SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51


14.2K 432 158
By Trufflerabbit13



"Ne, Tet-chan...." I mumbled as I stirred the large pot in front of me. I bit my lips in frustration.

"Hm?" My cousin questioned as he brushed #2 while sitting on the coach of the living room.

I stopped the stirring and placed the spoon on the side before wiping my hand on my frilly apron. "We're such idiots... I don't know why we even have the right to call him our friend." I grumbled as I plopped myself onto the coach next to him. Groaning I place my forehead into my hand and stay there more a moment, my magenta hair acting like a curtain around me.

My teal haired cousin stopped his brushing and looked at me in confusion.

"Tet-chan!!!! We forgot tomorrow is Ki-chan's birthday?!" I cried as I flung my arms up in the air.

My cousin stared at me with his usual stoic look, but the brush in his hand dropped to the ground which made poor #2 whine.

I sighed and rubbed my temples stressed, "I haven't got the time to go buy him a present and I bet everyone else from the generation of miracle forgot as well. What to do, what to do...."

A sudden thought popped in my head making me jump up in excitement.

"Tet-chan! We're having a party tomorrow! I need to you to go to the supermarket!" I yell as I start to messily scribble all the things I need on a paper.

Tet-chan stood behind me as he read all the things I wrote, "Yuki-chan, I won't be able to carry all of those...."


I immediately grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello?" A lazy tired voice answered.

"Dai-kun? Come to my house right now!" I snap.

"Y-Yuki? What the he-" I hung up on him and immediately called another number.


I grumbled and stared at the phone, annoyed by his tone, "Tai-chan, I need you help really bad, come to my house right now."

"Ha? Why do I have to?" The red giant was probably causing a scene wherever he was with his shouting.

I groaned and face palmed, "I have food so just come!" I hung up and turned towards my cousin who looked slightly pale. I sighed and took couple of deep breaths, damn, I'm so stressed. I only have one day to prepare everything.

"Ok, I'll have Dai-kun and Tai-chan help with groceries, so as soon as them come go buy all the supplies I wrote," I command as I start to dial other numbers.

The phone rang loudly for a second before someone picked it up.

"Hello?" The familiar rough voice answered, I could hear that he was out of breath.

"Um, hello?" I nervously reply, "Is this uh, Kasamatsu-San?"

"Y-Yes?" The voice immediately grew nervous and shaky. Man, was the Kaijo captain scared or something?

I decided to push the thought out of my mind and started to speak, "Sorry if I interrupted whatever you were doing, Kasamatsu-San. This Kuroko Koyuki from Seirin basketball."

"Y-Yuki-San?!" I winced slightly and pulled the phone away from my ear, why did he have to scream? I took a strand of my hair out of my face and played it with my finger.

"Yes, um I called to inform you that um Kise's birthday is tomorrow and I would like you and your team to come to my house for the party."

I heard light cussing from the other side with other voices. Was he not alone?

I immediately gulped realizing if Ki-chan was there and he found out I was talking to his captain this whole surprise was going to be ruined.

"Ki-chan, he's not there right?" I questioned nervously.

Immediately a reply came, "No! Only the other members are here right now. Kise has his stupid modeling today so he skipped for the rest of the day."

I let the breath I was holding out relieved, "Alright can you out me on speaker please? I would like the rest of your team to hear me."

I started to hear some loud movement and yells and complain.

"Oi start pushing!"

"Captain, a girl?"

"Shut up, you idiots!!!"

I giggled into the phone and it immediately became quiet again.

"USOOOOO??!! IT REALLY IS A GIRL!!!!" Voices chorused sounding shock. (Translation- Uso means lie. But in this sentence it means 'No way!')

I laughed again and pulled the phone away from my ear, "Um hi!" I chirped, "I think a lot of you remember me but this is Kuroko Koyuki from Seirin, I met you all at the camp few weeks ago."

A chorus of hi's were heard, "So umm tomorrow is Kise's birthday and I-"

I talked into the phone discussing the surprise for Kise.

"Alright! I'll see you all tomorrow, and remember this is a surprise, and act as if you don't remember it is his birthday."

I hung up and saw Tet-chan missing, he must have went shopping already... I groaned and picked up my phone again, three more people to call...


"Yuki-chan, you have dark circles under your eyes...." I snapped my head towards my cousin who held #2 in his arms.

"Good morning Tet-chan..." I yawn and walk up to him to help him fix the horrible bed head he has.

My cousin looks at me worriedly, his beautiful blue eyes staring into my magenta eyes, "You didn't sleep last night." He stated more then questioned.

