
By camarryyo

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"But you are so beautiful inside and out, how can Austin not see that?" I grabbed Camila's hand and looked he... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

544 19 0
By camarryyo

It's so weird how people say they hate school but still laugh and smile when they're at school, I thought as I made my way to my locker. It was the first day of school and I wasn't feeling it, considering the fact that last year was just complete crap. Last year I found out my crush, Camila Cabello, finally got a boyfriend, and to add to that her first kiss. I've always thought I would be her first boyfriend and her first kiss but every time I talk to her I freeze up and can't speak. It sucks being shy.

"Harry!" I turned around to find my four obnoxious friends, who I consider brothers, walking towards me.

Liam had a basketball in hand, I have no idea why, and he looks like he grew a bit of facial hair over the summer. Actually, it looks like Zayn and Louis grew a bit of facial hair as well. Niall still looks like Niall, except his natural hair color was showing more, so it looked like he had some blonde streaks instead of a full head of blonde.

"Sup," Liam said patting my shoulder in an odd way.

"Nothing?" I looked at Liam weird.

"How are you?" Louis asked in concern.

"Guys, if this is about Camila and Austin, I'm over it." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

They all raised their brows at me.

"No seriously, I'm moving on. My crush on Camila Cabello is long gone, in fact, who is Camila Cabello?" And of course I had to turn my head in time to see Camila and her friends walking my direction.

Watching Camila and her friends walking in the halls at Mesa High, is like that movie scene where its all slow motion, boys- even girls- fainting, wind blowing through their hair, the badass Beyonce music playing in the background, yeah you get the point right? Anyways these girls were all beautiful, but Camila has always stood out to me since the first grade. I don't know what it is, she's just beautiful and everything she does makes my heart flutter.

"He's not over her," I heard Niall whisper to the guys, and they all agreed.

"Shut up," I turned to them.

They just laughed me, they all tapped my back while I went to open my locker.

"Shit," I said with frustration. "My damn locker is jammed."

"Pull it harder," Louis said.

I kept tugging at the lock trying to pull it open, and it just wouldn't open.

"Hey, boys," I looked over my right shoulder and saw the beautiful, alluring Camila Cabello standing there. "Harry," she smiled at me.

"Hey," I smiled, then turned away still struggling to open my locker.

"Struggling there Mr. Styles?" Lauren asked chuckling.

"Yeah," and finally with one last tug it opened, and with my luck my locker door swung open and hit me straight in the damn forehead. "Fuck!" I yelled putting both hands over my forehead.

"Oh my God," Camila and her friends started laughing, and of course my friends laughed too, making fun of me.

Of course this would happen to me, especially in front of my freaking crush. "Yeah, I'm alright," I said with such sarcasm.

"Well damn if I have to deal with this all year at my locker, everyday will be a good day!" Dinah exclaimed still laughing as she turned to open the locker on the right, next to mine.

I felt my face turn bright red, it felt like it was on fire, I swear I looked like a tomato.

"Okay, okay, enough laughing at Mr. Styles, lets exchange schedules and see if we have any classes together," Lauren chuckled and pulled her schedule out.

"Zayn?" Lauren and Zayn exchanged schedules as well as everyone else.

We stood in a circle concentrating on each others' schedules. I looked up and saw Austin and his "crew" walking this way, and I knew he was going to take Camila away from this group of ours. He always took her from us, we used to be the Terrific Ten and now we're just the Terrific Ten Minus One it sucked. I watched Austin grab Camila from behind her waist and That Should be Me by Bieber played in my head.

"Hey you," Camila turned her head to face Austin and planted a kiss on his lips, I felt disrespected.

You know when you care about someone or something so much you don't ever wanna see them hurt, ever? That's how I feel about Camila. I see Austin makes her happy, but I feel like it won't last long and I just don't wanna see her heart shatter into pieces. She's everything to me. Austin was a really nice friend, but there's just something about him I don't like.

"Harry," Camila said.

I looked up at her and smiled, "yeah?"

"We have AP Biology, and AP English together," Camila smiled giving my schedule back, and I handed her schedule back as well. "See you in third and seventh period," Camila smiled and walked away holding Austin's hand.

"Hey man, let me see your schedule," Zayn asked as he handed Lauren her schedule back, "Lauren we have Art together," he smiled as he grabbed my schedule from my hand.

"Really?! That's so exciting I can't wait!" Lauren couldn't hide her feelings for Zayn, and Zayn couldn't hide his either, I never understood why they just don't date.

"Wait what period is your guys' art class?" I asked looking at the both of them.

"Second," they replied.

"Me too!!" I exclaimed.

"Me three," Niall held up three fingers.

