One Shots and Short Stories

By CSwartz

19.2K 239 50


One Shots and Short Stories
Never-ending Pain
Science Equals Chemistry
Billie-Jo and the Harley
Everytime I Think of You
Bathroom Time- for Two?
Wanting Something More
Accidental Saviours- Part 1
Accidental Saviours- Part 2
Water Guns, Jack and Me
Always Tomorrow (Sterek oneshot)
Sell By: Poem
Judd and Thomas
"It Started with a Whisper"

A Glancing Future

1.8K 29 8
By CSwartz

A/N: This is for RaeKitano's Dialogue challenge. Here was the dialogue we had to use:

Using the following dialogue, in any order, in a short story / one shot.

“I’m not in a ‘save the day’ kind of mood.”

“When I grow up I want to be like (insert your own star / character here)”

“If I had a dollar for very time you said that!”

“Would I lie to you?”

“I love that color on you.”

         I tried my darndest so we'll see if it's good! Let me know! I'm thinking of doing something else maybe... XD

        I took a look around the small warehouse and sighed. The owners turned it into a bar and into a successful business. Several people turned to look at me as the door opened and closed. I ignored them and quickly made haste to the bar. I placed my order and sat down on a stool. Who knew that a country bar could have this many people who wanted to drink? 

        I came from Salt Lake City to the boonies so I didn't have to see anyone I knew and possibly make a fool of myself. I winced internally. This is what sucked about being in the closet, I couldn't talk to anyone about what I was feeling. The only person that knows I'm gay is my mom and she wholeheartedly accepted me for who I am. That was twelve years ago and now I'm nearly thirty. I've been in the closet for twelve years. Not because I didn't want to tell anyone, don't misunderstand me. My boss doesn't like gay people, he's  homophobic. If I told him I was gay, he would find a reason to fire me or make me quit. A*hole.  

        I quickly downed the shot of whiskey that was placed in front of me, trying to forget my sorrows. I had been frequenting this particular bar a lot lately. Not because of the alcohol or because of the atmosphere, but because of one particular guy. I learned his name from the bartender. Samuel. He was apparently a co-owner of the bar. He was tall, sexy and his milk chocolate eyes made me melt every time he glanced over at me. And he did glance at me. A lot. 

        I inwardly smiled to my self. The bartender gave me a look and I nodded my signal to refill my glass. I was about to lift the glass to my lips when a movement caught my eye. Samuel walked out of the door and his gaze instantly met mine. Just my luck when he was going to walk over to me, a guy walked up and touched my back lightly.  

        "Hey stranger. I'm Alex." 

        I turned to look at the man. He was dark skinned with long black hair.  

        "And I'm not interested." 

       The man pouted. Pouted! How old was this guy anyway? Probably too young for me. He walked away and proceeded to drink more. I turned back to my drink for a couple of minutes. When a shadow trailed along the rim off my glass, I looked up and met the velvety chocolate eyes I always wanted to see. 

        "You must really like this bar. You're here almost every weekend." 

        I grinned up at him. 

        "Well, I'm here often enough for you to notice." Which is what I wanted, I added silently to myself. 

        He took the stool next to mine. When the bartender came to fill my glass again, he spoke up. 

        "The next one is on the house." Samuel turned to look at me again. He took in my outfit, my attitude, basically everything about me. While he did that, I was internally jumping for joy. The man I had a crush on for the last month is trying to hit on me. About friggin' time! 

        "Are you sure you want to do that? 'Cuz the way my day went, I'm gonna need about ten of these babies." 

       He smirked at me. 

        "I'm not in a 'save the day' kind of mood. Though, I think I'd like to make an exception for you." 

        I grinned at him and he blinked in surprise. Then his eyes warmed with an emotion I barely had time to recognize. Lust. He wanted me. God, I wanted him. 

        "I appreciate the exception. When do you get off? Work, I mean!" 

        Crap. I blushed at my question. He laughed so hard I thought he was going to fall off his stool. I really need to start thinking before I talk. 

        "I got off around twenty minutes ago. I was on my way home when I saw you. You looked like you could use some company." 

        "I could. Shitty day, maybe you could cheer me up." 

