Dope Boy Ambitions 3

By laila_duhh

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Prologue: Dope Boy Ambitions 3
A Fresh Start
Home Is Where The Heart Is
True Colors
Too Deep
Oh Baby
Caught Between A Rock, And A Hard Place
Wake Up Call
Spilling The Beans
Nobodys Perfect
Little Do You Know
Piggly Wiggly
Connect The Dots
Playing With Fire Will Get You Burned
Wild Goose Chase
Dirty Laundry
Bait Baby
Signing A Deal With The Devil
Chicago, We Have A Problem
Inside Man
Bringing The Bacon Home
Ahead Of The Game
Oh Happy Day
On A Roll
Playing It Safe
Bloody Knuckles
King Kong
A Dangerous Game
Whose It Gonna Be
Dope Boy Ambition 3 Finale: Crown Me King
Sneak Peak! DBA 4

Love & Hate

62.9K 1.7K 2.5K
By laila_duhh

One hour until the banquet...


There was a loud roar of thunder followed by heavy raindrops falling on the rooftop. The strong wind blew the trees every which way and it was just an ugly sight outside.

"The weathers getting bad." Morgan said looking outside my bedroom window.

I sighed and continued on my makeup. I applied glue onto the faux eyelashes and pressed them on my eyelids after the glue had dried a little.

"It's suppose to be a storm." King said entering the room with his phone in his hands.

"And there's a flash flood warning out." Nick came in as well and turned on the television flipping to the news.

It just had to rain today. Out of all the days Mother Nature made it rain today.

"You still okay with doing this?" King asked as I applied foundation to my bare face. His entire expression screamed nervousness.

"Yea. It's just a little rain. It'll be fine. Besides I'll be inside the entire time."

"Mo girl I don't know about this." Morgan said still looking out the window at the rain.

"It's too late to turn back now." I picked up my concealer stick and began to put it under my eyes to hide the dark circles and bags.

"She's right. She turns back and Nick goes under." King rubbed his hand down his face and plopped down on the mini couch sitting in the corner.

Morgan sighed and took a seat as well.

"It's okay guys. I promise."

They all just sat around quietly and prayed while I finished my face along with my hair. I slicked down my edges then curled a little piece of hair that had messed up.

Afterwards I went and picked up my outfit from the bed. It was a tight fitted black dress that was laced up at the back. I would be wearing a green goose feather coat to cover up with. Then I was going to be wearing some knee high boots to set off the look.

Morgan was in the bathroom helping me put the dress on.

"The other day me and King set up cameras at the place."

"Why." I held my hair so it would get caught.

"To keep an eye on you. Just in case Carter wants to try some shit."

I laughed and shook my head.

After getting fully dressed Morgan put the ear chip inside my ear. It felt very uncomfortable but I didn't complain. It was going to help.

"Don't forget these." King handed me the earrings. I slipped them onto to my ear and did last minute touch ups to better my appearance.

While Morgan placed my necklace on I noticed Carter was calling.


"You still coming right?" He asked confirming my attendance.

"Mhm I'm getting ready now. I should be leaving the house in a couple minutes."

"Alright see you there." He said before hanging up the phone.

I put my phone on the counter and looked at myself in the mirror.

"You're ready." Morgan smiled snapping my necklace in place.

I took a deep breath then walked into the bedroom.

King looked up at me and licked his lips then stood up walking over to me. He grabbed my face and pushed my hair out of the way. "You got this ma." He reassured kissing my lips.

"I know I do." I told him after he pulled away from the kiss.

Morgan handed me my purse. "I slipped a couple things inside." She whispered in my ear.

"Of course you did." I said sarcastically.

"Good luck sis." Nick hugged me and I hugged him back tighter.

They all followed me down the stairs. I hugged Miracle and CJ then walked out the door letting my umbrella up to block the rain.

I was almost swimming trying to get to my truck. That's just how much it was raining.

Once inside my car I cranked it up and put my things in the passenger seat. I turned on my windshield wipers and slowly pulled out the flooded driveway.

I put the car in drive and drove carefully on the road. While down the street I heard Morgan's voice in my ear.

"Mo. Can you hear me?"

"Yea." I said back and kept my eyes on the slippery road.

"Here goes nothing."


"Nick you stay here and watch the cameras from the laptop. You see anything going on call me." I handed Nick the laptop.

Morgan and I were going to follow behind Mo. She couldn't be a one man army and we knew something was bound to happen.

"What do we do dad?" Miracle asked hopping up from the couch.

"You and CJ stay here outta the way." I told her and she smacked her lips sitting back on the couch.

Morg grabbed the duffle bag and placed her hood on her head. I grabbed my keys and went outside in the pouring rain jogging to the car.

