I'm a Thief || Harry Styles F...

By WishingFanfics1001

303 27 0

Leila Marlyn Tomlinson. It's okay if the name doesn't sound familiar. It isn't meant to be. Leila is unnotice... More

Chapter One - Junior Year
Chapter Two - Leila Marlyn Tomlinson
Chapter Three - Stephanie
Chapter Four - Suspended
Chapter Five - Unexpected Turn of Events

Chapter Six - Back Home

29 3 0
By WishingFanfics1001

I woke up this morning to see my mom on the small chair next to me asleep. She must of come early in the morning. I wonder if she even got any sleep. Knowing her she only slept a few hours just for she can wake up early enough to prepare my brother's lunch. She always did so much for all of us. It made me feel guilty; I shouldn't feel the way I do. She shouldn't have to worry about my anxiety so much. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a few messages.

From: Michael

"Morning! I hope you feel better! I will be there after school!"

I smiled. Michael has always been there for me too. I suddenly felt like I worry him too much as well. He's never left my side for the past three years. I wonder if he could've made more friends if it wasn't for me. He always smiled so I never thought about it. "Leila you should really pull yourself together." I said to myself. Look at me why do I overthink so much. I need to stop thinking this way. I decided to look at my other messages.

From: Lottie

"I dropped off mom! I went to run errands for her. I will see you tonight J"

From: Louis

"Hey! Text me as soon as you see the doctor! How do you feel?"

To: Louis

"Okay. And better thanks."

I kept staring at my messages. I don't know why, but I was expecting Harry to message me. I kept looking at the screen hoping it would show up, but that probably was silly of me to do. After the conversation we had I thought he would've.

"You're awake." I turned around to see my mom smiling at me.

"Yeah I am." I said, "Thank you mom. For coming so early."

"Silly I will always be here for all of you. You know that." She said with the same smile on her face. "You slept plenty though. I doubt you saw what time it is." I hadn't noticed. I looked at my phone 1:00 pm.

"Oh!" is all I managed to say. My mom just laughed at me.

"No worries. You can change before the doctor comes."

"What about the IVs"

"Oh! Let me call the nurse, she was going to take them off you once you woke up." She stood up and walked to the hallway. I stared at the ceiling. All I could think about was Harry. Why didn't he text me? Why would he anyway? I don't know him. He probably only came yesterday because he felt sorry for me or he wanted to help Louis. I guess it was too good to be true. Maybe he is too perfect for me.


"WHAT!" They all screamed. Michael included.

"Yeah we're back together." I didn't even want to talk about it. I just didn't want to think about her. Let alone see her, I've been avoiding her all day.

"You don't have to do that." Louis said, "We can find another way." I closed my locker.

"Its fine. It's already done." I walked to history. I didn't want to think about anything her.

"Okay class we're starting World War II today. One of the things I want to focus on is Japan. Just because it was a topic I focused on while I was in college."



"What did you do your paper on?"

"World War II in Japan it's actually interesting!"


Why? Why can't I get her out of my head? Her smile, her eyes, and her laugh I couldn't stop thinking about her. I took out my phone while the teacher was not looking and I saw a million messages from Stephanie, but none from Leila. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me. I don't know why, but I felt sad. Why was I expecting her to like me? Someone like her might be too perfect for me.


"So your blood pressure did go down. But I want you to drink this until I see it become more regular. Looking at your past blood tests I see it was always at the brink of being too high. I think we should keep it safe and you must take this every single day. Never let a day pass okay. Even if you feel better." I nodded.

"I will." My mom took out the other medicines. He went over the other medicines that I had to take and named the side affects for each one. I knew most of this stuff already so I just nodded and kept saying I would follow instructions.

"Also, before taking any other medication talk to me first. I don't want you to mix medicines okay?"

"I won't. Thank you." I was still somewhat stressed about this whole situation. What also frustrates me is how much I wanted to see Harry. My mom finished signing some papers and I was able to go. The nurses were told to get a wheel chair even if I could walk normally on my own. "Mom they don't have to."

"Just let them Leila." She laughed.

"You like causing a scene don't you." She shook her head and faked gasped.

"Now you see why Louis is such a bully too." I laughed. Oh true he told me to text him. I took out my phone.

From: Louis

"Did the doctor stop by yet?"

To: Louis

"Yup. He just explained the medicines to me."

He must be too worried.

From: Louis

"Good! I'm on my way with Michael to the hospital to pick you up."

I looked at the time 3:30 pm. Today was going by fast it was kind of a blur. I sat on the hospital bed until the nurses came by with a wheel chair. I mentally rolled my eyes, but still got on. Thinking about it I wonder why my brother and Michael took so long. They got out at 2:45 pm. It wasn't too far away either. I let the idea go. It didn't matter anyway it wasn't like I was done anyway. The nurse pushed me out while my mom was talking to the other one right behind me. Once we got outside I saw Michael's car and both him and Louis standing outside.

"LEILAAAAA!" Louis came towards me and asked if he can take me the rest of the way.

