cats out of the bag (a merome...

By bravederpmerkipler

13K 184 164

mitch is a kitten hybrid but in a world that just got used to hybrids and gave them all human like rights he... More

the truth lays on the bed
i love you.......but hate her

finding outish

4.5K 44 18
By bravederpmerkipler

if you did not read the titale then this is for sonadow's b-day! i love your stories and i hope you have a great life being a year older and SUE ME  MITCH IS A PROSTITUE! and jerome is rich! just deal with it! now i have only writen smut a few times so i may suck a bit though i am still learning.. so here we go THIS IS FOR YOU HATER51!

(mitch's p.o.v)

great just great! i have one last costermer and if i fuck this up i'm fired and back to being a jobless bumb and  am NOT moching off my friends. "hey look on the bright side it is another hybrid!" i smiled at my friend brave she wore her sorcer cloak and her normal attire i wore my black and red checkered hoddie. i have a job my job? i'm a prostitue now i know what you are saying (broke the forth fucking wall boom bitches!) that is not a real job well i got a job at instant compainon no strings attatched a gareentee! and did i metion i'm gay and a kitten hybrid and apparently my being a hybrid is a huge turn off. 'i don't know. what if he happens to be one of our friends?" i know i was being rediculous i keep this from my friends even though the know i'm not jobless they have NO idea and i mean NO idea about what me and brave do. and i like it this way. "mitch are you crazy which one of our friends is a hybrid?" i then sighed "yea yea so when do i go and were?"

(time skip to place)

i still find it hard to belive a boss of a big company wants a prostitue. i press the botton "hello welcome to bacca interprises how may i help you?" a cool female voice said "all i have to say is that the big bosses pakage is here and i'm to meet him." then the door opened i walked in when some ybig guard guys came by my side both of them were... BACCAS?!?!?!?!? they lead me all the way to a room then said "knock three times." (*knock* penny! *knock* penny *knock* penny! sorry had to I LOVE BIG BANG THEORY!) i did then the door opened to someone i feared i would meet my friend since 4th grade! jerome my bacca friend i flatened my carmal brown cat ears. "fuck..." i whispered............

SO i am not makeing this a one-shot NOPE! i will try and update every day and hope i can put alot of chapters in here! anyway love you my fluffies and i want to say a special thanks to one fluffy SONADOW_HATER51 HAPPY BIRTH DAY A FEW DAYS EARLY! i may not update on your bday becuase i'm leaveing on a trip to florida (yes i have been to disney world) so i hope i can do it LOVE YOU GUYS BYE BYE *blows kisses*

singed brave*

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