Wings of an Angel ||niall hor...

By hxran1D

22.1K 1.1K 158

"you are so brave and quiet, I forgot you are suffering." -Ernest Hemingway More

Prologue to the Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

1.2K 47 7
By hxran1D

Niall's POV:

I dashed towards the goal, dribbling the ball between my feet, feeling that familiar rush of excitement and adrenaline coursing through me. The wind whipped through my hair and into my face. I focused on the spinning black and white ball between my feet as I ran towards the opponent's goal as fast as I possibly could. On both sides I could feel the players from the other team getting closer. I ran harder, swinging back my foot, taking careful aim. I sung it forward, all the force of my entire body behind that kick.

The ball traveled through the air in a beautiful arc, right past the outstretched hands of the goalie, and into a corner of the net. The bell went off, signaling the end of the match. The arena erupted into a cataclysm of noise: cheering, screaming, clapping, chanting. We had won!

"Niall, you did it mate!" Louis screamed, rushing towards me and engulfing me in a massive hug as the rest of the team came charging at us. Soon, I was overwhelmed in a sea of red and black and white as they hugged me, clapped me on the back, and shouting congratulations. I shouted along with them, ecstatic about our victory.

"That was some of the best offense I've seen all year!" Our coach told us. "Well done, Horan." He shook my hand and I grinned broadly.

"All in a day's work," I replied. "Let's go, Louis!" We raced off the field, away from the screaming mob of fans, away from the reporters shoving microphones and questions at us, into the relative peace of the locker room.

"God, those reporters get more annoying every week," Louis complained, sitting down at his locker and pulling the Doncaster Rover jersey over his head.

"Yeah buddy," I laughed a little, stripping down and grabbing a towel. "I'm going to take a shower."

Louis waved me away carelessly, looking down at his phone. "El says she's cooked up a victory dinner," he called after me. "Wanna come over and join us?"

"Sure!" I replied. "You know I always like seeing Dottie and Maya." Dottie and Maya were Louis' twin daughters, and my goddaughters. "I won't be able to stay long, though. I've gotta watch the tapes and run through the plays for the next match."

"Seriously?" Louis raised his eyebrows. "That's not for another week. Why don't you take some time off? Relax. Have some fun for once."

I shook my head at him and went into the showers. He doesn't understand. No one does. Louis' a great guy. We've been friends all our lives and I love him like a brother, but even he doesn't understand. With his beautiful wife and loving daughters, his perfect family, he doesn't understand what it's like to go through what I went through.

I had been married before. Her name was Dawn and she was the love of my life. We had been completely, idyllically happy for four years. There was a baby on the way and I couldn't have been more happy. And then came that day two years ago. I was playing in an important match and she had promised to come meet me after the game. But she never showed up. I called her over and over again, but she didn't answer. Finally, I got a call from a nearby hospital saying that a woman by the name of Dawn Horan had been brought in a little while before. There had been a terrible accident.

That day I lost the two most important things in my life: my wife and my unborn child. Since then, I've focused on my career with every fiber of my being. Football has been what's kept me going. Nothing else has been as important. It's been the driving force in my life. The purpose and reason for my existence. It took my mind off of my loss, and people soon learned not to bring up the subject. Even Louis never spoke about what happened before.

Sighing, I stepped out from under the steaming water and wrapped a towel around my waist. Drying my hair with another, I made my way back to my locker to get dressed. Louis was waiting for me, already changed into sweatpants, t-shirt, and a beanie. I quickly pulled on my own sweats and a green t-shirt. I grabbed my bag and phone and followed Louis out of the locker room.

"Eleanor said to tell you that the girls were cheering you on at home," He said as we exited the room.

I chuckled, envisioning the little, blue eyed twins bouncing up and down as they watched. "I can't wait to see them." I said.

As we walked, I felt a slight tug on my shirt. I stopped and looked behind me quizzically.

