Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

669 1 0

Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Panic's Master
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Family Reunion
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
I get to know my niece
A worse torture
Remedy Smith
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness
Pieces in a puzzle

Circuses are really creepy

16 0 0
By DianiaSilver

At first she had thought she had just imagined the creepy circus music, (especially after Gwen's wedding had left her distracted) but it wasn't until Aliyah had come back with the Torchwood team and they started a circus clip that Adeline realized she hadn't imagined. " I used to know those two they never shut up." He commented with a chuckle.
" You know Jack I no longer like you. I hate circuses." Adeline muttered as Aliyah laughed at her. They continued watching until Jack came up. " You were a part of this freak show?" Owen asked and Adeline just frowned at the screen as the creepy people appeared and dissapered on the screen." Their known as the Night Travellers, because they only come out at night." Jack said ignoring Owen's comment.
" Well you all have fun with that call me if you need me." Adeline told them . She knew they would be better off without her. " You're not coming?" Tosh said surprised. " Adeline's scared of circuses Tosh, but I'll come." Aliyah smirked and Adeline groaned. " I just find them creepy there's a difference." Adeline huffed as she grabbed her weapons. " Wait can I join you?" Gwen asked and Adeline gave her a shocked look. " You do realize I'm probably not coming back right." Adeline commented. " Yeah and they have Aliyah. You don't need me do you?" Gwen asked and Jack smiled slightly. " Well since it was your wedding a couple days ago I'll cut you some slack, but I expect you both back tommorrow." Jack stated. " Well then lead the way." Gwen said and Adeline rolled her eyes before leading Gwen out of the hub. " Are you fine with just going to my place?" Adeline asked her as she got in the driver's set of her light blue prias. " More then fine after all I've never been to your house." Gwen smiled at her getting in the passenger side. " Nobody other then you and Ianto has. Well unless you are counting pass versions of me then it's an actual list." Adeline shrugged. " Why?" Gwen asked with a frown. " I've never really had many friends after all you lack social skills when you're a time traveling alien and all of The Doctor's companions were jealous of me." Adeline sighed.
" The Doctor?" Gwen questioned.
" A time traveling Time Lord one of only four, because I managed to save two children in the war. He travels with people from planet earth and other planets." Adeline explained.
" Why are they jealous of you?" Gwen stated her voice filled with confusion.
" The most recent ones, because I have a better bond and get along with him better then them. The old ones were jealous of my powers and smarts. It's not so obvious in this regeneration, but my others were a lot stronger. My 2nd version took out a 25 men army all on her own, Faith took out 30, Athena took out 27,and Panic takes the crown with 35. Well other then Laria." Adeline frowned pulling into the parking lot of her two story home. " This is a little big for a house only you live in isn't it." Gwen stated looking at the white house with a navy roof in awe. " Well if you put together my other versions and my children sometimes come here then no." Adeline stated nonchalantly turning off her car and walking up the side walk with Gwen on her tail.
" Besides it's not just me." Adeline smirked as she unlocked the door.
" I'm home!" Adeline called and almost immeditley a little black and white domestic short hair cat came over. " You have a cat." Gwen said redundantly. " No I have 5 cats, two bunnys, and two ginuea pigs. This is Nefertiti or as everyone calls her Nephi." Adeline interduced as the little cat greeted Gwen with a high pitched squeak of a meow. " Oh aren't you a sweetheart." She cooed. " Wait till you meet the other's." Adeline laughed as She got the cat food immeditley swarmed by her 5 cats.
There was her bipolar Russian blue who was almost the heaviest at 20 pounds he was named Thomas Jefferson, but she often called him Tom Tom or Tommy. Then there was her white maine coon who was as long as her arms streched out and weighed 25 pounds. Adeline had named her Gladriel. Then there was her fat orange domestic short hair named Leo who she often called Mr Chubbs or Leo. Lastly there was her Toyger cat Ace who was a rambuncious young kitten. " Why do you have so many?" Gwen asked as Nephi joined the others at her food dish. " They're my only company. Besides I'm an animal lover." Adeline shrugged petting her cat Gladriel who had been the only one not obsessed with the food. She cut up a pepper, part of a carrot, and part of a cucumber. Then Adeline led Gwen to Panic's bedroom where her Ginuea Pigs Freya and Frigga were. Freya was a dark brown and white Guinea while Frigga was an Abyssinian or tugged black/light brown one. " Hey little guys I've got your food right here." Adeline spoke softly putting the vegetables in their bowels as the made adorable noises. " What are their names. " Gwen asked. " Freya and Frigga." Adeline replied. They walked out of the red walled room with the brown bed wearing a fire quilt. " Gods." Gwen said with realization and Adeline nodded going to her laundry room where her two bunny's were. She gave them a yogurt chip and some food as well as a couple carrots she had grabbed earlier. One was a white and brown rabbit named Amber. The other was a completely gray rabbit named Athena. " Athena and Amber." Adeline pointed to them before she led Gwen up stairs and into her actual room. The walls were painted red and her queen sized bed was also covered with a red quilt and loaded with stuffed animals. The book shelf was a dark brown as well as the dresser. Hee closet doors were the same dark brown as everything else even the fan. Multiple pictures hung on the walls from regenerations, to past companions, to the few of her family.
Gwen walked over to the wall with all her past selves before asking " Is it weird to reefer to yourself as someone else?" And Adeline had to actually think about the answer before responding. " Kind of, but you get used to it. Especially when you live as long as me it is just like going through phases." Adeline compared.
" And is this your family?" Gwen asked sitting down on the bed and pulling a picture off her brown nightstand. " Yep that's my sister Kathleen, my mother Adrianna, and my little brother Theta." Adeline replied her tone was filled with sadness remembering her sister.
" They seem nice." Gwen commented.
" Thank you." Adeline told her and Gwen gave her a confused look.
" For coming over." Adeline added and Gwen nodded. The two spent the rest of their day socializing over good movies.

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