The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

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The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood
Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion
Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist

39 4 2
By yumekawaalchemy

It's been a few weeks after our wedding as I began focusing more on building up a better lifestyle for us both. As I patched things up with Kai the following morning, business rose exponentially as he helped promote my workshop. He said it was the least he could do, but it didn't sit right by me to do something I never asked for.

With the amount of income that was flowing in, I could get repairs done to the house to have it return to its former glory when my parents kept it well maintained. I still have a long way to go before I could ever become as skillful as they were, but I know I'm steadily making progress.


"Jang Mi, can I talk to you for a second?"

About to ask Jang Mi for a favor, I knock against her bedroom door and wait for a response. However, it never came as I grew more anxious.



Reiguma comes in dressed in nothing else but an apron with a ladle in hand. Ignoring her get up, she has learnt a lot from Jang Mi in terms of cooking. I just wish she'd also learn some decency!

"What can your lovely housewife do for you?~"

"...What you can do for me is put some clothes on. You'll catch a cold in that."

"Wah! You're right! But then if I do then Kiro would nurture me back to health... Kiro, I want to catch a cold!"

Ever since we've been married, Reiguma's become a little more... forward with the way she feels; a little more passionate and a little crazier.

"Hahh... Come on, let's get you some clothes."


After she gets dressed, I ask her to check on Jang Mi as I wait by the living room.

"Kiro, this is bad!"

Reiguma comes rushing to me as I quickly grew more worried.

"What, what happened?"

"Jang Mee is naked!"

She says it as though it's a big deal.

"...Anything else?"

"Hmm? Oh, and she's also hot, temperature wise. Umm, we need cold water and a towel, Kiro!"

"What? Why didn't you say so in the first place?!"

Grabbing the necessary items, I take them to Reiguma as I can't possibly do anything if she's in the state she mentioned.

"Keep an eye on her, all right?"

"I will!"

Leaving Reiguma to care for Jang Mi I restlessly move into the workshop to get some work finished.

However as hours past, I couldn't concentrate on the things at hand. Such a mindset would only interfere with the quality of my work.

Jang Mi can't remember her past, nor does she seem to have any desire to return. Is it because she can't remember the location, or is it because something is preventing her from doing so?

From her words, it seems there was something of great peril going on in her village. Could it be that she simply escaped barely with her life? But even then, such an answer doesn't explain the state she's in.


Yesterday, she didn't show any signs of being sick. In fact after the day we met, she never did develop another fever, so why is it back now?

Trying to think deeply into it, my thoughts are interrupted as a cup is placed against my table.


"It's past the afternoon and you haven't once come to check the store."

"A-ah, really? Sorry, was it busy today?"

"As usual, but I managed. Has Jang Mi woken up?"

"She hasn't..."


Taking a seat, she takes a sip out of her cup as she gazes against the surface of her coffee.

"Well, I'm sure she'll wake up eventually, that girl. I haven't seen strong ones like her in a long time."

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right. But why didn't you tell me yourself?"

With the two sharing the same room, I'm sure Aliza would've noticed her fever.

"I wanted to; however she wanted to keep it to herself. She's a strong girl, but rather stubborn."

"Is that so..."

"Indeed. I respected her wishes as I believe she'd be able to fight it off, but it's not a natural fever, is it?"

She asks me as though I have the answer to her question, but I'm clueless on just about everything that surrounds Jang Mi.

"I don't think it is, but I have no way in telling... You know she's from Kiridora, right?"

"It's hard not to recognise that sword of hers, weapons from there is legend within itself. However, hers doesn't shine like the rest of them."

She examines her waist where Jang Mi's sword landed and smiles.

"If it were I would've been in two pieces at the time. Probably dead, but I'm not."

Saying it as if it were a simple matter, she laughs.

"From that moment, I was intrigued. I wondered, is it because she's using a replica? Or is there an entirely different reason it doesn't compare to the legends? Either way, I plan to find out."

"...wait don't tell me that's your sole reason for being here."

"Hmm, it'd be one. I guess I never did tell you, did I?"

Not even once!

"...Hah, I guess it doesn't make any difference though. Have you been to Kiridora before?"

"I have, once. But only pass the border. What occurred next..."


She wraps her arms around herself as though curling up to fend against danger, or perhaps she has a tummy ache, which I highly doubt.

"They saw through it, such eyes, no... Such perception isn't normal. Isn't that so great?"

"Great? You were caught, and I'm sure you didn't just get off with a warning."

