Two Hearts

By siyasarasaga

285K 12.9K 3.5K

#38 in General fiction on 3.8.18 #36 in reality on 25.10.18 #33 in reality on 10.9.18 #26 in reality on 12.9... More

Sharma's Residence
Arjun returns and Sitara's details
author note
Annual Day 1
Annual day 2
First meet
Only friend....??
First date
Love vs Lust
Being loved
Thank you
Good start
New book
Found my love
Arjun's birthday
I can't live without you
Nothing comes easy
Back to myself
Being Brave
I Love being Loved
Clever plan
Speeding up
Roti 😏 Rowdy
Again SlapπŸ€”
When god is with us...
She is my wife
We are married
He knows better
Tied the knot
What is there to talk?
After you return
Love will bring him back
All is well
Entwined Souls
Love is in the air
Not an update
Important note
Beautiful beginning
Dreaded words

Confessing the truth

9.1K 432 95
By siyasarasaga

Sorry dears for my convenience I changed the names of Sitara's parents. So from now on her dad is Shekar and mom is Sudha.

Arjun's pov

I went down for dinner, not only to eat but also to get more information about her from my dad. As I sat on my chair, he started.

Conversation as...

P- Arjun I need you to think and answer me genuinely.

A- ok dad I will.

P- really u like Sitara or not. It's not a business deal or something to get back from your decision. U should feel 100% sure and confident about ur decision. U should feel your love.

A- dad......

P- we both r not compelling you. We r not at all against you. You have full freedom to your life partner.

D- yes papu. We both like her. But we r not going to live with her always. It's u. So u tell ur decision.

A- Mamma and pappa. I........ I don't like........

D- it's ok my son. We will..

A- Mamma wait let me finish it

D- ok ok tell

A- I don't like the way you both ask me. I really like her at the very first look that is before seeing her with you in the restaurant.

(And narrates the incident)

D- I am so happy papu.

A- Mamma one more thing.  I want to know whether she likes it or not.

P- don't worry Arjun. me and your mom will go and see her parents tomorrow and now I am going to ask her uncle.

A- ok dad that's so nice.

D- now you eat happily. Soon we will make you eat her preparation.

A- smiles😀😀

Conversation ends...

Prakash's pov

"It's getting late. Soon u call her uncle and give some prior information" she told.

"Ok Durga I will" I told

Calling Mr. Ram

Phone conversation as..

P- Prakash R- Ram

P- hello Mr. Ram. It's me Prakash

R- hello how r you Mr. Prakash

P- let's Leave this Mr na

R- ok tell me how r u

P- I am fine Ram. How about you and your family?

R- all r fine. How about sister and handsome young man??

(Ram and Prakash are not only business friends but also best friends)

P- doing well. I have to ask you something.

R- it's totally new. Why r u hesitating to ask me.

P- this is little bit serious

R- no worries. Tell Prakash

P- ok. U showed your wife's sister daughter in your son's marriage na.

R- yeah Prakash. That was Sitara.

P- yeah Sitara.... Hmm she came to my office for inviting me for college cultural.

R- ok ok I will tell her that u r my friend. She will arrange something special on that day like making av etc

P- ohh God Ram..,...

R- why what happened

P- it is not that man hear to me first

R- ok go on

P- (narrates the whole story except without telling they made lunch meet purposely).

R- ok Prakash what should I do in this

P- me and Durga want her as our daughter in law. Will you......

R- I am happy with what you asked. But I can't decide it on my own

P- I know I know what about you tell your wife and ask her to speak with them

R- that will be ok. But

P- no buts. U should. We really like her and decided that she will be Mrs. Arjun Sharma

R- ok Prakash but what about Arjun

P- he likes her than us

R- what!!!!!! he saw her

P- hey don't get into a panic attack. Today he also came to restuarant and saw her. But she doesn't know that he is my son. He sat separately. So he likes her.

R- I am speechless

P- hey everything ok according to groom family. What about bride's????

