembered I have a little thing so I can’t come tonight.”

“I know you have a little thing,” she said, “but what does that have anything to do with the dinner tonight?”

I laughed again, my eyes wide. “Hey, watch it.” I said. “Or I may end up having to punish you.

She laughed, shaking her head. “Promise you’ll be there?” she asked.

“Promise.” I smiled.

“Great. See you at…eight o’ clock?”

“Sounds good to me.” I said, and she shot me one last smile before turning around and walking off to her class.

Olivia’s ability to get right back up after being treated so horribly by her own best friend surprised me. I knew she pretended to be really strong, but I’d always assumed that was just the tough exterior she put up. But I’d been proven quite wrong. It had only been three days since her fight with Lexi, but Olivia really seemed fine. I was almost sure it wasn’t an act. She really did seem fine. I knew I’d been underestimating this girl. Olivia Harper was a lot stronger than everyone else thought she was.

As I was opening my own locker to take out a book for my next class, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Lexi.

“Oh, hey.” I said uncertainly.

“Hi, Harry!” she said. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I guess we’ve both been busy…”

“Or has that bitch asked you not to talk to me?” Lexi snorted, rolling her eyes.


“Olivia, duh.” Lexi said. “She asked you not to talk to me, didn’t she? What, did she threaten to call off your little deal?”

I frowned at Lexi, shutting my locker. I turned to face her. “No, actually.” I said. “Olivia hasn’t said anything like that. Why would you assume that?”

“Oh, please.” Lexi rolled her eyes. “Are you telling me you didn’t expect something like that from that little shit?”

“Lexi,” I said, “Stop it. You know Olivia isn’t half as bad as you make her out to be.”

“Are you defending her?” Lexi asked incredulously. “I thought you were with me on this one.”

“What made you think that?” I asked her. “Lexi, you shouldn’t have spoken to her the way you did. You know her mum is a sensitive topic, and yet you brought her up? You told her her mother wouldn’t be proud of her? How could you?”


“You’re her best friend.” I said, starting to get slightly agitated. “You’re supposed to support her, not turn your back on her and insult her in front of everyone.”

Hurt flashed across Lexi’s features. “I see what she’s done. That whore has turned you against me—”

“Stop that.” I sighed. “Stop calling her a whore, Lexi. She isn’t that. She’s a great person, and I’m sorry that you’re too caught up in your own world to believe that. You lost a friend as great as Olivia, and you’re going to regret it. Girls like her…they’re hard to find.”

Lexi frowned up at me. As far as she was concerned, me defending Olivia was a really big deal. But then her expression slowly changed, and she nodded.

“You’re falling for her.”

That took me by surprise. I frowned. “What? I’m—no, what?”

“You’re falling for her, aren’t you?” she asked me. “You like her. I can see it.”

“Lexi, what are you talking about?” I questioned. “Of course I’m not. Olivia and I are just friends.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t control these things.” she said. “You’re going to have to break this off someday, Harry. And trust me, looking at you now, I can tell that someday’s gonna be here in no time.”

“I am not falling for her, Lexi.” I said. “It’s never going to happen.”

“You tell that to yourself, sure.” she said. “Break it off now, Harry. Because Olivia has never given a rat’s ass about anyone else’s emotions. They don’t exist for her. The moment she gets even the slightest hint that you like her—”

“I don’t—”

“—she’s going to rip your heart out, and walk all over it with her high heeled boots.” she continued. “What, you think she’s going to change for you? No way, Harry. This isn’t new for her. You fall for her, she dumps you and moves on. It’s going to be way easier for her.”

“Shut up, Lexi.” I said angrily. “Seriously, stop it. Stop talking about her like that. And you’re wrong. I am not falling for her.”

Lexi shook her head, and then rolled her eyes. “We’ll see about that.” she said. “Don’t complain when I say ‘I told you so’.”

And with that, Lexi walked off.


*Olivia Harper*

I stuffed my books in my bag, relieved that this period was over, and I now had a free period to look forward.

“You’re lucky,” Niall grumbled. “I have Chemistry.”

“Have fun with that.” I laughed.

I heard a few people whisper behind me, and on natural instinct, I stilled slightly to listen in. It was then when I realized they were talking about me.

“How does she get to sleep with him? Harry Styles?

“Well, obviously like every other guy in school, he thinks she’s hot.

“Ew, is he blind?”

“Well, she is hot.” Their tone was grudging. “But she’s a whore.”

“Mm, she’s pretty easy.”

I clenched my jaw and turned around to glare at the two girls whispering about me behind my back.

“Wanna say that to my face?” I demanded.

One of the two girls’ faces was completely drained of colour and she hurriedly looked down. However, the other one simply continued to glare at me.

“Liv, let them go.” Niall said softly, taking my hand in his.

“No, wait.” I said, shaking him off. “What was that, you bitch?”

“Whatever,” the girl who had the nerve to glare at me rolled her eyes and said.

“Don’t ‘whatever’ me,” I warned, advancing towards her. “Is saying shit about people behind their backs because you’re too scared to say it up front something you do regularly to make up for the lack of attention you get?”

“How DARE you?” the girl snarled, stepping forward and raising her hand. “At least my ways of getting attention doesn’t involve sleeping with the entire male population of the town!”