She threw the stuff in the backseat then hopped in the front. I started up the car and began to head towards the plaza.

"Hey Mo. You there yet?" Morgan spoke into the walkie talkie waiting for Monica's response.

A minute later Monica responded with a no. She informed us that the streets were badly flooded and that she was having a hard time getting there.

I sighed and kept one hand on the steering wheel slowly moving along with the traffic.

"This shit was a bad idea."

"You think dumbass." Morgan rolled her eyes at me. "Like Mo said it's to late to turn back. All we can do now is keep pushing and keep hoping."

All of sudden traffic slowed and eventually came to a stop.

"Why the hell are we stopping. Was it an accident?" Morg asked trying to look past the line of cars.

A traffic cop approached the car with an orange rain coat that read traffic patrol on the back. He instructed us to roll our window down.

"Good evening sir. Where are you headed?" He asked talking over the rain.

"Downtown sir."

"Well I'm sorry but all the roads are closed due to flooding." He informed us.

"There isn't a way we can get around?"

He shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I'm gonna need you to take the next exit and return home."

"Ight." I said rolling up my window. The man went to the next car behind us and we moved forward.

"Fuck!" Morgan kicked the dash board.

"We gone find another way around even if it takes hours."

Morgan sighed then picked up the walkie talkie. "Monica, can you still hear me?"


"Monica, can you still hear me?" Morgan's voice returned in my ear.

My hands pushed through the double doors and my eyes scanned the room full of people dressed in formal attire.

Im the very front of the ball room there were women playing the harps and men playing violins. They both created soft elegant music throughout the entire room.

To the left there was a seafood table full of lobsters, crabs, grilled shrimp, and cocktails. To the right were many other fancy French dishes.

The room was filled with many people of law. You had judges, cops, detectives and all the above.

Overall it was pretty nice.

"Ah there's the lovely lady now." Carter walked over to me with a glass in his hands. Following him was Chief Cole; the head of everyone and his wife.

"Monica right?" The Chief grabbed my hand and shook it.

"That's correct." I gave him a fake smile.

"Oh how are you dear. It's nice to finally meet you. Carter was just telling us so much about you." The chief's wife smiled shaking my hand as well. When she looked down and saw the huge rock on my finger her eyes lit up. "But I guess he forgot to mention you two were married."

Carter damned near choked on his drink when he saw my engagement ring. He coughed and loosened up his tie. "Yea it seemed to have slipped my mind."

"Tell us how you two met. I'm pretty sure it's a lovely story." The woman said joyfully with a jolly smile on her aged face.

"At the park-"

"At the bar-"

Carter and I looked at each other. We'd both said two different things.

"Uh. We met at the park one Saturday evening then afterwards we went to a local bar. From there we've been happily married." I gave them the fakest smile ever.

"Yea. I knew when I laid eyes on her she was the love of my life." Carter put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"How lovely. And I see you two are expecting." The woman looked down at my baby bump. "Carter didn't mention that either."

"Im pretty sure Carter left out a lot of things." I told them.

"Mo! Bitch! Are you there!" I heard Morg semi yelling.

"I'll be back. Im going to get a drink." I excused myself from them and went over to the punch table.

"Yea Morg. I'm here." I pressed the side of my ear whispering.

"Damnit girl. Had me scared. Did you make it safely."


"Who are you talking to?" Carter said coming up behind me.

"Myself." I grabbed a glass of punch and took a couple sips.

"Where did you get that ring." He eyed it with an angry expression.

"Does it matter?"

"Nah not really. Just don't fuck this up for me." He whispered in my ear then walked back over to his group of coworkers.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a piece of lemon cake.

"Champagne madam?" A butler like waiter asked with a smirk.

"No I'm fine."

"Would you like me to take your coat?"

"No thanks." I told him and he walked away with the tray of bubbly champagne in his hands.

I sighed and leaned against the table.

"Hang in there Monica. You're doing this for Nick." I reminded myself and continued to stuff my face with the pastry snacks.



"Oh yes that was absolutely delightful."

I groaned and mentally rolled my eyes at the chief's wife. We had been sitting at this table listening to all the child hood stories she swore up and down were funny

"Don't you remember that dear." She laughed and touched chief's leg.

"Yea sweetie I remember." Chief Cole said and sighed.

"Monica don't you and Carter have a couple stories? We're dying to hear."

Everyone at our table turned and looked at us.

I shifted in my seat and pushed my hair behind my ears.

"Umm..." We looked at each other not knowing what to say.

The same man with the Champagne from earlier came over and instantly slipped on a napkin that had fallen on the floor. The glasses went up in the air and before they could fall to the ground they came crashing down onto me and Carter.

I jumped up and so did he. 

