Bad Boy: Yes or No?

By mrsbarnes__

233 3 1

Clover gets an acceptance letter to Camp Wawanakwa! While there, she finds enemies, best friends she never kn... More

The Letter
Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa!
Pranks are fun... Right?
Always have a partner when exploring.
Get lots of sleep
Relax when you have the chance
Fears aren't always what they seem
Old Habits and New Habits
Just because you're Friends, doesn't mean anything
Friends are Most Important
The Final Challenge
Home is Where the Heart is
Sometimes Surprises are the Best

Trust and Horror, Isn't a Good Mix.

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By mrsbarnes__

Chapter 11

When I got back to the camp, I was told that today was a trusting challenge. We got to a giant rock, with Chris at the bottom with rock climbing gear. 'Oh cool, rock climbing! I love it!' I thought to myself. But unfortunatley this wasn't a one person rock climbing activity.

"Okay Campers! For today's challenge, I have paired you up with a specific teammate. Each set of partners, has to climb the rock, while the other holds them up. If you fall, you have to trust that your partner will catch you. Also! Watch out for my traps!"

Chris then called out the partners; "For the Killer Bass! Courtney and Cody, Beth and DJ! For the Screaming Ducks! Gwen and Duncan, Bridgette and Owen, and Clover and Heather! But since Duncan isn't back yet, Gwen your partner is Trent! Gear up!"

The Killer Bass had Courtney and DJ climb, while we had Bridgette, Gwen, and I climb. Mainly because Courtney forced Cody to hold the rope, Beth felt better on the ground, Gwen felt more comfortable with Trent holding the rope, Bridgette was more athletic than Owen, and Heather didn't want to break a nail. After we all got suited up, Chris blew an air horn which started the challenge. We started up the rock, looking for hand and foot holes. While trying to watch out for Chris's traps. DJ hit a landmine, Bridgette put her foot in a bug infested foot hole, Gwen put her hand in a grease slick, Courtney's hand hole broke, and I hit a landmine and fell. Heather, thankfully, caught me. But she then yelled at me to be more careful. I told her that she could shove it, or climb herself. As I started back up the rock, Duncan came and joined everyone.

"Careful Clover, you don't want to fall behind"

Apparently, Heather has had enough of my bull crap, because she then pulled the backup rope which made the part of my pants from the waist to the top of my thighs rip off. They hit Courtney in the face, and seeing my underwear freaked DJ out.

"Well, that's something you don't see everyday." Duncan smirked.

"No. It's not my man....... no it's not."

"Chris quit perving out with Duncan!" I called down.

I grabbed my pants and continued up the rock. Unfortunantley, Chris started throwing things up the rock at us, making it harder for each team. But, let Courtney win the challenge. Later, when my team was at the campfire, Trent was unfortunantley voted off. It hit Gwen hard in the heart, but Bridgette and I were there to help her through it. After the fire, at around 9:40ish we all gathered on the side of the mess hall for a movie. Chris didn't tell us it was a horror movie about an escaped psycho killer, which DJ, Beth, Owen, and Heather were the most freaked out by it. At the end of the movie, we heard the sound of a boat engine revving. We walked to the dock and saw Chris and Chef frantically getting onto a boat and leaving. Owen picked up the backpack that they left behind and a newspaper fell out. He picked it up and read the inside headline.

"Escaped Psycho Killer on the loose, be on the lookout for a man wearing a Hockey Mask, with a hooked hand, and carrying a chainsaw!" he gasped and dropped the newspaper.

"Oh come on, they don't expect us to believe this. I mean, a scary movie, followed by hasty exit, followed by strategicly placed lame prop?"

"I..I don't know Heather, he seemed pretty spooked."

"Puh- lease DJ, it's obviously a stunt to try and scare us."

"If this is a stunt would Chris leave behind his..... HAIR GEL?!" Owen asked while pulling a bottle of Chris's hair gel out of the bag.

"I think we should go back to camp and make a game plan." Gwen suggested.

"Whatever, you babies can go make your game plan, I'm taking a shower." Heather said while ignoring all of the warnings.

Back at camp, we made a fire and listened to Gwen talk about the rules of a horror movie.

"Rule number one, do not go off alone. Rule number two, if you do go off on your own, never go in the woods. And rule number three, never ever ever make out in the woods." she made up a chart of all the players and turned around.

"Where's DJ and Owen?" she frantically asked.

"DJ had to take a leak so he took Owen with" Duncan responded, while carving another skull.

Gwen crossed them off on the chart. As Gwen was finishing up the 'x' over Owen, we heard a scream. Gwen took off towards the bathrooms and Bridgette got up.

"I'm getting some food. Be right back. Courtney, come with" she said while walking away. Just as Bridgette and Courtney were out of view, Gwen came back.

"Everything okay?" I asked as she came in to view.

"Yeah. Heather's facial scared the crap out of DJ." she looked around.

