His little devil. The third b...

By Queen_of_the_Lost18

10.2K 182 120

10 years have gone by since Pan and Luna have broke up. They only know each other as ememies and their past w... More

A new story begins.
Jerome's mom.
Why is she like this?
Sailing home.
Road trip.
Pan and Jerome.
A new girl.
Pan's Thinking Tree.
The Lost Princess.
Running with the wolves.
Hiding the princess.
The pipes.
The Lost Boy's future.
A sad day.
Finding out.
The new vampire.
The doll.
What's wrong princess?
The fall.
Back again.
The pond.
You'll always be a joker to me.
Old memories.
In the jungle alone.
Life or death.
The note.
Out with the old and in with the new.
At last.
A big night.
Pillow fight.
Who took it?
Adressing the new caption.
Three days.
The end of Neverland.

How could this have happened?

214 2 3
By Queen_of_the_Lost18

Peter's P.O.V.
I walk in the tent and sit next to Luna who was still sleeping. I caressed her cheek, making her stir in her sleep. She looked so cute. Luna quickly gasped and her eyes shot open.

"Luna, are you ok?" I ask.

"How?" She gets up.

"How what?" I ask. Luna walks out of the tent and I follow as she flies out of camp, just to land at the tree house. She walks in to the library and looks around.

"Luna, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Where's Jerome?" She looks at me.

"Cages, why?"

"We need to get there right now." I follow Luna to the cages where a burned hole, big enough for someone to excape was. And Jerome was gone.

"How could he excape? Those bars are enchanted."

"Jerome found the spell that you used and used the counter spell."

"What?" I ask.

"Every spell has a reverse spell. I thought you knew that."

"No." I say.

"Well anyways. We need to find Jer-."


"I know, he's left the island." I smile.

"Which is bad."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Jerome and his family know some of the most deadly people I know in Gotham. He's out for blood. And he's after you."

"Why would he be after me?" I scoff.

"Because he's angry that I'm with you instead of him. He thinks that if he gets rid of you that I'll run back to him. Like that will ever happen."

"But he knows that I'm immortal, right?" I ask. Luna smirked.

"He doesn't, which means-."

"No. I can already tell that your plan will fail."

"How do you know?"

"I'm Peter Pan. I'm always 3 steps ahead." I brag.

"Does that mean you're always 3 steps ahead when I do this?" Luna pinned me down to the ground. I chuckled.

"One thing you need to know is that when you pin someone to the ground, you always need to pin their legs down as well." I kick Luna and she falls off of me as I get up.

"That and I knew you would do that."

"How do you know?"

"Because every time you try to attack me, you have that glint in your eyes. You need to hide your emotions. Hide your plans. Or else people will start to think ahead of you."

"Have you ever told anyone this?" Luna asked.

"No. That's how the I'm able to beat all the Lost Boys."

"So you have challenged the Lost Boys." Luna acts surprised as we start to walk back.

"Of course I have. You think I'm stupid?"

"In some ways."

"Ouch. I felt that in my soul." I smile.

"Wait." Luna stops.

"What?" I look at her.

"You have a soul?"

"Ha ha." I laugh as we get back to camp.

"Luna are you ok?" Robbie asked Luna.

"I'm fine. But Jerome is gone."

"Jerome. Gone. Luna, Cassie and the twins are in danger."

"Don't worry. I can go retrieve them if you'd like." I offer.

"You'd do that?" Luna asked.

"Of course I would." I smile.

"Thank you, and Cassie might be happy to see you again." Luna chuckled.

"Oh yeah, and why's that love?"

"Because ever since we got back Cas has been asking when we would come here again."

"Great. I can go retrieve them tomorrow. Luna that means I'm putting the safty of the Lost Boys in your hands."

"Ok. But why tomorrow, it's already sun down and I barely saw you today?" Luna whines.

"We spent the whole day together love." I chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'll be there and back before you know it." I smile.

"Ok." Luna pouts. The boys have their celebration while I play my pipes. I could tell Luna could here the music from how she dazed off. She rests her head on my shoulder and I almost skip a note as she chuckled.

I finished the song and drag Luna into the tent where I push her to the bed, laying on top of her.

"What are you doing?" Luna chuckled.

"This." I place my lips on hers as she plays with my hair. I nibble on her bottom lip, feeling her shiver under me.

"Aww, are you cold love?"

"Yes. But that doesn't matter." Luna shakes. I take off my shirt and wrap my arms around Luna, pulling her closer to me.

"Better?" I whisper. Luna rests her head on my chest and sighs.

"Better." Luna falls asleep, me following her.

Luna's P.O.V.
I wake up and see that Peter was gone. I decide to sleep in but soon here a voice.

"Luna, time to get up." Felix says. I burrow my head under the covers.

"Ok, fine." Felix jumps on the bed, crushing me.

"Felix!" I yell, but my screams were muffled due to being under the covers.

"Pan told me to wake you up. I'm just following orders."

"Get off of me right now or I'll-wait, did you say Peter told you to wake me up?" I poke my head out of the covers.

"Yeah. He's back."

"And you never told me. Felix." I snap.

"Hey, I thought you knew and decided to sleep in." I rushed out of bed and outside as I tackled Cassie to the ground.

"Mwommy." Cassie smiles.

"Hey baby." I hug him. Isaac and Asa tackle me as well.

"Hey boys." I smile.

"So how was the trip?" I get up and hold Cassie.

"Amazing. The island is so big." Isaac said.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Pweater." Cassie squeals.

"Hey Cas." Peter ruffled his hair as Cassie giggles. Peter kissed my head and stood next to me.

"Are you two a thing now?" Asa asked.

"Yes." Peter states.

"So why are we here?" Isaac asked.

"Jerome. He's now a threat and with Luna not able to protect you from him. My boys will be able to protect you." Peter says.

"But why can't mom come home to us?" Asa looked at me.

"Because I'm not able to protect her there. Now come, we shall feast in your honor." Peter smiles.

"I could get used to this." Asa smiles at Peter as he smiles back. He looked at me and smacked me over the head. The twins chuckled.

"What was that for?" I snap.

"I left the Lost Camp in your hands for the day but you decided to sleep in." Peter says.

"I stayed up late that night maki-." I look at the twins who were smirking.

"You know what I mean."

"Come, let's go eat."

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