I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY )...

By Ninjamain

310K 4.7K 13.5K

One super cocky and badass teenager headed for Beacon. However, he will have to endure a crappy life before t... More

Bio: Who am I? I'm Awesome!
Chapter 1: One Big Fucking Entrance
Chapter 2: My Initiation
Chapter 3: Be A Man
Chapter 4: Ye Forest of Doom
Chapter 6: Vale is Stale
I am a loser (self ads)
Chapter 7: Vale is Lit
Short: Spartans Never Die ( Pyrrha x Male Reader )
Chapter 8: Battle Between Allies
Back By Popular Demand
Chapter 9: More Than A "Friend"
Chapter 9.5: A Little Bit of Salt from Me to You
Chapter 10: A Prick's Mission
Chapter 11: Rescue
The Cursed Spartan : A RWBY Story
Chapter 12: Cliche Character Development
Chapter 13: Soul Breaker
100,000 Milestone

Chapter 5: Alpha Ass

18K 294 781
By Ninjamain

A/n: OMG! Over 3K views! Thank you so much, everyone! Hope you enjoy the next chapter. (Y/n) should exercise his title a lot this chapter.

(Weiss POV):

I let out a yawn and woke up. Yesterday at the forest had been very eventful. With the sudden fight against the Grimm and that annoying (Y/n), I was exhausted from yesterday. I hopped out of bed sleepily and entered the bathroom. After removing my clothing, my tired mind remembered that I forgot to grab new ones.

'Ugh. I'm too tired to redress. Hopefully everyone is asleep.' I thought to myself tiredly. Then I exited the bathroom naked and trekked over to my dresser. Along the way, I threw my old clothes onto the floor. Reaching the dresser, I opened it, grabbed the clothes, and closed it. However, I accidentally closed it too loudly.

Ruby:"Mmm. Five more minutes..." Ruby mumbled in her sleep. I winced and hoped that no one else had awoken. No one did. I let out a sigh.

'Thank Oum that-'

(Y/n):"Why does it smell like ass?" I heard (Y/n) cut me off from my thoughts.

'Wait. (Y/n)?!?!?' I thought in shock and turned to see (Y/n) sleeping on the floor with my clothes on his face. My eyes widened in fear, and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

(Y/n) POV:

Weiss:"EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!" I heard Weiss scream extremely loudly. A tired groan escaped my throat, and I rolled over.

'First it smells like ass. Then someone can't be quiet. Now Snow White screams. What's next?' I thought in annoyance.

Ruby:"I'm awake!!!" She yelled out.

Yang:"What are you screaming about, Weiss?!" She asked in a sleepy tone. Blake just murmured something. Then I heard someone pick up a sword.

Weiss:"P-Pervert!" She screamed aloud. I grumbled in annoyance before turning to look at Weiss, but still keep my eyes closed.

"Could you shut up? Some of us like to sleep, ice queen!" I told her. However, she didn't stop talking.

Weiss:"W-What are you doing in my room, you perv!" She cried out. I had enough of this perverted accusations.

"Okay, Elsa. I'm no perverted-" I cut off, as I opened my eyes. Weiss was standing in across the room, naked. She covered part of herself with blankets, and the other hand had her sword pointed at me. Then I saw Ruby and Yang look shocked to see me. However, that wasn't the big problem.

"Ahh! My eyes!!!" I cried out in horror, as I covered covered my face. The image of Weiss was now carved into my mind. Then I felt something on my face. My hands touched it several times. It smelt like ass, was soft as silk, had a thin strap. I peeked to see that I was holding a pair of white panties.

Weiss:"Stop sniffing my panties!!!" She screamed. My heart began to beat faster from the terror I was experiencing. I flung that hazardous article of clothing away and began clawing at my own face.

"Scarred for life! Scarred for life! Someone kill me now!" I begged desperately. Then I began to roll around from the trauma. Yang hopped down from her bed and cracked her knuckles.

Yang:"What the hell are you doing here, (Y/n)?!??" She asked in fury and grabbed me by the collar. I knocked her hand away.

"Unhand me double D's! Let me cry in pain." I told her through my tears. Yang growled and raised her fist, but Blake yelled out.

Blake:"Stop! I let him sleep with us." She explained. The other girls looked at her in shock.

RWY:"What?!?!?" They asked bewildered.

(Blake POV):

Weiss:"You let a boy sleep with us! Especially him!!" She asked me and jabbed towards (Y/n). Who was currently moaning from the trauma he experienced.

Ruby:"Shouldn't this have been a team discussion?" She asked. I was about to answer, but Yang interrupted.

Yang:"No need. I would have just let (Y/n) join anyways." She said seductively. I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"Sorry that I didn't tell you all. I didn't because you all were tired and exhausted. Plus (Y/n) asked really late, so I let him." I explained to my friends. Then (Y/n) spoke.

(Y/n):"Big mistake on my part. I wish I was blind, couldn't smell, feel, or even hear. You know what, just take away all of my senses." He stated. Weiss then growled.

Weiss:"How dare you?! It would be a blessing to see me like this, but I don't want you to see me like this. This is a curse! You are such a perverted bastard!" She lashed out at (Y/n). He just scoffed and sat up.

(Y/n):"Blessing?! It would be a blessing to get some bleach right now. So I can blind myself." He rebutted. Weiss was about to attack (Y/n), but Ruby held her back.

Ruby:"Let's just get some clothes on, Weiss. Actually, all of us. I'm only in my pajamas." She suggested.

Weiss:"Look away or I'll gouge your eyes out!" She threatened.