A little boy was standing there, gripping my shirt tightly as he stared up at me with wide eyes. I smiled at him. "Hey buddy." I knelt down so i was looking at his face. "What's your name?"

"K-Kenny." he whispered, still starring at me in awe.

"Well Kenny, what can I do for you?" I asked, shaking him by the hand.

He held up a red snapback with 'Doncaster Rovers' emblazoned on the front. "C-can you s-sign it?" He asked, still whispering.

"Sure Kenny!" I took the hat and pulled out a sharpie out of my bag. Signing the hat, I handed it to Louis. "Alright if my friend signs too?" I asked the boy. He nodded, switching his gaze to Louis with the same look of admiration.

Louis signed it and placed it on Kenny's head, which was already covered by a hood. "There ya go mate!"

Kenny grinned and put his hand up to touch his hat. "T-thank you," He stuttered.

"No problem, buddy." I looked around. "Where are your parents?"

Kenny looked around too, "Mum was just here," He said, his eyes widening, this time with fright. "Mum!" he cried, turning all the way around. "I don't know where she went. Mum! Mum!"

"Hey calm down." I knelt down again and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll help you find her, okay?"

Kenny nodded, tears forming in his big brown eyes. Poor kid. All I wanted right now was to help him. "Louis, I'll join you later." I said, looking up at him.

Louis smiled, "Okay, mate. See you."

I waved and turned back to Kenny, "Let's find your mum, yeah?"

Kenny smiled a bit, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. We started walking through the arena, through the crowds of people and jostling and swearing.

I felt Kenny move closer to me, grabbing ahold of my hand in fright. I gripped his hand and kept walking, "It's alright." I told him. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Okay," he responded.

After about a half an hour of wandering around looking for his mum, Kenny suddenly stopped and pointed. "There she is!" He let go of my hand and ran towards a young girl, who was looking around her frantically. Presumably for her lost child.

"Mum!" Kenny cried and the girl looked towards us, her brown eyes instantly lighting up with joy and relief.

"Kenny!" She shouted. She rushed forward and knelt down, hugging him to her and bursting with tears. "Kenneth Byron Williams, don't you even run off like that again!" She went on, "Do you realize how worried I was? I had no idea what happened to you!! Kenny-" she choked a little, trying to control herself as she hugged him tightly.

"M'sorry, mum," he mumbled against her shoulder.

"I think I should be blamed for that," I stepped forward to defend Kenny. "He came down near the locker room to get my autograph."

"He helped me find you, mum." Kenny told her.

"Thank you so much, sir!" the girl exclaimed, jumping up and surprisingly, hugging me.

"Uh, you're, you're welcome." I replied.

She stepped back, drying her eyes. "Sorry, I am just so relieved," She apologized. "Thank you for helping him."

"Don't apologize," I said. "It's alright. Really. I'm Niall Horan, by the way."

She laughed a little, "I know. I'm a huge Doncaster fan after all. My name is Leonora Williams. You can call me Nora, everyone does."

I shook her outstretched hand and looked closely at her. She seemed so Young, hardly past her teens, but Kenny must be five, at least. There wasn't a ring on her left hand and I saw no sign of the boy's father. Was she alone with the child? Was she alright? "I, um, do you need a ride home or anything?" I asked.

Leonora shook her head, "No. Thank you for offering, but my friend's picking us up. Thank you, Niall. For everything."

"No problem." I smiled. I took her hand and wrote my number on it. "If you ever need anything, ever, just call me."

She took the pen and wrote her own number on my hand, "I will. Thank you again." She took Kenny's small hand and turned to go, "Come on baby."

I stood looking after them until they were lost from view in the crowd. Two people I have only just met, but I already feel so attached to them. I am determined to see them again. Soon.

A/n: I hope you guys are enjoying the story. This was the last chapter she wrote, so you are going to be seeing some differences. I hope I can do her justice but please let me know how you like it! Erin, will be sooo pleased to hear! Love you all!


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