His little devil. The third b...

By Queen_of_the_Lost18

10.2K 182 120

10 years have gone by since Pan and Luna have broke up. They only know each other as ememies and their past w... More

A new story begins.
Jerome's mom.
Why is she like this?
Sailing home.
Road trip.
Pan and Jerome.
How could this have happened?
A new girl.
Pan's Thinking Tree.
The Lost Princess.
Running with the wolves.
The pipes.
The Lost Boy's future.
A sad day.
Finding out.
The new vampire.
The doll.
What's wrong princess?
The fall.
Back again.
The pond.
You'll always be a joker to me.
Old memories.
In the jungle alone.
Life or death.
The note.
Out with the old and in with the new.
At last.
A big night.
Pillow fight.
Who took it?
Adressing the new caption.
Three days.
The end of Neverland.

Hiding the princess.

149 5 1
By Queen_of_the_Lost18

Luna's P.O.V.

"How is she?" I ask, not looking up from my book as Peter entered the tent.

"Worried. Mostly scared."

"Yeah. Did you convince here to her at least some sleep?"

"Yes." Peter smiles.

"But she isn't wrong."

"What about love?"

"I mean Jerome did find Jacob's camp. Who's to say he won't find ours?" I finally look at him.

"You do have a point. And I do have a solution. But I need your help."

"What kind of help?"

"I need you and Robbie to hide Flurry in town for a while."

"But, Flurry hasn't been out of Neverland for more then a day." I say.

"I know, that way I can place a spell on the camp so Jerome won't be able to find it. After I cast the spell, I'll call you back."

"Does Robbie know?"

"Yes. But Flurry doesn't. You leave tomorrow. That way, I can get started on the spell."

"Well then I'm going to sleep." I slip under the covers. Peter snakes in with me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Let's have some fun." Peter whispers seductively, nibbling on my ear.

"We have the kids and the tents aren't soundproof."

"I can make them soundproof."

"You're disgusting."

"No, I'm gorgeous."

"Goodnight Peter." I chuckled, wrapping my wings around me.

The next day I woke up myself to find Peter sleeping next to me. I get up and put my cloak on.

"Luna." Robbie whispers. I walk up to him.

"Hey, is Flurry awake?"

"Yes. She's getting ready."

"Ok, I'll be right out." Robbie gets out of the tent and I grab my backpack and quickly peck Peter on the lips before walking out of the tent where Robbie and Flurry were at the fire.

"Let's go." Robbie says. We all retrieve our horses and walk through the forest.

"Maybe Jerome isn't after Flurry."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well Jerome wants you. So maybe he realized that the only way to be with the queen is to become king." Robbie explained.

"But the only way to become the Lost King is to have the Pan Pipes." I look at him.

"Do you think that Jerome could be after my dad's pipes?"

"That's probably right." I say.

"So what are we going to do to protect daddy?" Flurry asked.

"I don't know." Robbie says. Flurry sighs, but then she smiled.

"Hey mom."

"Yes princess."

"Doesn't Robbie play daddy on Neverland?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Well don't the 2 wear the same outfit?"

"Yeah. Where are you going with this?" Robbie asked.

"Well then both have a belt with a dagger, and the same pipes."

"Flurry, you're right. But I left my pipes back in....." Robbie trails off.

"Robbie, where are your pipes?" I ask.

"Jerome's mansion."

"You brang your pipes on the trip?" I glare at him.

"What?" Robbie scoffed.

"And I thought you were the smart one between you and my dad." Flurry muttered.

"Awww, I was your favorite?" Robbie smiled.

"I'm starting to get second thoughts." She muttered again.

"Just don't tell my father." Flurry says. Robbie smirked.

"Pan!" Robbie called.

"Robbie!" Flurry and I yell.

"Will you be quiet?" I snap.

"Ok." Robbie holds my necklace in his hand. I put my hand on my neck and don't feel my necklace.

"First one to get my necklace gets to practice their powers on Robbie." I smirk at my daughter.

"Deal." Robbie kicks his horse and runs down the path. Flurry and I both charge after him. I catch up to him and stand up on my horse, jumping over to Robbie and attacking him to the ground.

"Now give me back the necklace or Flurry won't tear you to bits." I growl as Flurry in her wolf form growls above Robbie.

"And what would Pan think of Flurry committing murder?" Robbie mocked.

"Don't bring me into this. Now give my mom back her necklace. Or else we can get my father into this." Flurry snarls.

"Take it." Robbie gives me back my necklace.

"Just remember that you can't hide behind your daughter forever." Robbie smiles.

"And remember that my stupid ass boyfriend can't hide behind my king's shadow." I smirk.

"See, last time I checked, Pan didn't have a shadow." Robbie says.

"Can you two stop." Flurry snaps. Robbie smirked at me and raised his hand, making us appear in Storybrook.

"And you 2 don't have acting today, right?" Flurry asked.

"Yes. And since you haven't been here for more than a day, I thought you'd like to see a little something." Robbie smirked as we walk up to his car and get in.

We drive to the mansion and get out of the car.

"Does being a Lost Queen mean that you can steel whatever you want?" Flurry asked.

"No. And we payed for this." Robbie chuckled as we go in. Flurry looked around in awe.

"Don't get to attached. We aren't staying." Robbie says.

"We aren't?" Flurry asked.

"No. We're just grabbing a few potions and then leaving for Gotham." I say.

"If you need potions, can't you just steal some from Regina's vault?" Flurry asked.

"You're starting to become your father." I chuckled.

"Henry nor Tommy aren't allowed in that vault because of their tricks. You think Regina will let her eldest child, who is married to her least favorite person go in her fault? You of all Pangirls should remember how Pan stole a deadly potion from her vault to take over Storybrook." Robbie said.

"Yes. And you of all people should know that my father has changed Robbie." Flurry fires back. 

"Both of you stop before you start killing each other. Now I'm going to get the potions. Don't let me come down here and one of you are in ashes." I say. I walk upstairs and grab my hidden potions, walking back downstairs to the two teens.

"Ok, let's go. And Robbie, stop picking fights with my daughter." I growl, walking past him. We all get in the car and start driving to Gotham.

"I just hope we don't get killed." I say. Robbie only sighed.

"Me to love."

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