(Y/n):"Please do. That would be the best thing you've ever done for me." He replied. Weiss scowled and entered the bathroom. The three of us stood and looked at (Y/n). He still sat there covering his eyes.

(Y/n):"Can someone get me some bleach. I prefer Clorox." He asked. I shook my head.

"Stop it, (Y/n). That was very rude of you." I told him. He shook his head.

(Y/n):"Tell her next time to not leave her panties on my face and walk around nude." He responded.

Ruby:"Well, you are in our room." She defended.

(Y/n):"How was I supposed to know that you all loved to look at each other naked?!" He asked in frustration. I blushed in embarrassment along with Ruby.

Yang:"I know what can clear up that vision." She asked in a flirty tone. (Y/n)'s face morphed into disgust.

(Y/n):"Please Titty queen. I've had enough of scarring today." He begged. Yang scoffed and crossed her arms.

Yang:"Your loss." She remarked. (Y/n) stood up and began to feel his way around.

(Y/n):"I need to leave this dangerous area." He stated and walked towards us. Away from the door.

Ruby:"Uhh. (Y/n)?" She asked. (Y/n) looked in the direction of Ruby.

(Y/n):"Yes, Sonic?" He asked and felt around in the air. (Y/n)'s hand then drifted towards Yang. I wanted to warn him, but Yang smirked and told us to be quiet. Ruby and I watched nervously, as (Y/n) set his hand on Yang's breasts.

Yang:"Ooh~! Found something there, (Y/n)?" She asked with a smirk. He squeezed where his hand was, and we blushed red. Even Yang did, but she didn't any anything.

(Y/n):"I swear. If this is Yang's boob, I'm cutting my hand off." He stated firmly. Yang gained a fake offended look.

Yang:"Aw! My breasts are the best." She told him. He blushed. Then he removed his hand and touched Yang's hair. Ruby squeaked in terror. Yang scowled and her eyes turned red.

Ruby:"(Y/n), run!" She warned him. (Y/n) kept touching Yang's hair. Furthermore, increasing her anger.

(Y/n):"Hmm. This feels like silk." He stated with a nod. Yang reeled back her fist and punched him directly in the crotch. (Y/n) let out a grunt and flew through our door. Completely obliterating it.

Yang:"Don't touch my hair!" She yelled out with fury before calming down. I hopped out of bed and ran over to (Y/n). He moaned in pain, while gripping his crotch.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He looked at me in annoyance.

(Y/n):"When you get your dick punched in and sent flying through a door, I'll ask you that." He said sarcastically and in a strained voice. Then Ruby arrived.

Ruby:"So is that a yes?" She asked confused. I facepalmed.

(Y/n):"Fuck no, Ruby! Yang just killed any chance I had of celebrating Father's day!" He snapped at her. Ruby shrugged.

Ruby:"Sorry." She apologized. Then JNPR's door opened. Stepping out first was Pyrrha. She turned and saw (Y/n) in pain.

Pyrrha:"Oh my Oum! What happened?!" She asked and crouched beside (Y/n). Then the rest if the team stepped out and saw (Y/n). They gained shocked expressions.

Jaune:"Whoa! Dude, are you alright?" He asked surprised.

Nora:"Did someone get their legs broken?" She asked excitedly. I gave her a weird look.

(Y/n):"I'm dying on the inside. Outside too." He answered through gritted teeth. Pyrrha and I helped (Y/n) up. Even then, he stood crookedly. I winced at the sight.

"Did you really have to hit him there, Yang?" I asked and looked at her. Yang shrugged.

Yang:"I don't like people touching my hair." She stated.

"But it's okay to touch your breasts?" I asked skeptically. She blushed and rubbed her neck nervously. (Y/n) removed my arm and began limping away.

Pyrrha:"Let me help you-"

(Y/n):"No! Hell no! I've had enough of female interaction today. I want my balls to still look inflated by the end of today." He cut off with fear in his voice. Then (Y/n) continued to limp away. We all winced at the sight.

Ren:"Well that was an interesting morning." He pointed out. We all agreed. Then Weiss arrived.

Weiss:"That pervert deserved it." She announced. JNPR looked at us confused.

Jaune:"Why?" He asked curiously. I told them what happened. From Weiss' screaming, all the way to Yang's deadly punch.

Jaune:"Man. That lucky bastard." He stated. We gave him weird looks.

"You want to get your balls punched in?" I asked confused. He shook his head and chuckled nervously.

Ruby:"Well, you should apologize to (Y/n), Yang." Ruby told her sister.

Yang:"For what? He touched my hair." She tried to convince us, but that wasn't enough of a valid reason.

Ruby:"Yang. You could have eliminated his chance to celebrate Father's day. Whatever that means, but I'm sure it's very important." She told Yang with innocence. Yang sighed.

Yang:"Fine. I'll tell him that I'm sorry later." She reluctantly agreed.

Nora:"Whatever. Let's go get breakfast!" She exclaimed joyfully. My team and I went to get changed before joining our friends for breakfast. I hoped that (Y/n) was okay.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) drinking bleach to cleanse himself...

(Y/n) POV:

I sat in the cafeteria with my head down on the table. My semblance came in with the save. It healed my body, and I could feel my future Father's days coming back. A yawn escaped my mouth, and I smacked my lips. Despite what happened this morning, I was still really tired from yesterday. At least that sundae was good with Velvet. It still made me confused to why she's so nice to me. I'm an asshole, and I know it. I chose to be this way, but too many good people are trying to convert me. They'll need more firepower than a sundae. Suddenly, I heard something clatter beside my head. I looked to see a strawberry sundae in front of me. My eyes stared at it hungrily.

