Fiery Passions

By aerynsun

478K 4.6K 407

Scott O'Brian was suddenly lost. His body no longer responded to his rationale side of the brain. His entir... More

Chapter 1 - Meant to Live
Chapter 2 - Trouble!
Chapter 3 - Broken
Chapter 4 - Handcuffs?
Chapter 6 - Breakaway
Chapter 7 -Running in my dreams
Chapter 8 - Rain Over Me
Chapter 9 - Soulful Tears
Chapter 10 - Start of Something Good
Chapter 11 - Dark Clouds
Chapter 12 - Unexpected?
Chapter 13 - Teasing Chinese Takeout?
Chapter 14 - I could get used to this!
Chapter 15 - Good Girls go Bad
Chapter 16 - Rapture
Chapter 17 - Tonight I'm loving you!
Chapter 18 - Threats among men
Chapter 19 - Sweet Morning
Chapter 20 - Pieces of a Dangerous Puzzle
Chapter 21 - Sound of Goodbye
Chapter 22 - The Clues start to speak
Chapter 23 - Aftermath
Chapter 24 - Sound of the Waves
Chapter 25 - Waves come Crashing In
Chapter 26 - All I ever wanted
Chapter 27- Plan of Hell
Chapter 28 - Vanished!
Chapter 29- Revelations!

Chapter 5 - When I look at You!

18.2K 202 8
By aerynsun

"Come on, Rick, Handcuffs?

“It’s me, your friend Scott.  I already told you what happened.  Mike, Rick, Why?  Why are you doing this?” shouted Scott scowling at his friend for his actions.

"It’s procedure, and besides if I don't, you know that the Captain will have my ass for deviation of procedure.  At least, I am handcuffing you with your arms upfront, it's more comfortable.  Now, I am going to read you your Miranda rights, this is...”

"Procedure I know, damn it!!! Answered Scott irritated by all this.

"You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed.  Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?”

"Come on Rick we don't have all day" blurted Matt from the driver's seat of the Ambulance.  "It’s already getting late; look the sun is starting to set.  I know we have been here barely less than an hour, but remember, you have to escort us to the Hospital, too." 

Josh already was in the back, closing the doors preparing for the ride to Mount Sinai Hospital.

"OK, OK, and Yes Rick I did; now please can we get on with it, I would really like to get this over with."  Scott answered rolling his eyes to Rick.

"Good, now watch your head Scott and get in.” answered Mike as he tiptoed to placed his hand on top of Mike’s head to guard against the edge of the door on his way into the squad car’s back seat.

While the sun started to set over the tranquil sea of Miami Beach, both vehicles started their journey back to Downtown Miami.   It was a thirty minute ride, hopefully without traffic.   Rick was driving while Michael rode shotgun calling the station, engrossed in his own conversation of codes stating the events of the afternoon.  Once finished, he turned on the radio and looked out the window.

In the back seat, Samanta and Scott kept quiet since sliding into the squad car, both of them trying to get comfortable within their seating spaces. 

Samanta looked out the window her mind thinking on the life she used to know.   In her 21 years of life, she never expected to change so much. 

She had been very happy growing up, her family in their humble ways made certain that she and her brother always had the basic necessities.  Nothing was ever missing from their lives; they had a roof over their heads, clothing, food…

But most important, their entire home was filled with tons of love and laughter to go around.  Her father, José Monserrate was a good father and husband.  Her mother, Diana, had always been a housewife, taking care of them, watching every need of their household.   Her younger brother of 7 years, Esteban, was her shadow and what brought smiles to her face with his antics.

Mom and Dad were very much in love. The way they gazed at each other, the tiny loving gestures they had between themselves, it always showed how strong their love was.  Mi vida,… mi cielo,… Diana, te amo."   The lasting memories of how her father always hugged and kissed her mother everyday were engraved on her mind.   That was the type of love she hoped one day to have, but now she wasn't so sure. 