"It's only like three more steps." He laughed, but got the wheel chair anyway. I got off and Michael opened the door for me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Better." I said as I got in. My mom went around and got in the other side and got in next to me.

"You hungry?" Louis asked.

"Pretty hungry actually." I said and smiled. I didn't want to be in a bad mood. "How was school today?"

"Pret-" Louis started.

"Michael." Louis turned around and made a sad face.

"I see you're doing better." Michael mentioned, "It was okay. Same old, same old."

"Mine was great thanks for asking." Louis said. We all laughed, I looked outside the window for most of the way back. What was it going to be like now? Is he going to be a part of my life? It is all I ever wanted. To be noticed by others. I looked at Michael; he has been the only one to notice me for the longest time. Maybe I shouldn't think of this. I have enough, why do I want more?

"We're home!!!" Louis said with such excitement.

"It was only one night silly." He smiled. My mom grabbed my stuff and I went inside.

"WELCOME HOME!" Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry said in unison. I didn't know what to say. I looked up and met Harry's eyes. He smiled.

"What is this?"

"It's for you! We all wanted to welcome you back."

"It was only a day Louis."

"You're not happy?"

"I am. Just you didn't have to."

"But we did." Harry said. "We're all friends anyway."

"Friends?" Was all I could say.

"Yes friends." Michael said. I turned to look at him and smiled.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me."

"Then why doesn't it look like it?" Niall mentioned. I just. I didn't want to embarrass Louis anymore than I have.


"Yes?" I looked up.

"Don't worry we just bought pizza we'd figure we'd see a movie." Zayn said.

"I'd like that." I smiled, just go with it Leila it's what you've wanted. I took a deep breath and turned to my brother. "Thank you." He hugged me and then we all went upstairs to my brothers room and watched a movie.

"I'd like that." I smiled, just go with it Leila it's what you've wanted. I took a deep breath and turned to my brother. "Thank you."

"So how about we go to my room and get this started!" Louis said. They all agreed and ran upstairs alongside him. I stayed standing there for a bit until Michael turned to me and motioned me to come.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I got a little too excited and expected more from Harry." I don't know why I felt down. He knew me less than a day.

"Leila, don't over think. That's what got you sick in the first place." Michael told me. Yes it was really pathetic of me to keep thinking about this. Very kid like you can say. I guess it's just the feeling of wanting to be accepted even though I can't speed things up. The funny thing is that Louis wanted to rush it and I said no, but now I want to rush it myself. "Leila?" I looked at Michael and he just smiled and came to hug me. "Silly you know how much you scared me yesterday? Don't overthink okay? I care about you, a lot." he kissed me forehead and hugged me tighter. "Best friends forever, I will always be here for you."


"What movie do you want to watch Lei-?" Louis turned around. "Hey where is she?" all the boys turned around and were confused too.

"I'll get them." I said and went down the hall and down the stairs and saw Leila and Michael. "Hey gu-" I said until they started talking. I hid behind the wall of the staircase.

"What's wrong?" Michael said. I looked over to them.

"I think I got a little too excited and expected more from Harry." You too? I leaned my head against the wall. She can't know that I got back together with Stephanie. They talked more, when I looked over again I saw Michael kiss Leila's forehead. I don't know why, but I felt anger and jealousy. Why can't I have that relationship with her? My heart sank. I shook it off and put on a fake smile.

"Hey guys, the pizza will be gone if you don't hurry." They both looked up and smiled.

"Got it." Michael said. "After you." He said to Leila. She went upstairs and we all headed to Louis' room.

"Are you going to tell her?" Michael said as we were walking in to the room.

"No. She doesn't have to know right now." Is all I said and went to sit with Niall. Louis was with Leila and Michael sat next to her. I stared at them and noticed how close they were.

"So what movie Leila?"

"Any." She said.

"Scary?" Louis said.

"Aw man why does it have to be horror." Niall said. I laughed.

"Just to give everyone a spook." He said as he put the movie.

"You act as if you're not going to cry." Leila teased him.

"Shush its starting." He told her. We watched the movie. There weren't too many bad parts in the beginning, but the end there were more.

"Ahh!" Leila laughed. I turned to her, and she was holding on to Michael's arm. "Tell me when it's over." She said as she hugged his arm and buried her face in his shoulder.

"Come on Leila you're missing the whole thing." She peeked.

"You just really want me to scream don't you?" He laughed. My phone rang and I saw her turn to me, but I ignored her stare. I took out my phone and saw Stephanie's name. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be back." I told Niall. I went to the hall and answered the call.


"Why have you been ignoring me? Aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"That doesn't mean I have to be with you 24/7 Stephanie."

"It does if you know what's good for your friends." I closed my eyes. She is so frustrating.

"Fine. Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up and went back to the room. Leila was still clinging to Michael. Stop you're not even single. Plus Louis said their relationship was not in that way. Why am I with Stephanie? Right. Because I like Leila and I had to do this for her. I sat down. The movie finished and Leila stopped holding on to Michael.

