Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRE...

By cUtiE0502sEcRet

944K 10.9K 1.1K


Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 1
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 2
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 3
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 4
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 5
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 6
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 7
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 8
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 9
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 10
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 11
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 12
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 13
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 15
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 16
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 17
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 18
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 19
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 20
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 21
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 22
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 23
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 24
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 25
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 26
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 27
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 28
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 29
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 30
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 31 End

Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 14

28.9K 350 35
By cUtiE0502sEcRet

Chapter 14

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" a very thick voice boomed into the kitchen, Sonia and I froze.... uh-oh.... We both slowly turned around.

Standing there all mighty and royally pissed was none other then .... Philip.

He was standing by the doorway, glaring at us.

"Well are you going to answer me?" he said threw grinded teeth.

I saw Sonia open her mouth but then she shut it and bowed her head. I glared at him.

"Sonia, I really thought you were much more mature than this!" He said sounding really disappointed.

"My apologies, Master." she said in a faint voice.

He nodded, and then he turned his head towards me. He glared at me; I glared back.

We stood there glaring at each for a while. Then suddenly the kitchen door flew open and I heard people laugh and come in. For some reason everything fell silent... I'm thinking they could feel the tension in the room. I didn't move nor acknowledge them, I was to busy glaring at Philip and him glaring at me.

"What the hell happened to you two?" I heard Luke's voice say. I didn't move nor did Philip.

"They were wasting food." Philip said not breaking eye contact with me. I heard a few people chuckle and laugh.

"Luke I suggest you get ride of this human before I kill her." he said giving me a last glare before moving towards the door.

"You'll never get the chance." I said back venom and hatred dripping on each word. He was about to open the door, but he froze when he heard me.

He glared at me, and then left. I could feel the tension in the room ease up.

I heard someone sigh, "Katie..." I heard Sonia's soft voice say.

I shook my head and looked at her, "Yes?"

"You okay?" she asked looking at me carefully, I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Ummm... no reason." she said to innocently. I saw her look over my head and a smile spread on her face.

I looked at her confused; then I turned around. Standing by the side of the counter was Luke, Lucas, they were both wearing the same thing, cargo pants and black men's tank top, so it was kind of hard to say who was who, and then there were a few men behind them.

They all looked at us, and burst out laughing. Sonia and I just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Okay boys out you go! Katie and I have some cleaning to do." She said walking towards them making a shoo motion with her hands.

"No way! We're hungry Sonia!" I heard one of them whine, the voice sounded oddly familiar.

Sonia put both hands on her hips, "Josh, I'm not even going to comment on that!"

I saw Josh pout and everyone started laughing, I looked at Sonia's face and she looked really annoyed with Josh, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh you people." Sonia said rolling her eyes.

I walked up to her and put my arm around her shoulder, which wasn't hard since we were about the same height.

"Oh you still love s Sonia!" I said hugging her from the side.

"Of course she does." one of the Luke, boys said... I think it was Lucas... I wasn't sure.

"Okay then you all go sit at the table, Katie you're going to clean the mess while I go to the attic and fetch a few things." she said in a tone that meant no space for arguments.

She went to fetch the cleaning supplies, handed it to me, and walked out the kitchen. I started to clean the counter when I heard whispers going around at the table. I could see from the corner of my eye that they all talking and looking at me.

I continued cleaning the counter, thinking of nothing but a few songs I had stuck in my head. I started cleaning the cabinets and then the floor. I was done cleaning in about 20 minutes tops which is a record.

I took the cleaning supplies and neatly put it behind the door.

"So you guys going to tell me what all that whispering was about?" I asked looking at the men seated at the table.

I was leaning against the counter facing them, with my arms folded across my chest.

They all looked at each other and then looked at whom I assume was Luke.

"You assume correct." Lucas said from the other end of the table, I couldn't help but give him a shock look.

I looked at him carefully, 'Luke is totally hotter then Lucas' I thought still looking him.