"Where's Bridgette and Courtney?"

"They went to get some chow." Duncan responded while catching two sticks on fire.

"Does nobody listen to me!?" Gwen asked while crossing off Heather, Courtney, and Bridgette.

One of Duncan's sticks lit the chart on fire. Gwen and I both screamed and ran to get some water. As we left, I heard Duncan say to himself "And then there was one." When we got back to the fire with some water, Duncan was gone.

"Duncan? Duncan!" I looked over at Gwen who was furious.

"Hey, you wanna get a sandwhich?" I asked while pointing towards the mess hall. She nodded her head and we walked over to the mess hall.


"And then there was one."

After the girls left, I heard someone whispering my name. "Duncan.... Duncan..... Duncan.... Juvie.... Juvie..... Juvie..."

"It's just you and me psycho"

I got up and headed to the docks. There he was. The psycho was standing on the docks staring at the water.

"Oh, this is gonna be good. Come and get it, Goalie Boy."

The psycho turned around and revved his chainsaw. I began throwing things that were around me. He used his chainsaw to cut everything in half. He even cut a lifevest. Finally, I threw a fish in his face because I ran out of things to throw. He cut the dock by my feet and I kicked the hockey stick that was holding his chainsaw. He lifted his hook at me, but I grabbed his chainsaw and cut it off.

"HA! You thought you could scare me? Now let's see who's behind the mask."

After I took the mask off, we walked back to the safe base. "Someone loose this?" I asked while walking in with Chef.

"Nice going Duncan!" Bridgette said while high fiving me. We looked at the screen and saw Clover and Gwen in the mess hall with a man standing behind them. He had a psycho killer vibe, because he had a hockey mask, with a chainsaw and a hook for a hand.

"Wait. If Chef is here, then who's in the lodge with Clover and Gwen?!"

"IT'S A REAL PSYCHO KILLER WITH A HOCKEY MASK, A CHAINSAW, AND A HOOK FOR A HAND!" we all yelled out simultaneously, then ran out towards the mess hall.


When we got to the mess hall, we made a few sandwhiches and sat down to talk.

"So, you miss Trent?" I asked while sitting down.

"Like crazy" Gwen said, taking a bite out of her sandwhich. "Anyone you miss?"

I thought about it for a minute, "yeah. I miss my friends from back home. But mainly my dog."

She laughed and took another bite of her sandwhich. I finally took a bite out of mine, as I did, I felt a warm breath down my neck. I turned around and saw a man in a hockey mask with a chainsaw and a hook for a hand standing behind us.

"Woah dude, we weren't born yesterday. Please, we watched a scary movie with an escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook and here you are running around." The man turned his attention to Gwen and growled.

"Alright, I understand that actors without speaking parts don't get paid much, but dude, invest in a dental plan and some toothpaste." I said while pointing up to his teeth. Gwen chuckled, and grabbed her last sandwhich.

"Hey, you want a sandwhich before you impale us with your big, scary hook?" The man shook his head no, Gwen shrugged and took a bite out of her sandwhich.

"Look, you can drop the charade okay? We know you're an actor with a hook prop. And frankly, you're not that scary." I said while stacking my plate on Gwen's. The man growled, and took off his hook.

"Ew. Gross. How'd they get it to go all scabby like that?" Gwen asked. He put his hook back on and lifted his chainsaw and hook hand.

The rest of the campers, including Chris and Chef came rushing into the lodge "Guys! That's the real escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!" They yelled simultaneously.

Gwen and I looked at each other and screamed. We both attacked the killer multiple times. Gwen kicked him in the face, and I punched him in the face.

"Ow! That was totally uncalled for!" He said while taking off his mask and rubbing his nose. "That's it, I'm so out of here! I was treated better in prison!" He called out as he left. Gwen and I walked over to the rest of the campers. Gwen high fived Duncan, and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Well, obviously Gwen and Clover won invincibility for this challenge. It's a shame that I have to announce that Bridgette has to walk the dock of shame today. But, no hard feelings"

Bridgette got her things, said her goodbyes, and headed down the dock of shame to the boat of loserdom.

"Bye Bridgette!" I called out from the dock as the boat. She waved back, then turned back around. I yawned and headed back to the cabins. I got my pajamas on and went to bed. That night, I had a horrible nightmare. I couldn't wake myself up no matter what I did.

"Stop! Leave me alone! No... Don't!" I was tossing and turning trying to wake myself up. "Please..... stop. Please.. Leave! Me! ALOONE!!!" I tried so hard to wake myself up. I felt a hand on my arm, and my body being rocked back and forth. Someone was trying to wake me up, they started to shake my body harder, trying to wake me up. I jolted up and screamed. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I was in a cold sweat and panting.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, you're awake now. I got you." I heard a reassuring voice calmly say to me.