"Such sharp perception isn't normal, especially for humans... Perhaps they've made a contract with a deity. With such much mystery that surrounds Kiridora, I wanted to see the place for myself. ...Kiro, how well do you fare with stories that include... inhumane methods of negotiation?"


"Hmm, no that's not it. I'm not human so I guess it wouldn't apply to me. But yes, how do you fare with them?"

She looks me in the eye as I begin to wonder just what she experienced there.

"I-I guess I fare well with them... But it depends on the teller and their attention to detail."

"I see. But I wouldn't want to bore you on the unnecessary details. In simple terms, I had my eye taken, and despite me not needing my eyes, it's still considered what one would use to perceive. So as one was taken, I've lost fifty percent of my vision regardless of what I do."

"E-Ehhh... W-Wait, serious?"

She covers her teal eye as she appears to be in pain, mentally.

"Ever since, I haven't been back. On one hand I still do, but one false move and perhaps I'd lose everything. Ah, just thinking about it is enough to set my body ablaze."

"U-Umm, A-Aliza..?"

One moment she was mourning over her lost vision and the next... she appears to be excited. I guess for a shape shifter, danger and excitement go hand in hand.

"But enough about that. You need an assistant, right? If you're fine with me, I can lend a hand."

"You sure? You haven't had a break yet, right? I wouldn't want you to fall ill either and have me to blame for being a poor manager."


Placing her cup down, she rises and ties her hair back.

"I may not be in my youth, but this old shape shifter can do a bit of hard work."

"Despite the fact that you can look as young as you want!"

"Let's not get into the details. So, what do you need me to do?"

Stretching her limbs, this is perhaps the first time she'd be assisting me in the workshop.

"Just follow closely, it's easier to show you the steps rather than explaining them with words alone."

Shaking off any doubts I have, I get back to work with Aliza as my assistant. I'm sure Jang Mi wouldn't want my work to be affected by her absence.


Once the sun came down, Jang Mi slowly rose from her bed with the help of Reiguma as I could only wait behind the door. Aliza also offered her aid as Jang Mi stubbornly refused their help.

"You were burning up and still are, Jang Mee! You should rest a bit more!"

"If I rest anymore the day will be over, a day in which I've achieved nothing."

"It may have been nothing, but if you choose to move around, it could be two or three more days wasted. You're in no condition to do anything else but rest. Sleep and recover, Jang Mi. In your state you're of no use to us."

Overhearing their bickering, I knew it'd come to this. After all, you can't tell Jang Mi to simply stay in bed. However, Aliza's words are a little harsh.

"Aliza, that's mean!"

"...No, it's okay. ...She's right."

"Jang Mee... A-Are you hungry? Kiro made some food for you."

"Rice gruel again..."

She says it as though she's disappointed, well I'm not Wil but at least I can manage the way I am.

"Do you not want it?"

"Ah, no... I'd like it. It's just that... this is very nostalgic. It reminded me of the day we met. ...It's a strange feeling, but I don't hate it."

With such heartfelt words, I can't find a retort, but I'd like to see what sort of expression she made.

"Hmm, that's nice. What a sweet memory. I remember the day we met, you tried to kill me."


As days past, her fever slowly subsided which was good news for everyone, but something Aliza mentioned regarding Jang Mi piqued my interest. Resting out in the back, we were overlooking her usual sword practice as she later went to wash up.

When one usually suffers a fever, it'd take some time for their strength to return and behave as normal. However, for Jang Mi, her strength returned at maximum output. The most alarming note is that her heart no longer beats.

"You know, you can say some strange things, Aliza. But a heart that doesn't beat? That's a corpse."

She may have mentioned before that she's dying, and that she's the one closest to death. But to have a heart that no longer beats is unheard of.

"Does she look like a corpse to you? Displaying such graceful movements is far from a cold, corpse, lying on the floor."


I look over towards Lilly's shed as I soon remember she couldn't detect Jang Mi's presence. At that time I'm sure her heart was beating. At least... I'm certain of it, no one goes around thinking someone alive may not have a beating heart.

"If what you say is true, that Jang Mi's heart doesn't beat. It doesn't seem to be a problem... At least for now."

"Indeed. The more I learn about Jang Mi, the more and more intrigued I become. Oh, I haven't felt like this in a long time.~"

"Y-Yeah... just don't overdo it. Someone as perceptive as Jang Mi would soon realise what you're up to. But... keep an eye on her, for our sake."

Leaving Aliza to watch over her, I head towards Lilly's shed only to find her dazed atop of her stack of hay.


"Hahh... hahhh..."

With droplets against her body that resembles sweat, she's heavily breathing as she soon looks my way.