        His eyes took on a glint. I made a mental note to myself that he liked a challenge. I would jump him right here and now but I would have to have another three drinks before I even got the courage to casually touch him. 

        He looked down at my shirt and then his eyes appreciatively lowered again. 

        "I love that color on you. It takes me back to your eyes. Gorgeous." 

        I looked at him like he was crazy and blinked silently. 


        I downed the shot in one gulp and then motioned for the bartender to fill me up when he had the chance. 

        "You aren't used to this are you?" 

        " Used to what?" 

        "Being hit on." 

        I chuckled at that. 

        "I'm used to being hit on. What I'm not used to is a guy who can actually pull it off." 

        "Yeah I bet. That guy that was hitting on you before I walked up? He is a regular here and every time he comes in, he always strikes out. I have to admire the guy for having the courage to continue." 

        "Yeah you can, unless you are the one he's hitting on." 

        He chuckled at me. 

        "He has it on me before. He started the conversation with 'Hey, Stranger.'" 

        "If I had a dollar for very time you said that!" 

        "How much money would you have?" 

        I chuckled. 

        "Well, I'd probably have a dollar, but if we count how many guys have used that line on me, it'd probably be at least twenty-five bucks." 

        He and I laughed together. We talked companionably for another hour, drinking and laughing. 

        It hit around midnight when I realized that I should head back to the city. 

        "Shit. I have to get going." 

        "How far have you got to drive?" 

        I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. I dropped several twenties on the bar and stood up. 

        "I've got to drive to back to the city." 

        He just stared at me like I was crazy. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably, waiting for the man to say okay. 

        "You're coming back to my place." 

        I raised my eyebrow at that. 

        "I promise that I won't touch you unless you beg for it." 

        I smirked at that. 

        "You promise?" 

        "Would I lie to you?" 

        I grinned at that. 

        "I don't know you that well, do I?" 

        He stood there dazed for a second before he replied. 

        "No you don't, but you trust me better than that guy that was hitting on you before I saved you." 

        "You didn't save me." 

        He smirked. 

        "He was on his way walking back to you when you were staring at your drink like a loner." 

        I huffed at him.  

        "Fine, but you sleep on the sofa." 

        He laughed and only nodded his head. We walked out and he stopped to talk to the person letting people in. 

        "I'm leaving so you have to close, okay Mark?" 

        "Yeah, man. Go have your fun, dude." 

        Samuel shook his head at his friend and walked away, towing me behind him.  

         "Who was that, Sam?" 

         "He was the other owner of the bar. He likes more hands on activity than I do. I prefer to sit in my office and do paper work than handle the drunk men who try to hit on me." 

        I laughed at him. 

        "Maybe I should do what you do and sit in my office. Wait, I've done that for eight years." 

        He glanced at me and continued walking. 

        "You've been hiding?" 

        I shook my head at him, feeling the alcohol swimming in my head. Finally. 

        "I haven't been hiding, exactly. My boss is homophobic. I've had to keep being gay a secret because I couldn't risk getting fired. My mom knows and accepts me. To me that is the only thing that matters." 

        Samuel stopped and looked at me. He stepped close to me and cupped my cheek. He spoke to me in a soft voice, like he was afraid I was going to run away. 

        "You are an extremely brave man. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Just as brave, just as handsome and just as lovable." 

        I smiled at him. 

        "How old are you?" 

        "I'm twenty-eight." 

        I laughed obscenely loud. 

        "I'm thirty, you jackass. I'm not old." 

        He smiled at me. 

        "I know that. I've had an eye on you since the first time you walked into my bar." 

        I smiled at him. 

        "I know. I've had an eye on you since the first time I walked in your bar." 

        He bent down an inch and kissed me. 

        His mouth was soft and firm. He coaxed my lips open by running his tongue on my bottom lip. Our tongues met with a clash, both of us fighting for dominance. He tugged on my hair and I pulled on his hips, trying to get even closer. We pulled away, our breathing ragged. 

        "I'm glad that I finally found you, David." 

        I smiled at the sound of my name from his lips. 

        "I'm glad that you finally caught me, Samuel."

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