
By Savage_Opress

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Every beginning has an end. Many people say goodbye in different ways when something that marked their life e... More

Stone of Tears recap
Clash of the Titans recap
Rise of chaos recap
Major spoilers alert!
Grimm lore
Shannara Chronicles lore
Chapter 1: Omens
Chapter 2: Consequences
Chapter 3: Story of my life
Chapter 4: War on two fronts
Chapter 5: Daddy issues
Chapter 6: Evil arises
Chapter 7: Don't die on me
Chapter 8: I won't leave you, not this time
Chapter 9: Family affair
Chapter 10: The box of Pandora
Chapter 11: The Golden Claw of Hadrian
Chapter 12: Reformation
Chapter 13: The war of change
Chapter 14: School day
Chapter 15: Adventure time
Chapter 16: Enigma of love
Chapter 17: The heart of darkness
Chapter 18: Friends or Foes?
Chapter 19: Welcome to the old world
Chapter 20: Behold the kingdom of Leah
Chapter 21: Fortress of Warlock Lord
Chapter 22: Traitors among us
Chapter 23: The River
Chapter 24: Is a trap
Chapter 25: The fall and rise
Chapter 26: Free us!
Chapter 27: Civilized Jungle
Chapter 28: Silver River
Chapter 29: An unlucky alliance
Chapter 30: The Reunion
Chapter 31: Mykonos
Chapter 32: Cross of God
Chapter 33: Alliance of Evil
Chapter 34: Good versus Evil
Chapter 35: Old Wounds
Chapter 36: Grimm's treasure
Chapter 37: Walking Dead
Chapter 38: Day of Independence
Chapter 39: The last stand
Chapter 40: Undead hospital
Chapter 41: Under Siege
Chapter 42: Signs and secrets
Chapter 43: Revelations
Chapter 44: To be or not to be
Chapter 45: Jackie returns
Chapter 46: Criminal Minds
Chapter 47: Deceptive apparitions
Chapter 48: Signs and premonitions
Chapter 49: Questions and answers
Chapter 50: Hand of destiny
Chapter 51: Unknown mysteries
Chapter 52: A world between worlds
Chapter 54: Path of knowledge
Chapter 55: Emergency alert
Chapter 56: Fire in the hole
Chapter 57: The last of us
Chapter 58: Fight til the end

Chapter 53: The darkest hour

18 0 0
By Savage_Opress

While Liam and Theo prepared to fight with Zerstorer, the portal opened because Ariel wielded the stick to bring Liam and Theo back in the normal world. The packs tried finding an additional plan to get rid of the mysterious devil and found in a book something that was written in old German. They translated with the help of an internet dictionary and understood the one and only way to permit the devil to come on Earth was a Grimm to pass through the portal first. In a moment of carelessness, Ariel disappeared for a moment and used the stick to open the portal, giving the opportunity to the devil to push Liam and Theo through it. When Liam and Theo entered into the normal world, the mirror crumbled into pieces. Scott and Jaxi gave the hand to both and lifted up.

"Are you all right?" asked Jaxi and continued, "Is no way to come to the devil through this because the mirror is in pieces,"

"Consequently, you have talked with Dasha Karpushin," concluded Theo and asked, "What do you find?"

"The green skull with glowing green eyes is after Ariel and not you," replied Stiles and explained, "The prophecy says the devil will come to Earth to take a Shaphat, child bride, to give birth 100 kids with her,"

"Did you have any success finding more than us?" asked Lydia and continued, "I will not let that thing to approach near Ariel,"

"The world behind the mirror is like the Black Forest," said Liam and added, "Also, the world is full savage people who are humans or Wesens who eat each other,"

"I will never wish to leave in such world," said Malia and asked, "You have encountered the creature?"

"Certainly, we have encountered him," replied Liam and added, "Also; we have met our ancestor, Maximilian and informed us the creature we are talking about is called Zerstorer,"

"Zerstorer?" asked Peter and explained, "This is not the first time when I listen the word and if I have right, is about a population of warriors who lived 3000 years ago and believed in balance,"

"We thought the guy was Gaunter O'Dimm and Liam called him that way," said Theo and continued, "The Zerstorer said is not Gaunter O'Dimm and is in truth the devil,"

"Before to keep on the story, look what I expose here," communicated Deaton and demonstrated, "Seven knights who are fighting with something that wields a staff,"

"This guy is Maximillian," said Liam and continued, "Back to the story, Zerstorer told us it is the father of Satan and Lucifer and the Holy Trinity erase him from the mind of all and turned both against him,"