All of that changed, that fateful day when her Dad disappeared.  She was 17 years old when it happened.  He was a Detective over at the Dade County Precinct, and was very respected and loved between his colleagues.  He never gave them details of the cases he worked on, he used to say it was better that they didn’t know.  He had been working on very complicated case, which had him very stressed at that time.   That day he said goodbye like every other day he went in to work; but he never came back home.  As the hours passed, another colleague came to bring the terrible news.   He had been working covert in a delicate anti-drug operation.  But the operation did not go as planned, and when the drug dealers found out all hell broke loose.  After the cops got the situation under control, Jose was nowhere to be found.

After that day, they never were the same.  Her mother silently grieved heavily for her lover, but remained strong for her and Esteban.   Since her Dad was not dead, no pension or any other form of compensation could be awarded to them.   Her mother made the best with what they had and started to work cleaning houses to make ends meet.   Samanta took a job in a restaurant washing dishes after school, in the weekends, and in the summer to help her mother with the bills.   But the pay was not enough, and as soon as she turned 18 she went looking for another job that would pay her more. 

She held several odd jobs as the years passed, making her life revolve around her studies, work and helping her mother around the house.  She barely had time sleep or eat, and didn’t even consider a social life to begin with.

One day, she found an ad on the paper for a waitressing job in downtown Miami.   She figured since it wasn't too far from her home nor to the University, she would give it a try.  The waitressing job was at Club Space, tending tables, and helping to clean out the place after closing to the patrons.   After several months of working there, she met Anthony one particular night.  At first he had been really sweet, and caring; always attentive to her and her family.   After some months of serious chasing on Anthony's part, they started dating.   One particular night, while Anthony worked the plates at the Dj booth, two guys in designer suits approached him with very serious demeanors.   At the end of their conversation, Anthony had been booked to work "as requested" for a very wealthy businessman.”

At first everything seemed ok, but after 3 weeks of being at their beck on call, Anthony started to change.   He wasn't eating, his hands trembled from time to time, and his eyes were constantly bloodshot.   But his temper surfaced getting irritated and mad easily.   And to make matters worse, he washed down with whatever liquor he could get his hands on in a daily basis, whatever he was snorting or getting in his system.  He had been asked to deal drugs on the night clubs where he Dj.  The sweet and caring guy she once knew disappeared.  In his place an arrogant, paranoid, possessive and hurtful new Anthony appeared   And with that his aggressiveness towards her exploded for any insignificant situation she could think off. 

On one particular night, she was outside the club taking out the trash. Her usual companion was Whiskers the cat.  He had been a constant visitor a few weeks after she had started working at Club Space. 

" Hey!! Whiskers there you are?  Looking for your nightly treat?

She patted the cat's head, grabbed him kissing his nose, and placed him back on the floor. 

"Let's see _ I whipped this here for you: left over salmons from table 5, and other goodies I could find in the kitchen, Enjoy".

She removed a paper plate full of food and placed it in front of Whiskers who wasted no time digging in.  She then proceeded to dump the trash bags in the bin, when a noise up ahead on the same alley where she was startled her.   She walked towards the noise to take a closer look, and soon hid behind another set of trash bins up ahead.

Under the dim light of the alley, she saw three men in designer business suits surround a fourth one.  Two of them were the same ones who had approached Anthony in the beginning.   The third one seemed to be the leader.  She couldn’t overhear what they were saying but she still remained in her hiding place. 

The conversation between the leader and the fourth person turned into a heated discussion.  The atmosphere tensed under the street lit night.  The heated discussion turned into a scuffle between the two big men.  The fourth guy was then pinned by the two goons, while the leader was beating the crap out of the fourth guy. 

A gut feeling told her to get the hell out of there, but her legs were frozen in place.  She was terrified if she was discovered who knew what they would do to her.  

But the scene that played next left a memory in Samanta for the rest of her life.  Gunshots were fired, and second's later blood gushed everywhere from the fourth man on the floor.  The two goons lowered their guns and checked the fourth guy.  The guy stirred on the floor, his chest rising and falling quickly with the need for air and the desperation to survive.  More gunshots were fired, killing the guy immediately this time. 