"Me four," Dinah held up four fingers.

"Holy shit, art is going to be badass," Lauren said.

"You're taking a French class Harry?" Zayn asked confused.

"Yeah," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Really?!" Ally asked me with a big ol' smile on her face. "What period?"

"Frist, I think?" I looked over at my schedule in Zayn's hand. "Yeah first period."

"Me too! Let's walk to class together," Ally suggested.

"Of course," I smiled.

"Ally!" Liam shouted with excitement, "we have gym, math, and science together."

"Awesome!" Ally shouted.

We stood there until the two minute bell rang examining each others' schedules and laughing a bit. It felt a bit odd without Camila being here acting like a weirdo, and making her not so funny jokes. Ever since her and Austin, she's hardly been around and it sucks, I miss her.

These were my classes: First period, French with Ally. Second period, Art with Lauren, Zayn, Niall, and Dinah. Third period, AP English with Camila. Fourth period, Sociology with Normani and Louis. Fifth period, study hall with Liam, Zayn, Normani, and Lauren. Sixth period I was a student assistant for Mr. Reader, a really cool science teacher and Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam were all in that class. Seventh period was AP Biology with Camila and Lauren was student assistant for Mrs. Anderson, our Bio teacher.

When the bell rang everyone went their separate ways to their first period, except for Ally and myself. Ally walked over to me and wrapped her tiny left arm around my waist, and I threw my right arm over her shoulders pulling her in for a hug.

"How are you Harry?" Ally asked while smiling up at me.

"I'm good, yourself?" I smiled back at Ally looking down.

"I'm good," she smiled, "but I mean how are you?" Obviously she was asking me how I felt about Camila and Austin.

"Oh," I said looking away from her. "Uh I'm fine." I took my arm off her shoulders and shrugged my shoulders.

We turned the right corner and went in the first class on our left for French. Ally and I took two empty seats, I took the front seat and Ally took the seat behind me. The class was obnoxious, a few freshman were in this class and being the first day of high school for them, they all probably felt like the shit. Now I'm not one of those upper class men who hate freshman and pick on them, but they are really annoying and I wouldn't mind if someone punched them all in the face.

"Hey, can I get your number?" I turned around to find a blonde hair, blue eyed, freckle faced boy smiling down at Ally.

"Uh," Ally wrinkled her brows and stared at me.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend," I told the boy.

"Oh," and he walked away, his friends started laughing at him probably making fun of him because he got rejected and such, but not my problem.

"Harry," Ally looked at me with concern. "You do realize that you just said I was your girlfriend, when I'm really not?"

"Yeah," I started laughing a bit.

"You're an idiot," Ally smiled and grabbed a notebook out of her bag.

The bell rang for class to begin and I turned to the front of the classroom with my notebook on the desk and ready to go. I took french last year and it wasn't easy, but that's probably cause my teach last year, Ms. Bird, was a total bitch. In fact she got fired after last year, well I'm not entirely sure if that's what really happened but we got a new french teacher this year and his name was Mr. Stone. I liked having new born teachers because they're so jolly and happy that they have a job but then through out the year they start to realize that teaching a bunch of teens pointless shit, actually really sucks. I will never understand why teachers would want to become a teacher in the first place, I mean so many of my previous teachers have complained about not getting paid enough and they get annoyed with the teens, I just don't get it.

"Harry," a boy tapped my shoulder. When I turned my head to the right I saw the one, the only, Mr Jai Brooks.

"Hey Jai, whats up?"

"Nothing but um," Jai looked back at the group of boys talking about girls and sports but mostly girls. "They said you and Ally were dating, I thought you and Camila were."

I felt my eyes get wide, "Camila is dating Austin," I said trying not to show that it really hurt inside to say it out loud.

"Harry just said we were dating cause the blonde kid asked me for my number," Ally informed Jai.

"Oh, you want me to beat him up?" Jai chuckled.

"No thank you Jai," Ally laughed. "How's Beau?"

"He's Beau," Jai shrugged his shoulders.

Mr. Stone walked in front of the class and started speaking to the class in French. I had absolutely no clue what he was saying and it started to frustrate me. I don't understand why he can't just speak english to us for the first couple days until we actually learn and understand some French. I really despised foreign language classes.

Mr. Stone looked at me and said a few things in French and held his hand out. I gave him a confused look and grabbed his hand to shake it. He then smiled and walked back to the middle of the classroom and started speaking english, something I understood.

"Good morning class," he started pacing in front of the class with his hands behind his back. "My name is Mr. Stone, its nice to meet all of you. This is my first year here at Mesa High, I have taught before, and I look forward to teaching you all a little bit of French." He put his hands together and smiled, "does anyone have any questions?"

