Who Knew? (KevEdd Fanfic)

By jiminie-xo

14.8K 430 106

"Double D?" I gotta do it, I gotta tell him. "Yes, Kevin?" Double D stared at me with those big, beautiful Cy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

496 15 0
By jiminie-xo

Kevin's POV

It was the night of the concert and we were still at home, Double D was still freaking about if we have the right tickets or if they're damaged in any way or if we're gonna be too late and the tickets don't scan. Pretty much just every scenario that could happen in this kind of situation. I try reassuring him,

"Hey, Double D?" I coax,

"What is it now, Kevin?" Double D raises his voice.

"Edd, you need to calm down." I gently place my hand on his arm, rubbing gently to try and soothe him in a way. Knowing that Edd doesn't really like people touching him my hand is quick to be swat away.

Though for Edd the touch still lingers, almost tingles.

Double D sighs, "We should get going, we still need to meet with the group before we actually go inside the venue." And with that we head off.


The opening act's music was pumping so loud when they arrived to the venue, each note the guitar played only hyped Kevin up even more. The teens were still waiting on Nazz and Eddy who were running really late, making Kevin's patience wear thin.

"Do you think they're hooking up in some alley?" Rolf whispered to Ed, giggling at Ed's reaction when he widened his mouth in shock at such an idea. "Rolf, you can't say that when Kevin's here."

"No, no, go ahead, by all means." Kevin forces a smile, but is replaced with a scowl when he looks away. Edward notices this and reassures him,

"I'm sure they're just stuck in traffic."

"Yeah, stuck in Nazz's traffic." Rolf laughs, Ed tries to shush him but Kevin beats him to it, stepping too close for comfort to the blue-haired teen.

"You got a mouth on you tonight, Rolf. Better shut it before I do it for you." Kevin threatens through clenched teeth, Rolf gulping audibly.

"Yeah, w-whatever, man." Rolf mutters,

Kevin steps back to his previous spot next to Edd, the raven's anxiety still settling after the sudden disagreement. He wouldn't know what to do if the orange haired boy got into a fight, let alone what he'd do with himself if the older got hurt.

"Speak of the devil." Kevin mutters, eyes locked onto the greedy douche that is Eddy. The boy has his arm around Nazz's shoulders, along with a denim jacket that's clearly too big for her wrapped around nicely, complimenting the short black dress she wore.

"Kevin!" Nazz's exclaims, running up to the teen with open arms and a smile plastered on her face. Kevin accepts the hug, he's mood brightening a little at the hyper girl.

"Great, now that we're all gathered we can head inside now." Edward starts to walk to the main gate, the others following shortly after.

Once their tickets are scanned they were free to roam around the arena, "Guys, the band's on in 10. We should head down there now." Nazz says, excitement clear in the teens voice. The teens agree and head down, the view from the stairs is unreal. The lights are dimmed low, getting ready for the band, but even with the lights dimmed you can see all the seats in the arena filled to maximum capacity, the floor buzzing with fans waiting for their idols.

Once they've reached the floor Edward takes his time taking in the scenery, bewildered at such a sight of so many people in one place. This is his first concert and he couldn't be any happier being with the perfect people.

Well almost.

"Guys! You made it!" A loud voice is heard from behind the raven, and it's none other than the sassy, teal haired boy that lives in the next street.


"My man! Didn't know you would be here." Kevin appears from behind Edward and embraces the already tipsy friend, pats on the back exchange between the two and they part. Nat speaks up first,

"Lookin' forward to tonight, my dudes?" He asks, taking another swing of what looked to be beer, he downs the whole cup and crushes it before throwing it into the crowd somewhere. Edward's mouth hangs open in shock at such a disgusting thing,

"Nat you know there's bins around? You didn't have it throw it like that." Edward says, Nat scoffs in response.