I nodded and yawned again, "Uh huh, I was cooking all night preparing for today, I just finished everything, now I just have to call Ki-chan to tell him we have a GoM meeting at the basketball courts in the city."

My cousin suddenly took my face into his hand and connected our forehead.

"Yuki-chan, you tend to get a fever when you overwork yourself, go take a shower and prepare to leave, I'll give Kise-kun a call for you."

Gratefully I nod and kiss his cheek in thanks before dragging myself into the showers, I need sugar....


"Ohayo~" I yawn and wave at the colorful bunch in front of me. I tiredly laid limp on Tai-chan's back as he carried me to the courts.

"Ohayo-nanodayo," I smile at the green haired teen who drubbed a basketball with his left hand.

I grinned at the rest of the generation of miracles, "Good, we're all here before Ki-chan!" I chirp and get off the tall red heads back.

"You're heavy," Tai-chan complained as he rubbed his back with his hand. I glare up at him and smack him on his side.

"I am not heavy!" I then turn towards everyone, Dai-kun, Sei-kun, Mido-kun, Mu-kun, Tet-chan, Tai-chan and Satsu-chan, "Alright, remember this is a secret! Don't day happy birthday today, act as if you don't know, if he mentioned anything act as if you know nothing!"

"Koyuki, you're just lucky that we all are currently at Tokyo because of the winter cup. I would have not come here all the way from Kyoto for a party," Sei-kun grumbled. I laughed and walked up to the red head.

"Good morning to you as well Mr. Emperor," I laugh and spread my arms open. The taller red head stared at me with his intimidating heterochromatic eyes for a second before pulling me into a hug.

I quickly let go and steal the ball out of Mido-kun's hand and spin it on my finger.

"Really, when is he going to come? Maybe I have time to go buy something sweet..." I questioned myself, I needed sugar to bring my energy back up.

I felt a heavy hand placed on my head and look up at the purple haired giant munching on a snack.

"Here Yukichin, I brought you some chocolate bars, Kurochin called me earlier to bring you some," Mu-kun stated in a lazy voice. My eyes sparked at the small bag he gave me, so, so, so, sooooooo, many chocolate!!!

"Oh my gosh!!!! Thank you Mu-kun!" I then whirled around and turned to my silent stoic cousin, "Tet-chan, I looooove youuuuuuu!!!!" I jumped onto my short cousin, Tai-chan who stood next to him somehow caught both of us before we tumbled to the ground.

I then plopped onto the ground and furiously started to rip off the wrappers and munch on the delicious goodness.

They all stared at me crazily as I went through the chocolate, "It's only nine o'clock and she's eating so much sweets!" Satsu-chan gasped as she matched me with fascination, her pink eyes shining.

I licked my lips happily as I finished my fifth chocolate bar. My head turned towards the entrance of the park and frowned when I saw a certain blonde dragging his feet.

"Morning Ki-chan!" I yelled and waved my hand furiously over my head. The pouting blonde lifted his head quickly, his distressed look quickly disappearing.

"Yukicchi!!!!" He cried as he ran up to me. He swiftly picked me off the ground and cuddled into me while sobbing, "Yukicchi!!! You're my only hope left!!! Do you know what today is?!" Ki-chan cried while anime crying.

I innocently look up at him and tilt my head to the side, an immediate blush covered Kise's cheeks.

"Today?" I skillfully question going into act, "Today is the GoM meeting Sei-kun planned, he told us few weeks ago, didn't you know?"

The blonde model immediately looked dejected, a look of disappointment and sadness immediately covering his face.

Feeling slightly bad I widen my eye and take his face into my hand and innocently look at him,
"Ki-chan? Are you ok?" My voice was laced with worry.

Suddenly Kise started to anime sob, "Yukicchi you're so cute!!!!"

"Oi, Kise! Hurry up! You're making us all wait!" An irritated voice stated behind us. Dai-kun was bouncing the basketball in his hand with a smirk, "I bet you can't beat me yet!"



"Nee minna!" Koyuki yelled catching everyone's attention, "Today is a perfect day for a barbecue right? I prepared something's at home so why don't you all come over for lunch?" The magentanette questioned, her tone innocent.

Everyone except Kise knew what she was doing and quickly agreed.

"Yeah?!" Kagami and Aomine chorused.

"I'm damn starving!" Kagami complained as he patted his flat stomach.

Murasakibara happily stood next to Koyuki and nodded, "I want to eat Yukichin's cooking again!"

Kise was bouncing where he stood, extremely excited to go to the Kuroko's house. He was about to go hug the small female but a rough hand grabbed the back of his sweaty shirt.

"Ryota, you go buy the drinks," Akashi stated with narrowed eyes.