'Food...' I thought and reached out for it. Then I heard a familiar voice.

Velvet:"Hey, (Y/n)." She greeted. I looked to see her smiling at me. Accompanying her were three other people. One was a girl dressed fashionably. She had a purse, a beret, and sunglasses. Another was a guy, with dark skin, red hair, and had a dagger. The last person was taller, had green shoulder armor, and a huge sword.

"Greetings, Thumper. What did you bring with you this time?" I asked tiredly. She turned around and gestured to her friends.

Velvet:"That's Coco, Fox, and Yatsuhashi." She pointed in order. They waved at me.

Fox:"Hey." He greeted.

Yatsuhashi:"Hello. Call me Yatsu." He told me. Coco approached me and stood in front of me.

Coco:"I'm Coco. We wanted to meet the person who was nice to Velvet." She stated. I winced at the word, "nice", being used to describe me.

"You've got the wrong guy. Now please-"

Velvet:"Oh stop it, (Y/n). Of course it's you." She interrupted me before I could send them off.

Fox:"Any friend of Velvet, is a friend of mine." He stated sincerely.

Yatsuhashi:"I agree. Thank you for protecting Velvet." He added. I winced even more.

"Friends may be too strong of a term. I prefer to be someone that you know." I corrected. They looked at me confused.

Coco:"You don't want friends?" She asked surprised. I took a bite of the sundae and nodded.

"Yep. No friends. Such a hassle and too much drama." I explained. Velvet looked at me sadly.

Velvet:"So we're not friends." She asked tearing up. I looked to see her giving me the cute eyes.

'No! Those will not work on me!' I said to myself, but felt that I was breaking. Desperate to not give in, I transformed my pistol, Wrong, and shot myself. Everyone flinched and jumped back.

"Fuck! That hurt!" I cried out before activating my semblance and healing myself.

Velvet:"Why did you shoot yourself?!" She asked with worry and terror. I averted my eyes and shrugged.

"Reasons for which you will never know. Now see ya." I told her, as I stood up and walked away. Then Coco called out to me.

Coco:"Are you going to thank Velvet for the sundae?" She asked. I stopped and glanced over my shoulder.

"Yes." I replied before continuing to walk away.

Coco:"Then why aren't you saying anything?" She asked slightly annoyed. I stopped again.

"Oh. Must have slipped my mind. Bye." I told them and reached for the cafeteria doors. Suddenly, they burst open and smashed my hand.

'Fuck!' I silently cried out in pain. Then I shook my hand painfully and looked up to see the perpetrators. It was team RWBY and JNPR. They turned to see me gripping my hand.

Blake:"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" She asked stoically. I glared at the group angrily.

"Which one of you fuckers opened this door?!" I asked angrily. They all pointed at Jaune. He looked at them in offense.

Jaune:"How could you all sell me out like that?! I thought we were friends!" He said in shock. I growled and unsheathed Deathwish.

"You have bigger problems than betrayal, bro." I said menacingly. He gulped in terror, but Pyrrha stepped in front of me.

"Out of the way, redhead." I ordered. However, she didn't budge.

Pyrrha:"Please let this go, (Y/n). I know you've had a rough morning-"

"That's an understatement." I interrupted her plead. She sighed sadly and looked at me pleadingly.

Pyrrha:"Please, (Y/n)." She begged. I glared at the group before sheathing my sword.

"Very well. I won't kill Jaune." I told them. They sighed in relief. I then flicked Jaune on the forehead. He cried out in pain.

Jaune:"Ow! What was that for!?!" He asked me in surprise. I scoffed.

"For freaking bashing in my hand!" I snapped at him before pushing past the group. I took a few steps before the bell rang. It was time to head to class. Goodwitch's class.

Ruby:"Aww man! I didn't get to eat breakfast!" She wailed in agony. Everyone else did the same. I smirked a bit before heading to class. After a minute, I arrived at class to see Ms. Goodwitch standing ready. Her stoic face morphed into a hateful expression when she saw me. I waved at her.

"Morning, Ms. Goodbitch!" I greeted happily. She went to say something, but opted to clench her teeth instead. I smiled a bit. It was going to be fun messing with her. Soon all of the other students arrived, and Goodwitch began class. Instead of starting with her boring lectures, Goodwitch did something different.

Goodwitch:"Alright class, let's start differently today. I would like to see how you all have progressed in terms of combat." She announced. This was the first time her class interested me. Suddenly, Goodwitch pointed at me.

Goodwitch:"Today, Mr. (L/n) will participate in the first match. Who will you choose?" She asked me. I stood up and tapped my chin for a bit. The entire class stared at me with either fear or anticipation. I did kill four Goliaths on my own. Then I smiled deviously because I knew who my opponent was. Opponents to be exact.

"Thank you, Goodbitch. Today I will be squaring off with the crowd favorite, team RWBY!" I announced with a commentator's voice. People gasped and began gossiping. Ruby looked surprised, Weiss was rolling her eyes, Yang bubbled with excitement, and Blake looked like she could care less.

Goodwitch:"Very well. Let-" I cut her off my raising my hand.

"I wasn't done. Let's not forget the other challengers, team JNPR!" I finished. The entire crowd erupted into shock. Both teams I was facing were shocked as well.

Jaune:"You're really going to fight all of us?" He asked bewildered. I nodded and glanced over at Goowitch.

"You're good with this, right?" I asked her, already knowing the answer. She smirked and nodded.

Goodwitch:"(Y/n) will be facing both teams, since he voluntarily chose to do so." She announced. Both teams stepped onto the arena. They began stretching and readying their weapons.