No! A small audible cry left her lips before she realized it as the gunshots were fired.  This caught their attention and moved towards her direction.   She then tried to escape but it was too late.   Two huge hands from one of the goons grabbed her and held her captive.   She was then forced to walk up to the leader.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?  What is such a beautiful creature doing out here in the dark back alley? Asked the leader, lifting the back of his hand to caress Samanta's cheek.   His touch made the hairs on the back of her neck stand, fright consuming her very soul.   She turned her head away trying to distance herself from this man, who gave chills all the way to her bones.

"This is Cavalliery's girlfriend.  Mr. Ackerman.  She works here too.  She was hiding behind that dumpster over there.  She must have seen everything.

“What is your name?"

Samanta was terrified and dared not speak.   A few minutes passed and she still hadn't answered.  Mr. Ackerman lifted his hand and slapped her, leaving a red mark on her cheek instantly.

“I expect to be obeyed at all times, what is your name?"

"S S Samanta…Mon.…Monserrate."

      -"Good!! Enrico, Take her inside, I will find use for her.  She may be what we need to clean up the mess Bruno left " Said Mr. Ackerman, motioning to the back door to the club  

He could not even handle the simplest of transactions, thought Mr. Ackerman, that's what you get when you use family.   Hmmm, Monserrate, why does that last name sound familiar?  I will look into it.

"Marco, clean up this mess, and make sure you discard the guns".

Inside, after various hours of questioning her, it was decided that, Anthony was to guard her at all times from now on.   Anthony was offered more drugs in exchange of watching her and a higher cut on the sales of the drugs he dealt.   

As for Samanta, she was threatened that if by any means she revealed what she had seen tonight, she would be killed along with whomever she cherished.   They would be tortured in front of her and killed one by one, saving her for last.  If she wanted to remain alive as well as those whom she loved, she had to help them with destroying some evidence, that currently Bruno had let slip into the hands of the police. 

She had left the club with Anthony at dawn as instructed on that Thursday.  But never in a million years had she expected to be on a squad car on her way to a hospital of all places.  With Anthony on a gurney hurt and unconscious, and the man that had saved her life, a man she barely knew, by her side. 

Samanta's trance was brought to sudden halt.  The squad car made abrupt jerks zigzagging in its intent to bypass traffic to get to the hospital fast.  This only resulted in either Samanta or Scott bumping into the other, getting closer to each other more quickly than they expected. 

Samanta recoiled with the squad car jerks, her side bruises throbbing.  She breathed deeply trying to find a way to stop the pain.   As she bumped into the side of Scott, she unconsciously placed her hand on top of one of Scott's handcuffed hands.  She gave a light squeeze to them, searching for some type of comfort for her pain.  Scott immediately felt the tingles of electricity run between them, soon making Samanta at ease forgetting her bruised side, as he squeezed her fingers back.

Finally after a few minutes, Samanta had controlled her breathing and broke the silence.   She glanced at him and softly said:


"Hmm ?


"Thanks? Thanks for what?" Scott lowered his gaze to her, puzzled by her comment.

"For helping me _ back there _ on the beach.   I know you must have had better things to do today, but I really appreciate it." 

"You don't have to thank me, Samanta.   What he did was uncalled for.   It shouldn't happen like that, EVER.  A real man never, ever hits a woman, never!

His words carried all the concern he had felt since the incident.  Scott looked at Samanta, with a very thoughtful look in his eyes.   A look that not only showed his concern but something else was there.   A feeling she had not seen before, but could not decipher.   But as quickly as she saw his gaze, she bent down her head and looked at her hand which was still covering Scott's handcuffed hands.

Samanta tried to open her mouth to speak, but closed it again.  To her surprise, no words would come out.  Part of her brain was on automatic mode, looking for justification for Anthony's violent rage.   But her heart told her not to, it was Scott's words that were sinking in, allowing her to see Anthony for what he really was.