"Umm... maybe now's not a good time..."

Before I could make my escape, she leaps onto me.

"Kiro, Kiro!! Relieve me!!"

"G-Get off of me!"

Flying off, she sits back against her hay. Even after all this time I've made no progress on finding a substitute for her need for blood. The tingles I get whenever she saps blood out of me, I can't get used to it, nor do I want to.

Things like animal blood aren't pure enough for her, not only that but she only desires the taste of blood from human males.

"What are you getting at, Lilly?"

"It's hot... too hot. I didn't mind it the first time, but aaaa!! I can't stand it, I can't!"

She slams her hand against the sheds wall and a few moments later, it looks like she's about to gag.


I look around as the quality of her hay has declined, and the abundance of it. It's also rather humid inside, which is strange. I mean it's not place for people to be sleeping in, but it shouldn't be this warm inside.

"I need more hay, more hay at least! Or maybe teeny tiny bit bigger shed!"

"What are you an animal?"

"Yes! I'm an animal and I listen to my desires, I'm a slave to my desires, I can't help it!"

"R-Right right... I can get you the hay; just... do a favour for me."

"A favour? For my hay?"

Piquing her interest, she flies closer.

"The day we met, you mentioned you couldn't detect Jang Mi, right?"

Folding her legs, she sits in the air and begins to think.

"Jang Mi? She stabbed me! I still remember that, the pain, the joy, oo... it was less of that. But yes, I couldn't sense her like I did with you or that Serabrae. It really surprised me, but after I became aware of her, she emitted a small pulse."

"Hmm... Then can you still feel that pulse? She should be in that direction, taking a bath still."

I point over towards the house where Jang Mi should be.

"Hmm... ehhh... it's a bit far but..."

Closing her eyes, I felt a strange pulse emitting from her as she soon reopens her eyes.

"I do sense two... but that's Reigu.... the other isn't her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Everyone has a different, ehh... frequency than the other. Like you, you're usually stable, Reigu's really high, Alizabeth too. Are you sure she's there, Kiro?"

"I'm certain... Could you try again?"

I signal for her to follow as she accepts with no delay. Heading in their direction, Lilly suddenly perks up and flies ahead.

"This... umm... ehh... ehhh?"

Jang Mi's sword is propped just by the bathroom door. She never parts with it, but it's not strange to see it outside when she's taking a bath. Before Lilly could lay her hands on it, I pull her back.

"I don't think she'd appreciate anyone else laying their hands on it. Is there something wrong with it?"

"There's... a strange pulse emitting from it, it's really low. If you didn't tell me to help I probably wouldn't have sensed it."

She crouches down and closely examines it.

"...Inanimate objects with a pulse, this is the first time I've ever felt it."

Despite my warning, she hangs her hand over it.


"I know but how can I resist?! It's like telling me not to do what I desire! Just a little bit, a little bit."

The closer and closer she got to it, I grew more anxious, but nonetheless I wanted to understand why Jang Mi's sword seems to have a pulse. If what she says is true, then it'd make sense of all the times she'd refer to it as her.

"...I'm not mistaken; it's definitely... alive, no matter how faint it is."

"But, a sword being alive? How is that even possible?"

"I'm just saying what I'm feeling! It's alive, but from the weakness of it, I don't think it'd be alive for much longer. It's definitely decreasing, even if just a little."


"What are you two doing?"

Snapped out of it, Jang Mi stands before us, with Reiguma peeking out from beyond the door.

"U-Umm... I-It's not what it looks like."

It's not like I had any bad intentions, but from her perspective, it may appear that we were up to no good.

"I just needed to wash up, so I just wanted to ask when the two of you would be done..."

"...With her?"

Of course with Lilly here, the situation easily falls south.

"Yes! After Kiro and I had our session we wanted to wash up!"


Jang Mi looks at me as though I'm a being of less importance. Like an unwanted insect against the pavement asking to be squashed.

"Y-You're mistaken! I was just offering my blood to her like usual!"

"Right. Despite me not even mentioning anything to be mistaken for. Come on, Reiguma, let's go."

Picking up her set of clothes and sword, she walks off.


Stepping out, Reiguma follows along as droplets of water hit the floor. The moment she passes Lilly, she flashes her wedding ring towards her before leaving.

"Uhuhu, how cute. To think being married guarantees- Oww!"

I flick her forehead.

"I'm pretty sure your species are already the cause of misfortune upon families."

"Boo... It's not like it's my problem..."


"So. Do tell me why you're in here as well."

The bathroom is the last place I want to see Lilly; still fully clothed I refuse to take a bath with her in the immediate vicinity.