Blake:"I hope you know what you're doing, (Y/n)." She said with concern.

"Of course I do, Blakey." I replied.

Ruby:"I know we're friends, but I'm not holding back." She warned me. I scoffed.

"Sure, Red. Not even your milk and help you now." I responded.

Jaune:"Please don't kill me, (Y/n)." He begged me. I shrugged.

"That wouldn't be much fun." I told him.

Nora:"Prepare to have your legs broken!" She screamed loudly. Ren rubbed his ears in pain.

"Right back at you." I replied and pointed at her. Then Pyrrha spoke.

Pyrrha:"I look forward to this match, (Y/n)." She stated respectfully. I nodded.

"Likewise." I responded shortly. Then Yang spoke.

Yang:"(Y/n). If I win, you go on a date with me." She offered. I raised an eyebrow.

"If you lose?" I asked. She smirked.

Yang:"I take you out on a date~." She said seductively. I thought about it. It was free food. However, it could end up as a date rape, but free food is number one.

"Alright. I'll take part in this deal." I agreed. She giggled happily. I noticed that Blake and Pyrrha look slightly upset. However, I dismissed that thought and readied for battle. Which was me sitting down.

Ruby:"What are you doing?" She asked confused. I pulled out a pack of Pocky. Everyone looked at me dumbfounded. I pulled out a stick and bit it.

"Well? Are we going to begin?" I asked impatiently. Then I glanced at Goodwitch. She gave me a skeptical look before shaking her head.

Goodwitch:"Begin!" She called out. Then my foes all charged at me. I continued to eat my tasty snack. Ruby and Nora reached me first. They brought their respective weapons down onto my head, but suddenly stopped right above my face.

"Time freeze." I said aloud and put away my snack. Then I gently pushed their weapons away before standing up.

'Now what to do?' I asked myself. An idea popped into my head, and I began to work. First, I tied up the shoelaces from both shoes together for every person. Next, I unloaded all of their ammunition. Finally, I slashed their aura down to just above the red zone. Satisfied with my work, I walked over and stood behind them before snapping my fingers. Every one of my enemies all fell to the ground.

Weiss:"What the heck??!" She asked bewildered and in a tired voice. Both teams were struggling to get up and were confused to why their shoelaces were messed up. Pyrrha snapped her head towards me.

Pyrrha:"How?!" She asked surprised. I smirked and crossed my arms.

"Just a little bit of semblance." I answered nonchalantly. They looked at me surprised before fixing their shoelaces. Ren went to shoot me, but his pistols clicked empty.

Ren:"They're empty? I just loaded them." He asked confused. I tossed their ammunition on the ground.

"Looking for these?" I asked rhetorically. Yang checked her gauntlets and glared at me.

Yang:"Hey! That's not fair!" She exclaimed. I shrugged.

"There wasn't any rule against disarming your enemy." I pointed out.

Blake:"Since when do you follow rules?" She asked me in annoyance. I shrugged.

"Whenever they benefit me." I replied smugly. Yang growled and charge at me.

Yang:"I don't need bullets to beat you!" She shouted confidently. I tried using my ability again, but it seemed to not be working.

'I guess it's the old fashioned way. Still fun.' I thought to myself and assumed a battle stance. Yang went in with a left hook. I sidestepped her attack, but she followed up with a quick kick and punch. Her kick missed me by inches, and I had to nudge away her other punch. My eyes narrowed.

'She's good.' I thought to myself. Then Yang yelled out and tried a three punch-sweep kick-chop combo. I blocked each attack, but each had tremendous amount of strength behind them. After blocking her chop, I shoved her away. Instead of taking a breather, Ruby and Weiss went in for another barrage of attacks.

Ruby:"Don't forget about us, (Y/n)!" She yelled out and slashed. I dodged her attack.

"I always keep an eye out for the crackhead." I replied and grabbed Weiss' sword. She attempted to stab me, but I caught it with my bare hand. Weiss tired to yank it away, but I held still.

Weiss:"Let go you dolt!" She yelled angrily. I then yanked her sword towards me, causing Weiss to stumble forward. I tripped her and used her sword to block Ruby's scythe. We locked blades, and Ruby loaded a sniper round. She fired, but I let her fly away with Weiss' sword. Not before activating all of the dust crystals inside. They all exploded with vibrant colors and decimated Ruby.

Blake:"Ruby!" She cried out before dashing towards me. I noticed that Ren and Pyrrha had flanked me. All three were charging, but where was Nora? Then I looked up to see her swinging down her hammer.

'Oh shit!' I silently cried out. Before her hammer hit, I activated my shield, Broken. It deployed and stopped Nora's attack. The effect was a loud gong and shockwave that sent her flying and screaming. Blake summoned a clone of herself and attacked from different directions. Pyrrha launched her spear, and Ren opened fire on me. I blocked Ren's bullets and caught Pyrrha's spear. Then I blocked both Blakes attacks.

"Well, Blake. Any more tricks up your sleeve?" I taunted with a smirk. She scoffed and leapt back.

Blake:"Plenty." She replied and pulled back on a black sash. I looked down to see her pull away Pyrrha's spear and catch it. Then Pyrrha and Ren arrived to fight CQC. I knocked away Pyrrha's shield with mine and uppercutted Ren. He blocked the uppercut and slashed with the daggers on his pistols. This forced me to activate, Remnant's Steel. My armor formed over my body and deflected away his daggers. This stunned him and knocked him back. Then I felt something deflect off my backside. It was Pyrrha ineffectively hitting my armor.

"That's not going to work." I told her. However, she just smirked. Her hand glowed black and lifted. Then my body lifted into the air, and I was floating. I forgot about her polarity.