"Lighten up, D. Everyone else is doing it." He smirks before heading off again, probably back to the kiosk to buy more beer. Kevin turns to Double D and sees he's clearly offended, quick to try and comfort the younger but confused as to why Nat's actions were so offensive to Double D.

"Hey, what was that about?" Kevin asks softly, almost as if he's trying not to scare the boy away. Edward sighs,

"I just hate when people litter, it's lazy and harmful and disgusting."

"Yeah but Double D if you think about it everyone will be too immersed in the show to care, and there's staff to clean it up afterwards. It's at every concert." Kevin says, trying to make the younger understand the types of things that go on at shows like these.

"Just, ugh. Forget it." Edward crosses his arms and walks off to Nazz.

"What the he-" Kevin bewilders, but the lights suddenly dim down and a thick vibration is sent through the arena. Kevin sighs and makes his way to his group, getting ready for a night of pure bliss.

The crowd goes insane when the 4 men walk on stage, ready to perform their opening song 'The Phoenix', and those lines of the song have Kevin immediately pumped. Kevin unconsciously grins at the thought of the night ahead, for the band and for his plan. Originally, it was meant to be a different day and a completely different setting but since Double D intervened with the concert it had to be changed completely. He also couldn't have Edward knowing what he was up to.

Kevin appears beside the raven, whose eyes are wide at the visuals on stage. Kevin can't help but smile a little at his expression.

"You enjoying it?" He asks, Edward is snapped out of his trance and his expression changes, like he's trying to cover up his excitement.

"It's ok and all." He says nonchalantly, and Kevin just grins.

A few more songs are played and Edward starts to fidget, Kevin notices.

"You alright?"

"Hm? Yeah, I'm okay, just a little thirsty but I don't want to line up. Too many people."

"I'll go get you one. Water?" Edward nods, Kevin tells Double D to stay with Nazz while he's gone.


Kevin had been gone for 10 minutes now, Edward would be lying if he said he wasn't worried that Kevin got into some sort of trouble. He opted to look for him but remembered Kevin specifically telling him to stay with Nazz, even though Nazz was no where in sight and neither was Eddy. Rolf and Ed had gone into the crowd to get a better look at the band. So here he stands, all alone.

Oh how we wished he went with the orange-haired boy.

"Double D!" Edward turns at the sound of Nat, just barely catching him as he stumbles onto the raven. Edward's quick to stand the boy up and grimaces at the little spill of beer on his jumper.

"Ooh, sorry, man."

"Nathan, how many drinks have you had?"

"Lost count 'bout an *hiccup* hour ago." He giggles, though clearly Double D is not amused.

"Don't you have someone you came here with?" Edward asks.

"Unfortunately," Nat pauses and burps loudly, "no, no I do not-BUT!"

"I was hoping~ you could help me out." He grins, and not in a comforting way. Edward, getting the hint, excuses himself.

Not before Nat stops him.


"Finally." Kevin mutters, "Bottle of water, please." He watches the cashier grab his item and slips him the amount, quickly making his way back before he misses anything else.

As he carefully tries not to trip down the steep stairs he also tries to locate the beanie headed boy. When he left the small group of friends were in a spot they'd easily be seen in, but now there was nothing.

Except a head with familiar teal hair.

Nat must know where they've gone.

'Kids Aren't Alright' started to play, one of Kevin's favourite songs by the band. Kevin reaches the floor and walks over, Edwards bottle in a shaky hand and heart racing as Kevin goes over the scenario in his head.

Approach him coolly.

Hand him the bottle.

Ask him if he's having fun.


Hopefully have the same returned.

But as Kevin neared towards his best friend, he couldn't help but notice he was with someone. That someone being a petite boy with a black beanie clad head and tiny frame being cornered into the wall by the other, too close for "friends", and Kevin saw a sight he wish he didn't.

Nat was kissing Double D, and the raven wasn't resisting.


Fun fact: I had my first Fall Out Boy concert this year with my bf and it was one of the most amazing shows I've ever been to.

Here's a couple photos I took:

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