She raised her head again, and two warm blue eyes stared back, suddenly feeling lost in them.   She was entranced, and Scott wasn't looking away either.  Scott tilted his head and inched his face to her, studying her.  He wanted to place his arms around her shoulder and hug her, but when he tried to move his hands he couldn't.

He looked down at his hands; the cold metal around his wrist reminded him it wasn't possible.  DAMN these handcuffs!!!  WOW!!  She is so breathtaking!  Please, for all that is sacred, may she never leave my life!   She makes me feel so good!   He kept looking at her, wondering why this girl had this effect on him.

The magical instant was broken by a clearing of a throat, up front in the squad car.  Samanta and Scott looked up to where the sound came.  Michael had his fisted hand covering his mouth, clearing his throat one last time.  He had caught a glance at what was going on in the back seat and thought proper to stop Scott before it went any further.  I really don't care if she is the one he is interested in, but I am sure as hell going to make him pay for all the pranks he has done to me. 

"Rick is there any way you can drive faster???

"Why, what is the problem?"

"I'm starving man, my stomach is grumbling".

"Be patient, we are not that far away, and you can eat something at Mount Sinai once we have everything settled."

Michael was getting very impatient; he wanted to get out of the car as soon as possible.   He was starving, and a doughnut seemed to be the perfect thing to appease his cravings right now.  After what seemed an eternity to Michael, he glanced to Rick and asked:

"Are we there yet?"

"No, Michael, not yet but very soon.  You sound like bratty little kid." 

"I can't wait any longer, please just stop near a bakery or something.   I will grab something and we can go" 

"No, don't be a such wuss.  Be patient, we’re almost there." Frowned Rick while still looking straight ahead as he drove.  He couldn't believe the way his partner's brain worked.  Food always seemed to be one of his main priorities.

Soon, the hospital came into full view, as they made their way towards the parking area near the ER entrance.  Rick looked back at Scott and Samanta from the rear view mirror, pulling the car to stop.   He turned off the ignition and said: "Hmm, guys we're here." 

Samanta felt a cold sensation wrap her the moment she broke contact with Scott, as she prepared to step out of the car.   She was puzzled by his touch; she was slowly starting to like the warmth and calmness it brought.

Rick and Michael stepped out of the car, and helped the two passengers.   As Samanta stepped slowly out of the car, the stabbing pain on her side made her wince once again.   Her step faltered momentarily, making her loose her balance, leaning her back into Scott who was now stepping out of the car. 

"I got yo …” said Scott cut short by surprise when she landed on top of him, her back to his chest.  She felt his breath on her neck, giving her goose bumps all over.  But she also had a very uncomfortable sensation underneath her.  Samanta turned beet red upon the realization of what had happened,  ¡Tierra tragame!   All she wished right now was for the earth to open and suck her in never to surface again.  Since Scott was still in handcuffs the only way he could steady her when she stumbled was by grabbing her ass.

Scott closed his eyes and breathed deeply, Samanta's shifting trying to get up was making matters worse.  He could feel his bulge get bigger by the minute every time she ground into him trying to get up from him.  "Fuck!, This woman is going to be the death of me! 

Samanta finally found her step and got up, and still beet red, helped an equally embarrassed Scott get out of the car by grabbing his handcuffed hands.   Once out she leaned into the squad car to Rick and Michael laughing their heads off at the scene before them.  Once out of the car, Scott looked menacingly to them, getting their chuckles to halt.   He held up his hands in the air and said to Rick:

"Now, would you please remove these damn handcuffs? Samanta needs help getting into the ER."

"You know I can't do that, its procedu…

"I have had enough, if you tell me its procedure one more time, I am going to beat you senseless handcuffs and all!".

Rick raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and quickly removed the handcuffs from Scott.   Scott nodded to his friend, thanking him. 

"Samanta, do you want me to help you to the ER?

"Sí, please" She nodded, looking at Scott shyly.