R- hey it's too fast. So fast

P- look Ram. Now Arjun is 26. I don't know about her age. Soon they get married soon they get settled and start their life.

R- I agree with you. I think so she is 21. But she is studying now. How could we...

P- we will keep engagement in this summer and marriage after one year.

R- engagement,marriage. Hey slow down..

P- you r happy with you r enjoying with your granddaughter. Soon i should have my grandchildren. so it's ur responsibility to convince them for this. And tell everything about us.

R- Prakash everything..

P- yeah. Tell about My marriage story and everything about my family's anger etc.

R- ok Prakash give me sometime to process it.

P- ok take two days time.

R- only two days

P- keep other things aside and do it first. Please Ram.

R- Prakash why r u telling please. Infact it is like double treat for me. Both bride and groom are close to my heart. I will do this.

P-ok Ram take care.

R- u too Prakash.

P- ok Ram bye...

R- bye Prakash.

........ phone conversation ends.

"Durga, he asks for two days time." I told.

"Yeah they need Time. Let them tell." Durga told.

Next day

Sitara's house

Shekar's pov

I answered my phone. Ram told me about Prakash Sharma and their wish. I don't know how to start this to my daughter and before that I should discuss it with my wife. But it can't be done as Sitara has her holidays and will be in house only. While thinking this I saw her playing with our pets.

So I called my wife.

She came.

I told everything to her and she was speechless. After sometime she asked, "how?"

"What do you mean by how. It's our duty to decide and we should discuss about it. So send her to Nisha's house for few hours. Ram brother will come now and he wants to tell us some important matter. If she is here we can't speak it properly." I told.

"She is playing and won't go as she didn't bath till now." She told

"Make her go. Tell something Sudha. Or else u call Nisha and tell her about it so she will manage it well and will make it." I told.

"Ok I will call her." She told and made call to Nisha.

Srinisha is very close to us and  her family also. So Sitara will go happily to her house at anytime and Nisha knows well to handle Sitara.

After speaking to Nisha my wife came and told ok.

Within few minutes Sitara came running towards us.

She told,"Ma, Nisha calls me for our report work. So shall I go to her house now. We need to buy things for it ma."

"Ok Da u go "we both said in unison.

She smiled and ran towards her room to get ready.

Sudha looked sad.

I asked, "what happened to you. No smile in your face."

"I had not even dreamed of her marriage so soon." She told.

"Sudha see, it's just a wish of them. It's not a condition or rule for us to fulfill it. We will speak of it lately. Don't worry. Wipe your tears. She is coming" I told.

"Ma I will come for lunch. Bye pa. Bye ma." She told.

"Ok dear be careful" Sudha told.

"Bye Da"I told and she left in her scooter.

"Come, we both will get ready as Ram brother will come at any time." I told.

Sitara's pov

I can feel some change in my parents. They don't look happy right after a phone call that came to my dad. He told something to my mom and from then she too look sad. Before asking that Nisha called me for finishing project.

It's always fun to be in Nisha's house. We along with Lakshana Will be playing in her room pretending to be in group study. We will do whatever we want in her house. It's like my second home. Her mom, dad and brother are so sweet and I can spend any number of days with them.

I entered their house. Aunty (Nisha's mom) welcomed me. Asked me how I am, etc. I told," aunty u  see me daily and r asking me how I am?"😀

She laughed and told, "ok ok da u go upstairs Nisha is there".

"Ok aunty" I told and left to upstairs.

I went to her room and shouted,"Nishaaaaaa"

"Hey mental I am bathing wait I will come meet" she shouted.

"Ok ok did u call Lakshu. When she will come" I asked.

"I didn't tell her. U call and inform her." She told.

"Ok" I told and searched for my phone. Oh god I left it in my scooter itself.

"Heyyy I will use your mobile"  I yelled and unlocked her Mobile.

As I scrolled towards the call list I saw my dad's incoming call one hour ago. I saw the time, duration and after that only she had made an outgoing call that is for me. I was confused. I kept her Mobile aside and sat in her bed my mind filled with fear and confusion.