"Accordingly, you are saying Jesus has created the Creators who create the Universe in his place to avoid a new revolution," concluded Kate and said, "Sadly, one of the Creators manage to develop something Jesus want to never happen again,"

"On top of that, Zerstorer because it was banished, it became the first Wesen," said Theo and added, "Also, during the Conjunction of Spheres, our world hit with his realm and was free at last, the Wesen and the magic appeared as a result of this,"

"Why the world, it didn't end when the Conjunction of Spheres happen?" asked Nolan

"Because our little friend, Gaunter O'Dimm, at the time known as Mephisto, Mephistopolis or Man of Glass, tricked the Zerstorer and trapped him in the Mirror world, placing him to live over and over again, his failure," replied Liam and added, "Also, before to leave, it looked at him and said it always will be something more than a scourged angel or a God,"

"I guess it acquires a new nickname because of his accomplishment," said Alec

"True," confirmed Theo and continued, "This is not all and I don't know how, but it manages to trick even the Holy Trinity with a riddle,"

"What the hell you said?" asked Derek and continued, "That means they will be unable to aid us to defeat him and the world will never get an end because Jesus will never come,"

"In case the words from this book are real," said Wil and asked, "Zerstorer will be powerless?"

"We are hesitant to say no," replied Liam and explained, "It has a wooden staff,"

"Corey, are you all right?" asked Mason and explained, "You don't look so well,"

"You are changed," said Ariel and continued, "Daddy is changed too,"

"My powers are back," said Corey and asked, "How?"

"Stiles, your eyes are glowing yellow," said Eretria and continued, "You are a werewolf now,"

"Guys, did you look at the date?" asked Morel and said, "Is March 24 and the planets align,

"I am fine," said Stiles and asked, "How happened that?"

"I don't have the smallest clue, but we need everything to defeat Zerstorer," said Parrish and asked, "Ariel, why you cry?" asked Parrish

"No," said Ariel and replied, "Is coming,"

"What do you have in mind is coming?" asked Amberle stupefied, and said, "I don't perceive anything,"

"Is already here," said Ariel and continued, "I can sense him,"

"We will not Zerstorer to come after you," said Mareth and added, "Also, we need to hide Ariel in a place where Zerstorer will never come after her,"

"We can go to the Hale House," said Derek and explained, "Since our parents leave from the city, we start to build the Hale House how we know as a child to make a surprise to our parents when they will return,"

Mareth utilized a mix to hide Ariel from magic. After that, she with Jaxi, Ariel, Stiles, and Lydia went to the Hale House while others split up in teams to collect the missing ingredients and to transport them to the Hale House to complete the poison for Zerstorer. While they prepared to abandon the house Liam's pack, tried to contact their parents to come to Hale House in the woods where all would reunite. Their parents approached near a gas station, saw how the wind blow with the power and dozens of bats died, and fall on the ground. They did not know what was going on and in the next second, a man buck naked left the bathroom of the gas station and electrocuted a man with the staff. The man looked at the caravan and stuck a lightning bolt from the sky in the caravan. Allanon and Pyria used the magic to stop the lightning bolt until they managed to leave from the caravan. In the next second, the caravan exploded and all looked at the buck-naked man with the staff. It did not pass long until the buck-naked man said Decapitare and watched to Kelly and Theodas.

"I don't like this guy," said Jax and asked, "Who the hell is he?"

"I am your death," replied Zerstorer and continued, "Gaunter O'Dimm tricked me once with a stupid riddle after I ran across him at a crossroads when it sacrificed a black cockatoo and I will not let anything to stay in my way,"

"The one and only thing we know about him, is the guy might be a Wesen or some sort," replied Kelly and explained, "It said Decapitare that means Grimm in the ancient German,"

"This world will be doomed, and nobody will ever rescue you," said Zerstorer and continued, "You manage to defeat my sons, Satan and Lucifer, time to see how you defeat their father,"

"You must the green skull with glowing green eyes," said Theodas and continued, "If you harm my son, my nephew, or any other of his friends, you will be sorry,"

"Your son almost sabotages my plan because your relatives who possess the Elder Blood. Also, you how to instruct your son to use that power," said Zerstorer and continued, "You are no match for my power,"

"You should put a pair of pants or some clothes because you don't live in the forest," said Geyer and added, "Also, as far I know from Liam and his friends, none of you has no power on Earth,"

"That is true," said Zerstorer and continued, "But I own this,"

"A wooden staff will not spare you," said Allanon and continued, "You should return from where you come,"

