One shots J.JK ♡ K.TH

By taeggukismylastname

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One shots of TAEKOOK, for y'all~ 하나 ㅡ N E W? 둘 ㅡ B A B Y (two chapters) 셋 ㅡ M I S M A T C H ed? (seven chapt... More

♞ N E W ?
♞ B A B Y
♞ M I S M A T C H e d?
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? II
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? III
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? IV
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? V
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? VI
♞ M I S M A T C H ed? VII
♞ S E E M E N O W
♞ S E E M E N O W II

♞ B A B Y II

8.1K 320 187
By taeggukismylastname

  J U N G K O O K

To say that I'm pissed off or angry was an understatement. I'm fumingㅡ I'm seeing red and I badly needed to satisfy my anger. I wanted, no I needed to let them feel what my baby felt.

He doesn't deserved to experience any of those. He only deserved all the good things on earthㅡheck I never even let a fly bit him or even a strand of his hair touchedㅡ then all of a sudden, at a place where I 'thought' nothing bad could  happen, since I've chosen the most prestigious oneㅡis where bad things actually happened. 'Ironic, isn't it?'

"Mister Ahn.. Prepare everything." I ordered sternly.

"Everything is ready, Young Master.." Mister Ahn answered.

"Good, I'll pay them a visit tomorrow. And I'll let them taste their own medicineㅡ it's just that mine would be more of a poison. And they will not like it one bit." I said smirking evilly. 

"Will Master Taehyung, go to school tomorrow?" He asked hesitantly. My face fell and guilt consumed me.

"He better s-stay here and rest.. It's been a t-tough day for him.." I mumbled feeling sorry and guilty for letting my angel experience those kind of things.

"You know it's not your fault right?"

"Well, it is hyung... I should've known better. He should've told me hyung... I'm here for him"

"Maybe it is but Taehyung is a strong and brave kid, probably that's why he didn't tell you."

"But still hyung.."

"You know him, Jungkook. As long as he can do it on his own, he will. He also knows too well, that you're stress enough from work and he doesn't want to add up to that. He cares for you just like you care for him.."

"I know hyung... I know.."


After our little dinner-on-bed... I made sure that Taehyung was comfortably seated against the headboard of our king size bed with soft pillows on his back, a thick blanket on his lap and his plushies surrounding him as I turned the tv on and brought down our plates to the kitchen but not before placing a kiss on his forehead...

I walked back to our shared room silently. I saw him watching spongebob intently. I cooed at his cuteness.

I sat beside him and I gently rubbed his thigh through the thick blanket facing him. He then averted his eyes on me. A small smile on his face.

Big doe eyes staring right through my soul, and I swear to god, I will never get tired of seeing his beautiful eyes staring right back at me. I love him so so much.

"Are you okayㅡbaby?" I whispered as I continued to rub his thigh. He nodded and hummed as he gently put his hand on top of my hand, caressing it.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked gently, not wanting to push the topic too much, if he's not ready to tell me everything about it, it's alright. He stopped caressing my hand and sighed deeply. He reached for the remote control and turned the tv off.

"Babyy.." I said softly, encouraging him to say anything..

"K-koookie.. I-I'm s-sorry for not telling y-youㅡ" he started and tears instantly welled up his eyes. I squeezed his hands gently and gave him a small smile, letting him know I'm listening and I'm not mad at him.

"I-I just don't want to s-stress you e-even more.. I-I know you have lots to do already and I r-really don't want to add upㅡ t-turns out I-I just c-cause more t-trouble for y-you.. I'm sorry... Don't be mad. Please." He mumbled crying, hitting his head softly due to frustrations. My heart clenched seeing him like this as he whispered 'stupid taetae' 'burden taetae' to himself like a mantra.

I instantly pulled his fragile arms towards me to stop him from hitting his head gently and embraced him tightly.

"Don't say that, love. Never ever say that again. You're not stupid nor a burden to me, tae. You will never be. And I will never think of you that way. And I'm not mad at youㅡheck I would never ever be mad at you.. And don't hurt yourself, I'm hurting as well baby.. I love you so so much." I whispered softly as I soothed him with my touches. He nodded as he sobbed through my chest.

"And love, please please, next time tell me, okay? You know you can tell me anything.. Hmm? You're not alone, you have me. You always will." I added as I cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears. He looked at me lovingly and smiled a bit as he nodded. I smiled back and placed a lingering kiss on his lips.

"Thank you, K-kookie. I love you so so much..." He said in between his sobs. We leaned our foreheads together and just enjoyed the sound of our heartbeats and  our own breaths.

"Now show me a smile, baby." I playfully said, earning a giggle from him.

"D-daaaaaaddddy!!" He beamed shyly.


Morning came and we already finished our breakfastㅡ My happy, goofy, fluffy and ball of sunshine Taetae was back and I'm more than happy that he's over it. But I still didn't let him go to school.

I was shocked since he jumped and celebrated with Mister Ahn. I thought it would be hard to convince him to stay at home. But I guess not, maybe I should just let him go to tease him.