“Listen here you little—” I was about to lunge at her, but Niall grabbed me and pulled me behind him in one swift motion.

“Alright, that’s enough!” Niall said, as I struggled against him. “Liv, go enjoy your free period, please.”

“Niall, this bitch—” I started.

I know.” he said, cutting across me.

The girl smirked and along with her friend, started to walk away. As she was walking, I stuck one foot out and she tripped on it, landing face first on the table in front of us. Everyone laughed as she blushed furiously. She turned to glare at me. I only smirked and waved at her.

Once she was gone, I turned to Niall. “You shouldn’t have stopped me.”

“Yeah, so you could beat the shit out of her and land your ass in detention?”

“The way I was going to beat her up,” I said, as we started walking out, “jail would be the only place my ass was going.”


*Harry Styles*

I headed out of the book store, shutting the door behind me. I plugged in the ear phones and set my iPod on shuffle.

The next thing I knew, someone pulled me by my arm and slammed my back against a brick wall, hard.

“Whoa!” I huffed, as the earphones were harshly wrenched from my ear. “What the fuck?”

Dylan was holding the front of my shirt furiously, his nostrils flaring. Two other guys I didn’t know were standing behind him. I only knew they hung out with him all the time, but I’d never spoken to them before.

I smirked down at Dylan. “Going to rape me in the back alley, are you?” I asked.

“You asshole!” Dylan snarled, pulling me in front before harshly pushing me back as my back slammed against the wall once more.

“What the hell are you doing?” I winced, as a sharp pain stabbed my back.

“I told you,” he fumed, “to stay away from Olivia.”

“Get off me, man!” I huffed, pushing him away. He staggered backwards, his till breathing loudly. “And I told you, you’re not together anymore and you don’t own her. Get over her already.”

Dylan’s fist suddenly connected with my face, and winced sharply, clutching my jaw.

“What the HELL?” I yelled. As I pulled my hand back, there was a smudge of blood on it.

“I saw you fucking her in her car the other day!” Dylan said. “I told you to keep your hands off her. Obviously, putting it in simple English isn’t clear enough for you. I guess my fists are going to have to make it very clear to you, Styles.”

I lunged at him and punched him square in the face. “Grow up, Dylan.” I told him, shaking my wrist. “This isn’t about you anymore. You’re out of the picture. She hates you, deal with it.”

“You fucker.” Dylan growled. He turned slightly to the two boys behind him. “I’m going to teach a lesson for screwing around with my girl. You’re going to regret you ever went anywhere near her.”

I snorted. “You watch way too many movies.” I said. “What, you and these assholes here are going to grab me and collectively beat me up?”

“Actually,” he said, as the two guys behind him advanced towards me, “that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

If this were Dylan alone, I would have taken him easily. But his friends were insanely strong, and with the three of them taking me, I didn’t stand a chance. I struggled against them but the two pinned my arms behind me. Dylan smirked.

“Are you going to scream for help, Harry?” Dylan asked.

“You’ve been watching way too many movies.” I growled. “Your shit attempts aren’t going to work, I’m not going to stop talking to her.”

“Oh yeah?” Dylan asked. He delivered a harsh blow to my stomach, and I doubled over in pain. “Will this make you stop?”

I didn’t reply, as I continued to struggle against the two guys holding me in place.

“Or maybe,” he said, as his elbow collided with my rib cage, “this will.” I let out a groan of pain as a stab of sharp pain shot through my body. “No? Not enough to change your mind, little boy?”

“Go fuck yourself.” I yelled, struggling to take deep breaths.

“I heard she called you over for dinner,” Dylan casually said. “That’s too bad, isn’t it? I don’t think you can show up at her house half dead.”

He aimed his knee at my chin, and I groaned as my head was forcibly thrown backwards.

“Aw, look a that.” Dylan cooed. “Hurts, doesn’t it, pretty boy?”

My head was spinning, and my eyes were starting to droop shut. The whole alley seemed to have been tipped, and currently, there were two Dylans in front of me. I could feel the blood drip down my chin, and I looked down as it splashed on my shoe. My struggles were weaker now, and I knew there was no point. Even then, just to shove it in Dylan’s face I glared at him angrily, not answering his question.

He leaned forward and took my chin in his hand roughly, forcing me to look up at him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

As a reply, I spat at him. He roared and pulled me by the shirt, before throwing me back against the wall. He grasped my hair and knocked my head against the wall. I slumped down onto the ground, breathing hard. Everything was slowly fading into the background, and my head throbbed with the new pain Dylan’s blow had just induced.

”I’m telling you for the last time,” Dylan said. “Stay away from Olivia. Unless you want this to become a regular episode. But you know, pretty boy? I don’t really mind that. I quite enjoyed this. Didn’t you?”

I couldn’t reply to his question. Anger was coursing through my veins, my heard pounding. Every bone in my body seemed like it had been crushed but that didn’t stop me from trying to get on my feet to beat the shit out of Dylan. But I was too beaten up and weak, because a light shove from Dylan and I was back on the ground.

“Stay there,” Dylan spat at me. “That’s where you belong.”

And with that, Dylan and his friends walked away, and I passed out.

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