"Ehhh? It's okay, right? I told you what you wanted to know so of course you'll reward me, right.~"

"No, your reward is hay, isn't that what we agreed on?"

"So stingy! S-t-i-n-g-y!"

"Hahh, whatever. Here, go wash up on your own and I'll get that hay for you as we agreed on."


Handing her a towel, I leave her to it as I head into town to find some quality hay.


After purchasing bales of hay for Lilly from the marketplace and have them delivered, I unknowingly eavesdrop a conversation between two merchants. Before I knew it, one of them noticed my presence and offered me a job; one that entitles to investigate an unknown group of merchants around the specified location. Not knowing whether or not I'd actually get paid for it, I was on the verge of declining before they handed me an official statement.

"You've dealt with this sort of problem before, haven't you?"

He asked.

"Sort of. Hmm, I'll let you know if I find out anything about them. I can't guarantee it however."

"That much will be fine."


"...That's just about the jist of it all. Sorry to sudden spring this on you all. The pay's decent for what the job entitles."

Filling them on the job details in the dining room; with my workshop hours ending soon it's a perfect chance before others begin their move.

"Hmm... even so."

Aliza examines the statement I brought back as the others peer in.

"A simple observation sounds easy enough. But there's a potential chance for things to lead south."

"I know, which is why precautions must be made. I'll be relying on you guys while I take notes."

"Ehee, if Kiro says he needs us then I'm up for it of course!~"

"Glad to have you, Reiguma. Aliza, Jang Mi?"

With her sword by her side, Jang Mi simply nods.

"Just staying guard sounds fine by me. I'm your bodyguard after all."

With Aliza being the last one left, she hands the statement back to me and rises from her seat.

"Sounds like fun, I'm in."

"It'll make things a lot easier with an eye in the sky."

"...A what?"

As we proceed out of the house, only Aliza remains by the doorstep.


"Kiro... did you hire a bird?"

"Ehh... not quite, I was thinking that-"
"No way. There's no way you're going to get me to do that."

"Do... that?"

As though embarrassed, she looks the other way.

"Aliza, are you afraid of-"

"I'm not afraid!"

She declines with all her might as she soon notices her flushed face. Quickly turning into a small golem, she falls against the floor as though to escape from our eyes.

"H-Hey, Aliza..."

The breeze picks up as causes Aliza to roll a few meters. I guess being bashful does one to her shapeshifting ability. Though I never would've guessed she's afraid of flying.


A small chuckle soon bursts into laughter from behind.


"J-Jang Mi?"

With both Reiguma and I in a daze, Aliza suddenly stops rolling.

"I guess even Alizabeth's afraid of something, but... pf-"

"I said I'm not afraid, damn it!"

Quickly forming back to her usual self, she stands before Jang Mi as she continues laughing.

"R-Right right, easy there, Jang Mi, Aliza. Umm... should I apologise?"

"Hmph, I don't need an apology."

As though sulking, she hardens her body and rolls down the hill ahead of us.


"Aliza... Alizaaaa. We're sorry so could you please slow down?~"

Walking down the dirt paved roads, we search for signs of any markings from caravans, so far there hasn't been a lead.

"Nothing... hahh... Well I'm sure Aliza's still on guard, despite her actions..."

"Perhaps she's using it as an excuse to take point."

"Perhaps so... Anyway, anything out of the ordinary from you two? The client only gave us an estimate on where they might be. But it's a large area, we're sure to miss them if they take a different route."

"If there's a possibility they're doing shady business, they wouldn't move during the evening. They'll move during the night, where there's less danger of being spotted."

"Right. But even so, there's a chance they're just unlicensed merchants trying to sell their products. I mean the system over in Illumium is tough, compared to Krydon."


"Hmm, what is it, Reiguma?"

Suddenly stopping in her tracks, it seems she's picked up a scent as she points down towards the thickets of the trees.

"I smell... an abundance of people and... something that used to be burning. Similar to burning wood. A campfire?"

"Campfire? Hm..."

With no visible smoke in the air, perhaps some travelers made camp there.

"Alizaaa, anything on your end?~"

Finally turning back, she signs an X with her arms and proceeds towards us. Maybe it's because I wanted to rely on her more, that she took it upon herself to take point.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. We're near a small village that doesn't take kindly to strangers, so it's best we head back."

"Right. I guess we'll travel back and see what's in the forest."

"Down there I heard?"

Staring down at the forestry below, she's standing dangerously near the cliff side with a twinkle in her eye.