I raised my hand slowly, and Mr. Stone nodded at me. "Okay so you know how you were talking to us in French and we had no idea what you were saying, are you gonna do that through out the year?"

He laughed, "I will, and its only so you guys can learn French in a different way by making out the definition of the words by yourself."

After a few other students asked him questions he decided we each stand up one by one and say our name and one word that described ourselves. I hated talking in front of the class, so when it was my turn I kind of shook and got nervous. The period went by pretty quick after that. When the bell rang Ally and I walked back to my locker to find our friends. Camila was leaning on my locker talking to Dinah and she looked sad, so I was worried.

"Hey," I looked at Camila, and she moved out of my way so I could open my locker. "You alright?" I asked looking at her as she moved to the side of me.

She just nodded she didn't say anything so I just let it be at that. I didn't like seeing her sad but something told me it had to do with Austin, and that didn't make me happy at all. When the bell rang I was getting ready to walk with Zayn, Niall, Lauren, and Dinah to art but Camila grabbed my wrist.

"Harry," I turned to look at her. "Can we talk later?"

"Of course," I pulled her in for a hug, now we've been pretty close for a while and it became a habit of mine to hug Camila a certain way. I lay her head onto my chest and I wrap my arms around her shoulders, and I squeezed the crap out of her.

When we released from the hug we smiled at each other and parted. I started jogging to catch up with the other four, and they weren't very far actually. When the five of us reached the art room Lauren and Dinah decided to pull me to the corner of the room.

"What is going on?!" I shouted.

"It's Camila.." Lauren said looking concerned.

"And Austin..." Dinah added.

"What?" I was confused.

"They..." Dinah looked at Lauren.

"They broke up." Lauren said with no hesitation.

I wanted to be happy, I was, but Camila didn't seem like she was when I saw her just a couple minutes ago.

"Why?" I asked calmly.

"You need to talk to her," Dinah put her hand on my shoulder smiling.

"The girl finally came to her senses." Niall put his hand on my shoulder.


Second period went by pretty fast. When second period was over I practically ran out the classroom. As I turned the corner I saw Austin surrounded by his "crew" and some girls around him at his locker. In the distance I saw Camila walking with her books held close to her and her head down. I ran towards Camila, but this girl, blonde, tall, beautiful girl stopped me.

"You're Harry?" The beautiful blonde asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I said confused.

"Well I'm Abby," she smiled.


"We have French together," she informed me.

"Oh yeah, yeah right, but um-"

"You're single?" She interrupted me as quick as possible.

"Yes, no, um yes I mean, but uh-"

"Can we go out sometime?" Abby asked nervously.

"I don't know I'm actually kind of not available if that makes any sense at all."


"Yeah," I pulled my bag up from falling over my shoulder and smiled at Abby. I walked away as politely as I could and tried catching up with Camila.

When I realized she was no longer in sight, I just went straight to AP English. When I got to the classroom I scanned the room to see if anyone I knew was in this class. As my eyes looked in the back corner I saw Camila, earphones in, quietly reading and keeping to herself. There was an opened desk next to her so I rushed over to that desk before anyone else could take it. I sat down quietly and reached my hand over Camila's hand. She looked up quickly and took her earphones out and smiled.

"I forgot we had this class together," I smiled at Camila.

"Yeah, figured I couldn't find you after second period," she chuckled. "I stood at your locker until I realized you weren't coming to your locker."

"Yeah I got held up," I thought about mentioning Abby. "The halls were so crowded."

"Yeah," Camila looked back down at her book.

"Mila," I said as I tried to get her gaze back up at me. "Are you alright? Lauren and Dinah told me about you and Austin, and you looked upset since after first block, so..."

"It's a long story," she shook her head and looked up at me. "I'll tell you later when there's not so many people around, you know, to hear and gossip about the breakup of 'camaustin'." Camila rolled her eyes.

"Camaustin?" I looked at her confused, "What the hell is a Camaustin?!"

"Apparently my ship name with Austin."

"Oh, that's dumb, it sounds like some disease or something."

Camila chuckled then looked back down at her books and slowly closed it. She wrapped her earphones around her iPod and put it back in her purse. Third period went by pretty quick, actually the entire day went by pretty quick.

After school I dropped Louis off at home and I went to work at our local bakery. Work went by quick and ended just in time for me to get home, shower and get a good night sleep.


When I rested my head on my pillow looking up at the ceiling all I could think about was Camila, and how she is now single and how I might actually have my chance. The one thing that bugged me was I don't know why they broke up and I couldn't stop thinking about it. The only thing I knew was if I went to sleep now I'd probably dream about something relative to this situation and I liked the idea so I slowly fell asleep.

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