Pyrrha:"But this is." She retorted. I rolled my eyes and transformed my pistol,Wrong.

"Wrong." I stated before unloading hundreds of bullets at her. She raised her other hand to catch them, but I did it to weaken her other control on me. I reverted my armor and shield back into my jacket and watch before landing on the ground. Blake tossed Pyrrha her spear, and everyone else surrounded me. I stood in the middle of the circle. The tension was killing me, so I decided to break it.

"Where's Jaune?" I asked. My foes turned to look at Jaune still struggling to tie his shoes. This provided me an opening. I sent a shockwave of electricity throughout the arena. Both teams spasmed at the contact of my electricity. I dashed over to Ren and kicked him into a wall. Creating a crater. Then I grabbed Nora's legs and swung her into Pyrrha. She desperately tried to grab her teammate, but was knocked down due to the force. Then I backhanded Weiss away, and she flew towards Ruby, but she sidestepped and fired her sniper rifle at me. I pulled out Deathwish and sliced the bullets in half. Blake and Yang rushed towards me. Blake drew her katana, while Yang reeled back her fist. I teleported near the girls' feet and tripped them. Blake tumbled to the ground, but Yang only stumbled. I kicked Blake into Ruby. This time knocking the two into a wall. Now it was just the blondes left. Jaune finally tied his shoes and looked around. His teammates were all defeated. Their aura levels reached near zero.

Jaune:"W-Why is everyone beaten?!" He asked in terror. Yang growled and readied for another brawl.

Yang:"Cause (Y/n) beat them." She stated in frustration. I smirked and gestured for Yang to come at me. That's exactly what she did. Yang went for another martial arts combo that I was all too familiar with. I smacked her hand away with the flat of my blade and stepped in close. She didn't expect this and resulted with me chest bumping her away.

Yang:"What the-"I cut her off my roundhouse kicking her into another wall. Then I turned around and shoved my Pocky into Jaune's hands.

"Here, hold this." I ordered him. He looked at me confused.

Jaune:"What?" He asked before I wrapped my arm around Jaune's neck and slammed him onto the ground. He let out a gasp of air, as I knocked the wind out of him. Then I grabbed my Pocky and took another bite. However, I wasn't finished.

Yang:"I'm not done yet!" She yelled in fury. I turned around to see Yang flaming. Literally. She had red eyes, and flames danced around her. I had to admit. She looked hot. No pun intended.

"Wow. You look hot." I commented. Everyone groaned, but Yang smirked and slammed her fists together to create a shockwave. It knocked the Pocky out of my hands, and I stared at it in horror.

"My Pocky..." I trailed off sadly. Then I looked at Yang angrily.

"You'll pay for that!" I cried out and enveloped my hands in (f/c) aura. "You want to play dirty?! Then let's get go!" I roared before charging at Yang. She rushed towards me as well. We punched with our right fists, and they connected. The result was a massive explosion that created a crater in the middle of the arena that sent Yang and I flying in opposite directions. She crash landed on the ground, but I landed on my feet and shook my sore arm.

'That hurt quite a bit.' I thought to myself. Then the buzzer went off, and Goodwitch entered the arena.

Goodwitch:"That is the end of the match. Mr. (L/n) is the winner...surprisingly." She added. I scoffed and stretched my arm. My opponents stood up groaning in pain. The bell rang shortly after, and class was dismissed. I made my way to the door, but heard Yang call my name.

Yang:"(Y/n)!" She cried out and ran over.

"Yes?" I asked her. She grinned at me happily.

Yang:"I believe I owe you a date." She stated with glee. I sighed tiredly. I had forgot about the deal, but wasn't too bother by it.

"You don't have to-"

Yang:"Please. Consider it as my apology for busting your nuts." She said with a wide smirk.

"Oh. So what day is good?" I asked her. She shook her head.

Yang:"I'm taking you out. You choose." She told me. I tapped my chin in thought before snapping my fingers.

"Surprise me." I answered. A bigger grin appeared on her face, and made me begin to regret my decision. Then her friends walked over.

Pyrrha:"That was an amazing match, (Y/n)." She congratulated me. I rolled my eyes.

"Please, spartan. I don't need any praising." I told her. She just smiled. Then Ruby sped up and stood right at my face.

Ruby:"Pleasetellmeallaboutyourweapons!TheyweresocoolandIwanttojustkissthem!Alsowhatareyourabilities?" She asked me so quickly that I barely understood.

"Chill out, cocaine induced red riding hood. I tell you everything under one condition." I responded to her. She nodded.

Ruby:"What condition?" She asked eagerly. I flicked her forehead.

"That I don't have to say anything." I replied. She rubbed her head in pain and confusion.

Ruby:"Wait. Then how do you tell me about everything?" She asked me.

"That's the point. I don't. So let me slowly die in piece." I told everyone and started to walk away. However, Blake and Nora blocked my path.

"Hey bimbos. I need to get through." I told them in an annoyed tone. Blake raised an eyebrow, while Nora growled at me inhumanely.

Nora:"I'm not a bimbo! I'm Nora!" She corrected. I then tried to push through.

"Then I'm a disgruntled citizen. Now let me through." I told them. However, the two ladies won't budge.

Blake:"I believe you owe someone an apology." She stated firmly. I gave her an uncaring look.

"I owe many people apologies, but you don't see me handing them out." I told her. She pointed behind me. I glanced to see a saddened Ruby getting comforted by Yang.

Ruby:"I just wanted to see your weapons." She said in between sniffles. I felt my insides begin to crumble. If I have weaknesses, it's children, Faunus, and strawberry sundaes. Cute things are the slyest bastards out there. Their manipulation powers are super effective.