"Ok, let's go"

Scott placed his right arm over her shoulder securing his hold of her, while gently lacing his other hand with hers.   Once he felt a secure hold of her, they proceeded towards the ER entrance. 

All four walked in through the double doors of Mount Sinai's Emergency Room.  Immediately they were surrounded by the bustling, raw energy of the ER.  People waiting with painful expressions, others chatting away, some children crying, the pure life beat seen in every inch of the crowded halls showed the very chaos that fed the ER existence on any given day. Overhead, the PA system, called on to the next patient for his vitals and brief interview of the emergency that had prompted their visit.   And based on the swarm of people it was going to be a long wait for them.

Rick walked up to Scott and Samanta; motioning them to sit, and proceeded to the nurses’ station; requesting attention for them.   He tried to use his leverage as a police officer to expedite the process to the next in line, but to no use.   The best they could offer them was to wait and as soon as the critical patients were tended they would call them.  Their best guess was about a two hour wait for their turn. 

Right behind them, Matt and Josh escorted a stirring Anthony in his gurney into the ER area.  Anthony was stirring and barely speaking but it was not understandable by anyone.  Matt quickly filled in his ER report, submitted his copy at the nurse station, while Josh delivered Anthony to the ER orderly who whisked the new patient for tests.   Anthony disappeared from view after the next set of double doors closed behind him at the end of one corridor.

Matt immediately went to the nurse's station, and started to chat with the nurses trying to find out about the hot nurse he had seen days before.  He needed to find out more about her. 

Josh walked back to the waiting area and sat near Scott, Samanta, and Rick.

"Where's Michael? Asked Josh puzzled by the absence of his friend.

"My bet, filling up on some pastries or whatever he could get his hands on at the hospital's cafeteria." Answered Rick with a slight grin on his face.

"Well speaking of the devil…." Said Josh

Michael had returned from the cafeteria with brown bags full of munchies for all, and started passing around the food to the group.  Rick noticed that Michael had two more brown bags in the seat next to him.   He tried to peek inside the last bag, but got a slap in the back of his head from Michael.

"Hey! what was that for?

"Back off! , These may well be the rations for the night and the other bag is MINE!

"Lately if you don't eat, you are turn into a freaking diva.  Anyway what it's inside them?

"Pastries,  Duh!

Rick shook his head, and glanced over to Scott and Samanta.   

"I still need your statements for the report, so as soon as we finish here we have to get to the station".  

"Hold on, I have an idea" said Michael, with half a mouthful of munchies in it.

He swiped with the back of his hand his  sugar covered mouth, took out his phone and called the precinct.  After a few minutes, he hung up and looked at Rick.

"It's settled, one of the other guys on patrol near Mount Sinai during our shift, will bring my laptop so we can finish the report here".

Samanta did not eat anything, she wasn't feeling hungry.  She got comfortable on her chair and soon her eyes started to feel heavy.  She was so tired, it was already night and the wait seemed endless.  All too soon she was asleep, her head dropping forward looking for a place to rest.

Scott had been attentive to the surroundings when he felt something warm and soft rest on his shoulder.   When he glanced in that direction, his cheek brushed her soft brown hair.  Samanta unknowingly had placed her head on his shoulder, continuing her deep sleep.  He put his arm around her shoulder and moved a few stray hairs that had landed in her face, behind her ear. 

The guys looked at him bewildered; this guy before them was not typical shy Scott.  Yet here he was being so considerate and caring to this girl he barely knew. 

"Mr. Scott O'Brian, and Miss Samanta Monserrate, please report to the nurse's station at once".  The PA system announced their names, waking Samanta from her slumber.

Scott stood up and turned to help Samanta get up.  On her way to stand up, she felt dizzy, grabbing quickly her chair's armrest with one hand and holding on tightly to Scott with the other.  She started wincing from the pain, and looked at Scott once and then tilted her head down and slumped in his chest….

"Rick get me a nurse, she is getting cold…Samanta, please tell me what is wrong.  Samanta, Samanta!

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