"Daaaddy! Who doesn't want to 'not go to school'?" He exclaimed exaggeratedly as he looked at me with 'are-you-serious' look.

"Probably him, taehyung" I heard Mister Ahn whispering to my taetae. He instantly nodded with a serious concentrating face as he mumbled 'yeah, that's true.' They fcking looked like a highschool girls gossiping about who fucked who. And I smiled at the sight.

I faked a cough to get their attention. They instantly averted their eyes on me.

"Give me a kiss now, baby before I change my mind and just let you go to school." I said sternly pretending to be serious. I saw his face panicked and he immediately ran to me, hugged me and kissed me passionately as he mumbled 'i wanna stay home daddy, prettyy please.' I chuckled amusedly as I instinctively wrapped my arms to his waist pulling him closer to me.

"Wow, you really don't want to go, huh. That you even have to kiss me passioㅡ" I playfully teased pulling away but he cut me off "Uhm! n-noo I don't, I-I..."  and I licked his lips. He blushed and buried his face to my chest.

"What were you saying, baby?" I seductively whispered to his ears as I nipped on his earlobe and trailed down to his neck. He moaned softy. "D-daaddyyy~"
"N-not now.. You have to go to work, d-daddy.." He mumbled with lidded eyes. I smirked cause I had an amazing effect on him.

"Alrightyㅡ we'll continue this later, baby. I'll go now. If you need anything just call me or Mister Ahn, anytime." I said sweetly and he nodded.

"If you want to go out, let Jackson drive you around. Don't go outside without him. Okay? And behave. I'll see you tonight. I love you, baby so so much." I added placing a kiss all over his face.

"Yes, daddy! I'll wait for you. Be careful and I love you too daddy so so so much~" he cutely mumbled and pecked my lips. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again, longer this time. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

Before we can enter the car he shouted cutely. "Mister Ahn! Drive safely and protect him, okay! I don't want any scratch or anything on my dadddy's handsome face! Or else!" He showed his non existent muscle and clenched his fist but failing miserably. Mister Ahn saluted and bowed seriously, making him giggle, 'tough taetae' gone in an instant.

We chuckled and I gestured for him to go inside now. He nodded and waved at me.

We mouthed 'i love you's' and I watched him walked inside laughing with our maids.

"I still can't believe you can blush and smile like that, young master. It's really not creeping me out." Mister Ahn teased and I faked a cough and nudged him not so softly.

"Shut up! Let's just go."



We reached Tae's school and as usual, students gathered and started gossiping with each other.

We are in the hallway when someone dared to pull me by my arms. I hissed.

'What the fck?!'

"Coming back for me, oppa?ㅡ or should I say daddy?" She said seductively as she played with the bubble gum in her mouth.
But do I care? No.

I looked at her with no expression. She's the annoying oranged hair girl from yesterday.

"I love the look your showing me, daddy." She playfully said as she trailed her fingers with fake long nails on my chest.

I grabbed her hands not so gently and looked straight in her eyes.

"Oh rough, I like it." She added leaning her body on me. I smirked. And she licked her lips. "I knew you like me, daddy." She purred.

I stiffled a sarcastic laugh. "Who liked who, darling?" I said sarcastically pushing her off me not so gently. I looked at her mockingly. She stumbled back and glared.

"I don't have time for a slut like you, so stop trying and  get the fuck out off my sight now, would you?" I coldy whispered. She flinched at my cold and low voice.

"I'm sorry, but the only slut here is none other than Kim Taehyung." She smirked as she saw the visible change on my face. And she continued as she hit a nerve.

"Your faggot of a brother or I don't know what your relationship is, I don't care, is the only slut in this school." She added. Everyone laughed and she shrugged smirking. My head wass boiling and I'm trying my best not to punch the life out of her but I calm my self down.

"I dare you to fucking say that again.." I threatened with a cold glare keeping my self from bursting out.

"Or what? Just because you looked handsome and rich as fuck doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. My dad worked at the largest corporation here in Seoul which is the 'jeoncorporation' with a high position. So threatening me is no use." She said as a matter of fact tilting her head to provoke me further.

I laughed menacingly. "Is that so, little girl?" I asked smirking. She answered 'uh huh' in return.

"Too bad he has an unpleasant childㅡ" I mocked.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" She shouted obviously offended.

"Parading your dad's title, I see. Is that why you bully my Taehyungie, huh. Since you thought your high enough to mock him? Or so you thought..ㅡ " I stated with an evil smile, but she cut me off.

"He just needs to fucking learn his placeㅡ spreading his legs for old, ugly men to get wads of cash? What a shame. He belongs way below me!" She shouted, her face red as tomato from embarassment. At this point, I'm already clenching my jaw. 'How dare she!!'

"You clearly sounded just like an insecure little girl with inferiority complex to meㅡ well, how can I blame you,  My Taehyungie is such a beauty inside and out. So I understand..ㅡ" I mockingly said. She's about to answer back but I didn't let her. I've had enough. I put my fingers in front of her lips but not touching it, silencing her.