I will easily link things with people's reaction itself. My dad and mom was upset after a phone call and they made Nisha to call me to her home. So I decided that something going on in my house.

My mind was filled with thoughts like "is someone not feeling well" "any problem because of me" "what did I do",etc .

Nisha came out and told," hey nice dress mental"

I didn't turn to her side. I was sitting silently.

She came near and sat beside me and asked, "did u call her"

I didn't answer.

"Hey what happened. Why r u like this? Is something wrong?" She asked

"Ma and pa look upset after getting a phone call" I told looking at her face with tears in my eyes.

She started to speak. But I cut her

"They r upset because of me and u too hiding it from me and u called me only after my dad's call" I told

"Hey not like, uncle called me for asking about Bharath's(her brother) exam". She told.

"U r lieing to me. I know it from your eyes" I told and tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Hey why r u crying. Situ don't cry. I will tell you." She told hugging me sidewards.

"U don't tell me. something is going on there. I am going home. "I told and started to move.

She caught my wrist and pulled me towards the previous position.

"I should go now, What is there to hide from me for them." I told with tears.

"Hey look at me. First stop crying. I will tell you everything" she told and wiped my tears.

I looked at her. She started to tell me.

" See, aunty spoke in uncle's phone and told me to take you somewhere as they want to discuss about some important matter about you. And asked me to not tell you" she told.

"If they want to discuss about me I would have stayed in my room na. They won't make me go. Its something different. I am sure some problem because of me" I spoke looking at her.

"Oh god. No problem at all Situ. Nothing wrong. All r good." She told.

"How do you know that" I questioned her

"Well, I know that" she said

"Then tell me the real problem. U know that I believe you at any cause and u r next to my parents for me. Please tell Nisha. I don't ask why did you talk to my parents but what did you talk for more than 10 mins. Usually my mom will tell me that u both spoke but today she didn't tell me even the information of speaking with you. I want to know it please," I pleaded her

"Ok I will tell everything but promise me that u should act normal till aunty tells u about this. And u should not get angry on anyone and should not think as anyone cheated you, etc. Promise me" she told.

"Ok ok promise" I told

"Aunty told me to not tell anyone till it is settled. I am telling it to you because u cry for it. Your Ram uncle is coming to your house for discussing.... " She paused

"For discussing with uncle why did they" I Was cut off by her

"Let me finish it, just listen to me, shut ur mouth" she scolded

"Ok tell" I surrendered.

"For discussing about your marriage. Mr. Prakash Sharma wants you to marry his son. He had asked your uncle to talk to your parents and to know about you only they invited you for lunch yesterday. He had told that they already confirmed you as their daughter-in-law and to know more about you only that lunch arrangement. " She said

My mouth was in 'O'. I couldn't believe it.

"Hey how can he ask that. They had purposely talked to me and even collected my personal details without my consent. It's wrong. I won't agree.  And will not let my dad and mom to agree" I yelled.

"Wait. I have more to tell. His son had already seen you and he too likes you it seems. And yesterday u told me na that Durga aunty asked you about career and family, etc and I think so that was a part of this proposal." She told.

I could not do anything than to cry. Again I started crying.

"Hey why r u crying. That's why aunty didn't tell you. Don't think too much. Everything will get back to normal. " She consoled and hugged me.

"I feel so bad Nisha. I am that much fool to not even guess their intention." I cried in her shoulder.

"It's not wrong intention na. Did they made you meet their son yesterday? " She asked

I remained silent.

"Tell" she told

"No, but how can they ask it. They made everything with this intention only" I told.

"What's wrong in this. U have that age to get married and they really like you. U r not a school going girl now and this is normal to get proposals from various places as a girl attains her marriage age. There is nothing wrong in their side" she tried to convince me.