"Not until I will take the Shaphat with me and will make a 100 with her," said Zerstorer and continued, "I wait too long for somebody sabotages my plan again and you will not stay in my way,"

"Shaphat?" asked Tamlin and said, "The child bride,"

"I don't cognize who the Shaphat is, but you will not pass so easily," said Diana and explained, "You are a demon and I am a child of Armageddon,"

"Your powers will be unable to command me," said Zerstorer and continued, "You are too weak,"

"Shall we see that," said Marie and continued, "This is the ending for you,"

"I agree with that," said Roach and continued, "Just we have defeated a demon who imprisons a group of people who were stuck in the past and it seems we must get rid of another now,"

"You will try," said Zerstorer

"You succeed to leave from that trap," said Cogline and continued, "I question how you will leave from the Forbidding,"

Zerstorer looked at them and woged in his Wesen form. Allanon knew from the beginning the one and only way to kill Zerstorer was with the help of the poison that was incomplete because a few more ingredients needed to be added. In addition, the ingredients that they gathered from the trip were unmixed with the poison. Everybody grabbed the weapon as Zerstorer did and were ready to fight. Zerstorer utilized the staff, created a shockwave that sends everybody backwards and after that threw a laser beam in the sky that diverged in several lightning bolts from the sky. Pyria blocked some of them with the help of the magic and Diana used her powers to influence the ability while Kelly, Theodas and Jax synchronized their attacks being accompanied by the ranged attacks of Cogline and Allanon. Geyer extracted from the pockets some smoke grenades to disorientate Zerstorer and as a result, the Zerstorer became nervous and summoned bats to attack. The bats attacked Marie with Tamlin, and they made some steps behind to get rid of them. At that time, Kelly and Theodas succeeded to give some fists to Zerstorer, but were pushed and Allanon with Jax blocked the staff with a move because Zerstorer wanted to impale Kelly and Theodas. Roach wanted to shoot in the gun and Zerstorer used magic, controlled the body of Roach and blow up the gas station, arbitrating Tamlin with Marie, and after shot in the head. Cogline almost finished opening the portal to the Forbidding, but Zerstorer launched his staff in the neck of Cogline executing him. Geyer was so ruined when saw the death of Marie and attacked Zerstorer by himself and before the others, it had the chance to react, his chest was pierced. The one and only one who was alive were Kelly, Pyria, Theodas, Diana, Allanon, and Jax who did not know what to accomplish. Kelly, Theodas, and Jax attacked Zerstorer together while Allanon and Pyria provided all their parents to Diana. Diana utilized the powers one more time and succeeded to make Zerstorer bow and when Jax wanted to cut Zerstorer's head with the staff, Zerstorer stopped the control of Diana because it reminded how Gaunter O'Dimm defeated him. As a result, it emerged from the ground bursting with rage, cracked the neck of Jax and threw his staff accompanied by a car that had the bad luck to pass near him in the direction of Allanon, Pyria and Diana slaughtering them too.

"You will pay for what you have accomplished, monster," said Kelly and continued, "You murder our families,"

"I don't care," said Zerstorer and explained, "Everything that will attempt to stay in my way will have a fate like this,"

"We shall see that," said Theodas and continued, "Your days are numbered and even if you are going reducing us, someone, will be able to kill you,"

"To kill me?" asked Zerstorer and continued, "Don't make me laugh,"

"The one and only thing that grants you power is the staff, nothing more," said Theodas and explained, "Everybody who comes to Earth from the spiritual realm or a realm in general, is powerless and needs to obtain a source of power,"

"Time to say your prayers," said Zerstorer

"You should say your prayers, not us," said Kelly and added, "Also, you will need some holy water,"

Kelly looked at Theodas and Theodas at Kelly and knew there was no way to turn back. As a result, they decided to attack together one more time to die in battle to honor the memory of their fallen friends. This time Zerstorer was amazed to see they were stronger this time and unexpected it succeeded to take down Zerstorer with his staff. Before giving the chance of Theodas to teleport the staff, the staff turned into a snake and bit him from neck and after that Kelly from neck too because tried to eliminate the snake. Kelly and Theodas knew the poison would produce the effect and cannot breathe. As a result, they went closer near each and before to give the final breath, they succeed to embrace their hands for the last time.


Hello, for sure I will get nut and I will have some attempts to stop writing the story to the end because of the events that I should write in the final chapters. The people who looked at Grimm know what is going on or what I need to be done. In the final chapters of the book, I will explore more things about the rise of power to Gaunter O'Dimm, Zerstorer and his staff and other things like that. Don't forget to vote and comment and wish me luck because I will need a lot to finish the book!

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