By the_13th_clan

55.7K 2.4K 432

The third book in the Ascension Series. After the destruction of Mount Weather and the end of The Shadow Bloo... More

Chapter 1: Falling.
Chapter 2: The Blue Flame.
Chapter 4: Journey To The Standing Stones.
Chapter 5: A New Life.
Chapter 6: Invasion.
Chapter 7: The Viking Queen.
Chapter 8: Escape.
Chapter 9: Return To Arkadia.
Chapter 10: Links To The Past.
Chapter 11: A Difficult Reunion.
Chapter 12: Approaching Polis.
Chapter 13: Face To Face.
Chapter 14: Rain Fall.
Chapter 15: A Meeting Of The Coalition.
Chapter 16: A Secret From The Past.
Chapter 17: Call To Duty.
Chapter 18: Queen & Commander.
Chapter 19: War & The End Of Days.
Chapter 20: The Yearning Of Two Hearts.
Chapter 21: War Descends.
Chapter 22: The Shadow Of Defeat.
Chapter 23: Strength.
Chapter 24: Risk.
Chapter 25: The Beacon & The Flame.
Chapter 26: Nordic Assassins.
Chapter 27: Ragnarök.
Chapter 28: Blood On The Earth.
Chapter 29: Praimfaya.
Chapter 30: Epilogue.

Chapter 3: Sunrise.

1.7K 83 14
By the_13th_clan

Even though she struggled to understand, Niylah respected my decision to remain lost to my loved ones.
Over the following weeks my strength returned as my injuries healed. I had spent the day light hours hidden away in the trading post but as soon as the sun faded to night, Niylah would walk with me in open air of the forest. I knew eventually, this would not be enough to quell my nomadic nature.
One morning before dawn broke I awoke from a nightmare with no desire to return back to sleep. I got dressed and wandered to Niylah's  room. Peering through her bedroom door, I watched a she slept so peacefully. Not wishing  to disturb her slumber, I gently closed the door and moved quietly into the main trading post room.
I desperately needed to clear my mind so I  unchained the door to breathe in some fresh air.  The cold air hit my lungs, the scent of pine filling my senses. Something so simple felt like such freedom. I wandered over to the stables to spend some time with the horses, I missed my steed. Loosing her in the Reaper attack when Mount Weather captured me was still upsetting. She'd been my companion for five years, it broke my heart that she was killed in such a brutal way.
The decision I made next would change my situation for good. I needed to clear my mind, unable to face another day hidden behind closed doors. Knowing that dawn was about to break, I saddled one of Niylah's horses and decided to ride to a nearby hill to watch my first sun rise since The Mountain had taken me prisoner.
My body still ached but it was worth the pain, to once again be riding across the land. I covered my face with a scarf and kept my head hooded to hide my identity should I pass anyone in the woods.
After about twenty minutes I reached the foot of small a hill. Leaving my horse tethered to a tree I began to walk up the gradual incline to the top. I'd made it just in time to see the sun emerge from the horizon, rays of golden light illuminating the landscape. It was so beautiful.
I sat upon the cold ground for a while, taking in this breathless view. For the first time in a while I felt happy, no nightmares, no sorrow, just peace.
It brought me back to simpler times, before war overshadowed my life.
As the sun moved past the horizon I took a deep breath before making my way down the hill back to my horse. As she came into view I saw two men with Trikru tattoos standing by her. They were clearly looking for the owner of the steed. My heart sank at the prospect of being recognised. I made sure my face was still covered as I approched.
"Is this your horse?" They questioned.
I simply nodded as I began to untether her.
"Are you Trikru? You don't look like Trikru. State your clan name," they pursued suspiciously.
My heart began to beat rapidly at the confrontation. I lowered my head and pointed at the scarf that was wrapped around my nose and mouth, indicating that I was unable to speak.
"Someone cut out your tongue, stranger or are you hidding that face of yours for a reason?" One of the men asked as he moved his hand to pull the scarf away from my face. I swiftly grabbed his hand, breaking his wrist and knocked him to the ground with an elbow to the face.
The other man attacked, delivering a blow with his fist to my ribs that were still in the process of healing. I reeled backwards, clutching at my side as the pain knocked me nauseous. I pulled a dagger from my jacket and swiftly threw it at the man who was now rushing towards me. It hit him in the leg, embedding itself deep into his flesh.
As he dropped to one knee I pulled myself onto my horse and galloped as fast as I could away from the Trikru men, all the time checking I wasn't being followed. Each reverberation from my horses hooves upon the ground sent pain shooting through my body. I thought I was about to pass out until I saw the trading post in the distance. Niylah stood outside looking on as I approached. I knew I'd made a mistake riding out that morning, but for what it was worth I'd do it all over again to see that beautiful sunset, to find a moment of peace.

Niylah was both concerned and angered by my actions.
As she helped me to walk back inside, she sat me down in my room and attended to the aftermath of my skirmish. Niylah fetched ice from outside of the trading post and pressed it to the blue welt that had begun to form over my ribs.
"What were you even thinking?" She said in frustration.
I winced in pain, "I needed to breathe, I needed to see the sunrise,."
She sighed, "Taking off solo in the middle of Trikru territory, not your smartest move, Clarke."
I attempted to make light of the situation, "I never said I was smart. Bold maybe, but not smart."
Niylah rolled her eyes, "Definitely bold. I hope the sunrise was worth the unwanted attention and breaking these ribs once again."
I smiled through the pain, "Every second of it."
She shook her head at me as the faintest of grins played on her lips. She was right, it wasn't smart and if those Trikru men had seen my face, no doubt they would have recognised  The Skaikru Warrior who was meant to be dead. Yet, this brief taste of freedom sparked a yearning that I knew in my heart would never leave me.
I broke the silence between us, "Niylah..."
She stopped me before I could continue, "You don't have to say it, I know, I've always known. I see it in your eyes every day. There was never a part of me that thought you'd stay for good."
I broke eye contact, feeling a pang of guilt, "I'm sorry."
Niylah contiuned to look at me, "Don't be. Staying locked away for the rest of your life is no way to live. Where will you go?"
I leaned over and took one of Niylah's maps from the side of my bed. I unrolled it and pointed at an area next to the sea that showed a beach with standing stones upon it.
"Here, to the east. Lexa once told me this is where she believed Luna Kom Floukru had fled to, that there was a clan who lived away from the rule of Polis."
Niylah looked over the map, "I've seen these stones. This place is viewed with much superstition. There's stories of boats going missing in these waters never to be seen again. Show causion, Clarke. If there is a lost clan there they're well hidden and may not take kindly to unwanted guests."
Her words spooked me for a moment but I knew this was the right path to take. Wanted or unwanted, I needed to seek out a new life for myself.

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