You Trap Me

By aireyshiraey

28.5K 1.1K 220

The story of friendship between Wayo and Mingkwan and love story between Mmingkwan and Kitkat.. It told us ho... More

Chapter 1 : Weirdo is My Friend
Chapter 2 : Dark Memories
Chapter 3 : Promises @ My Hometown
Chapter 5 : Upside Down
Chapter 6 : Stranger A.K.A Mingkwan
Chapter 7 : Tsundere Kit
Chapter 8 : Ming's tears
Chapter 9 : Who Are You?
Chapter 10 : A Rich Kiddo?
Not an update : SCC 15 SUPERLIFE
Chapter 11 : Jealousy?
Chapter 12 : Is it a Date? Yes x No?
Chapter 13 : This Is A Warning!
Chapter 14 : Thank You Psychology Book!
Chapter 15 : Can I Sleep with You P?
Chapter 16 : Mingkwan Healing Time
Chapter 17 : A Song 4 U
Chapter 18 : Dark Confession
Chapter 19 : Reap What You Sow
Chapter 20 : It's not like.. It's LOVE
Chapter 21 : You Trap Me
Chapter 22 : It's not an invitation.. It's A COMMAND
Chapter 23 : You Are The PRESENT
Chapter 24 : Ming's Promises
Chapter 25 : Me & Brother In Law
Chapter 26 : Families From HELL
Chapter 27 : Obstacles
Chapter 28 : A Longing Happiness
Chapter 29 : You are OFFICIALLY MINE!!!
Chapter 30 : Superheroes
MingYo Special

Chapter 4: End Up Party

884 41 13
By aireyshiraey

Ming POV

Time passed by and now both of us got admitted at Chulalongkorn University as Wayo want it to be. I'm really glad that we studied at the same university so I don't have to be worry for him all the time. The moment we enter the university student life, everything seemed different from before because no one here bullied Wayo but all of them adore him because he is cute. Things have changed too much that I can't even count it like an example, P'Kim now is a well known businessman here in Thailand and for me I just become a bad boy who works part time modelling that always enjoy playing with girls. Experience taught me lots of things, what is reality and what is a dreamlike drama and what I learned is 'Money is the most powerful weapon'. I became a bad boys all thanks to a gold digger before and turned me out as a demisexual guy who doesn't have a heart to love a person but somehow there's this guy that I recently met changed those fact. For Wayo, he got himself a Dr.Phana, his first love and currently they are in a 'P – Nong' relationship but I always feel like the third wheel between them because Wayo would tag me along and won't let me be alone except for my works but then they act lovey dovey front of me.

The class got cancel for a whole week so I was just lying on the bad lazily after I've done modelling for today and tomorrow is weekend then I've got a called from my bestfriend "Hey ming,, wanna have some fun tonight? I heard the seniors are making an end up party before entering next semester. There's gonna be lot of pretty girls there.. and of course there's also my boyfriend" said Yo on the phone. I groaned in the line and thinking for a great excuses at first because I felt lazy to join it but despite my bestfriend Wayo started whining on the phone make me annoyed and finally I decide to followed him "Fine!! You are such a spoil child.. P'Pha spoiled you too much.. and there's P'Pha at the party.. why I still need to be there with you.." I said on the line. "Huhu... thanks Ming.. I will wait for you at the lobby.." said Yo and cut off his called. At 07.30 Pm, I dress up in my black suit and drove to Wayo building to pick him up. Wayo looks handsome in his suit and I'm sure his P'Pha would fall in love more and more for him and I'm so proud of my bestfriend visual.

(p/s : I don't know why.. but he looks like a charismatic guy in this pic.. hehe.. ^_^ )

Once Wayo step in my car, I can't stop myself babbling at Wayo "Jeez Yo.. why you need to drag me along.. you always makes me as a third wheel.. you will walk with P'Pha like a lovebird meanwhile I'm just watching from behind.." I nag to him and he laughed "Hey.. I've told you there would be lots of girl as well.. you can chit chat with them Ming.." said Wayo and I just scoffed "I'm not in my mood to play with them.. well actually I'm not gonna play with anyone anymore.. So? Can I just drop you and went back to my room Yo?" I asked him and what I'm saying is what I mean. Wayo shakes his head " Nope.. you can't.." said Wayo and I'm whining to him " but WHYYY???.. I don't want to join the party Yo.." I said to him and he just laughed at me "because you are my bestie and I'm shy to confront P'Pha alone with his friends.. all of his friend is handsome so I want to show off my handsome bestie as well.. hehe.." said Wayo and I just can rolled my eyes "Whatever Yo.. I'm so done with you.." I said to him and I drove my car to the main road. " So? Where's the party location?" I asked him "Your hotel.." he answered me. "Your hotel? I don't know that hotel... find it for me.." I said to him and he slapped his forehead "No Mingkwan.. I mean it's your hotel.. your family hotel.. Dechapaya Hotel..." he answered me and I'm screamed in shocked "WHAT???? What the hell.. I might meet P'Kim there Yo.." . "Why so shocked? You are not doing a crime there dude.. You going there to attend a party.. nothing's wrong with it.. your P'Kim won't mad at you.." said Yo and I just nodded "I know.. but I'm kind of shy.. haha.. is it weird?" I asked Yo and he furrowed his eyebrows "Aww.. what you are shy about? For godsake it just your P'Kim dude.. What a weirdo.." said Wayo and rolled his eyes as I'm driving to the hotel. "I'm shy because he is my role model now Yo.. look at him now.. become a successful person.. meanwhile I'm still just a student.." I said to Yo. Yo patted my shoulder "You should be proud Ming.. you are a student and yet you've become a model.. gain your own money.. just compare you with me.. I'm the one who should be shy to have a great friend like you.. I'm sure P'Kim and your parents as well will be so proud of you Ming.. enough.. Let just having fun tonight.. I'm so excited to meet P'Pha.." said Wayo excitedly and I can just shakes my head at his behaviour. I dropped him at front of the lobby then went to park my car at the basement near the escalator then I saw my P'Kim is walking out from his car so I check my self for the last time and open the door as I want to greet P'Kim. When . I open the car door and head to entrance but suddenly I feel hurts and can't help to screamed out loud in pain "shhitttt.. it hurts" said me while holding up my forehead with my left hand to put pressure to stop the pain. "Ooopss.. sir I'm sorry sir I didn't mean it.. Are you ok?" said the stranger guy as he pull me up front of him and beg a forgiveness and when I look him in the eyes 'CUTE' I thought in myself and I think that he must be popular with that cute face.

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