By the_13th_clan

55.7K 2.4K 432

The third book in the Ascension Series. After the destruction of Mount Weather and the end of The Shadow Bloo... More

Chapter 1: Falling.
Chapter 2: The Blue Flame.
Chapter 3: Sunrise.
Chapter 4: Journey To The Standing Stones.
Chapter 5: A New Life.
Chapter 6: Invasion.
Chapter 7: The Viking Queen.
Chapter 8: Escape.
Chapter 9: Return To Arkadia.
Chapter 10: Links To The Past.
Chapter 11: A Difficult Reunion.
Chapter 12: Approaching Polis.
Chapter 13: Face To Face.
Chapter 14: Rain Fall.
Chapter 15: A Meeting Of The Coalition.
Chapter 16: A Secret From The Past.
Chapter 17: Call To Duty.
Chapter 18: Queen & Commander.
Chapter 19: War & The End Of Days.
Chapter 20: The Yearning Of Two Hearts.
Chapter 21: War Descends.
Chapter 22: The Shadow Of Defeat.
Chapter 23: Strength.
Chapter 24: Risk.
Chapter 26: Nordic Assassins.
Chapter 27: Ragnarök.
Chapter 28: Blood On The Earth.
Chapter 29: Praimfaya.
Chapter 30: Epilogue.

Chapter 25: The Beacon & The Flame.

1.5K 73 13
By the_13th_clan

For a moment I thought I was dead, lost in space and time. As the pain and burning sensation left my body and mind, a spark of light appeared, illuminating the dark void I was surrounded by. As it grew brighter and brighter, I could hear a digitised voice, distant at first, then louder as it spoke.
"Welcome Clarke Griffin of the Sky People. Choose your construct."
I looked around to find the source of the voice but couldn't pin point it's location, "How do you know who I am?"
The voice answered, "Your mind provided the information. Please, choose your construct."
"I don't understand," I called out, confused by what was happening.
"This is an introduction program to the artificial intelligence module know as The Beacon Of Light. It is the second of its kind, the first is known as The Flame Of Humanity. The Beacon requires you to choose a digital representation of an environment that you feel connected to, a place in which you will welcome those that come after you," The voice continued.
Before I knew it I had already subconsciously chosen. From out of nowhere I found myself standing in a beautiful glade in the woods. Sunlight gleamed through the trees as a warm summer breeze filled my senses with the sent of pine. I recognised it as an area of woodland near to the border of Trikru territory that I had always sought solitude in during tumultuous times. It was my place of comfort and calm and of safety. Even though this was a virtual domain, it still felt so real.
"Construct complete. Thank you." the voice spoke and then disappeared.
"It all seems confusing doesn't it, Clarke?" Another voice spoke from behind me, a female voice.
I turned to see a woman standing there. She had dark hair tied back from her face, wore simple clothing of a black shirt and pants that looked out of place in the middle of my virtual forest. Her expression was empathetic, yet there was a strangeness about her. Although she seemed human in appearance, I caught her image flickering occasionally, indicating she was not flesh and bone.
"Who are you? I cautiously asked.
"I am an avatar of Dr Becca Franco, the creator of The A.I modules known as The Flame Of Humanity and The Beacon Of Light. I am part of the introduction programs for both units." She said, informatively.
I looked at her in awe, knowing that this was the visage of the first Commander, "You're Becca Pramheda!"
Her avatar smiled, "I am merely a representation of her to help your mind with this transition. You are the first of your kind to bond with The Beacon. When you pass from this life your consciousness will remain within this unit to guide others in creating a better world for humanity," she softly spoke.
I was overwhelmed by the whole experience and still slightly disorientated as my mind continued to process its connection to The Beacon.
"Is it always so hard to keep focused, in here?" I asked as I forced myself to try and concentrate.
"It will become easier once The Beacon has completed its connection to you. Both A.I units are designed to enhance the mind of their bearer Confusion will give way to clarity," Becca's avatar reassured.
Intregued by her words I sought to find out more from my guide,
"Why were two A.I's created?" I asked.
In the space between us, the avatar activated a digital deconstructed image of both The Flame and The Beacon. It illuminated bright blue as it rotated to show me every aspect of its structure.
"Two were created so that two could guide, The Guardian of The Flame and The Light Bearer. Each will bring a balance to the other. The Flame is designed to enhance logical thought in its bearer, The Beacon enhances compassion. Together they bring a different perspective to help to benefit the human race in times of great need. Stand side by side with the one who holds The Flame, they will need you as much as you need them in troubled times," she explained.
Lexa had always been a logical and pragmatic leader, even before she bonded with The Flame, which is why it seemed so apt that she became its next bearer after Takoma. She always saw the bigger picture during tumultuous times and acted accordingly. Yet, Lexa's humanity never lost itself to ego or the cold disposition logic can sometimes bring to a persons nature. She retained her sense of self knowing that it was as equally as important as the enhancements The Flame would bring.
I wondered to myself how I would be fully affected after The Beacon had settled in my body and if I could processed all that was about to change within me? I felt a sense of panic in the realisation of how important The Beacon's connection was to The Flame and the legacy of Becca Pramheda. Such knowledge left me feeling unworthy of the significance it represented, "I'm in no position to guide or lead with the one you call, The Guardian of The Flame. I find myself here out of necessity, not because I earned the right to bear something so important."
Becca's avatar tilted her head, almost confused by my words, "The circumstance under why you are now here in this construct speak for themselves. Your memories show a selfless warrior, who concerns herself with the betterment of others. Clarke of The Sky People, is indeed worthy to bear The Beacon Of Light."
I suddenly felt a huge sense of peace course through my body. Maybe it was my mind finally becoming one with The Beacon or maybe, in that moment, I finally accepted my own sense of self worth. Either way I felt humbled by those words.
"Then I only hope whatever time I have left can be used wisely."
Becca's avatar held out her arm for me to grasp, symbolising the bond I now shared with The Beacon. I reciprocated the gesture as she spoke her final words to me, "What you do in this life, however long or short the duration, will echo in here as long as The Beacon survives. Stay true to your heart, Clarke Kom Skaikru and remember death is not the end."
In an instant Becca's avatar disappeared as the A.I completed its upload to my mind. A feeling of peace washed over my consciousness. There was no more confusion, only the clarity that was promised. It was only when I heard the echo of screams and of war consuming my people, did the calm of this digital space shatter.

