Re:Monster - Soul Eater

By bentleygt500

99K 2.6K 1K

A powerful human in his previous life, our protagonist finds himself reincarnated in the body of a newborn go... More

Day 1-5
Day 6-10
Day 11-15
Day 16-20
Day 21-25
Day 26-30
Day 31-35
Day 36-40
Day 41-45
Day 46-50
Day 56-60
Day 61-65
Day 66-70
Day 71-75
Day 76-80
Day 81-85
Day 86-90
Day 91-95
Day 96-100
Day 101-105
Day 106 - 110
Day 111 - 115

Day 51-55

3.4K 98 14
By bentleygt500

- Day 51

When I opened my eyes today, the image of Sei appeared above me although she seemed a little bigger and the smile on her face was quite a sight. I then realised what had happened when she leaned over and whispered in my ear "Help me break in my new body~". It's safe to say that I complied and, using a combination of my natural stamina, {Goliaths Endurance} and {Libido}, I was able to outlast her. Although I took a page out of Rou's book and created a sound-proof cocoon with my silk, I could still detect the presence of one particular Valkyrie only centimetres away.

After spending a little time recuperating and allowing for our little perverted spy to leave, we exited and resumed our daily work, though Sei, now a Half Spell-Lord, would keep looking towards me anytime we crossed paths with a look in her eyes that wouldn't lose to Fu. Her ash grey hair, green eyes and light blue skin would continuously attract my gaze throughout the day.

After she had finished discussing business such as the new Hobgoblin healer and the red tattoo she has on the back of both of her hands and two black tattoos on her forearms that seem to intertwine with the others, she was left to her own devices. The next time she came to speak with me was a little after noon. She wanted to see just how much her magic had improved.

We set out to the same area of the forest that Fu had been testing her new skills and I swear, this forest is going to be dead if we get many more powerful allies testing themselves.

Back when she was a Hobgoblin, apparently she was capable of firing off a level 2 spell called <Char'Del Dirou>. With this spell she could launch up to five fireballs at the same time but it would waste all of her mp. So what the hell am I witnessing now? The same spell now takes less time to complete and not only the size of the fireballs increases but the amount has risen to 20. She turns to me after she launched the Magic with a large, almost sadistic smile on her face. Where did the reserved Sei go off to? As I was thinking that, she began laughing happily at the thought of her new power. I guess this isn't too bad either.

I ended up picking her up and spinning around after getting caught up in the excitement and we ended up spending the rest of the day figuring out her Mana capacity.

When we got back to the settlement, Rou gave Sei some gear from Velvets tomb which included his robe and a staff he obtained from one of the mages. I sighed realising that I would now have to do something for her so I decided to try my hand at making a new type of golem. It's hard but I think after a few more days I should have it down.

Apparently one of the elf females succumbed to the effects of Rou's aphrodisiac as well as 3 of the males so he made some new rules for the schedule and care of their new um...friends. I didn't really listen since I have no intention of doing that with a bunch of drugged up girls. Dou got to enjoy himself though which was cool. I think he needed to let off some steam.

{Kei Obtained •••• Affection}

Oh, is this another one or the same one? I hope this isn't going to end up being something like spam. I wonder what use they have? What they are and why they're there will have to wait until it reveals itself I guess.

- Day 52

I decided to go hunting on my own for the first time in a while and ended up crossing paths with Rou and Kichi. Though, when I say crossing paths, what I mean is that I saw them from afar dealing with a few dissenters. I was slightly shocked when he just gave them the go-ahead to leave and even handed them a few rare class mithril daggers. I suppose it's fine though since those goblins were from the older generation and I could care less if one or all of them leave.

Moving on, I discovered a male human that seemed to be talking to a black wolf. Realising that this young man could have a job that had something to do with taming, I leapt at the chance. I used {Total Area Perception} to determine if he had any friends nearby and it was true. There's two young females hiding nearby, probably in case the taming doesn't go well. I decided to try out {Photon Ruler} for the first time. I shot out a beam of light from my hand that went straight through the young man's back and out the other side, killing him instantly. It took a few moments but the females in the bushes realised what had happened after I walked out and ate the young man's soul. I gained {Job: Beast Tamer}.

One of the women charged at me with her sword drawn but without looking I just pointed behind me and wrapped her in my silk. The other one seemed to be a mage and launched a level 2 fire spell at me. I was going to try out {Magic Resistance} to see how much it could take but then I realised that I was still standing next to the young man's body so I just used {Total Water Manipulation} to cancel out the magic fire and continue through, slamming the woman with a torrent of water, knocking her out when she hit her head on a tree.

I then contacted Rou with {Ally Communication} and told him about my catch. He asked me to bring back the girls and the body of the boy. I told him that I'd get some of my Golems to drop them off since I wanted to keep exploring and he said that was fine. I brought out 2 Stone Golems from my storage and gave the girls some of my muscle relaxant poison to give the golems an easier time. This also served to get the still conscious swordswoman to stop shouting obscenities at me.

