The Many Talents of Luffy

By izzywolf22

269K 6.4K 1K

We know that the captain of the Mugiwara no Ichimi holds secrets, but what if he accidentally/purposely/or th... More

Chapter 1 - Monkey D. Luffy the King of Cuts
Chapter 2- Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Mathematician
Chapter 3 - Monkey D. Luffy the Magnificent Pianist
Monkey D. Luffy the Master Thief
Monkey D Luffy the Pro Gambler
Monkey D. Luffy the Funny Ventriloquist
Monkey D. Luffy the Amazing Tailor
Monkey D. Luffy the Talented Singer
Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Doctor
Monkey D. Luffy the Pirate Ninja King
Monkey D. Luffy a.k.a. Portmonlook the Author
Monkey D. Luffy the Language Wizard
Chapter 13 - Monkey D. Luffy the Hunting Pro
Chapter 14 - Monkey D. Luffy the Awesome Bartender
Chapter 15 -Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Navigator
Chapter 16- Monkey D. Luffy the Baking Pro? LUFFY VS. SANJI
Chapter 17 - Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Detective
Chapter 18 - Monkey D. Luffy the Reluctant Mannered man
Chapter 19 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Magician
Monkey D. Luffy the Medium
Chapter 21 - Monkey D. Luffy the next Picasso
Monkey D Luffy, the Secret Hypnotist
Chapter 23 - Monkey D Luffy, the Surprisingly Good Actor
Chapter 24 - Monkey D Luffy, the Emotion reader
Monkey D Luffy....the Swordsman?!?!
Monkey D. Luffy the Professional Dancer
Monkey D. Luffy the Child Whisperer
Monkey D. Luffy the Chess Pro
Chapter 29: Monkey D. Luffy the Astronomer
Chapter 30 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Debater
Monkey D. Luffy the Fashionista
Chapter 33 - Monkey D. Luffy the Florist
Chapter 34 - Monkey D. Luffy the Connoisseur
Monkey D. Luffy the Lie Detector
Money D. Luffy the Tutor
Chapter 37- The Exorcist of Monkey D. Luffy
Chapter 38 - Monkey D. Luffy the Circus Performer
Chapter 39 - Monkey D. Luffy the Cellist

Chapter 32 - Monkey D. Luffy the Charmer

4.2K 104 25
By izzywolf22

Hello guys! hope you guys are having a great week, I just got over a really bad stomach bug thankfully I am good now. I decided I am going to show the future request at the bottom of the chapter so Y'all won't have to be waiting to find out when you chapter will come out.

Okay, let's get to the reviews!

Phonenix on Chapter 31: Love you to! And thank you so much! Didn't expect it to turn into Luffy being in a fashion magazine XD Really cool.

Thank you as always :3


Awwww too bad he and the other strawhats couldn't be in the show or watch it in person. At least he got his own article in a famous fashion magazine. Thanks for the new chapter keep up the much appreciated work. :-)

Thank you and love you for the nice reviews!

Sorry, MediaMaster 263 if this isn't exactly what you wanted but I really can't picture Luffy as a ladies man, you know because he is like the least sexual/romantic character in anime in my opinion so I did make him in a way that everyone is drawn to him. Hope that is okay, I tried writing it before but I didn't like what I wrote, sorry :(

The Strawhats and friends were on an island getting supplies but currently, Nami was arguing with the shop owner over certain things that were being bought were extremely overpriced.

"COME ON LADY, HOW IS CHARTING PAPER 12 BELI? IT SHOULDN'T EVEN COST THAT MUCH!" (One beli is like 1 dollar) Nami shouted at the store clerk.

Robin and Carrot who was with her at the time just sweat dropped at the orange haired navigator.

Nami continued to threaten the store clerk, "AT MOST IT SHOULD BE 5 BELI BUT 12!, OVER MY DEAD BODY!" the lady shrunk back in fear.

Nami and the lady have been going at it for 10 minutes now.

Nami just wanted to get new map making supplies, it all started when they the crew docked on an island called Takai island.

Nami put the crew into groups.

Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbei were going to get helming supplies for the ship and a new katana cleaning kit.

Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper were getting what medical, cooking and gardening supplies.

Brook and Franky were getting supplies for the ship.

While Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbei were getting done with what they needed they were going to head back to the ship, thankfully Jinbei was there to make sure Zoro didn't get lost.

While the three were walking down the streets of Takai Island, they heard a ruckus that sounded all too familiar.

"Hey doesn't that sound like Nami?," Luffy thought aloud as Zoro just rolled his eyes.

"Maybe they are close by Luffy-kun?" Jinbei replied.

Luffy was right, Luffy and the others walked toward the ruckus that Nami was making in the store that they were in.

"LOOK JUST GIVE ME THE PAPER FOR 5 BELI, YOU EVEN AGREED THAT THIS WAS OVERPRICED!," Nami yelled at the poor store clerk as Luffy and the others walked in.

"What is the problem here?" Zoro asked Carrot as he was getting annoyed by the witch's screaming.

Carrot looked at the group and just sweatdropped.

"Nami has been arguing with the store lady about mapping paper. Apparently, it cost a lot." Carrot said a little embarrassed as Luffy laughed.

Luffy walked over to Nami, "So what's going on?" Luffy said and started acting cute.

The store clerk squealed.

"This lady won't lower the price for THE DAMN MAP PAPER!," Nami told Luffy.

Luffy turned towards the store clerk and put on his most innocent face.

"Hello Miss Store Clerk lady can you please lower the price of the paper. I don't want you getting yelled at any longer." Luffy said completely out of character.

The straw hat captain was acting like a cute little child asking for a toy, the crew just stood there dumbfounded.

The store clerk started squealing and then covered her face with embarrassment.

"O-oh don't worry, I'll lower the price for you, h-hey I'll even give you a second set of paper for free!" Nami smiled at what the store clerk said.

"Why thank you Miss, we'll be going now," Luffy said as Nami put the money on the counter.

The crew left the shop.

"What the hell was that Luffy?" Zoro looked at Luffy in disbelief, he was about to start laughing.

Luffy turned towards the group.

"My brothers always said I had a thing for being cute, so they used me to get free stuff shishishishishi," Luffy laughed at the memory.

Robin just giggled as she heard the words come out of Luffy's mouth.

All of the crew eventually returned to the ship.

They laughed at what Nami told them about what Luffy did for her at the store and then proceeded to have a party.

And that was how the Mugiwara no Ichimi figured out that Luffy was quite the charmer.

Hello and sorry for the wait, I hope you all liked the chapter. Please leave reviews, I love reading your thoughts!

P.S. Sorry if this was short T-T

Up Next: Monkey D. Luffy the Flower Boy

Here are the next request in order if y'all wanted to know

Luffy the Connoisseur

Luffy the Lie-detector

Luffy the tutor

The Strawhats in the Exorcist

Luffy the Acrobat

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