"It'd save us some time if we were to fall, however the impact may alert them. That is, if they're there somewhere."

"Yeah... I don't know about you, but alerting them would be the least of my worries."

Turning to us, she reveals a smirk and begins walking back the way we came.

"W-What was that for?"


Down into the trees below, Reiguma soon picks up the scent of travelers as she leads the way. Further in, she signals for us to lay low as we spot a small group of people beside numerous caravans.

"So, Kiro, do you think it's them?"

Waiting in the bushes, I recall a certain event that occurred months ago; hopefully things don't turn out like the last.

"I'm unsure, however- J-Jang Mi, what is it?"

Slowly rising on her, it's as though she's entranced by something. At this rate our cover will be blown. All we need to do is to spot any certified seals on the exterior of their caravans and have matching ID's.

"Why..? Why are they here?"

"These merchants?"

She shakes her head.

"No, there's..."

As though she no longer controls her body, she cuts her sentence short whilst pushing pass the shrubs and soon stands before them.

"Where. Where did you find them?"

Asking the closest one to her, of course they have no clue what she's talking about. Not only that but they seem to be on alert now as others begin showing up.

"W-What are you talking about, miss?"

"I'm saying where did you find them!?"

At the top of her lungs, she shouts and points towards one of the caravans.

"N-Now now, miss. We have no idea what you're going on about? Where did you come from anyways?" Why don't we-"

About to place his hands on her, she raises her sword to meet his throat.

"T-This is bad."

Attracting unwanted attention, at this rate we may even lose this job if it ends in a bloodbath.


About to call out to her to calm down, Aliza places her hand against my mouth as I look to her bewildered.

"If its one stranger, they can let pass. But two, and it's an entirely different matter."

She subtly moves her head towards the side as I soon spot a man stationed above a tree, with ranged weaponry.

"They're obviously on guard over something. If it's Jang Mi she'll be able to deflect the shot. What we should be doing is surveying the area for how many there are."

Releasing her hold, things were grim from the start and here I thought we could avoid confrontation.

"I guess it was inevitable... Why does this always happen..."

I look to Reiguma she nods, knowing the surveying will be left up to her.

"If they spot you, run away, all right? We can't risk a potential forest fire."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful!~"

Running off, Aliza appears to be concentrating on something as the surrounding air feels rather damp.

"I'm asking you one last time, where, did you find them?"

With her sword still pointed at one's throat, he has his arms raised in fright.

"F-For the last time, I have no idea what you're talking about! Are you crazy, miss?!"

"Answer me!"

"I'm telling you..!"

Suddenly shifting his posture, he bats her arm away and deals a direct blow to her abdomen with his fist. Coughing on the spot, the man laughs as others begin closing in on her proximity.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

Getting too over himself, I don't think he understands the vanity of his actions.

"Then... you're of no use to me."

Gritting her teeth, with one swift movement, her blade finds its way into the man's torso, as she slices upright and uses the man's corpse as a shield for the incoming arrows, all whilst moving forward to her next target.

The moment I step out to assist Jang Mi, thick mist quickly covers the area as Aliza takes my hand.


Pulling me along, I begin worrying about Jang Mi's safety.

"Trust in her skill, as a warrior and as your friend. For now we must take care of the ones that are hidden from sight."



With Reiguma soon joining the fray, cleaning up the ones hidden didn't prove to be a problem. However, I should say that it was Aliza that was merciless in the way she fought. She said that harming her companions is something she can't turn a blind eye to. If given the opportunity they would kill any one of us without remorse.

With such a dangerous job at hand, I regret taking it with optimistic thoughts.

By the time we return to where we last saw Jang Mi, Aliza dispersed the surrounding mist and what lies before us...


Bodies piled up before our eyes, much like the day we encountered Aliza, as the same thick stench of blood polluted the air. Visible injuries, cuts; some deep, as well as numerous arrows lodged into her body with not so much as a wince. Standing in the middle of the mayhem, her gaze lies fixated at the ground.

"Jang Mi..?"

In worry we rush up to her as her gaze soon meets ours. However...

"W-What happened, Jang Mi?"


With a quick swing of her blade, she sheathes it without word and proceeds towards the caravan in which she noted in the very beginning.

Wondering what lead Jang Mi to this troubling state, we follow her as she opens the caravan doors and steps in. Light soon illuminates the area, as we find a wide range of weaponry spread out. Upon second glance, it's clear to anyone that they're all Kiridorian forged weapons.


As though her batteries died, Jang Mi falls to her knees without word as her sword falls too with a reverberating clang; as though her heart itself shattered.

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