As the Golems headed out with the three bodies in hand, I had another place I wanted to visit after gaining that new job. I entered the lake cave from the entrance that Cora had shown me and ended up crossing paths with her again at the underground lake. I decided to ask her if the six-legged lizard eggs had hatched yet and she happily told me that they had. She also explained that rather than by sight, these creatures imprint via Mana signature which meant that since I left that golem with them, it'll likely be much easier for me to tame them.

I thanked her for the info and left after she told me to call more often. When I found the baby lizards, they weren't exactly babies. It would appear that they were already fully grown, with the females being slightly bigger than the males though the males had more colour. When they saw me they immediately ran over to me and began nuzzling against my legs. It was adorable but I still kind of felt bad for killing their biological mother. That didn't stop me from taming them however which went increasingly easily with each one.

Since they could all breath fire, I decided to name them using that as a catalyst. From oldest to youngest it went Female - Nuria, Male - Aedus, Male - Vukan, Male - Brand, Female - Delia, Male - Egan. I think I'll take Nuria along with me and let some of the others handle the rest. They seemed to like the names I gave them and happily followed along after me as we made our way out of the cave. Cora had a little chuckle when she saw us and said I looked like a mother duck. She laughed but I was more surprised by the fact that there are regular ducks in this world. Who knew?

On our way back, I decided to level up my new pets with a few fights with the various wildlife. We started with the weak ones just to see how strong they are and eventually headed home. I was greeted by strange looks from everyone other than Rou who had already eaten the young man and expected me to bring home some pets. He was curious about where I found them but not wanting Rou to go and eat Cora or something along those lines, I just said that I got lucky and they were wandering around.

Sei and Emery seemed to take a liking to my new pets especially so I decided to leave Brand with Sei and Delia with Emery. Emery and Delia were happily working at the forge and when he saw that, little Egan wanted to join so I let him and the three got along great. Brand was sitting and listening intently to Sei's lessons and would get excited anytime Sei showed her fire magic. A little while into the lesson it was discovered that they could eat the magic fire, so I tried it with fire Manipulation and the three that were still with me happily chowed down.

I made a seperate area for them and any future pets I get and another area a little further away from mine for any that Rou manages to find. I spent the rest of the day playing with the three that stayed with me and eventually the other three that returned. I ended up sleeping in the pet room since it was really warm and cosy being surrounded by my new fire breathing lizard family.

Apparently Rou had waited for the two girls to regain consciousness and asked about their reasons for being here. The mage was an open book and said that they were using the boy to gather more forces for the war with the elves. Rou had given them a choice, either become a temporary prisoner of war and end up either joining their forces or becoming like the captive elves, or they could simply leave on the condition that they didn't return to the human army. They chose the second option and left, with a hidden present from Rou in the form of some of his blood clones. Apparently they tried to return to the human camp anyway and ended up dying from mysterious means before they could, resulting in some of the remaining orcs taking their bodies before they returned to the camp.

-Day 53

I spent the first half of today working on the golem gift for Sei and by noon I had completed it. A small, floating orb made of mithril that can be set to follow her around and supply her with Mana when she needs it. Basically it's a portable battery that she can use to store her Mana to recover it when she needs to. I gave it to her and told her it was a late reward for ranking up and she thanked me, staring at it curiously before filling it to the brim with her Mana. Apparently it's able to hold almost the same amount of Mana she has in her own body, meaning she'll be able to last twice as long in battle. I decided to make a few more of lower quality for the rest of her group which took a little while but nowhere near as long as the first one. The results were another 8 lower quality {Golem Eyes} as I'm calling them.

By the time I was done handing them out, Rou announced that Alchemist lady had successfully created alcohol and that we would be having another party. That's fine, it sounds like it'll be enjoyable, though my resistances have risen and the alcohol is apparently not the strongest, I might not actually end up drunk which is unfortunate but there's no harm in trying.

- Day 54

During the celebrations, Rou announced that a few of the older generation had decided to leave and went on to explain that anyone else who wished to leave was welcome to do so and would even receive parting gifts. When everyone said that they would stay, Rou smiled and raised his cup. Apparently the alcohol was stronger than I thought because I blacked out trying to get drunk.

- Day 55

Today I woke up to an interesting sight. It turns out that at some point after I blacked out, I had brought Sigul back to bed with me. After she woke up and realised where she was, she started blushing like nothing I'd seen before, quickly equipping her armour.

We managed to laugh it off and decided to get over the initial awkwardness by going hunting together. We fought and killed a few triple horned horses and I tamed one for Sigul's personal use as both a reward for her work and an apology for how I probably acted while black out drunk. She was excited and proud to be the horses new owner and stated to my surprise that I was actually quite the gentleman last night, at least, when I wasn't tripping over my own feet. We managed to laugh about the whole thing and head back atop Sigul's horse's back so that she could practice riding.

When we returned, we found out that Rou had created ear pieces for everyone using a skill from his new arm. He said I didn't have to wear it since it was purely a way for everyone to communicate long distances but I was still averse to the idea of the girls putting them on since they can't be removed. The girls assured me it was fine though so I reluctantly accepted after Rou explained that he would be able to take them off without removing their ear. I suppose I could also corrode them or something of similar nature.

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