Into Another World (Naruto Fa...

By boogieinyourcloset

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~Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto~ Alice had a rough past in which she hides from everyone---even her friends... More

Chapter 1: Blacking Out
Chapter 2: What The Fuc*?! My Hair is Black!
Chapter 3: XD
Chapter 5: Who Am I Really?
Chapter 6: TRAITORS!
Chapter 7: A Deal
Chapter 8: First Day
Chapter 9: The Test
Chapter 10: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter 11: Teams
Chapter 12: I Know Lots Of Things...
Chapter 13: The Hyƫga Clan
Chapter 14: A Day Gone Horribly Wrong
Chapter 15: Hinata's Father
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Contradictions
Chapter 17: A New Mission
Chapter 18: Friends
Chapter 19: Abduction
Chapter 21: Their Feirce Determination
Chapter 22: The Woman in Red
Chapter 23: Revelations, Voices and Purgatories... Life is so Interesting...
The Dreaded Author's Note
Chapter 23 (part 2): Loosing It
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Rough Draft

Chapter 20: A Scream For Help

2.1K 61 4
By boogieinyourcloset

"AAAHHH!" Ayame shrieked, then she clutched the cloth covering her chest tightly as she crumpled to the ground.

Unimaginable pain soared through her body starting from her chest. Fire seemed to sear through her veins and her head felt like hammers were being pounded on it. Voices rang through the depths of her mind, screaming something she could not quite understand. But, after what seemed like years, she could finally understand what they were saying. And she didn't like it one bit.

'Kill him,' all of the voices sang, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. 'Make him hurt. Feel his life drain away. Hurt him, burn him. Mix his ashes with the dirt.'

She opened her eyes, trying to see the world again, trying to find someone to help her. And she did. She found someone. She found the same beautiful sea-foam green eyes staring back at her with unguarded concern.

And she didn't like it.

She didn't like it that the boy was so close that she could just reach out and hurt him. She didn't lke it how the singing in her head blasted on full force, making her head burn and pound more painfully.

Ayame wanted to warn him. To tell him to go away. But everytime she tried, her mouth would open to another scream of pain.

Tears fell freely down her face. Black spots started to dance around her. She could feel the darkness trying to consume her, control her and she didn't like it. Somehow she knew that if she succumb to it, this boy would get hurt. This boy would cry. And she didn't like that.

So, with all her effort, will and a prayer to Kami, she whispered, "Help."
"Ah! No! Get away from me, monster!" A child screamed.

Gaara gulped as sudden feelings of hurt coursed through him. He was just trying to get them the ball back. He just wanted to play with them. Why can't they see that? Why do they keep calling him a monster? He hasn't hurt anybody, right?

Gaara was snapped out of his thoughts as sand started to swirl around him. His eyes had the time to widen before the sand attacked the children who was once playing with the ball in his hand. Gaara looked with horror at the scene unfolding before him.

"Stop!" he shouted. But the sand didn't stop. It just continued.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a crown of black hair walking towards her. He turned to the person and stopped. The girl's eyes were red. So very red.

Just like blood.

Gaara gulped. He saw the girl frown and look behind her. He saw the way the girl's back tense as she took the scene in. Tears were starting to form in Gaara's eyes, stinging him, making the world blur. But he held it in. He saw the girl start to turn again, and he readied himself for the shouting and hurting words that would come from the girl with the strange eyes.

But that wasn't what the girl did.

The girl didn't shout at him, call him a monster like everyone else did. No.

She screamed.

It was the most blood-curling scream he had ever heard in his life. It was a scream of pain, of desperation.

It was a scream for help.

Gaara didn't know what to do. The girl was now lying on the ground, kicking, thrashing, clutching her chest and head as if that would make whatever kind of pain she was in go away. She was hyperventilating too fast.

Gaara watched in horror at the black-haired girl. He forgot about the other kids now, which made the sand forget about them too. He felt a warm hand lay on his shoulder, but he paid it no heed. He knew it was Yashamaru since the sand of his didn't react much. He just stared at the girl who was now screaming uncontrollably.

Without realizing it, his feet moved towards the girl. Vaguely, he could hear someone shouting at him, but he didn't give it a second thought. His eyes were only for the girl in pain.

When he reached her, he sat down beside her carefully. He reached out his hand towards her slowly, but then the girl's eyes flew open.

Gaara had to suppress a gasp.

Her eyes were swirling and the normal white around the pupil was black, a very dark black.

Her eyes looked like the eyes of a monster.

Gaara was supposed to run away. He was supposed to scream in fear and just run away, never seeing who this girl is. But he didn't. Gaara knew what it was like to be judged too easily, so he didn't. Even though the evidence was facing him, looking at him, straight in the eye, he refused.

Gaara just looked at her with concern.

Tears that had nothing to do with the way the world was treating him fell down on his face. Gaara stared at the droplets on the ground, then at the girl thrashing around.

He had never felt so helpless in all his life.

Even though he didn't know who this girl was, never met her before, something somehow made him feel a kind of connection with her. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, nor was it a bad one, but a mixture of both. His body screamed for him to run away from the deadly eyes of the girl. But his heart wanted to stay with her. His heart wanted him to be with her.

His heart saw the girl's eyes as if they were the most beautiful thing in the world.

Gaara was snapped out of his strange thoughts as he heard the girl say something. It was vague, barely audible, but he heard it. And what he heard made more tears fall from his face uncontrollably.

The girl's eye-lids shut, and the world became quiet. As if there was not a girl screaming pain-filled screams less than a minute before.

Gaara stared at the girl, not knowing what to do.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

~ Hi! So how was it? I'm not really good at descriptions, so it hadn't com out like I wanted to... But, believe me, I tried! I really did! TT.TT

Anywhore! Comment what you think. Vote if you liked!

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