bed buddies

By b6mbass

101K 5.2K 1.8K

in which lust turns into something beautiful. © b6mbass ( this is old so the writing is crappy sry :/ ) More

last note.


3.5K 212 84
By b6mbass

taehyung's pov:

"what? no." i moan discontentedly as my mother sighs softly on the other side. "i'm sorry baby but the weather here just keeps getting worse and worse, i doubt the snow will clear anytime soon." my mother explains on the phone.

"it's okay, i get it. please try and come, mom." i plead. "of course sweetie." she murmurs unconvincingly as i sigh deeply. we say our goodbyes as i put the phone down with much aggression.

everything was a fucking mess, i currently had no friends, i trampled and messed with both hoseok's and sehun's heart like the asshole i am, jeongguk was nowhere to be seen and i'd kill for his presence right now and now my mom can't travel back home for my graduation ceremony.

i was certain that i'd leave korea discontent and desolated, sorrowful memories would replace my joyful and exultant ones of my time with my friends and before i'd know it, i'd be on the plane to some foreign country and be surrounded by the unwanted presence of people i don't even know.

or i could fix things before i leave.

i know where hoseok lives, i could easily and effortlessly go over and apologize like i should. but would he accept my apology?

i hesitate as i lie upside down on the sofa, i was bored as hell and i wasn't willing to make the journey all the way to hoseok's house just for him to disregard my apology.

"oh, fuck it." i roll off the sofa and make the decision to pass by his house to apologize. i get ready with speed and before i knew it, i was out of the house.

hoseok only lived a few doors away from mine and so i reached his place in no time. i collected myself before i knocked a few times on the auburn colored door.

i heard a few chuckles and giggles from the other end of the door before it opened swiftly. hoseok stood with a huge grin plastered on his face before it disappeared quickly when he caught a glimpse of me.

he frowned and attempted to close the door however i stopped it with my foot briskly as we exchanged uneasy glances.

"please give me a chance to explain." i plead as he scoffs and rolls his eyes. "what is there to explain? you're such a whore." hoseok shot bitterly as a painful sensation made it's way into my chest.

"who's at the door?" a voice asked as jimin appeared behind hoseok swiftly. "oh, taehyung." he murmured, his words laced in disappointment and guilt.

"can we just talk together? i leave next week and i really don't want to go like this." i explain as hoseok's dark orbs stared straight into mine.

"well, bye then. have fun in america." hoseok retorts as jimin sighs softly. "hoseok, let's just hear him out first."

"i don't wanna hear it. do you know how much it hurts to see your best friend kissing the guy they knew you liked? you disregarded my feelings and ditched me in the party just to kiss him. that was a slutty move. we're done here." hoseok mumbles as he scurries back inside his house with much infuriation and desolation.

"hoseok, we can easily discuss—" jimin begins before he sighs and gives up as he watches hoseok march away. he turns back to me and exhales once again, the whole scene and bitter words left me dazed and hurt.

before i knew it, tears were streaming down my face as i sniffed and rubbed at my eyes softly. "does he really hate me that much?"

a flash of disappointment plasters itself on jimin's face as he shrugs. "it's better to just leave." he murmurs as i sniff once again. jimin closes the door swiftly as i make my way back home.

i couldn't believe i ruined our friendship with something so stupid. all night i told myself to keep my distance from jeongguk like i promised at the party but it was like i had to be near him.

and the way his lips felt on mine.

i'd kill for the sweet sensation of our lips interacting any day.

i quickly reach my house but frown as i notice someone sitting by the door, they were hugging their knees and staring intently at a flower which blew softly in time with the wind.

"what the..." i mumble as i soon realize who the figure was.


abruptly, my heart was beating faster than usual. it's been a whole week since we met and i missed him so fucking much.

i admire how his soft honey blonde hair blew peacefully with the wind, his soft sun kissed skin radiated making me feel one hundred and one emotions i shouldn't be feeling. he soon realized my presence and shot me his usual bunny smile.

he stood up with ease and jogged towards me and suddenly gave me the most genuine, amiable hug which instantly made me smile softly.

i slowly wrapped my arms around him, returning the hug as i inhaled his enticing scent. his scent, his hug, his smile immediately soothed me.

but then i remembered hoseok's words.

and it wasn't the first time i've heard them.

i pull away with slight aggression as jeongguk furrows his eyebrows. "taehyung?"