"ㅡand do I look like an old, ugly man to you?" I said with a loopsided smile. Everyone including her gasped and widened their eyes.

Mister Ahn, face palmed and sighed. "Now you've done it, young master." He whispered to my ears. I just smirked not caring about it.

"Too much to handle? Well, who even says I'm his brother or relativeㅡ I'm way more than that. Not unless brothers make out and make love now." I added sternly but completely enjoying myself from their reaction.

"But you know what is infuriating me?ㅡ" I started looking at her menacingly gritting my teeth then to everyone. "You saying he's spreading his legs to anyone just to get wads of cash, when he didn't even let me touch him inappropriately when we first dated up until a very long time. When he can't even look at me without blushing like a tomato when we're making love.ㅡmy perfect taehyungie?"

"ㅡcoming from your dirty mouth, is just making me feel like I wanted to beat you up right here, right now. You who has been used by almost all the population of this school. What a pity!ㅡ but nah, my taetae won't like that."

I faked laugh and her eyes is filling up with fat ass tears. "Don't cry now, Ms. Lalisa Manoban.." She looked shocked that I know her full name. She looked at me with fears in her eyes.

"I would let you tell your 'great' dad,  a wonderful news!" I said excitedly but still smirking.

"H-hoow did y-yoou k-know..." She stuttered but I cut her off.

"Do me a favor, ye? and tell your dad for me, that I, 'Jeon' Jungkook is firing him and I don't want to see his face in my company ever againㅡ tell him he's fired  because of his bitch of a daughter."
I ended with a satisfied look. She fell on her knees crying like an ugly baby.

"N-nooo please, don't.. I'm s-sorㅡ" she pleaded but I cut her off. "Too late." And I walked away hearing her cries got louder. As I said 'take care of that man's resignation, Mister Ahn.' And he answered 'I will young master..'

"One down." I said  as we walked down the hall.


3 R D P E R S O N
At school's Board Meeting

Board members and faculty members gathered in the vast room where the meeting will be taken place.

"So today we will be meeting the new owner of our beloved school!" Mr. Jung said excitedly. And everyone nodded and clapped smiling.

"Thank god!"

"I hope he's way better than our old one."

"I heard he's young."

"And very handsome and smart."

"Well as long as he lived up to our expectations."

They are happy that finallyㅡ finally the old director had already stepped down and accepted that no one wanted him to be the director any more.

You see they don't like the old director since he had favoritism and he wasn't able to manage the school properly. He just used the title to gain popularity and corrupted all the money the school was makingㅡ definitely not living up the prestigious school's reputation.

The chatters died when the huge two-door opened widely and a Mister in an expensive suit came making a way to a ravishingㅡ professional, handsome, young and intelligent looking man. They strided over to the middle of the room. The whole crowd went silent as they looked up to the guy.

The man in the middle stood tallㅡintimidating and powerful aura oozing from him. His eyes cold and sharp. He looked at them sternly and everyone couldn't speak nor look at him directly. 

"Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Ahn Jaehyun, Young Master's personal assistant." The older man said as he bowed.

"And this is Young Master, Jeon Jungkookㅡ the new director of this school." He added as he gestured towards the other man in expensive suit. Everyone stood up and clapped as they bowed to their new director.



I gestured them to stop and sit down. And they did.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, your new director. I need to tell you something about me, yes?" I said nonchalantly, they simply nodded.

"Well, I'm the owner of 'JeonCorp' and some other hotels, resorts and restaurants all over the world." I started, I saw their mouth hanged ajar and eyes widened. Well, I looked rich as fuck but people could never realized how rich I really am. "ㅡI added this school to what I own, simply becauseㅡ this school disgusts me to the core." I added with a serious disgusted tone, they coughed as they looked at each other shocked at my remark.

"Well, let's not play dumb here now, we all know how bad the previous director managed this school. And I'm not one bit pleased about it." They all agreed nodding their head.

"Well, the first thing I would do, as an inaugurationㅡ will be removing un-needed people." I smirked and they gasped. I looked at the people who I would glady fire right here right now. And they choked and gasped.

The people who would be removed, protested but I debated on why shouldn't I and showed clips and proofs of them doing unnecessary  and unprofessional stuffs.

They ended up fighting and screaming on me, not to be removed but do I care? No. They can't do anything about it, and I told them to pack their stuff and go. I also told them to expel all the bullies and title-user students. I don't need them here.

I walked out the room but not before thanking them for coming and bowing my head.

"All done."

'Now my taetae would finally have a toxic-free environment.'

A T H O M E...

"Daaaaaddy, finally you're home!!"

"Yes, baby. I miss you so so much"

"Let's cuddleeee please, daddy. please, please?"

"How bout"

"Uㅡhmmm... I-I forg-got, I-I need to do s-somethinggggg! B-bye d-daddy~"

"Baby!ㅡ Taehyung! Get back here! Aish~ this big baby" I shouted playfully as he run away giggling. I cooed at his cuteness.

"I would protect you in every way, Kim Taehyungㅡ my baby, my love, my angel my world, and my life.."



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