"That was supposed to be fun for me!?" She hit Louis, "That was so scary!" He laughed and stood up.

"Well I had fun." I said. Leila looked up at me and gave me a half smile.

"How would you know if you were out for a long time?" Niall said, "You were probabl-" I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want Leila to know.

"Probably talking to my mom." I said, Niall looked confused as did everyone else, but Louis got the drift.

"Yeah that's probably what you did." He cleared his throat, but laughed nervously.

"You guys are so weird." Leila said as she stood up. "Now excuse me while I go to sleep early for no reason because its not like I can go to school tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Louis said. "Didn't mom tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Your suspension was taken off your record and you can go to school again?" he told her.

"REALLY!" she got super excited. "YOU'RE NOT KIDDING RIGHT!?" she hugged him, "THIS IS GREAT!" I've never seen her so happy, but I suddenly felt happy too. Her smile is just so enchanting it can make anyone this happy.

"You're literally the only person who gets excited about going back to school." Michael said.

"Not true, you are equally excited that your best friend is baaaaacckkk" she said in a sing song voice. She covered her mouth and turned away. I was in awe, with just that last note you can tell she had a great voice. "Ignore that." She cleared her throat.

"No that sounded good." Liam said. "Like really good! Don't hide a good voice like that!" She started turning red, but smiled and thanked Liam anyway. Great this is another thing to add on the list of why she is perfect. She didn't even need all these attributes she was just so pure, I really liked the person I have gotten to know in the past couple days. It also is amazing how she managed to open up to all of us. We don't know everything but I have a feeling we will soon.


I smiled and looked towards Harry. He seemed amazed, but there was something off about him and I couldn't figure it out. "My voice isn't that good, that was hardly singing anyway." They all rolled their eyes.

"Sureeee." Louis and Michael said. Then Zayn mentioned something about school and then they started talking about something I did not know about so I decided to go to my room.

"I'll be in my room if anyone needs me!" I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I smiled thinking of Michael talking to all of Louis' friends. I walked to my closet and decided to pick my outfit for tomorrow. Nothing seemed fitting to wear. Compared to Stephanie nothing would look good on me. "Stop thinking about her Leila." I said to myself. I kept looking and found a floral skirt I've never worn. I got that out and a pink crop top and a white jean jacket. All that was running through my head was that I had to impress Harry, show Stephanie that she didn't win.

"Leila!" I heard Michael's voice. "Can I come in?"

"Yes come in!" Michael walked in and smiled at me. He looked at the crop top in my hand.

"Oh no are you really going to wear that!?"

"Is it that bad?" I pouted. He laughed. "Honestly!"

"Is this about Harry?" he stopped laughing and became serious.

"Why? Is this you being protective?"

"Just there is something you need to know."

"Do you think I have a chance at real friends?" I cut him off. "Sorry you can keep going." I turned around and waited for him to tell me.


"Do you think I have a chance at real friends?" I stayed quiet. I couldn't tell her. Not right now.

"Its nothing it can wait."

"Are you sure?" she hung the clothes in her bathroom.

"Yeah positive."

"Alright?" she continued gathering things for school until she finally sat down next to me.

"You don't think I'll be able to open up enough do you?" I turned to face Leila, "Its okay. I don't think I will be able to. This anxiety thing and all."

"What? What are you saying?"


"Good night!" I was the last one since all the boys had left. Louis closed his door behind him and I walked down the hall and saw Leila's door open. Guess I'll say good night. I looked in and saw Michael and Leila sitting on her bed. I moved away from the door way and stood next to it.

"What? What are you saying?" I heard Michael say.

"You know. For the past couple years when have I been open to anyone but you?" Leila said, "Sometimes I wish I was prettier, social and not anxious. But you can't have everything. So while I was at the hospital I felt like I wanted to prove I was better than Stephanie. But thinking about it now, I don't think I ever will be. After all I'm just a loser, a nerd." I peeked in and saw Michael pulling her for a hug.

"You're quite something you know." He said, "We all think you're extraordinary. Why can't you see that?" I saw tears roll down her face. "So tomorrow show everyone that you don't mess with Leila Tomlinson. Okay?" I looked away.

"Okay." She said. I looked again and they both smiled as they talked. Why am I feeling this anger? I want to be someone there for her, but Stephanie is making this impossible. Not only impossible, she is making her feel this way as well. I walked away and went downstairs. Louis' mom said good night to me and waved as I got in my car. I drove off the only thing in my head were her words, them hugging and talking. I guess I shouldn't expect any thing; I am the one who's going to hurt her tomorrow. Once she sees Stephanie clinging to me she won't want another word with me. I hit my steering wheel. "UGH! WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT?" I felt tears running down my face. Why is she making me cry? I've known her for a few days. This girl is doing crazy things to me. Leila, I am falling for you. 


Author's Note :)

This is short, but long over due! Enjoy! I will write the next part soon <3 It will start getting good! (Hopefully!)

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