"Your cute charms won't work on me, Red! Go back crying to your grandmother." I blared at her. She began to wail.

Ruby:"I never knew my grandmother! My mom wasn't around to show me her!" She cried.

Jaune:"Man. That's cold, bro." He commented. I glared and pointed at him.

"Shut it, bro. You're the biggest pussy in the whole school." I insulted him. He reeled back in offense.

Jaune:"Well! You're the biggest asshole in the entire school!" He tried to counter. I scoffed.

"I know that, and embrace it like a body pillow. That sounded wrong, but you get the point!" I argued with him. Then someone slapped me across my left cheek. Then my right cheek, and my left cheek again. I looked to my sides to see Blake and Pyrrha glaring at me angrily.

"Thots!" I yelled. Before I could backhand them, Blake interrupted.

Blake:"That's enough, (Y/n). You've gone too far." She stated upset. I looked back at Ruby. She was full on crying now. Then I felt bad. I didn't know that her parent's death impacted her so greatly. There was the time in Emerald Forest, but she seemed fine. Yang and everyone glared daggers at me. I then remembered about my own parents and understood the pain Ruby was going through. It deeply hurt when they were murdered, and that's how I'm this way. I sighed sadly before looking at Ruby apologetically.

"Hey, Ruby." I called out to her. She looked up at me and sniffled. I winced and continued speaking.

"I would be willing to show you my weapons and tell you my abilities if you want to." I offered. She instantly beamed with happiness and bounced up and down.

Ruby:"Yes! Yes! Please do!" She replied. Everyone stopped looking at me angrily. It wasn't an straight apology, but something along those lines. Then Ruby stopped bouncing around and looked at me with a grin.

"What?" I asked her. She smirked.

Ruby:"You called me by my actual name." She gleefully pointed out. This brought a smirk to everyone's face as well. The first time I've cracked.

"Don't get used to it, Purple." I told her and began walking to the cafeteria.

Ruby:"My name isn't Purple! I'm not even dressed in purple!" She cried out. I snickered and continued walking. The two teams followed me, and we all sat down at a table. Pyrrha and Yang sat at my side, while everyone else sat in front. I cleared my throat before starting.

"This is Deathwish. My most trusted companion." I stated, and set my sword onto the table. They looked at it in awe, as it glowed faintly with power. Ruby reached for it, but I grabbed her hand. "Do not touch."

Ruby:"Why?" She asked in a whining tone. I released her hand before beginning.

"Only I can use it without repercussions, and I still sometimes do. It's like a blessing and curse at the same time." I explained to them.

Yang:"Care to elaborate?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Let's say the last time someone other than me used this, they were struck by lightning." I said sincerely. Jaune scoffed.

Jaune:"People get struck my lightning all the time." I looked at him skeptically.

"Yeah, but do they get struck a hundred times consecutively?" I asked him. He went wide eyed and shook his head. I then moved onto my next weapon, or weapons.

"I introduce you to my shield. It's Broken." I stated and activated my shield. Everyone gave me a confused look.

Nora:"It's not broken." She stated and scratched her head.

Pyrrha:"Do you mean broken, as in it's too powerful?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yes. It's too powerful, but I named it, Broken." I clarified.

Weiss:"So Broken is broken, but not broken." She said with uncertainty.

"Yes Elsa. Broken is broken in many ways, but not broken in other ways." I said to confuse them more. It worked.

Weiss:"This hurts my head." She said rubbing her temples. I smirked.

"Wouldn't want to overwork that single brain cell of yours." I commented. She glared at me angrily. Then I looked at Jaune.

"Guess what, Jaune?" I asked him.

Jaune:"What?" He asked. I transformed my shield back into its wristwatch form.

"It can shrink and it weighs less." I said with a smirk. Ruby and Pyrrha snickered, while Jaune flipped me the bird.

Jaune:"Fuck you." He muttered. I smirked and held out my two rings.

"This is Right." I transformed my silver pistol. "And this is Wrong." I finished with my black pistol. "Unlimited ammo. Kicks harder than any sniper rifle." I praised the weapons. Ruby drooled, while everyone else nodded in satisfaction. I then put those pistols away and removed my jacket.

"My jacket and armor is called, Remnant's steel. Lighter than steel, but more powerful." I told everyone.

Pyrrha:"Really? No wonder my shield couldn't penetrate it. Plus I lifted you easily." She asked surprised. I nodded.

"Yeah. It's probably even lighter than your armor, Sparticus." I pointed at her. She held out her hand.

Pyrrha:"May I?" She asked. I nodded and handed it to her. Pyrrha put the jacket on, and it glowed blue. Then the armor morphed onto her perfectly. She nodded and looked at herself.

Pyrrha:"Wow. It is lighter than mines. Thank you for letting me try this on. It was nice of you." I froze, and my eyebrow began to twitch.

"Nice?" I asked through a strained voice. My gag reflex began to act up. Everyone smirked at me.

Yang:"Wow, (Y/n). You actually did something nice." She commented triumphantly. I dry heaved and hunched over. Pyrrha giggled and handed back my jacket. I shook my head and snapped out of it.

"Nice. Pfft! That's preposterous!" I defended. Everyone gave me a skeptical look.

Ruby:"Really? You allowed Pyrrha to try on your gear. That's a friendly gesture. That means you're fri-"

"NO! I was simply, arrogantly, narcissistically showing off my gear. By the way, is superior to all of your weapons!" I cut off Ruby and pointed at each person. They all glanced at each other before shaking their heads.