"But how could they ask it so soon. I had met them only twice." I told

"See, they had taken this in a proper way. Did they asked it to u? No. Did they make you to see their son? No. Did they speak anything wrong or rubbish to u? No. They approached your parents and its the right way. Don't get mad at them and first realise that u r not studying in school. Think and tell me" she told.

My head was still in her shoulder.

"U r right. But, I don't want it now" I whined.

"Heyyy this is only a proposal. Marriage is not fixed. Let's wait. But before that you should see his son." She told

"No, I don't want. No, I won't see anybody" I shouted

"Hey mental. We should know na where he had seen you?"she told

"Yeah but how can we identify that place." I told

"If u see him u can remember any place you had come over his face. Let's see come" she told

"But how can we see him now. We don't know his name or number na" I asked

"It's so simple. If we see Mr. Prakash Sharma's Instagram means we can" she told and opened her Instagram and searched for Prakash Sharma.

As soon as his account displayed we saw through the pictures he had posted. In that we saw a family picture. As she clicked it to open, immediately my jaws dropped.

"Oh shit. The same handsome man I saw yesterday at restaurant. We got our eyes locked twice. He had came for me to restuarant. He had been watching my activities. Oh god I know I flirted with him. Now I know he too flirted. He likes me and wants me as his wife" my thoughts were interrupted as Nisha shooked my shoulders.

"Yeah what." I told not sure about what she asked.

"Just now you see him within few seconds you went to dream land" she teased.

"Hey actually yesterday itself I thought to tell you about this. I saw him yesterday in restaurant. He was standing in the parking area and after that I saw him sitting in the opposite table as I came out" I told.

She was shocked and told "yesterday  Why I didn't see him when u saw him."

I told,"I saw him because he was in black shirt with rolled up sleeves. As I saw him he......... Hmm he caught me looking at him. This happened twice. "

"U idiot, culprit, u sighted him and now act like a baby. " She teased and laughed. 

I tried to pout but she slapped me playfully and told "I won't believe you in this and don't try to act like a small baby. I will kill you"

I started to giggle and after few mins. She asked, "jokes apart do you really like him. I want you to tell me truth"

"I can't tell it without knowing about his character and I won't judge a person by outlook" I told.

"I agree with you but tell me your opinion according to his Outlook. Do u like him? " She asked

"He is handsome. Good looking. But it doesn't mean that I like him. " I told.

"Then that's enough. Ok come, let's go somewhere. " She told and we left for shopping.

I think so, he really liked me. There was an difference between the eye lock at the parking and at the restaurant. While he saw me in parking, he just looked me as an unknown girl. But the look he gave inside the restaurant was more like a lover.

But I can't judge him only by his Outlook.

At 5 p.m I reached my house and acted normal that I don't know the actual matter. I waited for my parents to tell.  

After dinner, as usual we three sat in balcony speaking about various things. My dad started, "Situ u know what me and your mom think is only for your happy life. We have something to tell you and you should listen to us patiently".

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I don't want this. I don't want to get married now.

"Situ, you know Mr. Prakash Sharma and .................blah blah blah .... " My mom tells me the entire story which I had already heard it from Nisha.

She told,"so me and pa decided that to  ......ummm to accept this proposal"

My eyes drops started to flow.

"Situ nothing is there to cry. It happens only if you like him. And don't worry they promised to keep marriage only after you finish your studies. That is next summer. "  My mom convinced me.

"Ok we will talk about it next year ma.    " I told.

"Situ, we will give you his picture and number. You talk with him. Get to know about him. We give you one week time. And we expect yes from you. Me and pa like him and his family. Uncle told everything about their family and Pa too spoke with Mr.Prakash. so we think Arjun will be the best. "  My mom completed her speech.

Literally my eye balls came half out. Within a single day how could they think him the best and how could I decide within a week.

My dad sent his picture to my WhatsApp with his number. I looked at the picture. In That too he was in black suit. I saved his number as Arjun.


This is a long chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please do vote and comment. Send your feedbacks. My sincere thanks to kamali17 and myloveeiffel for their encouraging words to continue writing.

Thank you.........

With love

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