The blonde stood there terrified in front of his former captain not knowing what to say.

"Oh! I'm so glad you mentioned that Sei-kun!" Koyuki jumped into the conversation, "We have no soft drinks at home right now, Ki-chan, can you go buy some for us? Here's the money!" The magentanette forced the money into the blonde's hand and smiled.

"Yuki-chan, we should go so we can prepare!" Momoi stated as she hooked her arms with the smaller female.

Koyuki winked at all of the GoM members except Kise and nodded, "Alright, Ki-chan, we'll head back first and prepare, thanks!" Koyuki dragged all of them away leaving the poor blonde standing by himself in the middle of the park.

'It's not their fault they don't remember my birthday...' Kise thought as he sadly walked to the market. 'It's been a while since we all hung out, at least I should be happy about that!' He thought trying to be positive. Though he still was sad.

Even his teammates from Kaji didn't remember. When he went to early morning practice non of his senpai and teammates wished him a happy birthday, even when he hinted it none of them understood.

Kise quickly bought multiple soft drinks and sadly walked though the neighborhood, slightly depressed...


"Oi! Hurry up guys!" Koyuki yelled as she started to check if everything was perfect. All the Kaijo team and the GoM where gathered in the large room wearing birthday hats.

"Yuki-chan, he should be coming back soon we should all hide and get ready." Kuroko stated as he skipped a hat on #2's head.

The magentanette nodded and grinned at everyone, "Alright! Hide wherever you can!"


The blonde knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. He frowned as no one did.

"Oi? Is anyone there?" He questioned outloud. Not sure what he was suppose to do he slowly opened the door.

'Oh my god, it's open! What should I do?' Kise panicked, 'Why is it open, what should I do if a robbers in there?!'

The blonde quickly sighed realizing that's not going to happen. He walked himself in.

"I got the drinks you told me to get- ssu yo!" The blonde immediately became confused as he walked in the dark room.

"Kurokocchi, why is it dar-"


Kise became frozen where he stood, the bag of drinks in his hand dropping to the ground at his shock.

"W-What?" He spluttered not knowing what to do.

Koyuki laughed at her former teammates shock and ran up to him, wrapping her thin arms around of his waist.

"Surprise! No way I'll forget your birthday Ki- chan!" Koyuki laughed her round magenta eyes shining.

Kise closed is mouth and smiled at Koyuki before hugging her tightly.

"Thank you Yukicchi!!!!" He cried as he swung the small girl around.

"Oi, happy birthday idiot."

Kise looked away from his crush and saw his whole team standing there with a smile. Kasamatsu stood in the very from with a scowl.

"You honestly thought we forgot your birthday?"

Kise started to tear up as he smiled.

"Senpai!!!" He cried as he lung towards his strict captain.



"Alright! Ki-chan I made you some onion gratin soup! I was cooking it over the stove all night long!" I proudly state as I brought the hot plate in front of the sitting blonde.

I smiled knowing that was his favorite dish. I made it to him for the first time during middle school and he immediately fell in love with it.

The blonde childishly grinned and happily ate the soup while I started to pile the table with food.

"Eat up guys! We have more then enough!" I laugh as I placed the plates down. I smile happily watching everyone dig in, pigging out.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ryota, happy birthday you!!!!" We all sang and cheered as the blonde blew out his birthday candles.

I proudly looked at the cake I made earlier this morning. I have to admit I did a pretty dark good job!

I skillfully cut the cake and place it evenly on plates and hand it out, I made sure to give the biggest piece to Ki-chan. Though Mu-kun disagreed and said I should giving it to him.

Soon it became so late everyone else left leaving my cousin, Kise and I the only one's left in the house.

"Thanks for helping out Ki-chan," I smile as I start to pile the dirty dishes in the washing machine.

The blonde grinned boyishly at me and nodded.

"Thanks Yukicchi for the party, everyone said it was your idea."

I shrugged and pressed the button to start the machine. I wiped my hands on my apron and smile at the blonde.

"I better go soon," Kise mumbled as he looked at the clock on huge wall, "My older sisters and parents are probably waiting for me."

I led him outside and awkwardly we stood there together. Feeling slightly embarrassed at what I was going to do I motioned him to lean down and covered my hand as if I was going to tell him a secret.


I smiled, "Happy birthday Ryota..." I whispered and quickly kissed him on the cheek before running back into the house.

I peered out of the window and saw the teen blushing red as he held his cheek with his hand. Suddenly the blonde jumped up with his fist in the air howling, "Yessssss!!!!"

I giggled and closed the curtain...

"Happy birthday Kise....."




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