Jaune:"It's hopeless. We can't change him." He stated tiredly.

Ruby:"We can't give up! He said my actual name!" She pointed out.

Weiss:"But he still calls me ice queen." She added. Then Yang rolled her eyes.

Yang:"Everyone calls you, ice queen. Ice queen." She said with a smirk. Weiss scoffed. Then I put on my jacket and put away my weapons.

"If you're all done trying to convert me, I'm going to show you my ultimate weapon." I said with a serious tone. They all leaned forward with anticipation.

'Hehe. Prepare to be bamboozled.' I thought to myself and laughed. I then whipped out my ultimate weapon.

Everyone:"Haaaah?" They were all confused and dumbstruck. It was my plastic spoon.

"Behold! My ultimate weapon!" I announced and gestured to it. Everyone fell back dumbfounded before Ruby hopped back up and began examining the spoon.

Ruby:"Does this transform magically like your other weapons?" She asked excitedly. I leaned closer to het face.

"Nope." I quipped and flicked her forehead. Then I grabbed a strawberry sundae and began eating. My audience was still skeptical.

Blake:"Then how is it your ultimate weapon?" She asked. I pointed my spoon at her.

"Glad you asked, catwoman. This baby here, killed two deathstalkers and paid me 100,000,000 Lien." I told them. They gave me looks of disbelief, but Weiss was more curious about something else.

Weiss:"Why did you call Blake, catwoman?" She asked skeptically. I looked at Blake to see her frozen. She hadn't told her teammates that she was a cat Faunus yet. I shrugged.

"Look at that bow. Tell me that doesn't make her look like catwoman. Sure it's shitty cosplay, but meh." I covered for Blake. Luckily, everyone nodded in agreement. Blake sighed in relief and looked at me confused. I then finished the dessert and stood up.

"Well, I've shown you all of my weapons. My abilities, you have seen, and I like to keep stuff secret. So, see you losers later." I told them and walked away.

(Blake POV):

We watched (Y/n) leave the cafeteria. I then turned to my friends. Ruby slammed her fist onto the table.

Ruby:"I almost had him!" She cried out in defeat. Yang patted her back.

Yang:"You should've cried more, Ruby. That would have made him break more." She pointed out.

Jaune:"Does this make us more of an asshole than (Y/n) for tricking him?" He asked. Nora shook her head.

Nora:"Nope! (Y/n) is still the worst. However, we are kind of cruel to use Ruby to our advantage. It's evil. I like it!" She essentially shouted.

Pyrrha:"Well we're doing this to help (Y/n) be a better person. He's already amazing, but the way he treats others on a daily basis-"

Weiss:"Definitely needs work. I've had enough of his big, fat mouth always using Disney references against me." She cut Pyrrha off and grumbled. Yang smirked.

Yang:"I kinda like it. It's almost as good as my puns." She commented. We all shook our heads.

"Your puns are bad, Yang." I told her.

Yang:"What? I always thought they were the Yanging hit." She made another bad pun. We groaned in annoyance.

Pyrrha:"Anyways. I just want to open up (Y/n). There's so much kindness he could experience. I want him to have that." She stated with determination.

Ruby:"I'm glad you feel that way, but (Y/n) has been making very little progress." She emphasized 'very'. Yang shrugged.

Yang:"Maybe I could open him up on our date." She suggested. Ruby then bounced up excitedly.

Ruby:"Ooo! Ooo! What do you plan on doing?" She asked excitedly. Yang smirked and began listing off her plans.

Yang:"Well head to the park, eat lunch out, then shopping, next in dinner at a fancy place, last thing is a visit to a bar." She listed. Then Yang smiled widely.

Yang:"Not to mention, I'm going to nab a kiss from him." She said confidently. I felt uncomfortable with that for some reason, but dismissed it. I looked out to where (Y/n) had left. I thought about how he covered for me when (Y/n) had the perfect chance to expose me.

'Was he being nice?' I thought to myself. I decided to investigate and stood up. My friends turned to me.

Ruby:"Where are you going, Blake?" She asked curiously.

"I want to catch up on some studying and reading. I'll see you all later." I answered. After waving goodbye, I left the cafeteria in search of (Y/n). I wandered the halls, but could not find (Y/n).

'I guess I'll check outside.' I thought to myself and exited the school. Outside was darkened by the stormy clouds. It looked like it was going to rain soon, so I hurried up. I hated the rain. Mainly due to me being a cat Faunus. However, (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a thunder clap went off. I jumped a little before running to the cover of a tree. It began to rain, and I groaned in annoyance. I went outside with my umbrella. Now I'll get wet. Then I heard someone's voice above me.

(Y/n):"Greetings, Puss in Boots. What brings you outside into the rain?" He asked mockingly. I looked up to see him munching on a slice of pizza.

"What are you doing up there?" I shouted above the loud pattering of the rain. He raised an eyebrow.

(Y/n):"Eating. Did your vision fail you, Black? I thought cats had superb vision." He stated sarcastically. I shook my head.

"I meant. What are you doing in the rain?" I asked him. He finished his pizza and looked at me.

(Y/n):"Same reason as you." He responded.

"Really? Cause I went outside looking for you." I responded. He nodded.

(Y/n):"Aren't we all searching for me? I mean, I search for myself all the time. It's very philosophical and mind opening." He joked. I frowned.

(Y/n):"Now, why are you actually here? I'm sure it's not because of my good looks." He questioned. I began to speak.

"I wanted to know why you covered for me. I know you saw that everyone didn't know my secret. Yet you still didn't expose me." I told him curiously. He sat back on the tree.

