New blood /// klance

By ohmydolans_

21.8K 800 259

[Complete✅] (Editing) Keith is a vampire and lance is a regular human, When Keith starts going to a normal h... More

Chapter two | feelings
Chapter three | sweet blood
Chapter four | desired one
Chapter five | past
Chapter six | the jacket
Chapter seven | flier
Chapter eight | drunk lance
Chapter nine | shiro
Chapter 10 | love marks
Chapter 11 | change
Chapter 12 | for your own good
Note please read
Chapter 14 | newblood
Chapter 15 | money
Chapter 16 | lets start a new life

Chapter one | lance

2.8K 72 17
By ohmydolans_

Edited: July 4th 2019

I walked around the woods silently as I looked for something to feed off of, the people who live in my town have been extremely worried about all the recent deaths of animals lately.

That's my families fault. You see, I am a vampire, I need to feed off something and if I were to kill a human it would raise a lot more eyebrows so, we try to stay low and kill animals.

Though their blood is tasteless and bland it's all we can have, unless of course we want to be constantly moving but we did that before and it sucked. Now my family just lives in this small town.

But, once a year my family and I go out and hunt on one human, it's like how some human families only go out for dinner on special occasions.

Sometimes if my family is anxious we will even go to the morgue and feed off the fresher bodies that still have fresh blood inside.

"Keith! Keith! get over here!" My mother yelled to me

I walked over to her soundlessly "yes?" I questioned hiding behind a tree with her

"theres someone coming" she said never glancing over at me all her concentration elsewhere

"Why the hell would someone be walking down these woods this late at night?" I asked finally hatching my eye on a man walking down the dirt path

"Drunks, kids, who knows" she said

"Can we kill him?" I asked growing slightly excited

"No, the towns people will notice, there's not enough planning" she said. I could tell she was hungry for a beating heart, she was practically drooling as we spoke

I rolled my eyes and got up, I walked over towards the random man walking in the woods, though I could hear my mom yell curses at me as I continued.

"Hello" i said with a devilish smile

"W-wha?!" The man gasped turning around quickly to look at me, I must've startled him

"I thought I was alone out here" he said

"Well you aren't, what are you doing out here?" I asked with a smirk walking closer to him

"Walking" the man said in an annoyed tone

As he spoke I couldn't stop looking at his neck, that building vein and oh how amazing it would taste to just bite into him and kill him.

But I can't, I shouldn't. but the thought of what human blood would taste like burned my tongue.

"Kid?" The man said looking to me

"Huh?" I questioned not realizing he'd been talking to me

"I asked what are you doing out here" he answered now growing annoyed again

"Oh I live around here but I like going on walks here to clear my mind" I answered smiling slightly to make him feel comfortable

"Oh, I've never seen you around here" he replied

I shrugged "guess I'm a good hider" I said with a wink
I have always been a somewhat good liar, I've been pretty much doing it my entire life anyway.

After I talked to the man for awhile I tried making my move but just as I did my whole family stepped in, leaving nothing for me... like always.

As I walked back home, alone, I could feel my stomach rumble and my skin get weaker I was starving and all we had at home was that absolutely disgusting blood that they carry in hospitals.

I walked inside my empty house and walked to my room I flopped onto my bed and took out my phone.

I put my earplugs in and turned on some music, and slowly, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

(A/n: Let's just say vampires can sleep but they don't need to)

"Keith! Wake up" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs

I sat up from my bed and change into new clothes seeing I fell asleep in what I was wearing last night.

I walked downstairs and could see my mom who seemed really happy and looked really "alive" from probably what she had last night.

"Today you are going to school, as you already know" she said cheerfully leaning against the kitchen counter

I nodded as I put school supplies in my backpack and put it over my shoulders.

"Have a good day and don't hurt anyone" she said

I nodded and just before I could even smell the fresh air from outside she called me again

"Contacts!" She yelled

I rolled my eyes as I ran back upstairs to grab my contacts, I planned to put them on in the bus.

I sat at the back of the bus and quickly took the contacts case out from my bag, I took out the brown contact lenses and placed it on top of my eyes.

You are probably wondering why I have to wear contacts, and it's because my eyes are a bright bright yellow colour, it's so unnatural that people would get suspicious so we as a family all wear coloured contact lenses.

When I got to school I was handed my schedule and my lock for my locker, I was honestly not ready for high school. Though I am seen as a really smart guy I haven't ever gone to school and I was nervous because I don't know what to expect, like what do I learn? I know a lot of history, but that's only cause I was there when it happened.

As I walked down to my locker I bit my lip, hearing all these heart beats and seeing all these veins just reminded me of how I hadn't had any blood for weeks.

You see, for vampires if we don't get enough blood we kinda just age, our body becomes fragile and our skin wrinkles, it's gross not gonna lie. Right now I'm just getting really weak it isn't bad enough to start deteriorating or anything like that.

As I kept thinking to myself my thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into some random person who obviously wasn't looking where he or she was going.

I looked up and saw a tanned brown haired boy sitting on the ground in front of me, he seemed really nervous for god knows what.

"Sorry" I said as I picked up a few of his sheets which he was once holding

"It's ok, happens all the time, all the girls love it though" he said with a smirk

I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment,

"The names lance, I'm guessing you are new?" He said as he stood up

"Keith, uh-yeah I am" I said nervously

Lance smiled "want me to walk you around or something?" He asked

I could feel a weird feeling inside me, it wasn't the usual feeling of me wanting to kill, it was a new feeling, one I hadn't felt in a very long time.

"Oh um, maybe another time right now I just need to figure out where my locker is" i said trying to get him to go away, I couldn't stand the feeling I was getting from him.

"Oh, I could help you find it if you want" he suggested

I groaned "sure" I said as I showed him my sheet which had all my information on it

"Oh we are close to it, I'll show you" lance said with a smile as he began to walk down the hall.
I nodded and just followed behind him.

I noticed as I was placing everything in my locker lance seemed annoyed or down

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I closed my locker and locked it up

"I'm failing science" he admitted handing me a sheet which I assumed had his marks or something.

I took the sheet he was showing me, I'm guessing it was the last test he had, it was a 33% he needed 20% more to have passed

"I could help you?" I said in a weird tone not really knowing in which way to ask

"Really? But we are half way trough the semester, how would you know what's going on?" he asked

"I really like science, I know a lot about it" i said

Lance nodded, "yours or mine?" He asked

"My parents are going on a trip tomorrow so mine I guess" I suggested

"Sounds great also, I was looking over your schedule and we have gym together" lance said with a smile

"Sadly it's not co-Ed, but if it we're, damn, would we be some lucky asses, the girls here are hot!" lance said with a chuckle

I rolled my eyes, is he always like this?


wow long ass chapter enjoy lol and I hope you like all this lol

If you like smut dw it'll be here sooner or later

Word count: 1471

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