He started laughing, "Yea right, everyone knows that I'm the hotter twin!" he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Everyone was watching us both, I couldn't help but laugh. Yep, he can read minds just like Edward in Twilight.

"Pfffttt, what ever makes you sleep at night!" I said shaking my head.

"Oh and by the way it's not nice invading people's privacy, you might end up hearing and seeing things you don't want to see." I said smirking at him.

Right then I started thinking about the video I saw in biology where they were explaining how sicknesses could affect the body, and I must say that I almost threw up watching those videos.

I saw Lucas' expression turn to disgust, "Ugh! Humans are just so disgusting!" he said shaking his head, I smirked at him.

"So now back to business, why am I still here and why in hell were you guys whispering?" I asked eyeing them all.

Well you're here because well you slept for most of the day and Sonia told us to keep away from your room." Lucas said.

"And as for the whispering it is none of your concern." Luke said, I gave him the 'Katie' glare, which could kill rhino's from a 5-mile radius.

I herd Lucas chuckle, while Luke tried to look away from my gaze but I just kept on glaring and glaring.

"Oh FINE! Yes it was about you!" he said sounding defeated, I saw some on the men coughing back laughs.

"And what about me?" I asked still giving him the 'Katie' glare.

I saw Luke was about to crack.

"Well we can't tell you..." Josh said, who was sitting next to Luke.

I stopped glaring at Luke and sighed, Oh well.

"So when is moi going home?" I asked looking at Luke.

he sighed, "After I have Food, so you going to have to wait."

I shrugged, they all started talking something about sports. I couldn't help but look at Luke, I never really noticed but Luke was really muscular, he had really strong looking arms and they looked big to, he had a very well built chest and his tank top showed that he had a 6 pack, his hair was clinging to his face from sweat.... I never knew that he could look so... sexy... WAIT! NO! He is not SEXY!

I mentally slapped my self. I can't have these stupid hormonal thought now!

I heard someone chuckle, and guess who it was... Lucas. When I looked at him he arched an eyebrow at me. I scowled at him and stuck out my tongue, he laughed

At that instant Sonia came in the kitchen, with nothing in hand. Okay weird I wonder what she went to do at the attic.

She went straight to work at making sandwiched for the men and I helped. While helping her, I noticed that Josh wouldn't stop looking at Sonia and Sonia looked like she wanted to run out the kitchen.

I looked at Lucas, in the moment he turned to me.

'What's up with Josh and Sonia?' I thought

'His got a crush on Sonia." I heard his voice in my head... wait! What? In my head?

I looked at Lucas bewilded; he just gave me a dazzling smile.

'These vampires are freaky weird' I thought and shook my head.

Sonia and I finished making the men their 'food'. They literally started shoving down the sandwiches like there was no tomorrow, I couldn't help stare at them, they looked like scavengers.

With in a few minutes the big plate was empty and the men looked satisfied. I heard Sonia laugh next to me. I looked at her confused.

"You should have seen your face!" she said still giggling and taking the plate.

"Well Katie you ready to go home?" Josh asked. I sighed sadly.

"Yea I am."

"Okay then Lucas teleport her." Luke commanded Lucas. Lucas glared at him.

"You're going to pay for that, twin."

"Let's just go... please." I pleaded with my eyes to Lucas.

"Aww aren't you just cute." he said pinching my cheek I scowled at him.

I went and gave Sonia a hug and said my goodbye's.

Then I followed Lucas out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Okay well Katie, I'm going to teleport us to your house." he explained in the instant he walked up to me and hugged me.

In that instant I felt really light headed, I couldn't feel the ground underneath me, but with in seconds, I felt better and my feet were on the ground.

Lucas was still hugging me. I took a deep breath, "You can let go now." I mumbled since my face was against his chest, yea he was really tall.

"You feeling okay?" he asked.


In that second he let go of me, I slowly turned around, and saw that I was about a block away from my grandparents' house. I sighed and started walking towards it.

Suddenly I felt something hit my head and I fainted...

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