The noise of the world filtered back to me as my mind left the construct of The Beacon A.I. All of a sudden I could feel the cold, rough ground against my body. It was a stark contrast to the virtual world my mind had been encapsulated in. I has no idea just how long I had been unconscious for, how long I lay upon the gravel as those around me assumed my death.
I remained in silence and bided my time, listening for the right moment to show The Queen what a terrible mistake she'd made.
"Death is the end, Commander. See before you, the woman you care so much for lies dead at my feet. Her last moments in this life filled with agony all because of your pride," I heard Freya as she spoke to Lexa, her tone mocking the woman I loved.
The footsteps of more of Freya's people approaching could be heard as I continued lie completely still.
"My Queen we've found it! There's some kind of temple guarded by priests, the bunker is situated inside. We found this one and the one from the oil rig preparing tech to take inside of it," informed the warrior.
"Get your damn hands of me!"
I recognised Ravens voice instantly as she protested against her captors.
"Good. Keep them alive we need workers with such experience once it's opened. Send the signal to the others. I'm afraid this is it for you and your people, Commander. Your time upon this world is finished," The Queen spoke as I felt her kneel beside me, her hand beginning to search for the A.I she'd used to try and end my life. She continued with to speak, unaware I was still alive, "Maybe you will find your love in Valhalla after you're gone or maybe not. The halls of my afterlife are reserved for warriors, not those who kneel in submission like you and the one you call Clarke."
Freya continued to mock Lexa, who by now had reached her limit with the Nordi Queen. It was time to engage the next phase of our plan.
"Wanheda!" Lexa simply replied, hoping with all of her heart I had survived.
Confused by our language The Queen questioned Lexa's response, "Wanheda? What does this word mean?"
I opened my eyes and swiftly turned my body over to look up at The Queen, grabbing her tightly by the throat with one hand.
"It means The Commander Of Death!" I growled, using my other hand to pull out a hidden dagger strapped to my body. I thrust the blade deep into Freya's stomach with force, causing her eyes to widen in shock at what had become her fate.
"NOW!" Lexa called out to her people, who all revealed hidden blades and quickly used them to kill the Nordic Warriors standing over them. Indra sounded her war horn to call for the rest of our people who'd been hidden in the tunnels under the city to attack the rest of Freya's people. Our enemies had their guard down, unprepared for the wrath they now faced. We'd led them into the very arms of death, but as a signal flare shot into the sky from Freya's General, we now wondered what havoc was yet to befall us as we fought to seize back control of Polis.

As The Clans fought off Freya's remaining warriors all around me, I looked up as the signal flare illuminated the sky. This did not bode well. Returning my gaze back to The Queen, still holding my dagger firmly in place, I yelled in anger at her,
"What did you do?"
She grinned back at me, blood falling from her lips as she knelt before me, "Fifty warriors, assassins that move in the shadows now descend, with only one purpose... to fight and die for their Queen."
I looked over at Lexa, alarmed at the prospect of more of Freya's warriors approaching the city, "We need to get everyone inside that bunker before they get here."
Lexa paused for a brief second to look at me, concern resting on her brow.
"I'm fine," I reassured her.
Lexa nodded, understanding that we had a duty to follow through on,
"Search her for the key," Lexa spoke.
I pulled the blade from Freya's body and reached my hand inside her armour. Both the Second Dawn journal and the key were securely situated upon her. I took what we needed and passed the items to Raven and Luna.
"Get to work on this, we need that bunker open," I urged.
Raven stood up to leave just as Luna spoke in anger to the dying Queen, "The children from the oil rig, where are they?"
"Near by with the rest we took from your defeated Clans. Not that it matters now. Those that approach will kill everyone in their path and when they see what you've done to their Queen, your children will die too." she answered.
Luna looked heartbroken.
"That's not gonna happen," I said as I watched the blood spill from her body.
"Maybe you will survive my assassins, but not even the The Commander Of Death can stop Ragnarök," she spoke with a grin.
I watched as Lexa calmly picked up her sword and approached The Queen who now struggled to remain upright.
"The Clans of Becca Pramheda will see a future long after your Second Dawn fades to ash. Remember that when you stand in defeat at the gates of your afterlife. Yu gonplei ste odon, Freya Kom Nordica!"
And with that she brought her blade down upon Freya's neck. The Queen was dead but the battle was not over.

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