"Oh my." The woman that never seemed to shut her mouth said dramatically putting her hand on her chest.

"My apologies. Let me help you." The man that slipped grabbed a couple napkins and began to wipe me down.

"I got it I got it." I pushed him away and snatched the napkins from him.

"Mo! What happened. We can't see anything anymore." I heard Morgan.

At that moment I realized not only did my hair as well as my clothing get drenched by the liquor my earrings did too.

"Damnit." I said to myself and took the earrings off and began to dry them.

"The ceremony is finally beginning. Wonderful." I heard the lady say.

I looked up and saw people began to appear on stage.

"Sit." Carter grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit down.

I tossed the earrings in my purse and sat down. I pushed my wet hair back and put it into a bushy pony tail. I put my attention on the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We will now begin awarding and giving recognition to the people who have done an excellent job to make the city safer." A man started the opening speech.

"Bout' fucking time."


"I think Mo messed up the earrings. I'm not getting any signal." Morgan said typing rapidly on her laptop.

We had returned home due to the terrible storm that was still occurring. The rain was so bad it was becoming difficult for me out the windshield.

"She probably got them wet or something." I told her and opened a bag of chips. "The ear piece still working right?"

"Kind of." Morgan said still typing away.

I sat on the couch and kicked my feet on the table and turned on the TV.

I looked up and saw Miracle and CJ coming down the steps giggling and smiling.

"Where y'all going?" I asked seeing them headed for the door.

"Oh. We were gonna go to the corner store for snacks." Miracle said.

"Y'all not going anywhere in this weather." I told them.

"But dad-"

"But nothing Miracle. Gone head and take y'all happy asses back up them steps."

"Ugh." I heard her say followed my mumbling.

"Speak up!" I yelled after her.

Morgan laughed and shook her head.

"That ain't funny." I tossed a chip into my mouth and smacked.

I grabbed my phone and checked to see if Monica had called or at least sent a message and she hasn't. Which must mean everything is fine.

A couple minutes later Nick came into view with the laptop.

"Aye y'all."

"Wassup?" I said with my eyes still glued to the TV.

"See anything suspect?" Morgan asked him.

"I don't know about suspect. But a black van just pulled up behind the building." Nick turned the computer towards us.

The van was just sitting there at the back door of the plaza.

"Maybe it's catering." Morgan said brushing it off.

"Nah. If that was the case they'd wouldn't just be pulling up. They should've been the first ones there." Nick said.

We watched the van for a couple more minutes trying to see if anyone was going to get out. In the middle of watching the signal dropped and the screen went black.

"What the hell just happened." Morgan said snatching the computer from Nick.

"The storm must have knocked the camera down."

"No no no." Morgan said trying her best to get it back working. "We have to get down there." She hopped up in a hurry.

"Morg hold on now is that necessary?"

"YES king yes! We don't have the earrings, and we don't have the cameras! Anything could be happening right now!"

"She right man." Nick nodded.

I rubbed my head. "Alright we'll try another route to get there. Go get Miracle and CJ." I ordered Morgan and she zoomed upstairs skipping a couple steps in the process.

"Nickolas go hide in the attic just in case they come looking." I rolled up my sleeves.

"Alright bro." He went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple snacks.

Morgan came back down the steps breathing heavily.

"Where they at?" I questioned not seeing Miracle nor CJ behind her.

"They're gone."


"Yes King. Her bedroom window is open." Morgan said almost panicking.

I swung the front door open and saw the car was indeed missing.


"Officer Walter, the oldest member on our team." Chief Cole handed the old man a plaque and everybody in the room clapped for the old man.

"Monica! Monica!" I heard Morg yell in my ear. "Miracheeh. Is." Everything she was saying became unclear and I couldn't hear a word she was saying.

"What." I looked down so no one at the table would think I was crazy for talking to myself.

"Mirahheeh is." She said and I was still not able to understand.

Carter kicked my leg under the table and my head shot up.

Chief Cole had the mic in his hands and he was slowly pacing the stage. "Now as you all know I'm retiring." He started.

"Ah noooo." Almost everyone in the room said with gloom.

"Yes yes. I know how much you all want me to stay, but I can't. But don't worry because I'm handling my position over to one of the hardest workers on the force." He said then cleared his throat. "Officer Carter Reid  Mack."

Everyone cheered and clapped for Carter. He stood up giving a big smile.

"Come on up here Carter." The Chief motioned for him to go up there.

Carter straightened his tie and went up to the podium that sat in the middle of the stage. Chief Cole handed the microphone over and Carter began to give his heartfelt speech.