"leave me alone." i murmur. i assumed that if i was bitter towards jeongguk, he'd back off and make things way more easier for me because now they freaking weren't.

"i'm sorry i shouldn't have done that but i guess i just missed you. it's been a whole seven days i didn't even wish you luck for your test but it's not like you need it you're practically a genius." jeongguk blabs as i stifle a soft smile.

i frown instantly as the thought of hoseok and his heart wrenching words replenished itself in my mind. i couldn't continue like nothing ever happened.

i should have been mindful about hoseok's feelings that night. hell, i even forgot i was with him during the party. i'm a terrible person, i didn't need him reminding me.

i didn't say a word as i walked towards the front door. i could feel jeongguk sending me perplexed gazes but ignored it as i got my key out and opened the door briskly.

"why're you ignoring me? i walked all the way here to see you." jeongguk states as he stands outside my door with a desolated expression.

the sight made me want to slap myself for what i was about to do.

"you're annoying, piss off. all you freaking do is follow me around everywhere you're so fucking irritating the last seven days have been bliss for me, just get lost." i murmur, mentally cringing at my words as i felt my stomach turn in discontentment.

"i'm confused." he manages to whisper almost inaudibly. he looked so hurt, i wanted to hug him and maybe even kiss him again but i couldn't betray hoseok like that.

"i told you to piss off, what is there to be confused about?" i groan as jeongguk's gaze wanders off elsewhere, like he couldn't look me in the face.

"i want to give you something first." he mumbles as he grabs a cream like cage. i didn't even notice the cage's presence until now. he brought the cage out for me to take as i furrowed my eyebrows.

"jeongguk, fuck off i seriously—"

"take it." he mumbles, his expression still melancholic.

"what the heck is it though?" i ask as a soft bark was heard from the inside of the cage. jeongguk crouches down and opens the cage as the same dog from our call last week scurried out.

"i thought you'd want our company because your mom left for america but i guess you could do with the dog's presence instead of mine." jeongguk explains as my stomach turns for the nth time.

thank him.

hug him.

kiss him.

anything to take away his hurt expression that was currently making me want to break down in tears.

the dog circles the two of us exuberantly as i fix my gaze straight into jeongguk's beautiful, glistening orbs.

i open my mouth to say something as jeongguk noticed this and began to speak himself, beating me to it.

"piss off? i know, i'm doing it." he murmurs discontentedly as he sighs softly as he strolls away. i couldn't help but to notice he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

i shrug this off as i pick the dog up along with the cage. at least i had something to remind me of jeongguk.

i enter the house briskly as the dog licks my face repeatedly. "i've messed up so bad. the only person i had left, now fucking gone." i mumble to the dog as if it could apprehend each word.

tomorrow is our graduation ceremony and then i'm off to america, thousands of miles away from the people i love.

especially jeongguk.

maybe this move would be a good thing? it'd be a fresh, new start.

a fresh, new start i so terribly needed.

a fresh, new start without jeongguk.

maybe it was a blessing in disguise?

"yeontan, do you want to come to america with me?" i ask softly as i lay beside the dog who barked wearily.

"i'll take that as a yes." i murmur as i watch the dog intently as it began to chase it's tail immediately shifting to an elated mood.

i chuckle as i exhale deeply. even though i'd benefit from this new start, i still needed something to remind me of jeongguk and this dog was a perfect example.

"here's to new beginnings." i whisper softly as i stroke the dog with affection and fall into a peaceful slumber.

a new beginning i didn't want.

but a new beginning i needed.

(a/n) it's a sweet crazy looove.
[ daily reminder that loona makes bops ]

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