(Y/n):"I told you. I'm no snitch. Besides, I didn't feel like ruining your friendship that moment." He answered. I felt shocked, but it changed into happiness. He was being nice. My cheek flushed a little.

"T-Thanks." I responded. He shrugged and yawned.

(Y/n):"I don't know about you, but I'm taking a nap." He announced. I began to panic because I felt water began to trickle on me.

"Wait! Aren't you afraid of getting a cold? Or getting wet?!" I asked fearfully.

(Y/n):"Nope! Free shower in my opinion. Oh wait." He stated before looking at me. "You're afraid of the water!" He shouted with a smirk. I nodded in panic. (Y/n) erupted into full laughter.

"I-It's not funny!" I yelled out him. This only made him laugh more. After a few minutes, his laughter settle into a chuckle.

(Y/n):"Oh man. Afraid of a little water. You really live up to cat stereotypes." He said in between snickers. I glared at him, but then felt a gush of water hit my head. I yelped out and scrambled up the tree. I grabbed onto (Y/n) in fear.

"Help me!" I shouted at him. He struggled within my grasp.

(Y/n):"Hey! What the hell? Stop grabbing so tight!" He cried out. I lessened my grip, and he gasped for air.

"S-Sorry." I apologized. He glared at me and shook his head.

(Y/n):"If I help you, will you stop acting like a pussy?" He asked in annoyance.

"Don't call me that! And yes, I will." I agreed. He sighed and removed his jacket. Then (Y/n) wrapped it around me and snapped his fingers. The armor morphed around me. My eyes widened in shock. It was surprisingly light. It weighed about a winter coat would weigh.

(Y/n):"It's waterproof. Bow you can walk back to school." He stated. I looked at him in the eyes.

"What about you? Won't you get wet?" I asked concerned. He shrugged.

(Y/n):"Free shower." He pointed out. I shook my head.

"Well at least cone with me, so you can dry off when we enter." I told him. He scoffed.

(Y/n):"Of course I was going to follow you. I wasn't going to let you possibly walk away with my gear." He remarked.

"I wasn't going to steal it." I told him. He shrugged.

(Y/n):"I'm paranoid." He retorted. I shook my head before hopping down the tree. The two of us ran back into Beacon. I was perfectly dry like (Y/n) said. (Y/n) on the other hand, was completely soaked. However, he didn't mind. Instead, he threw handfuls of water at me. Even though I knew I was safe, I still flinched every time. He'd laugh, and I'd threaten to hit him. Eventually, we reached my dorm room. I removed (Y/n)'s jacket and handed it to him when we entered.

"Thanks for letting me use your jacket." I told him. He took it and set it aside.

(Y/n):"Whatever." He replied. I noticed that he was still dripping wet.

"Do you have any clothes to change into?" I asked him. (Y/n) shook his head.

(Y/n):"What I'm wearing, is what I have." He responded. I felt guilty.

"Well, at least go dry yourself." I told him. Then he looked at me skeptically.

(Y/n):"And wear what? Don't tell me you want to see me naked like Blondie?" He asked. I blushed red and shook my head.

"N-No. Just keep your boxers on." I told him. He shrugged before entering the bathroom. I noticed that we were out for much of the day. Time really flew by. I changed and readied to head to bed. After finishing, I hopped onto my bed, and (Y/n) walked out of the bathroom.

(Y/n):"Where do I keep my clothes? I don't want a repeat with Weiss' taint." He stated, and a blush formed on my face. (Y/n)'s body was ripped. His muscles flexed as he moved, and I just wanted to touch his abs. I bit my lip and stared at him, while he searched for a place to keep his clothes.

'Oh my Oum! He's so hot!' I thought to myself and tried to hide my face with my book. Then he set down and turned towards me. My nose began to bleed because his body still glistened with water.

(Y/n):"Hello? Remnant to Black! Where do I sleep?" He asked and gestured to my team's cluttered room. I looked around with uncertainty.

"Umm. Yang?" I suggested. He shook his head.

(Y/n):"Nuh uh. I don't want to wake up with her hands in my boxers." He stated. I blushed at the thought. I knew Weiss is a definite no. Ruby is too young, and Yang my cripple (Y/n) if he slept with her. Then I blushed even more. That left me.

"Umm. Umm. Y-You can sleep beside me." I stuttered. He rubbed his temples.

(Y/n):"You don't have to, if you don't want." He told me. I shook my head meekly.

"It's fine." I squeaked. He sighed before hopping onto my bed and lied next to me. I stare at his body, but quickly looked away when he looked at me.

(Y/n):"Why are you blushing?" He asked straight forward.

"No reason!" I replied too quickly. His eyebrow raised in skepticism, but he just lied down before slipping on his paper bag over his head.

(Y/n):"I'm sleeping. Don't grope me, or I'll cut your ears off." He threatened. I nodded silently. I pretended to read my book, when I actually was observing his scars. He had so many that I hadn't noticed when he took off his jacket. This made me a little sad. He's been through so much that it turned him into who he's now. After a while, I heard (Y/n) breathing steadily in sleep. I noticed that his breathing was slightly hindered by the bag, so I removed it gently.

'Please don't wake up.' I begged silently. I removed his bag and saw his peaceful face. He looked kind of cute. After putting the bag away, I draped the blanket over the two of us before lying down. Even though (Y/n) is mean to anyone, I found myself still liking him. How much, I'm unsure. Still, (Y/n) is an amazing person. Plus he had an amazing body. I blushed in thought with comparing him to 'Ninjas of Love' before going to sleep.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted more character bonding before more plot. Comment on what you liked or hated.

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