"Thank you everyone. This is truly a honor. I wanna give a big thank you to Chief Cole for trusting me with this new position as head officer. I will do my best to serve and protect Chicago with all my power." He said proudly and a couple people clapped. " I also wanna thank my amazing, beautiful, talented, and soon to be mother, Monica, my wife." Carter singled me out. "Come here baby." He showed his pearly whites.

"Go on up sweetheart." The lady at the  table encouraged giving me a pat on the back.

I grunted and got up from the table walking towards the stage. Carter help me up and I took his place behind the podium.

"Don't blow this. Remember this will get you what you want." Carter whispered in my ear before giving me the mic.

I cleared my throat. "Wow." I started off trying to get my thoughts together. "This is such an amazing moment that I'm happy I was able to share with my loving husband." I smiled and Carter did as well. "I know for a fact he will bend his back for people in this community. You all can count on him." I finished up the small speech and everyone stood up cheering.

"Impressive." Carter whispered to me while smiling and waving at the people in the crowd.

"Give up for the new boss." Chief Cole said making everybody cheer louder. He handed him a trophy and we posed for a picture.

Carter shook hands and hugged people on the way back to our table.

"Congratulations Officer Mack, or shall I say Chief Mack." The annoying lady said with a giggle.

Carter chuckled. "Thank you, thank you."

"Bye Monica it was nice to finally meet you." She said hugging me.

"You too. Have a nice night." I waved goodbye to her and her husband.

I grabbed my purse and placed it on my shoulder. Carter and I began to walk towards the exit.

"You did good tonight. I'm not gonna lie. I didn't expect that." Carter held the door open for me as I walked out in front of him. "You should have been an actor instead of a teacher."

"Thanks. You weren't to bad yourself." I joked around with him. "Well now since it's over and you got your promotion, Our deal is sealed."

"Not quite." He grabbed ahold of my arm.

"What? What do you mean Carter."

He began to pull me towards the back of the building where a small yacht sat at the dock of the river.

I stopped in my boots and yanked my arm away. "What do you mean not quite?"

"Monica calm down. There are some reporters on the boat that want to meet us and take a couple pictures for the newspaper."

Carter grabbed my arm again and continued to lead me behind the building.

"Let me take this for you." He reached into my ear and pulled out the ear chip device that I had been using to communicate with Morg. "We wouldn't want them to see that now would we?" He tossed the device into the river that was beginning to rise more an more due to the rain.

Carter's grip got tighter and at this point he was dragging me like a dog on a leash.

We made it to the yacht and he pushed me on. He grabbed my hand and led me to the bottom of it which led to a room that had a bed and bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing!" I pushed him away from me.

"The other part of the deal." He closed the door.

"There isn't another part! You said if I attend this stupid shit you would drop the fucking case!" I yelled getting mad at his lies.

"Did I say that? I don't remember."

"Fuck you Carter." I charged towards the door of the room about to open it until it opened for me revealing Joseline and the evil bitch Rosetta.

"Hey old friend. Miss me?" Rosetta smirked walking towards me. I backed up all the way into Carter's chest.

"Hey anonymous." Joseline winked.

"What the fuck is this shit?"

"Some might say it's a set up." Joseline said looking down at her cat nails playing with them.

"And you fell for it." Rosetta laughed like the wicked witch she is.

Just as I was about to reach inside my purse for the gun Carter grabbed my wrist and twisted it.

"Gotta be quicker than that." His grip got extremely tight. I thought my arm was about to break at any minute.

"What do y'all want?" I winced at the pain after Carter finally let me go. I look at the three of them as they cornered me.

"I want Nick." Carter said.

"No. I'm not giving my little brother up to the feds." I shook my head no.

"You don't wanna hand him over? That's fine." Rosetta shrugged then looked at Joseline. Joseline opened the door and walked out.

"You have to pay the price then."

"You want money?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yea. Ten mil." Carter said caressing his beard.

"Excuse me what? Sounds like you said ten million."

"He did." Rosetta butted in.

"Ten million dollars!?You're outta your damn mind! I'm not giving y'all shit!" I screamed.

"We figured you might say that. Follow us." Rosetta opened the door of the boat and I was skeptical about following.

"Go." Carter pushed me forward. I grabbed onto the railing and carefully climbed to the top of the boat seeing a horrific image.

Joseline was holding Miracle by her hair and arms. Her legs were tied up and she had duct tape over her mouth. Her nose was bleeding and her eye was so swollen it was almost shut.

And standing to the left of them was CJ.

"CJ?" I said feeling the hurt and betrayal in my heart.  He looked away sadly knowing I was disappointed and shocked.

Tears poured from Miracle's eyes as she sat there looking at me with sorrow.

I tried to run towards her but Carter yanked me back putting a gun to my head.

"Give us what we want or we take you love."

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