I looked to the side and saw Duncan. I immediatley started to cry. I could feel a million eyes on me at once. Duncan reached up and picked me up. DJ went to put his hand on my shoulder, but Duncan stopped him. He carried me outside, to the table, and set me on top of it. He sat next to me, and pulled me in close, his skin was warm and inviting. He just sat there holding me, letting me cry on his shoulder, not saying a word.


At around 1:55 in the morning, I was woken up by someone yelling. At first, I went to roll over but then I heard the voice a bit louder. I recongized it too well. I jumped out of bed and looked around.

"Hey man, what's up?" I glanced over to DJ who was rubbing his eyes.

"It's Clover, she's screaming." I ran out of my cabin and over to hers.

The others from my team and the opposing were right behind me. I ran into her cabin and looked around. Gwen was trying to wake her up, and Heather was complaining. I ran over to Gwen and pushed her aside.

"Stop! Leave me alone! No... Don't!"

"Please..... stop. Please.. Leave! Me! ALOONE!!!" I put my hand on her arm and started to shake her. Nothing was happening. I started to shake her harder, trying hard to wake her up. She jolted up right and screamed one last time. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She was in a cold sweat and panting pretty hard.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, you're awake now. I got you." I tried to reassure her. I tried to calm her down. She looked at me and started to cry. I reached up and pulled her into my arms. I started to walk outside when DJ went to put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't!" I snapped.

I carried her outside to my table. I set her down on the top and sat next to her. I pulled her in close, set her head on my shoulder, and listened to her cry. I didn't try to stop her. I didn't try to calm her down. I just rubbed her arm and sat with her. She was crying for hours. Finally, at like 6 in the morning I spoke up.

"Clover, are you okay?" I wasn't expecting an answer, but I was pretty shocked when she did.

"I... I don't know. I was perfectly fine and then all of a sudden, I was screaming and trying to get away from something."

"Tell me about it."

"Where do I start?

"The beginning."

I sat there listening to her talk about how her dream was nice and peaceful at first, and then how it turned terrible. I didn't know how much more I could take of her crying, it was painful to see.


Duncan didn't try to get me to stop crying. He didn't try to calm me down. He didn't do anything but sit with me, and rub my arm. He finally spoke up after hours of listening to me cry.

"Clover, are you okay?" I wasn't sure how to answer at first, but I decided I should tell him the truth.

"I.... I don't know. I was perfectly fine and then all of a sudden, I was screaming and trying to get away from something."

"Tell me about it."

"Where do I start?"

"The beginning"

We sat there while I poured, what felt like my heart out to him. I told him about the every dream like that I've ever had.

"Well, the first dream that I've ever had like that was when I was three. But, I thought it was just because that's when I watched my very first horror movie. But, then when I was six, I had another dream just like it. I told my dad, but he just told me to stop watching horror movies. So, I did. But it didn't help, because they occured more often. At least once every month for the following four years. We ended up getting me therapy for it, but it didn't help. It got to the point where I didn't sleep for a year and two months. So, when I was eleven my dog ended up barking everytime he thought I would have one of those dreams. He would sit at the foot of my bed all night, waiting for me to start tossing and turning. And when I would, he'd jump up and start barking, which would wake me up instantly. He would sleep all day so he could be up watching me all night. It worked, up until now. Now that my dog's not with me in this moment, it's harder for me to wake up. And I go to bed each night terrified of the dream coming back."

Duncan sighed and pulled me closer. "Well, who's your protector at camp?"

I thought about it, then I closed my eyes and nestled my head into his neck. He chuckled and moved his neck a little. My mind started to wander to the beggining of the camp til' now. I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder for about an hour, because not too long after I fell asleep, Chris woke everyone up. I went back to the cabin and got ready. At breakfast, I reassured everyone that I was okay. We ate breakfast and waited for Chris to come in and tell us the challenege. We had to get through several rounds of torture, lasting at least ten seconds in each one. The next week, we had to create a three-course- meal for Chris to judge. I wasn't really in the mood for a challenge so, I purposely tried to throw it. It didn't work. But, in the end, my team lost. We won the torture rounds, and Cody was voted off. But, we lost the three- course- meal challenge and Duncan was voted off. Before he left, he did as he promised, he sprayed his sweater with some cologne and gave me the rest. He also gave me a skull that he carved. When he was walking down the dock, that's when I figured out the answer to his question.

"Wait, wait!" I shouted as I got up and ran after him. "You forgot something."

"Really? What?"

"To let me tell you, that it's you." He looked at me confused. "You're my protector at camp." I smiled. We then kissed passionatley under the night sky, lost in a bubble of time and space, not even noticing the other people around us. We pulled apart and he smiled.

"I knew I was." He said before kissing me again. He finished walking down the dock and got onto the boat. "I'll see you later Phantom!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I watched as the boat followed the ocean's current and disappeared out of view.

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